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[CSM8] Ripard Teg for CSM8

First post First post
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#221 - 2013-02-28 07:37:17 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:
]You've hit on one of the biggest reasons I want to be on the CSM. It's very clear from what CCP Unifex says in the minutes that he wants to greatly expand the audience of EVE Online. And to his credit, he wants to do it without taking away from what EVE Online is. I want to be there to keep them from making silly decisions while on that road.

I just wanted to chime in here and say that Ripad has expressed my feelings on the subject exactly. I'd love nothing better than to see TQ have 500k subs by the end of this year, and 2 more expansions with the quality and popularity of Retribution could see that goal attained. If I can help CCP achieve this, then I'll consider every minute of eeffort on the CSM well spent, and I'm sure Ripard will also.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Ripard Teg
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#222 - 2013-02-28 07:41:20 UTC
Karl Hobb wrote:
Ripard Teg wrote:
I'll be posting frequently in both places. That said, I'll probably post "official" stuff on my blog, with pointers to those blog posts here, on Scrapheap, and on Twitter, the same way Seleene did as Chair (though much more frequently).

So, in other words, you don't consider the EVE Forums to be a primary method of communication, but rather a link to your primary form of communication.
Wow. Uhhh... no. That's not what I said at all. I said I'd post in both places, but that official announcements and such would be on my blog and pointed to in the various places EVE players congregate.

Here's an example:

And another:

And another:

And another:

Perhaps you could explain to me what's wrong with this approach.

aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.

Endeavour Starfleet
#223 - 2013-02-28 07:52:41 UTC
Thank you for answering my questions!

Sadly tho I can't support you with those views on AFK Cloaking and Logistics. I hope you will spend some time looking at Twtich.TV with entire channels dedicated to AFK Cloaking enemy systems, Read the forum, and hopefully realize just how AFK Cloaking is something that needs to go before this gets any more out of hand. Especially with boosts to black ops jump range.

As for Logi. My opinion is you simply do not understand how stressful being a logi is now because of the broadcast system. How many logis really try to do their jobs instead of focusing on KM hogging or watching their wallets blink in HQ Incursion sites. They simply lack the tools needed to do a non DPS job and it is disappointing to see your stance on it.

There is still time before the election so I will keep an eye on this topic.
Ripard Teg
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#224 - 2013-02-28 08:17:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Ripard Teg
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
As for Logi. My opinion is you simply do not understand how stressful being a logi is now because of the broadcast system. How many logis really try to do their jobs instead of focusing on KM hogging or watching their wallets blink in HQ Incursion sites. They simply lack the tools needed to do a non DPS job and it is disappointing to see your stance on it.
My counter argument, sir: Sons of a *****

I've logied in everything from a Bantam to a triage Archon. Trust me: I know how hard it is. It's supposed to be hard. To quote the poet, it's the hard that makes it great.

Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
I can't support you with those views on AFK Cloaking and Logistics. I hope you will spend some time looking at Twtich.TV with entire channels dedicated to AFK Cloaking enemy systems, Read the forum, and hopefully realize just how AFK Cloaking is something that needs to go before this gets any more out of hand. Especially with boosts to black ops jump range.
I'm sorry, but null-sec is supposed to be risky. You shouldn't be allowed to rat or run sites in empty systems risk-free. If I lose your vote because of that, so be it.

If system A is AFK cloak camped, move two systems over to system B and that one will probably be empty. If it's not, get a fleet of Taloses together to do the sites supported by a logi or two and an off-grid carrier anchored by a death star POS assigning you some fighters. When the cloaky Sabre decloaks, blap the hell out of him. When the cyno goes up, everyone star-burst away on MWD and warp off. Carry ECM drones in your PvE ship. Do sites in a home defense fleet. I'm sorry to put it this way, but you sound as if you feel entitled to have a null-sec system all to yourself to do sites all day long and keep the ISK to yourself. The game really shouldn't be that way. The fact that some people think it is is causing more damage than a few AFK cloakers.

If that isn't you, please tell me. If you think I'm wrong, please tell me why.

aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.

Josef Djugashvilis
#225 - 2013-02-28 08:24:01 UTC
It never fails to amuse me how the tough guy null-sec pvpers, who expend considerable time and energy complaining about hi-sec care-bears, panic at the thought of a cloaked ship anywhere near them disrupting their care-bear activities.

Good for you Ripard, for not wanting to nerf cloaking.

