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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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PvP Pilot seeks Lowsec/Nullsec Corporation for group violence

Sid Afraldir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-02-20 23:19:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Sid Afraldir
Title says it all, looking to settle down in EVE and find a permanent home and gang to fly with.

I am looking for...

*A corp with a settled Lowsec, or Nullsec home.
*Activity in my time zone.
*Active leadership.
*Semi-regular gangs, or active solo pilots to team up with.

What I can do.

What I've done.

EST Timezone, active Weeknights and weekends.
Giand Amazone
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2013-02-20 23:37:18 UTC
Knights of the old code [KOTOC] is a growing 0.0 corporation wich came back after a few month break from 0.0 space.
But the members are missing it's roots and the PVP .... high sec is just not satisfying for us.
A complete history of our corporation you can read here

We're a group of 'older', like minded gamers from all over the world who play online games for many years together, We realize real life > eve life and that 'stuff' happens. Cats catch on fire, your significant other insists it's time to go, you run out beer. Stuff happens.. And it's O.K....... we don't run a 23/7 policy.
KOTOC main bussiness is PVP, but all professions are welcomed (EXCEPT for PIRATING in high sec.) as we all have to make iskies to maintain our PVP habbits. To relieve our PVP addiction and to get rid of the PVP energy, we will be joining one of the best 0.0 alliances there is right now.

What does KOTOC offer you as a pilot:
  • A good group of mature/adult gamers to hang out with
  • Daily PvP/CTA operations in deep 0.0 space
  • Daily Small and Big roams
  • POS bashes
  • Capital fleet engaments
  • Group of long time friends to fly with
  • A drama and blame free environment
  • TeamSpeak3, (when in EVE be on TS !)
  • Logi and support ship replacement
  • Jump freighter and Carrier support to haul your stuff from and to 0.0
  • A well organized and stable corporation/alliance (if you have been around, you know how rare that is).

If you are looking for an easy life in 0.0 – you are knocking at the wrong door. Being with KOTOC and our alliance means fights with numerous enemies, it means high morale, it means non-stop wars, and it means brothers in arms who never leave corporation and alliance like the rats leaving a sinking ship. And finally, it means a challenge for you, for your soul. Are your balls big enough to be with us???

So ... what are the requirements to join up:
  • We don't really have any And we also accept and train PVP noobs

But we can tell you when you don't need to apply .... and that is when:
  • You are NOT mature with an age from about 24 years or older.
  • You are NOT pvp minded.
  • You don't have atleast about 10 mil skillpoints.
  • You can't be on TS when your logged into EVE.
  • You can't be online for a good amount of time each week.
  • You are not self sufficient.
  • You are not intrested in PVP and all SOV warfare aspects.

Don't take it very strickt, like said, we don't really have requirements, but we keep this as guide line for our recruitment.
Don't expect to be accepted within a day ... our recruiting takes time

If your still intrested to join up the send me a message ingame or here on the forum.

Giand Amazone - ceo KOTOC

Real Life is an RPG you just can't quit.

CEO, Diplomat and Recruiter for Space Fire inc. [SPI.]

Christopher AET
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-02-21 00:40:10 UTC
Was going to contact about recruit..saw GoonWaffe in employment history..good luck mate

I drain ducks of their moisture for sustenance.

dark heartt
#4 - 2013-02-21 01:31:32 UTC
I Own 4 Sheep

Come by and have a look mate. We are a lowsec PVP corp with some indy ties as well. Contact Shinias or Amir Freeman to have a chat.
Stratos Naxos
Dirt 'n' Glitter
#5 - 2013-02-21 02:51:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Stratos Naxos
Christopher AET wrote:
Was going to contact about recruit..saw GoonWaffe in employment history..good luck mate

Sid was sponsored into GoonWaffe for less than a month before he left of his own accord. He's been looking for a good pvp corp that suits his needs for a while, and he's been trying out everything he can get his hands on (Goons included, even though he himself is not a Goon).

Sid's a good pilot and a great pvp'er. I've known him for almost a year now and he's got a great personality and is enjoyable to fly with. He knows his stuff and has been violencing boats for quite some time. I'd pick him up if you're looking for a pilot who just wants to kill stuff with like minded friends.
Ava Starfire
Khushakor Clan
#6 - 2013-02-21 03:43:49 UTC
Bump for a good friend and a hell of a good Rifter jock.

