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Highsec, Casual or Hardcore?

First post
Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#161 - 2011-10-25 10:08:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Myfanwy Heimdal
So, GoonSwarm are taking a tax on mining.

The questions I have are:

1. Are the miners going to do something about it?
2. If so, what?

The amount of fairly recent complaints on these boards about the Russians is a good parallel. The general argument was

"Wail. The Russians are more organised than we egotistical disorganised rabble because Hollywood tells us we're better and, Wail, we're getting spanked. It's not fair, Wail, it never happened like this in the movies and I want my mommy to send the bad guys home. Wail"

It's the same here and now. The Goons have taken a leaf out of their book, got themselves organised, got themselves a plan and whilst the Mining fraternity is divided they've been conquered very much like how Clive of India succeeded.

The answer is simple. If you don't like it. Get organised and revolt.

Wailing and whining to CCP isn't the Way of the Sandbox. As I have said before even though this inconveniences me I do have to applaud the Goons.

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#162 - 2011-10-25 11:18:48 UTC
ACE McFACE wrote:
I thank goonswarm for this bounty tears I am about to harvest

grow some balls and learn to extract tears by yourself?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Cunane Jeran
#163 - 2011-10-25 11:34:00 UTC
I was in a Gallente system in highsec with an icebelt, saw 11 ice miners and no goons. Checked back every couple of days and they were still there.

Goons up your game.
Tanya Fox
#164 - 2011-10-25 11:37:17 UTC
Cunane Jeran wrote:
I was in a Gallente system in highsec with an icebelt, saw 11 ice miners and no goons. Checked back every couple of days and they were still there.

Goons up your game.

Is their 0.0 space being attacked?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#165 - 2011-10-25 11:48:29 UTC
Taken from the admin area of Goons website:

"Notes (For goon reference only, marks cannot see this):"

Just in case your in any doubt all payments to Goons for any purpose of sponsorship or protection is a scam.

99.9% of people already know this, this is a help the noob post.
Cozmik R5
Chez Stan
#166 - 2011-10-25 11:54:36 UTC
Battle On wrote:
many miners like myself are just casual gamers that afk-mine when doing some work.

No video game should be played afk. Now go back to work before I tell your boss, or your clients if you are self-employed.

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#167 - 2011-10-25 14:51:18 UTC
Moved from General Discussion.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Pollo Rico
Pollo Hermano
#168 - 2011-10-25 14:59:09 UTC
Battle On wrote:
.... Goonswarm Federation has been really active .... what advice do you have for all those miners out there?

Pollo... he learn early on that you should not fly a ship you can't afford to lose. That said, Pollo advise all miners to pay the fee. Small fee Pollo think. Back in Pollo's country, Pollo could not get water with out paying the federales or la migra for it. Pollo think that this is the same with the Goonswarm Federales.

Simple answer, pay the fee. Pollo approves. Think about it, Pollo could make that back in 34.3 days. It's totally worth it.

Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#169 - 2011-10-25 16:48:28 UTC
Ugh, this arguement.... again.

- Fit a passive shield tank on your mining vessel, if you properly fit it, it will last long enough for CONCORD to arrive.
- Fly with some kind of logistical support, an orca with one Capitol sized shield RR will be plentiful and work fine.
- Don't sit right at the warp in point and mine from there, thats just begging for a gankin.
- Find a grav site to mine, gankers usually don't look for those cause it takes too damn long to find them
- Set some known gankers to red (GOONS as example) and watch local, when you see a red enter system, start running.
- Watch your D-scan if your in a grav site, it will let you know that some one is trying to find you.
- High sec is the most secure relative to other areas of space. This means it is the most secure space in the game but **** will still hit the fan there as well.
- Mining ships are coveted for their ability to **** roids, they are not well known for battle. They are by design weak, so again TANK IT.
- Don't play this game AFK.
- Use your goddamn brain.


Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#170 - 2011-10-25 17:08:51 UTC
Unexpected wrote:
We are NOT podding every miner! Some of them get away... And I'm not quite sure why you're so upset - I don't think you've lost a single ship yet. Though if I were you, I'd probably put some guns on

your POS at planet 1, moon 3 in Hentogaira

You never know when you get war-decced...

fitting up some apocs Lol
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#171 - 2011-10-25 17:11:44 UTC
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
Karadion wrote:
We've been blowing up miners left and right for almost 4 weeks now. We intend to keep our bounty program up indefinitely.

Doesn't matter, it will lose publicity, interest, momentum and die. Big smile

as long as killing miners is more fun than mining, people will keep doing it

that alone should tell you something.
David Trest
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#172 - 2011-10-26 02:20:15 UTC
Angry Onions wrote:
Ugh, this arguement.... again.

- Fit a passive shield tank on your mining vessel, if you properly fit it, it will last long enough for CONCORD to arrive.
- Fly with some kind of logistical support, an orca with one Capitol sized shield RR will be plentiful and work fine.
- Don't sit right at the warp in point and mine from there, thats just begging for a gankin.
- Find a grav site to mine, gankers usually don't look for those cause it takes too damn long to find them
- Set some known gankers to red (GOONS as example) and watch local, when you see a red enter system, start running.
- Watch your D-scan if your in a grav site, it will let you know that some one is trying to find you.
- High sec is the most secure relative to other areas of space. This means it is the most secure space in the game but **** will still hit the fan there as well.
- Mining ships are coveted for their ability to **** roids, they are not well known for battle. They are by design weak, so again TANK IT.
- Don't play this game AFK.
- Use your goddamn brain.

Baranga DevilBitch
Anulus aureus
#173 - 2011-10-26 08:37:52 UTC
Extorting miners? really bad ...

Worse than that is player using BS to destroy exhummer ... What?

I kill for fun, and it low expense Twisted

Sometimes i make 200kk it 10 exhummer salvage T2 Lol

200kk = 200 trashers = 200 more fun P
Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#174 - 2011-10-26 12:15:49 UTC
Learn to MINE IN A BATTLESHIP oops caps

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