I wish you every success when you get elected to the CSM.

This is not a signature.

Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#226 - 2013-02-28 10:20:30 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
As for Logi. My opinion is you simply do not understand how stressful being a logi is now because of the broadcast system. How many logis really try to do their jobs instead of focusing on KM hogging or watching their wallets blink in HQ Incursion sites. They simply lack the tools needed to do a non DPS job and it is disappointing to see your stance on it.
My counter argument, sir: Sons of a *****

I've logied in everything from a Bantam to a triage Archon. Trust me: I know how hard it is. It's supposed to be hard. To quote the poet, it's the hard that makes it great.

Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
I can't support you with those views on AFK Cloaking and Logistics. I hope you will spend some time looking at Twtich.TV with entire channels dedicated to AFK Cloaking enemy systems, Read the forum, and hopefully realize just how AFK Cloaking is something that needs to go before this gets any more out of hand. Especially with boosts to black ops jump range.
I'm sorry, but null-sec is supposed to be risky. You shouldn't be allowed to rat or run sites in empty systems risk-free. If I lose your vote because of that, so be it.

If system A is AFK cloak camped, move two systems over to system B and that one will probably be empty. If it's not, get a fleet of Taloses together to do the sites supported by a logi or two and an off-grid carrier anchored by a death star POS assigning you some fighters. When the cloaky Sabre decloaks, blap the hell out of him. When the cyno goes up, everyone star-burst away on MWD and warp off. Carry ECM drones in your PvE ship. Do sites in a home defense fleet. I'm sorry to put it this way, but you sound as if you feel entitled to have a null-sec system all to yourself to do sites all day long and keep the ISK to yourself. The game really shouldn't be that way. The fact that some people think it is is causing more damage than a few AFK cloakers.

If that isn't you, please tell me. If you think I'm wrong, please tell me why.

This is my problem with AFK cloaky campining as it stands.

An AFK cloaky camper logs in, activates cloak, then goes to school/work/pun or wherevever for the rest of the day. Without any further interaction with his keyborad at all. All the time, he's affecting the gamplay of anyone in the system which has been camped. There is nothing the locals can do except dock up or move to another system or carry on as normal and take the risk.

Looks to me like a lot of "reward", for no "risk" whatsoever for the AFK cloaker. Now hang on a minute, Isn't EVE about risk for rewards? Al least thats what the HTFU forum tough-guys keep saying.

Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

Prince Kobol
#227 - 2013-02-28 10:35:21 UTC
Speedkermit Damo wrote:
Ripard Teg wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
As for Logi. My opinion is you simply do not understand how stressful being a logi is now because of the broadcast system. How many logis really try to do their jobs instead of focusing on KM hogging or watching their wallets blink in HQ Incursion sites. They simply lack the tools needed to do a non DPS job and it is disappointing to see your stance on it.
My counter argument, sir: Sons of a *****

I've logied in everything from a Bantam to a triage Archon. Trust me: I know how hard it is. It's supposed to be hard. To quote the poet, it's the hard that makes it great.

Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
I can't support you with those views on AFK Cloaking and Logistics. I hope you will spend some time looking at Twtich.TV with entire channels dedicated to AFK Cloaking enemy systems, Read the forum, and hopefully realize just how AFK Cloaking is something that needs to go before this gets any more out of hand. Especially with boosts to black ops jump range.
I'm sorry, but null-sec is supposed to be risky. You shouldn't be allowed to rat or run sites in empty systems risk-free. If I lose your vote because of that, so be it.

If system A is AFK cloak camped, move two systems over to system B and that one will probably be empty. If it's not, get a fleet of Taloses together to do the sites supported by a logi or two and an off-grid carrier anchored by a death star POS assigning you some fighters. When the cloaky Sabre decloaks, blap the hell out of him. When the cyno goes up, everyone star-burst away on MWD and warp off. Carry ECM drones in your PvE ship. Do sites in a home defense fleet. I'm sorry to put it this way, but you sound as if you feel entitled to have a null-sec system all to yourself to do sites all day long and keep the ISK to yourself. The game really shouldn't be that way. The fact that some people think it is is causing more damage than a few AFK cloakers.

If that isn't you, please tell me. If you think I'm wrong, please tell me why.

This is my problem with AFK cloaky campining as it stands.

An AFK cloaky camper logs in, activates cloak, then goes to school/work/pun or wherevever for the rest of the day. Without any further interaction with his keyborad at all. All the time, he's affecting the gamplay of anyone in the system which has been camped. There is nothing the locals can do except dock up or move to another system or carry on as normal and take the risk.