Almost as good as me. Blink

Hope you find a place you like, Sid.

"There is no strength in numbers; have no such misconception." -Jayka Vofur, "Warfare in the North"

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#7 - 2013-02-21 04:07:15 UTC
Pretty sure we'd take you. But we're nomadic. Normally redeploy every 6 weeks or so. We have the infrastructure to make that easy on you though.
Sid Afraldir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2013-02-21 16:07:07 UTC
Plenty of good offers, still looking!

Altaen wrote:
Pretty sure we'd take you. But we're nomadic. Normally redeploy every 6 weeks or so. We have the infrastructure to make that easy on you though.

Asteroid Farm Unlimited
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2013-02-21 17:28:45 UTC
idc if you were in goonwaffe lol. i was too apparently, i had no idea :P. i run a 50 man corp in lowsec. with our couple of friends (3 i think) we have a very strong presence there. from our lockdown system we can form up and roam, and we are starting to do black ops hotdrops. just had our first ones last night, 2 ravens and a domi dead to stealth bombers lol. was pretty funny.

we are active, ew get 5-10 man gangs every day, and on big op days we are going to be pushing 30+ man gangs with logi. but those dont happen very often because we like to keep things simple. if you kill things, anything good that drops everyone spilts the loot isk value, yesterday we all killed over a billion isk in stuff, so people made some decent isk, couple hundrd mill a peice. plus bounties :P.

i will not promise a ship replacement program, although we do have a cheapfit t1 thing our corp does for laughs, that will be free. the only thing we require, is that you let us help you make the game fun. you want to go gank someone? you tell us and i promise that there will be people wanting to join in. you need backup? send out the alarm and you will have 5-10 people streaming your way withing seconds.

our pub chat: the tangent pub

hope to see you around, would love to see your name on some killmails with us :)
Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#10 - 2013-02-21 18:55:11 UTC
Check us out, check the link in my sig for more info

FW, lowsec, piracy, and a ton of pew.

nom nom

Zella Polaris
Pitchfork Uprising Holdings
#11 - 2013-02-21 19:31:33 UTC
Check us out, Sid. Advert as follows:

The Minutemen are recruiting!

Catastrophic Uprising, -CUP-, is a PVP-oriented alliance located in nullsec with sovereignty. Fantastic turnout in coalition CTAs and a strong PVP record.

What we offer:
  • Small-gang / alliance / coalition PVP opportunities.
  • Ridiculously fun, tight-knit, and laid-back atmosphere.
  • Fully military-upgraded system for good ISKing.
  • Nullsec outpost with a seeded market, quality logistics.

  • We ask:
  • TS3.
  • US timezone.
  • 20mil SP.
  • Full API.
  • Self-reliance.
  • An awesome sense of humor.

  • FAQ:
  • Who are you blue to? N3 coalition and some change.
  • Who are you fighting? Solar, mainly.
  • Where do you operate? Insmother and Cache.
  • Do you have scheduled ops? Yes, but they're not mandatory. If you can make it, we'd love to have you.
  • You sound so sexy, are you single? Depends on the day!
  • Sounds awesome, umm, is this a question? Then apply!

  • If you like what you see, send in your app!

    And be sure to join "Minutemen Tavern" -- our public chat, so you can see our sexy faces for yourself.

    TL;DR: Join us, profit, have fun, win EVE.

    Pitchfork Militia, part of Catastrophic Uprising, is recruiting. 0.0 SOV, emphasis on PvP, NBSI

    SoE Roughriders
    Electus Matari
    #12 - 2013-02-21 19:45:45 UTC
    Princess Nexxala wrote:
    Check us out, check the link in my sig for more info

    FW, lowsec, piracy, and a ton of pew.

    QCATS would be a good choice for you Sid. Awesome pilots. If you don't think we're what you are looking for, I'd suggest you hook up with them.
    But if you don't want to do FW for whatever reason, I'll look forward to your app... Pirate

    And to any other headhunters out there, for what it's worth, I'm pretty sure Sid isn't a goon spy. He's a very strong solo PVPer who has displayed his gigantic balls of steel since his first week, and would be an asset to any PVP organization.
    Sid Afraldir
    Sebiestor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #13 - 2013-02-22 16:59:22 UTC
    Still looking for now.
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #14 - 2013-02-22 23:53:17 UTC
    Join QCATS :3