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Smoothing the Wrinkles

Midori Amiiko
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-02-07 22:01:22 UTC
I'd like to address something that's been going on for a while and it's coming to a head with the ship skill adjustments. I call it "smoothing the wrinkles". It started with the meta modules, progressed through the skilwires, and is moving to the skills adjacent to those wires.

When I first started playing Eve, one of the things that drew me in were these little complications: like a small laser turret with the word "medium" in it. Was it a pain in the ass? Of course it was, but it gave the game verisimillitde--my real life is full of these petty stupidities and the fact that the game had them too made it more realistic.

I'm all for making things more accessible, but something gets lost with every wrinkle that gets smoothed out. When "X-Instinct" gets renamed "signature reduction booster" a little flavor gets squeezed out of New Eden. Someone PLEASE tell me that there's a limit to this...before New Eden becomes Internet Spaceship Sandbox v.18.1Sad

Related to this, I don't want my exploration of my character's development to be done in the first two months, and then it becomes a reiterating cycle of same-old same-old. The reworking of ship skills is a good thing overall, but a little more of that flavor just got squeezed out.

I implore the members of the CSM, present and future to keep this in mind. This game is more than a collection of mechanics. Please keep it that way.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2013-02-09 05:51:53 UTC
Unfortuneately for me, you, and everyone else. CCP doesnt care. they want things "easy" and "accessible" to new players.

were about 2 expansions away from having pokemon style rock-paper-scissors, so minnies do double damage to amarrians, and amarrians do doubles to gallente, etc. EvE is dying. aswell as bigger becoming truly better. opt-outs for pvp. and all ships being bought from the NPC market pre-fit with no way to change modules because that is "too high fo a barrier for entry" to enw players. also skills being removed in favor of a "simple, easy to udnersatnd" leveling system of lvls 1-60.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-02-09 15:58:41 UTC
There's a difference between Internet Spaceship Sandbox 18.1 and having something not be "dumb and confusing for the sake of being dumb and confusing". It is - so far - the latter that CCP is going for. This is not a bad thing, sorry if you're one of those who believe that newbies should have it hard and confusing just because you did.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#4 - 2013-02-09 16:11:33 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
EvE is dying.

whoops, again?

Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2013-02-09 16:18:42 UTC
Nathan Jameson wrote:
whoops, again?

CCP might as well just change their logo to a picture of Kenny at this rate.

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#6 - 2013-02-09 16:24:03 UTC
Kenny with a monocle.