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Crime Charged with Misappropriating Billions in"Merc" Contracts.

First post
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2011-10-25 16:32:19 UTC

Ad0pt masquerades as a Mercenary Alliance Charging Billions for Contracts each Month. Executing these contracts on the Jita 4-4 Undock, despite the active systems of targets ("We can catch the ones that might need to get something from this here hub"), while sitting in Ships unworthy for PvP built to Alpha warping or docking victims using their RSebo Alts.

They may Kill thousands but it is Thousands unprepared for PvP often still in warp (YES!!! STILL IN WARP) usually in garbage shuttles, pods and frigates.

If Fleets come prepared for battle they dock and hide,
ENTER THE GOD SQUAD (Rebirth.)..........

THE GOD SQUAD has committed to docking and minimizing any and all "mercenary" activities of Ad0pt primarily on Jita 4-4, but ultimately THROUGHOUT EvE. The God Squad will Camp the undock themselves with Competant and Skilled Pilots flying Properly Fit PvP Ships. To join the cause to Rid EvE of this Nuissance known as Ad0pt join (in-game) Rebirth Pub or Rebirth Recruitment.
To Hire THE GOD SQUAD for the On-going Ad0pt Dec or any other Corporation or Alliance seen to be a nuissance or threat to you, Join (in-game) Get Grief.

We Have taken this opportunity to Also fix your Banner .
How do you spend your 15 dollars a month. Orphans are recruiting.
Zedrik Cayne
Standards and Practices
#2 - 2011-10-25 18:10:51 UTC
Nobody wants adopt to die badly enough to pay anyone a significant hunk of change to do it. Much less fund your feud because adopt wouldn't "stand up for you" in the merc channel?

Begging for folks to 'hire' you to do so (And then, as per previous thread, go down the rest of the merc channel and do the same to the rest of them) is what we here at the IEEE like to call 'lame'. At least you are not outright begging for it this time.

If you feel slighted, go and get your vengeance on. Asking for 'help' in C&P always ends badly.

But, in the interest of free enterprise. I would like to offer official IEEE popcorn enjoyment paraphernalia for this quite possibly entertaining to watch war. I may have to take a visit to Jita (gag) after my are done.

Remember folks, if you are not eating your popcorn out of genuine IEEE branded bags or buckets, just whose crappy bags are you eating out of?

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Trent Blackman
181st Legion
#3 - 2011-10-25 19:34:44 UTC
For the love of god, will you god squad do the right thing and go die in the corner like the sick dog you are... do us all a favour and just stop posting your awful "we are win but actually we need help and can't fight our own battles, so please help us by giving us money to make the bad bad people go away" threads...

my advice, get over yourselfs and go play hello kitty island adventure, because clearly eve is too old for you!
Pyke Syndicate
Solyaris Chtonium
#4 - 2011-10-25 19:40:18 UTC
I'm pretty sure LSS tried this before. And failed.
Alestra Antares
Targaryen Protectorate
#5 - 2011-10-25 22:43:07 UTC
Sounds like a smear campaign. I do however recall someone from rebirth scamming billions last month.,
Snot Shot
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2011-10-26 00:01:26 UTC
Soraynus - So far you have put a lot of effort into your many threads but its hard for most of us to determine if your efforts are paying off as you would have hoped?

At this point I have been watching this mess from a distance but Pollo has sparked my interest in C&P again so I'm going to dip my toe with a few questions to keep your thread going:

1) Can you tell us exactly what ADOPT did to get you to the keyboard pounding away like you have been for the last few days?

2) Do you think that your tantrum is new to ADOPT?

I'm keeping the questions short so I can judge your level of commitment to the issue you are having...Blink

Twitter = @Snot_Shot  - “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"

#7 - 2011-10-26 00:16:57 UTC
Ad0pt masquerades as a Mercenary Alliance Charging Billions for Contracts each Month. Executing these contracts on the Jita 4-4 Undock, despite the active systems of targets ("We can catch the ones that might need to get something from this here hub"), while sitting in Ships unworthy for PvP built to Alpha warping or docking victims using their RSebo Alts.

LOL i was gonna keep out of this forum mess but damn i thought soraya might have been Kai's alt but so much tears and hate doubt even kai would post this crap. he has more respect for himself that leave trollable posts like this.
Yes Adopt SPEND BILLIONS! each month but i can asure that directly from members wallets. what we charge for contract IS THE PRICE OF THE WAR! i.e.

If the price of the next war is 450mill the contract is 450mill you get what you pay for. the largest highsec merc alliance to dec your target for a week.

You mad bro?
Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2011-10-26 02:18:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Soraya Nilaighan
Yes Adopt SPEND BILLIONS! each month but i can asure that directly from members wallets. what we charge for contract IS THE PRICE OF THE WAR! i.e.