Looks to me like a lot of "reward", for no "risk" whatsoever for the AFK cloaker. Now hang on a minute, Isn't EVE about risk for rewards? Al least thats what the HTFU forum tough-guys keep saying.

Risk? The hint is in the name... AFK (Away from Keyboard) Cloaker.

Somebody who is AFK can not hurt you.

I have ratted, run complexes, done PI, mined all with AFK cloakers in system because you know something, nobody in the history of Eve has ever been killed by a AFK cloaker.

Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#228 - 2013-02-28 12:30:16 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:

Why do I want to serve on the eighth CSM?
Because I love EVE Online...
I believe this. You don't just love one part Eve, but the whole. To few candidates do.

You have my vote.
Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#229 - 2013-02-28 14:47:29 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:
Perhaps you could explain to me what's wrong with this approach.

From my point of view, that involves a lot of flip-flopping between sites. Where does the discussion about the post take place? Why should I (potentially) have to create yet another account on yet another random site in order to participate in only a part of a discussion? Why is the discussion promoted to fragment?

It's not necessarily a wrong approach so much as a frustrating approach.

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#230 - 2013-02-28 15:02:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Tardbar
Karl Hobb wrote:
Ripard Teg wrote:
Perhaps you could explain to me what's wrong with this approach.

From my point of view, that involves a lot of flip-flopping between sites. Where does the discussion about the post take place? Why should I (potentially) have to create yet another account on yet another random site in order to participate in only a part of a discussion? Why is the discussion promoted to fragment?

It's not necessarily a wrong approach so much as a frustrating approach.

You should be aware that the CCP devs have a great deal of non-forum communication through twitter. A lot of stuff gets tossed around that never hits the forums.

Personally, I was oblivious to this fact as well until somone on a teamspeak I frequent explained they had asked a dev a direct question on the dev's personal twitter about something and got a direct response. Twitter is often a neat way to see what the invidual devs are up to or at least what's on their mind.

So in that regard even CCP doesn't have a 100% communication with the player base through the forums.

In the modern world there are many routes of communications.

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#231 - 2013-02-28 15:16:07 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Speedkermit Damo wrote:
Ripard Teg wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
As for Logi. My opinion is you simply do not understand how stressful being a logi is now because of the broadcast system. How many logis really try to do their jobs instead of focusing on KM hogging or watching their wallets blink in HQ Incursion sites. They simply lack the tools needed to do a non DPS job and it is disappointing to see your stance on it.
My counter argument, sir: Sons of a *****

I've logied in everything from a Bantam to a triage Archon. Trust me: I know how hard it is. It's supposed to be hard. To quote the poet, it's the hard that makes it great.

Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
I can't support you with those views on AFK Cloaking and Logistics. I hope you will spend some time looking at Twtich.TV with entire channels dedicated to AFK Cloaking enemy systems, Read the forum, and hopefully realize just how AFK Cloaking is something that needs to go before this gets any more out of hand. Especially with boosts to black ops jump range.
I'm sorry, but null-sec is supposed to be risky. You shouldn't be allowed to rat or run sites in empty systems risk-free. If I lose your vote because of that, so be it.

If system A is AFK cloak camped, move two systems over to system B and that one will probably be empty. If it's not, get a fleet of Taloses together to do the sites supported by a logi or two and an off-grid carrier anchored by a death star POS assigning you some fighters. When the cloaky Sabre decloaks, blap the hell out of him. When the cyno goes up, everyone star-burst away on MWD and warp off. Carry ECM drones in your PvE ship. Do sites in a home defense fleet. I'm sorry to put it this way, but you sound as if you feel entitled to have a null-sec system all to yourself to do sites all day long and keep the ISK to yourself. The game really shouldn't be that way. The fact that some people think it is is causing more damage than a few AFK cloakers.

If that isn't you, please tell me. If you think I'm wrong, please tell me why.

This is my problem with AFK cloaky campining as it stands.

An AFK cloaky camper logs in, activates cloak, then goes to school/work/pun or wherevever for the rest of the day. Without any further interaction with his keyborad at all. All the time, he's affecting the gamplay of anyone in the system which has been camped. There is nothing the locals can do except dock up or move to another system or carry on as normal and take the risk.

