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All-In-One Exploration Ships

FS JitaTrader
Pay As You Go
#1 - 2013-02-26 14:49:10 UTC

Im looking for any advice from people that do exploration and fly missile boats !

I've never dipped into exploration before and i am eager to try it, i found a very useful video on YT from JohnnyPew with his All-In-One Vexor fit.

Now i have been pure caldari for yonks and i'm looking for any advice on ships that could possibly do what he posted from people that either do it or have done it.

Now i have terribad gunnery skills (pure missiles) and not the greatest drone skills (can still use t2's)

So any advice welcome for a new explorer.

Mike Whiite
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2013-02-26 14:57:08 UTC

should be on of those.

though Tengu dps sufers when Cover-ops, probe launcher nullifier fit, it can be done, but it's expensive.

HAM launchers, faction fit, with implants.

Dante Uisen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-02-26 15:06:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Dante Uisen
ups.. didn't see you was looking for a missile boat... Gila is not a bad choice.
National Industries
#4 - 2013-02-26 16:17:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Makavelia
This is best i could come up with for something able to do low sec mag/rad and possibly 4.10's with no T3 or T2. Problem is it wil lbe limited to the angel dmg type or similar for the natural shield resist. Maybe dropping the web to use invul or active may allow other faction areas at expence of frigate kill speed.


5x Valkery ll

Sister core probe
Imp cloak 2
4x ham ll - faction ammo

Large SB ll
meta web (medium drones)
code breaker

2x ballistic
2x drone dmg

Anti kin or anti exp rig
rocket fuel rig
thruster rig

420 dps
250 tank (1:30 minutes)
23k missile range

My hurricane runs any of the 4.10's with no problem (apart from the damn blood TD spam) and mostly the passive 280 tank is too much. The hurricane although has higher dps on paper.. doest not hav such great dps in reality since mostly i am shooting from 20k and they die befor i reach optimal. The cane can also not fit all the modules to hold onto that dps and tank.

So as it looks, this cyclone fit will put out more effective dps than my cane even whilst the cyclone has all exporation mods fitted. The tank for 1:30 should be enough to gank any cruiser/bc's with the medium drones+hams before 1:00 leaving infinate time to SB pulse after that (like you do with the mealstrom in L4's).

It may not be the good fit but it looks dangerously fun and i will try it for that ;p.. should i ever get round to training Tll ham's
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-02-26 17:17:50 UTC
Gila is the sensible choice, for what your looking for.

It can easily fit
Probe Launcher, Salvager, Code Breaker & Analyser
along with a decent tank and minor missile dps

Combined it with a Venture you will be able to access/harvest any type of site, with a minimum ship outlay.
#6 - 2013-02-26 17:24:40 UTC
Any of the above.

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Id hitthat
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2013-02-27 07:14:40 UTC
The two choices you have is a) do I really really need cov op cloak? b) do I want to do radar/mag sites aswell or only cherry pick good combat sites.

If you answer yes to a you have to get a tengu with bad dps and expensive fit.
If you answer yes to b you have to get a gila.

Myself I'd probably just cherry pick good combat sites, go with a tengu with normal cloak (not cov op) and interdiction nullifier.
Dark Reignz
#8 - 2013-02-27 07:23:41 UTC
Here's the best advice ever....

Stick to Jita trading/ Scamming. There is already too many people doing exploration and thanx to T3 cruisers and loot nerfage, there simply isn't enough decent plexes or loot to roll.

Troll Mode - ON

#9 - 2013-02-27 07:25:22 UTC
Dark Reignz wrote:
Here's the best advice ever....

Stick to Jita trading/ Scamming. There is already too many people doing exploration and thanx to T3 cruisers and loot nerfage, there simply isn't enough decent plexes or loot to roll.

plexes respawn right after people clear them. ie I find nearly as many plexes with 50,000 people on the server as I do with 20,000.
Dante Uisen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-02-27 07:27:58 UTC
Id hitthat wrote:
The two choices you have is a) do I really really need cov op cloak? b) do I want to do radar/mag sites aswell or only cherry pick good combat sites.

If you answer yes to a you have to get a tengu with bad dps and expensive fit.
If you answer yes to b you have to get a gila.

Myself I'd probably just cherry pick good combat sites, go with a tengu with normal cloak (not cov op) and interdiction nullifier.

Unless you are exploring in null-sec, the interdiction nullifier not very useful. Unless you are exploring in null or low-sec, normal or covert cloak is not very useful.

Judging from the skills description the OP gave, i don't think bringing a Tengu to low or null-sec in the best advice. That said the Tengu is still a very good hi-sec exploration ship, and it's possible to swap sub-systems once the training wheels come of and low/null is a viable option.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2013-02-27 07:28:49 UTC
Id hitthat wrote:
The two choices you have is a) do I really really need cov op cloak? b) do I want to do radar/mag sites aswell or only cherry pick good combat sites.