If the price of the next war is 450mill the contract is 450mill you get what you pay for. the largest highsec merc alliance to dec your target for a week.

You mad bro?[/quote]

Sir point proven, Charge people for merc jobs and just sit on an undock. Your input on this thread has confirmed you fail as mercs and highlighted for us (that didn't know) that you fail at merc pricing also! Ultimately though I guess it is better to not charge proper prices for fail jobs :) All I have seen from Ad0pt and (random trolls) is alot of umad bros and smack. But, nothing that does not reiterate the point of this post.
So does any one else have any VALID questions or concerns?
Kisses ad0pt
P.S. If u killed more often Suk you might not be So MAD bro <3
and tell Eagle 3'rd rig slot is there for a reason XoXo
Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#9 - 2011-10-26 07:10:22 UTC
Wow, this thread shocked and upset me. Here I was, thinking moar tears might be kinda pro, but the fact that they are acknowledging these other guys(Gobstoppers, right?) just totally let me down. The Goop Splat corp(or whatever their name is) doesn't need to be acknowledged, they can't even afford to wardec you Lol

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2011-10-26 07:19:39 UTC
Tallian Saotome wrote:
Wow, this thread shocked and upset me. Here I was, thinking moar tears might be kinda pro, but the fact that they are acknowledging these other guys(Gobstoppers, right?) just totally let me down. The Goop Splat corp(or whatever their name is) doesn't need to be acknowledged, they can't even afford to wardec you Lol

8 current war decs atm. The real question do you have enough to step up to the gobstoppers. Or will you just whine and cry like the rest of the big hot shots who sit on forums and open there big mouths.

Time will tell I look forward to see the war dec mail from your awsome corp


nice sec status btw
Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#11 - 2011-10-26 07:21:51 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:

nice sec status btw

living in nullsec does that Roll

And I did fight you... You tried to drop a BS fleet on a welpcane fleet in assah. Was entertaining, and amusing.

I gave the fight 2 stars.

Oh, and you guys surrendered the wardec early ;)

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Zedrik Cayne
Standards and Practices
#12 - 2011-10-26 09:09:46 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Yea that's what i thought Big smile

Resorting back to personal attacks, after I owned you in a forum post repeatedly. Goes to prove how awesome Rebirth is.
You would be smart to stop posting know.
Thanks for the free bumps and awesome facts on our point.

hugs and kisses
forrrrrrrrrrrrr everrrrr

Why does Kai even let you out on the forums...

You are all rather butt-hurt and making much noise for what? To complain about adopt and to get someone to 'pay' you to dec them and everyone else in the merc channel.

All the free 'bumps' and your 'replies' of 'ownage' make for good popcorn fodder..but it is like watching a couple blind men trying to box. The only winners here are the spectators.

Adopt gets paid good isk to do what they do...which is camp a bunch of places and kill a lot of stuff.

You get paid mediocre isk to do the same crap in Rens. Or wherever else you get paid to go..or at least used to get paid to go before one of your number ruined it for you. And you got your ass hurt by the merc community when they took notice.

I'm no great fan of adopt...but they do something specialised. And it isn't like they get paid for it.

Is Rebirth butt-hurt because they no longer have easy access to clients? That is what it looks like to me. Why? Because unlike the other merc corps who have a good point of contact well described in their adverts... They let some yutz scam billions out of the merc channel clients. That I'm sure did not sit well with anyone who has administrative rights on the merc channel.

Which is probably what this is all about... I don't talk with mercs often enough anymore to have a clear picture.

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Alekseyev Karrde
Templis CALSF
#13 - 2011-10-26 11:12:21 UTC
Gob Squad got banned from Merc Contracts for scamming (second offense of their core leadership) and went through the following stages of grief:

1. Get a director we know to get us to reconsider the matter

2. Get every director they had plus a few members to spam mails and convos at the mods for almost a week straight whining to unban them till we couldnt take it anymore and ruled finally not to lift the ban.

3. Put alts in the channel to say inform people with contract offers how good God Squad would be at doing that contract, so much better than these other sucky mercs, if only they were there ;)

4. Convince Devils Warriors and Ad0pt to form a new mercenary association (Noir. got an invite from Devils but i laughed my way right out of that convo lol), which would have its own channel, entirely different from Merc Contracts, where I presume people could offer contract to all the **** scammercs who got thrown out of the good channel

5. About a week or two later association breaks up for reasons unknown (presumably because it was an utterly ******** idea) with God Squad now being mad at Pitboss who previously had been somewhat sympathetic

6. War dec NMG. in revenge for supporting their ban

7. Lose the war vs NMG. (isk/morale wise anyway) even while we were in Curse for the first part of it and running our 200th Contract Celebration for the other part of it. But they could afford to dec us till the servers close, Kai wanted to be clear about that.