Looks to me like a lot of "reward", for no "risk" whatsoever for the AFK cloaker. Now hang on a minute, Isn't EVE about risk for rewards? Al least thats what the HTFU forum tough-guys keep saying.

Risk? The hint is in the name... AFK (Away from Keyboard) Cloaker.

Somebody who is AFK can not hurt you.

I have ratted, run complexes, done PI, mined all with AFK cloakers in system because you know something, nobody in the history of Eve has ever been killed by a AFK cloaker.

Where your arguement falls to pieces is that nobody can be sure whether an AFK cloaker really is AFK or not. Which is the whole point of AFk cloaky camping.

I am definately not a fan of AFK cloaking as a means of griefing ratters into not ratting. It is too effective for too little risk and allows you to deter other players from playing while you yourself are not playing either.

Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

Marc Callan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#232 - 2013-02-28 16:02:39 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:
Marc Callan wrote:
I'd be interested in hearing Ripard's opinion on the merits of the New Order's proposals for adjusting the risk-to-reward balance in high-security space.

I'd also really like to hear Garth's opinion on the merits of the New Order's proposals for adjusting the risk-to-reward balance in high-security space.
LOL! Awesome. There's definitely a pair of blog posts in that. Point me to a distinct list of these proposals and I'll be happy to do it.

I found this:

After perusing the site for a bit, I need to go meditate for a while. My cardiologist insists that I watch my blood pressure.

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

Dolmite Cornerstone
#233 - 2013-02-28 16:16:25 UTC
Speedkermit Damo wrote:
It is too effective for too little risk and allows you to deter other players from playing while you yourself are not playing either.

Simple fact is cloaking in a system (not travelling, but just system squatting) is a 'rock' without a corresponding 'paper'. There is no counter to it. Nothing in Eve--such a harsh game with risk-n-reward balances--should be so impenetrable. Ripard is likely getting my #1 vote even with his stance on afk cloaking, but I would like to see his opinion on this matter change.
Prince Kobol
#234 - 2013-02-28 17:16:46 UTC
Speedkermit Damo wrote:

Stuff about being scared of AFK cloakers

Prince Kobol wrote:
Risk? The hint is in the name... AFK (Away from Keyboard) Cloaker.

Somebody who is AFK can not hurt you.

I have ratted, run complexes, done PI, mined all with AFK cloakers in system because you know something, nobody in the history of Eve has ever been killed by a AFK cloaker.

Speedkermit Damo wrote:
Where your arguement falls to pieces is that nobody can be sure whether an AFK cloaker really is AFK or not. Which is the whole point of AFk cloaky camping.

I am definately not a fan of AFK cloaking as a means of griefing ratters into not ratting. It is too effective for too little risk and allows you to deter other players from playing while you yourself are not playing either.

Lol.. you are missing my point, whether they are afk or not is irrelevant, whilst the are cloaked they can not hurt you.

I have lived in systems where Gypsy Band , Gorgon Empire, Solar amongst others have afk camp our systems and not once has it ever stopped me doing anything I wanted to do, that includes running anons in a 3bil isk + mach.

You sound like the perfect person to afk camp, I must come down to provi in my alt and have some fun with you :)

You sound like the person person to afk camp
Random McNally
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#235 - 2013-02-28 17:36:46 UTC
Bantara wrote:
Speedkermit Damo wrote:
It is too effective for too little risk and allows you to deter other players from playing while you yourself are not playing either.

Simple fact is cloaking in a system (not travelling, but just system squatting) is a 'rock' without a corresponding 'paper'. There is no counter to it. Nothing in Eve--such a harsh game with risk-n-reward balances--should be so impenetrable. Ripard is likely getting my #1 vote even with his stance on afk cloaking, but I would like to see his opinion on this matter change.

Let me describe paper.

Paper is a handfull of your corp mates all cloaky with you as bait. When the nasty evil smelly AFK cloaker uncloaks to make a mess of your ship, your corpies make a mess of his. Rinse. Repeat.

See? Easy paper.

Good luck on your candidacy Ripard! Your blog is my first read of the morning!

Host of High Drag Podcast.

Space music

I G Channel HighDragChat


Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#236 - 2013-02-28 18:12:48 UTC
Prince Kobol wrote:
Speedkermit Damo wrote:

Stuff about being scared of AFK cloakers

Prince Kobol wrote:
Risk? The hint is in the name... AFK (Away from Keyboard) Cloaker.

Somebody who is AFK can not hurt you.

