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Of heroes, villains, Goons, and EVE.

Amro One
#21 - 2011-10-28 16:18:07 UTC
How the F*** are these people you talk of.

I do not see their names in dev blog, or EVE news. Hell i do not even see them in space.
So they can not be effecting EVE at all.

Demon View
#22 - 2011-10-28 16:26:58 UTC
Magnus Orin wrote:
That sure was a lot of :words: for what really boils down to a 'nerf suicide ganking' post.

This thread: confirming that "the goons" hot-drop illiterates into any thread that speaks candidly about them, even in passing.
Commander Spurty
#23 - 2011-10-28 16:36:24 UTC
GOONS is actually a pseudonym
Its an anagram (well reversal) of their real name SNOOG
Clearly SNOOG is an end of level bad guy, the love child of Walt Disney and Howard Hughes

They were left out of a will or two and are seeking their revenge on the very ice miners that killed their two dads by parking a hulk in the disabled parking spot, occupied by both men as they visited the nursery one day but were too scared to leave the car

Right, my tin foil hat just blew away, must run before the CIA discovers which bathroom stall I'm broadcasting from

There are good ships,

And wood ships,

And ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are Spaceships

Built by CCP

Garbad theWeak
#24 - 2011-10-28 16:43:43 UTC
Goons make good propaganda. Other than that they are just playing the game, griefing bears. Who cares?


One day years ago I was on a roam. I was flying a covops, jumped into a system and saw ~40 goons in local. I probed them down, jumped to location...and saw the weirdest thing I have ever seen in eve. One of the goons had dropped a can, and all ~40 of them were orbiting the can randomly as fast as they could. I sat and watched for a while, and couldn't make sense of randomly orbiting a can in a dead system. So I called in the fleet, and right as we landed the goons all started screaming SOLODRAKBAN or whatever in local over and over as they spun around and died. All 40 died spinning like that, with no real effort to fight back or escape.

Our fleet was like.........o_O

Elyssa MacLeod
#25 - 2011-10-28 16:50:44 UTC
Tenebrae Delucescere wrote:
The Apostle, if you hate the Goons, lead fleets against them.

I believe the phrase is "put your money where your mouth is" one you tried to use on me but failed given never said ID do anything lol

GM Homonoia: Suicide ganks are a valid and viable tactic in EVE.

Where is your God now carebear?

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2011-10-28 16:51:40 UTC
Everyone scams, everyone lies and cheats and steals, EVERYONE.

I don't thanks.

Never done any of the above, I'm sure there are a lot of other players who are the same.

Same goes for corps/alliances. I know at least a few (maybe not the biggest) who don't either.

-The sword is only as sharp as the one who wields it! Other names: Drenzul (WoT, WoW, Lineage 2, WarH, BloodBowl, BSG, SC2 and lots more) 

Elyssa MacLeod
#27 - 2011-10-28 16:52:41 UTC
Tenebrae Delucescere wrote:

2. Goons in the CSM.
If you don't want Goons in the CSM, vote them out. The key word being VOTE. If getting the Goons out of the CSM isn't important enough for you to find candidates, help gather support for them, vote them in, etc, then it isn't important enough for you to come here whining on the forums hoping someone else will do it for you. The Goons are not a majority. Judging by the voting numbers from the last CSM, they're quite a small part of EVE. Find the rest, gather support.

You cant. Theyre backed by a group that comprises AT LEAST 72% of null and who knows how many other alts.

GM Homonoia: Suicide ganks are a valid and viable tactic in EVE.

Where is your God now carebear?

Mirima Thurander
#28 - 2011-10-28 16:55:58 UTC
Tenebrae Delucescere wrote:
Mirima Thurander wrote:
At least im not alone in seeing that the biggest problem with eve is the way people are playing it.

