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Cipreh for CSM8!

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-02-22 12:16:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipreh
I am adding this thread to the forums, so that it's easy for people who browse this subsection of the forums to find my CSM post.

I appreciate all of the support I have received so far with my CSM candidacy, and I urge you all to keep it up! I have spent some time updating the posts in my CSM thread, and I will continue to do so as we approach the elections, so keep checking back for updates!

You can find my CSM candidacy thread here:

Wormholes may not be the largest part of the EVE community, but we are one of the most active and vocal. We need someone who knows the community, and who can reach out across allegiance and organizational lines to talk to all aspects of the community!

I am that person.

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2013-02-24 01:25:26 UTC
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-02-24 21:17:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipreh
No matter which candidate you end up choosing, make sure the wormhole candidates are all at the top of your voting lists, so our community gets represented on CSM 8!

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2013-02-25 22:34:36 UTC
We wormhole representatives need the support of the community!

Tell your friends, tell your corpmates, and tell everyone who will listen to vote!

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2013-02-25 22:53:21 UTC
Remember that teamspeak meeting few days ago Cipreh when I told you I would prolly vote for you if you weren't in Transmission Lost...

Guess i have to eat my hat now Shocked
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-02-25 23:21:51 UTC
What Tuna said ;)

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Gallente Federation
#7 - 2013-02-25 23:40:00 UTC
hmm wonder what happened there
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#8 - 2013-02-25 23:51:12 UTC
TunaKross wrote:
Remember that teamspeak meeting few days ago Cipreh when I told you I would prolly vote for you if you weren't in Transmission Lost...

Guess i have to eat my hat now Shocked

It was a strategic move to get all of Tuna's votes
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#9 - 2013-02-26 00:22:38 UTC
Cip gets my votes.

He's been in the wh game pretty much from the beginning. He's proven over the years that he can work with diverse groups (big, small, smart, dumb, puppy lovers and puppy haters). He's done the merc/pvp thing and now he's done the carebear thing in transmission lost so he knows both the man side and the school girl side of wh life (luv ya bane and noobs). I would say what I like most about him is he has demonstrated his ability to blow up all you ships AND not be a D1&K about it on more than one occaision. He lives the wh attitude and I have faith that he wouldn't do anything to mess it up. In my discussions with him, it's clear to me he understands the 'big picture' and will work to keep wh space fun for everyone big and small.

If you want a guy that will work to preserve our way of playing eve then he's your guy.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2013-02-27 10:30:17 UTC
@ Cipreh - Are you in the "wormholes are fine, if it ain't broke, don't fix it" camp or will you be pushing for change/additions if you get elected?
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2013-02-28 22:02:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipreh
Rek Seven wrote:
@ Cipreh - Are you in the "wormholes are fine, if it ain't broke, don't fix it" camp or will you be pushing for change/additions if you get elected?

I feel that wormholes are in need of iteration, if they continue along the current vein, we will be looking at another stagnated feature that CCP has neglected. We've reached a point in the progression out here where the only way to compete with one another is through evictions, which only serve to diminish our community, or with the ever increasing strategic cruiser blobs, which discourage smaller organizations from getting involved. If CCP iterates on w-space, I think we need new conflict drivers so that we aren't forced to grind structures for evictions in the hope of getting a fight, as well as ways to bring new blood into the wormhole community.

CCP has stated in the past that wormholes were not designed for long term inhabitation, but we players, have carved out a niche in this section of space and made it work beyond what CCP had envisioned. We should be very proud of ourselves for it, that's EVE in its greatest form, the emergent gameplay that makes us love this game so much. However, because of this, I feel that the dynamics of wormhole space need to be looked at.

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Sushi Nardieu
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2013-03-01 05:01:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Sushi Nardieu
Tell us about the principles and style that your new alliance are playing under.

"CCP has stated in the past that wormholes were not designed for long term inhabitation" - You would think CCP would have stopped making bold statements like that in a sandbox game by now. I heard from a couple of corpmates, when they met some devs in London, that devs really have no idea what people do in w-space. I thought this was lolz.

The Guns of Knowledge 

Papiranti robcki
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-03-01 16:54:04 UTC
What is your take on the mexican standoffs that happen 95% of the time in higher up wormholes? I am talking about each side having a large fleet+ caps on their respective sides with dreads at range along different angels that make an engagement impossible. What would you do to remove such deadlocks and bring more fights to the higher classes?