I have ratted, run complexes, done PI, mined all with AFK cloakers in system because you know something, nobody in the history of Eve has ever been killed by a AFK cloaker.

Speedkermit Damo wrote:
Where your arguement falls to pieces is that nobody can be sure whether an AFK cloaker really is AFK or not. Which is the whole point of AFk cloaky camping.

I am definately not a fan of AFK cloaking as a means of griefing ratters into not ratting. It is too effective for too little risk and allows you to deter other players from playing while you yourself are not playing either.

Lol.. you are missing my point, whether they are afk or not is irrelevant, whilst the are cloaked they can not hurt you.

I have lived in systems where Gypsy Band , Gorgon Empire, Solar amongst others have afk camp our systems and not once has it ever stopped me doing anything I wanted to do, that includes running anons in a 3bil isk + mach.

You sound like the perfect person to afk camp, I must come down to provi in my alt and have some fun with you :)

You sound like the person person to afk camp

Be my guest.

Although you'll be wasting your time, as I now prefer to make ISK in high-sec. Null-sec's good for PvP, not making money.

Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#237 - 2013-02-28 19:31:54 UTC
Captain Tardbar wrote:
So in that regard even CCP doesn't have a 100% communication with the player base through the forums.

When CCP wants to have a discussion they create a forum topic. Dev blogs have forum topics. Balancing discussions have forum topics. Crowd-sourcing (haven't seen one recently, but I have participated in them) used forum topics.

This is not about using the forums for 100% of communication, it is about using the forums for meaningful discussion as a primary (primary does not exclude secondary and tertiary) method of communication. It's what forums are designed for. Where the central "hub" of communication takes place, where external links and pertinent information can be aggregated for those who are interested.

This is why I say that Ripard Teg prefers his blog as his "primary" method of communication; discussion will likely happen there because the EVE Forums are merely a place to announce that a new blog post is up. If that's how he prefers to do things, more power to him, but it does little to compel me to vote for him. You can't please everyone... vOv

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Jeremy Soikutsu
Kite Co. Space Trucking
#238 - 2013-02-28 20:35:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Jeremy Soikutsu
Ripard Teg wrote:
But wouldn't CCP say that some regions of space should be worse than others, and if you don't like it, move? That sure seems to be the tack they're taking.

And it's a perfectly reasonable tack. Frankly it's also just an observation of reality. By which I mean unless CCP made all space literally the exact same down to the smallest details some of it going to be worse that others. So the problem isn't that the Drone Lands are the worst, it's that the gulf is so wide between it and everything west that it's just ridiculous. For example I remember hearing guys getting tapped out from flying Drakes after the drone poo nerf, and we didn't PvP THAT much. The long and short of it I suppose is that the Drone Regions could be improved, considerably even, and still be the worst space, so CCP can make people that live there happier while still keeping their uneven playing field.

CCP will only let me quote you five times

I think this is also an important thing that you should use your mighty CSM powers, if you get them, to right.

"Of course you would choose the fun, but you don't lead a relevant entity which has allies." - Colonel Xaven

Dolmite Cornerstone
#239 - 2013-02-28 23:22:22 UTC
Random McNally wrote:
Let me describe paper.
Paper is a handful of your corp mates all cloaky with you as bait. When the nasty evil smelly AFK cloaker uncloaks to make a mess of your ship, your corpies make a mess of his. Rinse. Repeat.
See? Easy paper.

I'm frequently accused of splitting hairs, though I believe it's more akin to undoing braids....
What you proposed is mearly a fleet which can kill a cloaked ship when he uncloaks near you(as if covert ship are all that hard to kill comparatively.) Not a counter to afk cloaking. You don't want a counter for that, that's fine. We're all entitled to our opinions, and I'm not getting in a discussion about that on Ripard's thread.
Ripard Teg
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#240 - 2013-03-01 06:16:22 UTC
Speedkermit Damo wrote:
Although you'll be wasting your time, as I now prefer to make ISK in high-sec. Null-sec's good for PvP, not making money.
As I've already said in this thread, this needs fixing. You should be rewarded for taking the additional risk.

Karl Hobb wrote:
This is why I say that Ripard Teg prefers his blog as his "primary" method of communication; discussion will likely happen there because the EVE Forums are merely a place to announce that a new blog post is up.
As I've already said, discussion will happen in four places: here, my blog, Scrapheap, and Twitter. And I'll respond as best I can in all four places.

aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.