If you answer yes to a you have to get a tengu with bad dps and expensive fit.
If you answer yes to b you have to get a gila.

Myself I'd probably just cherry pick good combat sites, go with a tengu with normal cloak (not cov op) and interdiction nullifier.

So... if i ask u the question "Do u want to do radar/mag sites aswell or only cherry pick good combat sites?" your will reply with "yes"? :)

On Topic:
Will u only be in hi-sec or will u want to go to low-sec and below?
If u stay in hi-sec, u will not need the Cov Ops sub.
Dark Reignz
#12 - 2013-02-27 07:37:12 UTC
Tauranon wrote:
Dark Reignz wrote:
Here's the best advice ever....

Stick to Jita trading/ Scamming. There is already too many people doing exploration and thanx to T3 cruisers and loot nerfage, there simply isn't enough decent plexes or loot to roll.

plexes respawn right after people clear them. ie I find nearly as many plexes with 50,000 people on the server as I do with 20,000.

Can you link me to some hard concrete proof that for example, when I complete a GSO that it immediately respawns in the same region as exactly the same type of exploration site. Because I'm really loosing faith in that notion, having only found about 3 or 4 max in the past month. And that's even spending up14 hours some days, whizzing back and forth through a certain favourite region of mine which used to fair me well.

I also know the exact base signal range with my setup so I know when I've found one the second my first scan completes.

Troll Mode - ON

St Mio
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2013-02-27 08:01:21 UTC
It isn't limited to respawning in the exact same region, but it's definitely the same site respawning, otherwise eventually there would be nothing left to run in highsec except Drone sites and Gravimetrics. I found 6 in a few hours scanning on Saturday, including ones that respawned after I'd visited the formerly empty system an hour or two earlier.
Dante Uisen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2013-02-27 09:18:02 UTC
St Mio wrote:
It isn't limited to respawning in the exact same region, but it's definitely the same site respawning, otherwise eventually there would be nothing left to run in highsec except Drone sites and Gravimetrics. I found 6 in a few hours scanning on Saturday, including ones that respawned after I'd visited the formerly empty system an hour or two earlier.

The only thing known for sure is that new signatures spawn after downtime, weather or not they instantly spawn once completed has never been confirmed, same goes for the location they can spawn in.

I've been scanning the same 7 systems in circular order, for a period of 2-3 months. And there is very little consistency is the amount of combat sites that spawn, during the time period 17-21 eve time.

I noticed that the chance of finding new combat site was greatest 7-9 eve time, which probably has to do with fewer people being online around this period. Which makes me believe that there is some connection between the amount of players online, and the probability of finding a combat site.

Over the 2-3 months i noticed a general decrease in site found and income made, but also a increase in players in the same area, so it's really not surprising.

It hard to confirm that server population has a direct influence on the amount of sites you find, but increased competition from other explorers does reduce the amount of sites you find, and increased server population is likely to increase the chance that someone else is exploring in the same area as you.
National Industries
#15 - 2013-02-27 09:42:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Makavelia
Dante Uisen wrote:
St Mio wrote:
It isn't limited to respawning in the exact same region, but it's definitely the same site respawning, otherwise eventually there would be nothing left to run in highsec except Drone sites and Gravimetrics. I found 6 in a few hours scanning on Saturday, including ones that respawned after I'd visited the formerly empty system an hour or two earlier.

The only thing known for sure is that new signatures spawn after downtime, weather or not they instantly spawn once completed has never been confirmed, same goes for the location they can spawn in.

I've been scanning the same 7 systems in circular order, for a period of 2-3 months. And there is very little consistency is the amount of combat sites that spawn, during the time period 17-21 eve time.

I noticed that the chance of finding new combat site was greatest 7-9 eve time, which probably has to do with fewer people being online around this period. Which makes me believe that there is some connection between the amount of players online, and the probability of finding a combat site.

Over the 2-3 months i noticed a general decrease in site found and income made, but also a increase in players in the same area, so it's really not surprising.

It hard to confirm that server population has a direct influence on the amount of sites you find, but increased competition from other explorers does reduce the amount of sites you find, and increased server population is likely to increase the chance that someone else is exploring in the same area as you.

I know this feeling. I had a nice high sec island of some 10 systems in gal.. but it didnt last long. Now when i go there every other system has sisters out. Similar story to a nice low sec place i had in matar space.

So now i roam in amar space and i only do rad/mags.. since they are often over looked by people. It;s bad isk but at-least i get sites to run.

