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Market crashing while selling

Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2013-02-09 13:52:44 UTC
Does this happen to anyone else when unloading a few hundred t2 modules at once?
And should I stop doing 1k batches of the same mod and instead mix it up, rather than my current alternating on complete production runs?
Carebears with Attitude
#2 - 2013-02-09 18:00:03 UTC
Does this happen to anyone else when unloading a few hundred t2 modules at once?
And should I stop doing 1k batches of the same mod and instead mix it up, rather than my current alternating on complete production runs?

By "crash", do you mean a game interface or server problem, or an economic problem?

In general it's a bad idea to overload the economy. If there are only 2000 units of X for sale in Jita 4-4, in total, and you dump 200-or-so units on the market, yes, that'll shake things up. You'd be better off selling your stuff in a slower and more gradual fashion, maybe 50 units a day.

One possibility, in the 2000 units scenario, is to set 50 units for sale at a competetive price, then 50 more at a higher price that's not competetive, and the last 2x50 at an even higher price. Then the first day the first batch will sell. 2nd day, you log on and lower the price of one of the other batches so it's competetive. 3rd day you log on and see that yes, the previous batch did sell, so you lower another batch to competetive price.

The problem with that is that as far as the Market is concerned, there used to be 2000 units up for sale total, but now there's 2150 units, so the "perception of scarcity" is slightly reduced. While it may be convenient to do that, I expect you'll profit more if you put one batch up for sale and let the rest sit in your station hangar, and wait until the first batch sells before putting up a second for sale.

So yes, you'll probably be better off having several batches of different things, and putting up one batch of each per day, or per two days, or however long it usually takes for them to sell.
Thur Barbek
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-02-09 22:07:47 UTC
If supply goes up and demand remains constant... Prices will go down. So yes, this is normal.
Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2013-02-09 22:26:16 UTC
Ah ok its just if I study the market for a week before entering it is constant with in a range, and then when i do enter the range drops far in excess of the volume I enter into the market.
I was just wondering if the issue is that a majority of the markets are in a metastable form and my entering drops that to a lower form.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#5 - 2013-02-11 09:20:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Markets with high volume tend to not have a problem with 0.01 ISK games.

Example: Minerals. People may undercut me, but my orders always get filled fast.

If you find competition tough on an item, try selling it somewhere else. I just zip between trade hubs in a small fast ship, and use courier contracts to get other people to move my wares to where they sell best.
Black Sky Hipsters
#6 - 2013-02-11 16:00:59 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
If you find competition tough on an item, try selling it somewhere else. I just zip between trade hubs in a small fast ship, and use courier contracts to get other people to move my wares to where they sell best.

good advice, i'd suggest breaking up your orders and spreading them throughout the main trade hubs. you might be surprised to find that for some items, Jita isn't the be-all-end-all of trading.
Lady Ayeipsia
#7 - 2013-02-11 20:46:42 UTC
Diversify. If you make 1000 at a pop, sell 200 one week. The next week, make 1000 of something else, sell 200 of each. Eventually, you will sell all and keep a good rotation going.

Don't fight the idiots... This weekend I was selling T2 sensor boosters at 1.9 mil. On Sunday, one person cut the low order by 300,000 per. Opted to leave my order up and not fight. It's a risk, but even at the lower price, I still make a profit. If it takes a week for prices to rise, great. If not, so be it. Still, I wasn't going to fight that hard. let the guy sell his 50 units. Eventually my prices will be competitive and I won't lose as much isk had I fought the guy.

Cover products you know will sell. T2 salvagers are great, but are not lost at a high rate as compared to say Damage Control 2s. Sc2 move faster on the market, making life easier. That said, people realize this so there are more DC 2s produced. Still, the consumption seems to be enough to eat up what you could produce.