8. Rebrand them selves as the "unprofessional anti-merc mercs"

9. War dec Ad0pt in revenge for supporting their ban, begging for isk on the forums to pay for it.

I presume the next couple steps will be:

10. Lose the war vs. Ad0pt

11. Ill-advised cry for attention #5

12. War dec Commonwealth Mercenaries (Khromius' corp) for supporting their ban

13. Lose the war vs. Commonwealth Mercenaries

14. Ill-advised cry for attention #6

15. ???

16. Failcascade

Alek the Kidnapper, Hero of the CSM

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2011-10-26 14:34:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Soraya Nilaighan
Alekseyev Karrde wrote:
Gob Squad got banned from Merc Contracts for scamming (second offense of their core leadership) and went through the following stages of grief:

1. Get a director we know to get us to reconsider the matter

2. Get every director they had plus a few members to spam mails and convos at the mods for almost a week straight whining to unban them till we couldnt take it anymore and ruled finally not to lift the ban.

3. Put alts in the channel to say inform people with contract offers how good God Squad would be at doing that contract, so much better than these other sucky mercs, if only they were there ;)

4. Convince Devils Warriors and Ad0pt to form a new mercenary association (Noir. got an invite from Devils but i laughed my way right out of that convo lol), which would have its own channel, entirely different from Merc Contracts, where I presume people could offer contract to all the **** scammercs who got thrown out of the good channel

5. About a week or two later association breaks up for reasons unknown (presumably because it was an utterly ******** idea) with God Squad now being mad at Pitboss who previously had been somewhat sympathetic

6. War dec NMG. in revenge for supporting their ban

7. Lose the war vs NMG. (isk/morale wise anyway) even while we were in Curse for the first part of it and running our 200th Contract Celebration for the other part of it. But they could afford to dec us till the servers close, Kai wanted to be clear about that.

8. Rebrand them selves as the "unprofessional anti-merc mercs"

9. War dec Ad0pt in revenge for supporting their ban, begging for isk on the forums to pay for it.

I presume the next couple steps will be:

10. Lose the war vs. Ad0pt

11. Ill-advised cry for attention #5

12. War dec Commonwealth Mercenaries (Khromius' corp) for supporting their ban

13. Lose the war vs. Commonwealth Mercenaries

14. Ill-advised cry for attention #6

15. ???

16. Failcascade

  1. .Im a alt not of kais

  2. 2. Us gobstoppers really make all you awesome merc's mad Apparantly ^^ Noir stopped what they were doing to come shoot us.... i coulda sworm you had to team of with other war targets to actually engage us.

    3.Free hugs and kisses for all dontcha love my 0 to 3 loses im awsome.

    4. Feel free guys to try much harder proving all this no links to kill boards or screen shots or even videos of any thing backing up our points. 13 to 0 for the adopt war first week for fail gobstooppers for the win.

Zedrik Cayne
Standards and Practices
#15 - 2011-10-26 16:12:24 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
4. Feel free guys to try much harder proving all this no links to kill boards or screen shots or even videos of any thing backing up our points. 13 to 0 for the adopt war first week for fail gobstooppers for the win.

I'm sorry, you are the one bringing forth charges/QQ in this venue. Therefore the burden of proof is on you.

Please provide screenies, killboards, videos supporting your claims that you have been unfairly maligned.

And may I remind you that Bai freely admitted here. And Alek (About four pages in) says 'Yup...we heard complaints...looked into it..and shoved'em out the door'

So please. Present your case. Otherwise its just Kai being butthurt...Soraya being incoherent and spastic, and a really, really, really bad attempt to smear the one 'good' place where you can usually go to get a merc that won't screw you out of your isk.

1/10 for effort.
0/10 for effect.
6/10 IEEE popcorn enjoyment factor. (Remember folks...IEEE popcorn enjoyment paraphernalia is available from any IEEE agent in all areas of space. WE DELIVER)

I honestly feel like I just read fifty shades of dumb. --CCP Falcon

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#16 - 2011-10-26 16:30:58 UTC
Here is our killboard

the proof that adopt sucks
and alot of others in this forum post who hide behind alts

The epic scam thread that bao admitted to doing under our good name proving our innocence

Feel better BOO BOO BEAR

Hugs kisses I love you all including pollo.

CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#17 - 2011-10-26 17:26:34 UTC
Off topic posts removed. Please stay on topic and polite.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2011-10-26 17:30:40 UTC
We are being as polite as we can to these things as we can Phantom
Pollo Rico
Pollo Hermano
#19 - 2011-10-26 17:43:00 UTC
CCP Phantom wrote:
Off topic posts removed. Please stay on topic and polite.
Pollo does not approve.

...That said, The God Squad is running low on funds so they are making false accusations. Pollo think that they should have their mining corp Gold Star Alliance help them with money.

Fraternity Alliance Please Ignore
#20 - 2011-10-26 18:03:39 UTC
I am a champion.
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