Do you think the jump from class 5 to class 6 is to little? Because now the difference between C5 and C6 is quite minimal (cap escalations as the main source of isk are the same, bonuses are not that better the only major difference is that they are way safer from invasion because collapsing into them is not feasible). If we take a look at c1-c4 they all have different properties and levels of progression that make them unique while the c5-c6 jump is just meh. What would you do to improve on this? I am talking about things like more statics. way harder sites and other things that would make people want to move to a class 6 instead of just hiding in a class 5.

Would you push ccp to increase the number of dynamic wormholes and increase their spawn rate so that we get more deep and branched out chains that would have more chance of conflict?

Here is a little out of the box idea what do you think about "ghost" sigs that would appear all the time as you scan but would lead to nowhere once they are scanned. They could appear as all the sig strengths. Adding this concept to d-scan would also be interesting.

I hope that you agree that wormholes as they are today (at least c4,5,6) need some much needed changes.
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#14 - 2013-03-01 20:49:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Tisisan
Papiranti robcki wrote:
What is your take on the mexican standoffs that happen 95% of the time in higher up wormholes? I am talking about each side having a large fleet+ caps on their respective sides with dreads at range along different angels that make an engagement impossible. What would you do to remove such deadlocks and bring more fights to the higher classes?

Do you think the jump from class 5 to class 6 is to little? Because now the difference between C5 and C6 is quite minimal (cap escalations as the main source of isk are the same, bonuses are not that better the only major difference is that they are way safer from invasion because collapsing into them is not feasible). If we take a look at c1-c4 they all have different properties and levels of progression that make them unique while the c5-c6 jump is just meh. What would you do to improve on this? I am talking about things like more statics. way harder sites and other things that would make people want to move to a class 6 instead of just hiding in a class 5.

Would you push ccp to increase the number of dynamic wormholes and increase their spawn rate so that we get more deep and branched out chains that would have more chance of conflict?

Here is a little out of the box idea what do you think about "ghost" sigs that would appear all the time as you scan but would lead to nowhere once they are scanned. They could appear as all the sig strengths. Adding this concept to d-scan would also be interesting.

I hope that you agree that wormholes as they are today (at least c4,5,6) need some much needed changes.

I can only assume you don't actually live in wormholes.

1) Dread blapping is what it is, the current dominant option a very specific situation.
2) I am not sure how the different value of anomalies and mag/radar sites in c1/c2s makes them "unique" while the same thing between c5s and c6s make them "meh". "Hiding" in a class 5... wow. This from (I assumed) a c6 guy who won't even leave his own home system to look for pvp...
3) You want more dynamic holes, and yet are bitching about the problems of groups that just chain collapse their static. So whats the point? Scan, buddy, scan... check out some of those nulls, wander into some lower classes... pretty soon your chain will be as big and pretty as mine is.
4) Seriously! Scanning is already the most boring, tedious activity in wormhole space, and a barrier to doing ANYTHING there. And you want to add fake sigs that are there for no purpose other than to waste time/frustrate people? Seriously, die in a fire.

Also, post with your main or GTFO if you're rabble rousing for major changes. If that is your main and your actual corp then you've got no place to be demanding major changes, and insulting people who live in class 5 holes.
Anomalous Existence
Wrong Hole.
#15 - 2013-03-01 20:57:01 UTC
YAY vote for cip .. umm .. YAY .

Your people want to know.

Pancakes or waffels ?
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2013-03-01 21:29:53 UTC
Kalseth wrote:
YAY vote for cip .. umm .. YAY .

Your people want to know.

Pancakes or waffels ?

Waffles every time... the divots allow for the syrup to settle into them more evenly, rather then just run off the sides like pancakes.

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Papiranti robcki
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2013-03-01 22:44:13 UTC
Tisisan wrote:

I can only assume you don't actually live in wormholes.

1) Dread blapping is what it is, the current dominant opinion in a very specific situation.
2) I am not sure how the different value of anomalies and mag/radar sites in c1/c2s makes them "unique" while the same thing between c5s and c6s make them "meh". "Hiding" in a class 5... wow. This from (I assumed) a c6 guy who won't even leave his own home system to look for pvp...
3) You want more dynamic holes, and yet are bitching about the problems of groups that just chain collapse their static. So whats the point? Scan, buddy, scan... check out some of those nulls, wander into some lower classes... pretty soon your chain will be as big and pretty as mine is.
4) Jesus H Christ! Scanning is already the most boring, tedious activity in wormhole space, and a barrier to doing ANYTHING there. And you want to add fake sigs that are there for no purpose other than to waste time/frustrate people? Seriously, die in a fire.