I hate to nitpick semantics, but I think this is an important distinction. There is no wrong way to play EVE (or there shouldn't be). That's the Sandbox. It's not the people who are playing EVE that are the problem, it's the people that are not playing EVE. Most of the things people complain about are things they have the tools to fix themselves. Not using those tools, and whining to CCP is saying, "I don't want to play this game, I want you to make it a different game." There is no reward for apathy, change comes from action. EVE is a wonderful, dynamic, player driven world. You are a player. Drive it.

naa the null bears are playing ccps game the wrong way, to much blue not enough pew

All automated intel should be removed from the game including Instant local/jumps/kills/cynos for all systems/regions.Eve should report nothing like this to the client/3rd party software.Intel should not be force fed to players. Player skill and iniative should be the sources of intel.

Elyssa MacLeod
#29 - 2011-10-28 16:56:44 UTC
Mirima Thurander wrote:
At least im not alone in seeing that the biggest problem with eve is the way people are playing it.

so much for "the sandbox" so.... whats the "right way"

GM Homonoia: Suicide ganks are a valid and viable tactic in EVE.

Where is your God now carebear?

Sunshine and Lollipops
#30 - 2011-10-28 17:08:09 UTC
Elyssa MacLeod wrote:
You cant. Theyre backed by a group that comprises AT LEAST 72% of null and who knows how many other alts.
Ah, resignation and despair. And no, the two Goon CSMs are not backed by 72% of null — those people have other candidates to back. Together, the goon candidates got 8k votes. You needed 2k to get in last time.

So no, the problem is indeed that the people who feel they're not being represented don't really care enough to actually be represented.
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#31 - 2011-10-28 17:12:23 UTC
Tenebrae Delucescere wrote:


CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Russell Casey
#32 - 2011-10-28 17:14:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Russell Casey
Garbad theWeak wrote:
Goons make good propaganda. Other than that they are just playing the game, griefing bears. Who cares?


One day years ago I was on a roam. I was flying a covops, jumped into a system and saw ~40 goons in local. I probed them down, jumped to location...and saw the weirdest thing I have ever seen in eve. One of the goons had dropped a can, and all ~40 of them were orbiting the can randomly as fast as they could. I sat and watched for a while, and couldn't make sense of randomly orbiting a can in a dead system. So I called in the fleet, and right as we landed the goons all started screaming SOLODRAKBAN or whatever in local over and over as they spun around and died. All 40 died spinning like that, with no real effort to fight back or escape.

Our fleet was like.........o_O

That is how they reproduce; you must have found one of their spawning grounds. That system needs to be burned to ashes and then salted/doused with holy water.
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#33 - 2011-10-28 17:19:22 UTC
Demon View wrote:
Magnus Orin wrote:
That sure was a lot of :words: for what really boils down to a 'nerf suicide ganking' post.

This thread: confirming that "the goons" hot-drop illiterates into any thread that speaks candidly about them, even in passing.

Our forum scraping bot alerts us whenever pubbies are talking about us and Chairman For Life Mittani commands that we defend ourselves.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Mr LaForge
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#34 - 2011-10-28 17:35:58 UTC
I support the Goons and their whacky hijinks.

Stuff Goes here

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#35 - 2011-10-28 17:45:01 UTC
Russell Casey wrote:
Garbad theWeak wrote:
Goons make good propaganda. Other than that they are just playing the game, griefing bears. Who cares?


One day years ago I was on a roam. I was flying a covops, jumped into a system and saw ~40 goons in local. I probed them down, jumped to location...and saw the weirdest thing I have ever seen in eve. One of the goons had dropped a can, and all ~40 of them were orbiting the can randomly as fast as they could. I sat and watched for a while, and couldn't make sense of randomly orbiting a can in a dead system. So I called in the fleet, and right as we landed the goons all started screaming SOLODRAKBAN or whatever in local over and over as they spun around and died. All 40 died spinning like that, with no real effort to fight back or escape.

Our fleet was like.........o_O

That is how they reproduce; you must have found one of their spawning grounds. That system needs to be burned to ashes and then salted/doused with holy water.

Incorrect. That was obviously their IT department powering their killboards through gyroscopic power generation.