As with the old ways i enjoyed exploration for what it was.. and am happy to make enough isk just to get by. But it kinde gets past the enjoyment when you can'tfind any sites to run. I was happy to run the blood combat sites with all the neuting and talks of bad loot.. but when they put 5x TD's on me it was beyound what i have patience for ( i have a lot). BAd days to be an explorer ;[.. and like everything else i enjoy (BS pvp) the answer always points toward shifting to nul sec again ;/.
#16 - 2013-02-27 09:46:12 UTC
Dark Reignz wrote:
Tauranon wrote:
Dark Reignz wrote:
Here's the best advice ever....

Stick to Jita trading/ Scamming. There is already too many people doing exploration and thanx to T3 cruisers and loot nerfage, there simply isn't enough decent plexes or loot to roll.

plexes respawn right after people clear them. ie I find nearly as many plexes with 50,000 people on the server as I do with 20,000.

Can you link me to some hard concrete proof that for example, when I complete a GSO that it immediately respawns in the same region as exactly the same type of exploration site. Because I'm really loosing faith in that notion, having only found about 3 or 4 max in the past month. And that's even spending up14 hours some days, whizzing back and forth through a certain favourite region of mine which used to fair me well.

I also know the exact base signal range with my setup so I know when I've found one the second my first scan completes.

There isn't any such proof, because its not what I said they do, and not what any evidence has shown they do. *If there are 200 systems that a GSO can spawn in, then when you despawn it, there is a 1:200 chance that it will respawn right back in the system that you despawned it from. Such coincidences have been noted over time.

Likewise the other coincidences that *if there are 10 GSO sigs and 200 applicable systems for them to spawn in, there is a 1 in 20 chance that someone despawning a GSO will spawn it in a system that contains a GSO already. As that is a higher chance, that is high enough that I've observed 2 ded4s in 1 system often enough.

*imaginary numbers - the actual numbers are certainly not exactly those.
Princess Saskia
Hyperfleet Industries
#17 - 2013-02-27 09:51:22 UTC
Tengu, battleclinic will suffice for a suitible fit.


Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2013-02-27 10:01:36 UTC  |  Edited by: poppeteer
Why bother at all?

As of today, a HIGH SEC radar had THREE battleships in it.

:whatever: :ccp: (bai moar plex)

Edit: Warped my vexor out at half armour with 4/4 npc stil standing (15.5m + gunnery sp, 16m ship sp, 7.5m drone sp).

Edit2: The last NULL SEC radar I completed had ~6 battlecruisers + 16 frigs + 4 towers. MUCH easier.
Dark Reignz
#19 - 2013-02-27 10:08:33 UTC
St Mio wrote:
It isn't limited to respawning in the exact same region, but it's definitely the same site respawning,

Prove the latter please. There's nothing to say that GSO doesnt and cannot respawn as a radar and vise versa for the other types.
I'am actually starting to beleive, there is not set amount of any site and never was and when they do respawn that they spawn as a random type too.

Troll Mode - ON

Ana Fox
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2013-02-27 10:14:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Ana Fox
Dante Uisen wrote:
St Mio wrote:
It isn't limited to respawning in the exact same region, but it's definitely the same site respawning, otherwise eventually there would be nothing left to run in highsec except Drone sites and Gravimetrics. I found 6 in a few hours scanning on Saturday, including ones that respawned after I'd visited the formerly empty system an hour or two earlier.

The only thing known for sure is that new signatures spawn after downtime, weather or not they instantly spawn once completed has never been confirmed, same goes for the location they can spawn in.

I've been scanning the same 7 systems in circular order, for a period of 2-3 months. And there is very little consistency is the amount of combat sites that spawn, during the time period 17-21 eve time.

I noticed that the chance of finding new combat site was greatest 7-9 eve time, which probably has to do with fewer people being online around this period. Which makes me believe that there is some connection between the amount of players online, and the probability of finding a combat site.

Over the 2-3 months i noticed a general decrease in site found and income made, but also a increase in players in the same area, so it's really not surprising.

It hard to confirm that server population has a direct influence on the amount of sites you find, but increased competition from other explorers does reduce the amount of sites you find, and increased server population is likely to increase the chance that someone else is exploring in the same area as you.

Downtime dont have any with DED site respawn.Easy way to prove that ,if you find DED site before DT ,make bm and after DT it will be there.

Some regions spawn DED sites more often then others.You can make bm of sites you find,and after month or two you will get better picture where to go.Also some systems have better chance for DED spawns,I have few systems where I have over 20 bm's of DED 4/10 and system next to it have zero of them.

What affect some people is time when they scan.I noticed there is peak of explorers loged in over day, and it have nothing with how many players are online.You can also check that by adding players you saw scanning on your watch list.

Anyway no matter how much help this part of forum gave,and no matter how much help St Mio and crew that did with their DSP probe chart ,players still refuse to read and do some kind of effort by them self.
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