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Here is the solution for the links/boosters. Simple, easy and fair.

Jason Ozran
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#1 - 2013-02-09 02:22:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Jason Ozran
Like most of the people who enjoy doing solo PVP, especially in frigates, and despite what everybody says about it (too hard, not fair...), there still is one big issue in this game that makes it even harder for low-skilled people like me: LINKS/BOOSTERS.

You might think that I'm going to whine about them; well, a bit, but I have a solution both simple and fair that will solve most of the problems.

What is it?

- If someone has a booster on grid, he gets his bonuses like the nowadays booster that orbit inside POSes. Everyone can see it and then decide to engage or not.
- If this same person doesn't want to put his booster on grid (I can understand that, after all, it costs a bit), well in that case that person needs to be clearly identified has "someone receiving bonuses" for the other players. I don't care how: color on his name, logo, blinky alias, whatever, we have the right to know.

Reason for that?
Let's take an example:
You might think "drones killed him, too bad". I've killed Vexor's before, so I knew what I was going for. If I died, that was for one very particular reason: I got webbed @ 16km. And not because of a faction web, because that guy, like most of the people in FW, have booster ships orbiting in POSes and just enjoy them without doing anything. The thing is: if I had known that information, I wouldn't have came close enough to get webbed, and would probably have left or fought knowing that information.

Maybe some will tell me: "what about a faction web?". Well yeah, that's possible, but if you are honest with yourself, they are very, very uncommon on this class of ship, because they cost 2 times the price of the ship + fit. And if that happens, well respect to the guy for having balls Pirate

That was my 2 cents.

N.B : Please CCP, correct that "link/booster issue" asap. It simply is ruining this game the way it is implemented nowadays.
Kogh Ayon
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2013-02-09 02:44:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Kogh Ayon
CCP said that they will fix off grid boost along with command ship rebalance. Since a fix is pretty sure coming in the future, I think we don't need redundant fixes on the same problem.
Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#3 - 2013-02-09 02:47:43 UTC
links will be brought on grid as soon as it won't break the server.

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Jason Ozran
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#4 - 2013-02-09 11:28:27 UTC
According to what I read, that was a big issue for plenty of reasons. Here is an idea of a solution, simple and yet fair.
Destination SkillQueue
#5 - 2013-02-09 11:43:03 UTC
Jason Ozran wrote:
According to what I read, that was a big issue for plenty of reasons. Here is an idea of a solution, simple and yet fair.

Except that you're not really offering a solution at all. The problems are the existence of off-grid boosting and the overpowered boosts they provide. The simple solutions are the removal of all off-grid boosting and reduction of the bonuses boosting provides. The technical hurdles are only something that will delay the implementation of the obvious solutions.
Jason Ozran
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#6 - 2013-02-09 11:49:19 UTC
-> let everyone know when someone has links (solve the "oh **** i'm pointed @ 43km! i should have known it..." issue)
-> give possibilities for people to keep them offgrid but at a price (solve the "don't want to loose my 1B loki booster")
-> reduce the strength of the bonuses, but i didn't mentionned it cause everyone knows that it is overpowered, especially CCP.
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2013-02-09 11:54:14 UTC
The power of links is being reduced without changing the links at all, simply put T3 ships are going down to 2% per level and they have spoke of removing the leadership implants, reducing them further. That in addition to the COMPLETE removal of off grid boosting will/should bring boosting into a balanced sense of game play.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Northern Coalition.
#8 - 2013-02-09 19:45:39 UTC
"fixing links" does not mean you'll do any better

try to improve your game and stop the Q.Q fest, you can read his tears here:

no more games... it's real this time!!!

Yellow Stardust
White Sky.
#9 - 2013-02-24 10:44:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Netcat
yes we have a right to know. EXACTLY!

Just like we have a right to know what ship loadout they are using by metagaming them on KBs before we decide to engage"

We have a right to know if they are boosted just like we have a right to know if they are using implants!

We have a right to know if they have a falcon cloaked up.

Totally agree. =S

Your only RIGHT is to lose your ship.
Hakan MacTrew
Konrakas Forged
Solyaris Chtonium
#10 - 2013-02-24 11:18:04 UTC
Jason Ozran wrote:
Like most of the people who enjoy doing solo PVP, especially in frigates, and despite what everybody says about it (too hard, not fair...), there still is one big issue in this game that makes it even harder for low-skilled people like me: LINKS/BOOSTERS.

You might think that I'm going to whine about them; well, a bit, but I have a solution both simple and fair that will solve most of the problems.

What is it?

- If someone has a booster on grid, he gets his bonuses like the nowadays booster that orbit inside POSes. Everyone can see it and then decide to engage or not.
- If this same person doesn't want to put his booster on grid (I can understand that, after all, it costs a bit), well in that case that person needs to be clearly identified has "someone receiving bonuses" for the other players. I don't care how: color on his name, logo, blinky alias, whatever, we have the right to know.

Reason for that?
Let's take an example:
You might think "drones killed him, too bad". I've killed Vexor's before, so I knew what I was going for. If I died, that was for one very particular reason: I got webbed @ 16km. And not because of a faction web, because that guy, like most of the people in FW, have booster ships orbiting in POSes and just enjoy them without doing anything. The thing is: if I had known that information, I wouldn't have came close enough to get webbed, and would probably have left or fought knowing that information.

Maybe some will tell me: "what about a faction web?". Well yeah, that's possible, but if you are honest with yourself, they are very, very uncommon on this class of ship, because they cost 2 times the price of the ship + fit. And if that happens, well respect to the guy for having balls Pirate

That was my 2 cents.

N.B : Please CCP, correct that "link/booster issue" asap. It simply is ruining this game the way it is implemented nowadays.

I just assume everyone has link bonuses.