Also, to the nimrods who think goons can't be votes out of power. 6k goons, 350k active accounts(last time I saw a figure). They can be outvoted if people bother to vote. People like you are the problem with democracy(oh gods, you people are probably monarchists, aren't you, and think CSM seats should be hereditary)

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Sunny Weather Mercenaries
The Initiative.
#36 - 2011-10-28 18:14:09 UTC
Tenebrae Delucescere wrote:
Satav wrote:

Let me sum up for everyone else.......... "I hate goons."

Yes, so do a lot of people in eve.

This was actually not the point of my post. I think the Goons add something valuable to the game. They add something dispicable, detestable, dare I say villainous. For that I respect them, and in every way defend their existance. Will I do everything in my power to ensure their destruction? Absolutely. But they are not the enemy I'm trying to confront here. That enemy is apathy. It's not to say, "Goons are icky, we should squash them". It is rather to say, "If you want something to change, do something about it."

Lots of people say they hate Goons. Or gankers. Or Ice miners. So far, the Goons are the only ones acting on it. Goons hate ice miners, so they come out of null sec, buy up ganking ships, and kill ice miners. What do ice miners do? Watch d-scan? Fit a tank? Mine somewhere else? Nope, "CCP should make ganking impossible because I don't like it!". The tools are there. Use merc contracts, fund war decs, PvP alts, avoidance, tanking, survival.

It's not about Goons, or ice miners. It's about apathy. Less whining, more playing. Innovate, adapt.

Man youve got it all wrong.

Its not that Goons hate Ice Miners, its more like Goons LOVE Ice Miner's Tears. The Goons and their allies dont do things in this game because they are *bad people,* they do it cause its fun to mess with people. This fundamental misunderstanding of the Goons and the CFC' culture is the reason why all you highsec pubbies will never get it and will never suceed in doing anything to derail us.

"Innovate" and "Adapt" as much as you want. Kill our rifters and welpcanes repeatedly. Invade us, take our Sov....we just dont care! It wont make any difference, and in the end, we will still be here making you cry, metagaming the **** out of you, and "dictating" the game through the CSM.

You should probably just quit Eve now and take yourself out of your misery

o7 toonies

Elyssa MacLeod
#37 - 2011-10-28 18:22:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Elyssa MacLeod
Rhinanna wrote:
Everyone scams, everyone lies and cheats and steals, EVERYONE.

I don't thanks.

Never done any of the above, I'm sure there are a lot of other players who are the same.

Same goes for corps/alliances. I know at least a few (maybe not the biggest) who don't either.

Man this game would be a great place for a sociological study on what life would be like without consequences (or if the consequence of death were removed).

Tallian Saotome wrote:
Russell Casey wrote:
Garbad theWeak wrote:
Goons make good propaganda. Other than that they are just playing the game, griefing bears. Who cares?


One day years ago I was on a roam. I was flying a covops, jumped into a system and saw ~40 goons in local. I probed them down, jumped to location...and saw the weirdest thing I have ever seen in eve. One of the goons had dropped a can, and all ~40 of them were orbiting the can randomly as fast as they could. I sat and watched for a while, and couldn't make sense of randomly orbiting a can in a dead system. So I called in the fleet, and right as we landed the goons all started screaming SOLODRAKBAN or whatever in local over and over as they spun around and died. All 40 died spinning like that, with no real effort to fight back or escape.

Our fleet was like.........o_O

That is how they reproduce; you must have found one of their spawning grounds. That system needs to be burned to ashes and then salted/doused with holy water.

Incorrect. That was obviously their IT department powering their killboards through gyroscopic power generation.

Also, to the nimrods who think goons can't be votes out of power. 6k goons, 350k active accounts(last time I saw a figure). They can be outvoted if people bother to vote. People like you are the problem with democracy(oh gods, you people are probably monarchists, aren't you, and think CSM seats should be hereditary)

yeah.... 350 accounts, do they count inactive ones cause I never seen 100k on at a time (or even 50k). And of those 350, I wonder how many are real individuals?

GM Homonoia: Suicide ganks are a valid and viable tactic in EVE.

Where is your God now carebear?

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