Also, post with your main or GTFO if you're rabble rousing for major changes. If that is your main and your actual corp then you've got no place to be demanding major changes, and insulting people who live in class 5 holes.

1.) Are we just supposed to roll with it? Personally I would be fine with dreads being unable to hit anything bigger then a cap even if it breaks the way sites are run and all those fancy Moros skills go to "waste" . Those very specific situations you are talking about come up damn frequently tbh.

2.) I was referring to mass limits in c1's, dual statics in c2's and empire only statics in c3's not the difference in combat sites. The hiding part was a little over the top true.

3.)Never bitched about anyone chain collapsing no sure where you got that from. Please the biggest chain I can remember scanning had only like 30 systems counting all the dynamic c5 chains that I found in nullsec. So my point is still the same increasing the spawn rate of dynamics would bring more interesting and deeper chains that would allow for more surprise attacks.

4.) If you think that scanning is boring then what are you doing living in w-space? The fake sigs where intended as a way of making w-space even more dangerous by masking incoming holes and the like so instead of having one probe out checking for 10's you would need an dedicated scanner scanning down new sigs all the time. But yeah it's kinda harsh could work well with d-scan only showing partial results and fakes tho.

Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#18 - 2013-03-01 23:01:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Tisisan
Papiranti robcki wrote:

1.) Are we just supposed to roll with it? Personally I would be fine with dreads being unable to hit anything bigger then a cap even if it breaks the way sites are run and all those fancy Moros skills go to "waste" . Those very specific situations you are talking about come up damn frequently tbh.

2.) I was referring to mass limits in c1's, dual statics in c2's and empire only statics in c3's not the difference in combat sites. The hiding part was a little over the top true.

3.)Never bitched about anyone chain collapsing no sure where you got that from. Please the biggest chain I can remember scanning had only like 30 systems counting all the dynamic c5 chains that I found in nullsec. So my point is still the same increasing the spawn rate of dynamics would bring more interesting and deeper chains that would allow for more surprise attacks.

4.) If you think that scanning is boring then what are you doing living in w-space? The fake sigs where intended as a way of making w-space even more dangerous by masking incoming holes and the like so instead of having one probe out checking for 10's you would need an dedicated scanner scanning down new sigs all the time. But yeah it's kinda harsh could work well with d-scan only showing partial results and fakes tho.

1) Frequently? Maybe for you, not for the other 99% of eve dread pilots who your massive change would effect.

2) No, you weren't.
Papiranti robcki wrote:
Do you think the jump from class 5 to class 6 is to little? Because now the difference between C5 and C6 is quite minimal (cap escalations as the main source of isk are the same...

3) I got it from your complaint about dread blapping. Because that's the only way you would run into dread blapping stalemates 'frequently'. (Though you this character certainly haven't, man up and put your real face on these terrible ideas.)

4) I live in w-space because of the excitement and the thrills I find here, as a result of putting in the effort scanning. I don't shower because its fun in itself, I shower because I like the result (not smelling like roadkill.) Your idea is the most excruciating, painful, soul destroying, game killing change I can imagine for wormhole space. Take the least fun part of it, make them do more of it, all the time, for absolutely no benefit or reason. Dear god I feel grody just thinking about it. Gotta go take a shower now.

(Post with your main, ******.)

Edit: Cip, if you want this dropped since this is your campaign post, just say so.
Papiranti robcki
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2013-03-01 23:18:26 UTC
Can't post on unsubed accounts bro. If you really what to know who I am you can easily find out from the links you posted earlier.
But we should drop this the questions where addressed to Cip for people to get a feeling what kind of candidate he is.

Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#20 - 2013-03-01 23:54:24 UTC
Papiranti robcki wrote:
Can't post on unsubed accounts bro. If you really what to know who I am you can easily find out from the links you posted earlier.
But we should drop this the questions where addressed to Cip for people to get a feeling what kind of candidate he is.

Cip could tell us to knock it off if he wanted, he's been around.

Beyond that, in the absence of a substantive response, a presumption of victory is reasonable.

Glorious Forum Victory! Everybody Drink!

(Also, AHARM... Heh, I could have bet money on that without even looking to be honest.)
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