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The profitabilty of research

Caldari State
#1 - 2013-02-21 06:09:08 UTC
I tried posting a thread but it ended up deleting everything I wrote. But basically my question was this and I will probably have to rexplain myself again in another post:

Is research profitable quickly enough? It requires too much starting capital for too low of a profit. It is hard for new players to join and is limited only because CCP does not want high tier players to have a free source of huge income.

This makes sense. But it should be solved by lowering the skills and time to enter the market and decreasing the profit of datacore research (which will naturally happen via supply and demand) and generally make Research a viable industry for anyone that doesn't have all their skills maxed. The reason eve online is mostly dominated by pvp'ers and many people don't enter the industrial side of it is only because of the start-up cost and time

I'm sure many people will argue that this is a good thing, but it simply leaves an entire industry to a group of players. Or maybe I have read old patch information and research is a viable industry to low tier players. Either way, I'd like someone to clear this up for me.

Lost Greybeard
Drunken Yordles
#2 - 2013-02-21 06:59:13 UTC
Research, if you're talking about T1 BPC creation and T2 BPC creation, is a subsidiary skill-set to manufacturing. It sort of is to manufacturing what salvaging is to mission running -- sure, you can try to do it as its own independent activity, but unless you're linked up with a regular group of players that need the service you're providing (usually your corp or alliance) then whether it's going to be self-supporting is a bit on the touch-and-go side.

If you're talking about T3 research, it's a completely viable independent profession, though in practice it tends to be a subsidiary profession of end-game exploration.

I'm not really sure why it bothers you that it's not terribly accessible to new characters or guaranteed to be profitable. Neither is jump-freighter hauling, black ops bridging, POS maintenance, or flying supercaps, and all those things are perfectly legitimate parts of the game. Some things, usually more specialized things, are going to require more specialized skills (in both SP and real terms) than others, that's just life.
Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-02-21 07:26:58 UTC
StonedAssassin wrote:
But it should be solved by lowering the skills and time to enter the market


and decreasing the profit of datacore research (which will naturally happen via supply and demand)

Already happened. With data cores available from FW LP stores, the RP per day halved and a cost put on the data cores, as happened last year, data core research is not really worth going into unless you're training up the skills for T2 manufacturing anyway
Myn Industries
#4 - 2013-02-21 08:19:06 UTC
Well I guess it might be frustrating for some, who would really love to play the game that way.

For myself, I started as a miner and I would have quit the game in 2 days, if mining wouldn't have been profitable from the beginning, adding the venture to the game was the difference for me that keep me here, will probably keep me here, and I'm thinking about getting a second account.

I guess if CCP would do something similar with research (I have no clue, I've never touched anything researched related) OP would be a happier customer too.

Just my 2 cents. Grain of salt and everything.

Objective sighted. Target locked. Lasers activated. Pew-pew-pew. Die roid..., DIE!

Tialano Utrigas
Running with Dogs
Out of the Blue.
#5 - 2013-02-21 09:41:01 UTC
The problem with research, especially for a new player, is the availability of the infrastructure to complete the research.

It's a well known fact that for a lot of the research slots required to invent T2 items (copying, ME, invention etc) are in exceptionally high demand in high sec and most people simply dont have the patience to wait a month for a slot to turn up.

This leaves 2 options.

a) Find a manufacturing and research station in low/null sec - this has the obvious increase in risk attached to it in order to get the bpo's into low/null sec to begin with, as well as exporting the finished T2 BPC's back to your manufacturing station.

b) Set up a POS - This requires significant faction standings (which are difficult to rise with anything but Security missions...not really what they are skilled in) as well as a large cost base. Not to mention trying to find a free moon to anchor it.

Neither of these options are ideal for new guys and will eat away at any potential profits.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-02-21 11:49:49 UTC
You know how much of a pita pos's are?
I so can't be arsed with looking after one just to research bpo's, I've got enough other crap to do.


well so do I, and I have loads,

oh look


It's almost like there's a market for this demand and you can cut out that entire time you spend waiting for the bp's too

Failing that, find a quiet system to research your bps, there are plenty out there, even "safe" ones.
Merouk Baas
#7 - 2013-02-21 12:51:44 UTC
Unfortunately, "making (whatever pve activity) viable" is not a priority for CCP. EVE has competition between players, and unfortunately that results in a game where you grind a lot of time spent for minimal profit, or you happen to find something that'll make you rich quick, exploit that, then your character is set.
#8 - 2013-02-21 14:59:36 UTC  |  Edited by: gfldex
StonedAssassin wrote:
Is research profitable quickly enough? It requires too much starting capital for too low of a profit. It is hard for new players to join and is limited only because CCP does not want high tier players to have a free source of huge income.

You got that a little wrong. If there would be a low barrier of entry (by ISK and SP) there would be no profit in it because it requires very little screen time.

You know fairy tales. Yes? And do you know what the third wish is for? No? I gonna tell you. The third wish is undoing the damage that the other two wishes have caused. So be careful what you wish for.

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#9 - 2013-02-21 18:08:06 UTC
gfldex wrote:
StonedAssassin wrote:
Is research profitable quickly enough? It requires too much starting capital for too low of a profit. It is hard for new players to join and is limited only because CCP does not want high tier players to have a free source of huge income.

You got that a little wrong. If there would be a low barrier of entry (by ISK and SP) there would be no profit in it because it requires very little screen time.

You know fairy tales. Yes? And do you know what the third wish is for? No? I gonna tell you. The third wish is undoing the damage that the other two wishes have caused. So be careful what you wish for.

And of course when CCP makes it so that research will be a massive alt ISK farming activity (loke it was until the change a year ago)....Malcanis' law applies, what benefit tye new players will benefit the old ones more.

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