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Account time remaining

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-02-09 06:33:01 UTC
Reviving a thread I made several months ago to spark new conversation. This is something that DESPARATELY needs to be implemented.

Several years ago I heavily advocated for an ingame display of account time remaining when time was less than 10 days. It was welcomed with open arms. CCP even took interest with one of their Dev blogs for a winter release. However, we still do not have any visibility of when our game time will end when paying by CC, or any service other than PLEX. The PLEX status does nothing but give you words of encouragement that your account is in good standing, even though it's going to end in 10 minutes because you paid with a credit card and there are no funds on the card. When I pay with PLEX, I know 2 weeks in advance when my account will end.

I hereby propose an ingame modification to show exactly when your game time will end, and the last method used. Some of you will say 'wahh, use the account management site noob!' and I will kindly direct you to the door. This proposal is for the transparency of when your account will end, no matter where you decide to check on it.

Even if you use autopay your bills in real life, you still receive a statement of when it is due, each month.
Sar'ran Zorn
St. Albans' Refuge
#2 - 2013-02-09 06:35:21 UTC
There already is a statement when your account expires, in account management and in the API. How much stupid proofing does your world need?
#3 - 2013-02-09 06:35:57 UTC


Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2013-02-09 06:37:46 UTC
Sar'ran Zorn wrote:
There already is a statement when your account expires, in account management and in the API. How much stupid proofing does your world need?

That's like going online to view your cable statement because they refuse to mail it to you.
Sar'ran Zorn
St. Albans' Refuge
#5 - 2013-02-09 06:39:41 UTC
No. It's going online to check your expiration date when you're already online.

Unless you're asking a paper statement of when your account expires to be mailed to you, in which case your analogy is correct and even more laughable.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-02-09 06:46:31 UTC
Sar'ran Zorn wrote:
No. It's going online to check your expiration date when you're already online.

Unless you're asking a paper statement of when your account expires to be mailed to you, in which case your analogy is correct and even more laughable.

Hey what can I say, some people really enjoy jumping through hoops to find out when their account is ending. Personally, I don't want my account to end during something important.

Not to mention that, even using the ingame browser, you have to not only log in a 2nd time (you already logged in to the game), but you now also have to type out the name of your character, then navigate to find when your account ends.

My proposal allows you to click the character sheet, click PLEX Status, and see "Account valid until x date". A method much easier and faster when you have multiple accounts.
#7 - 2013-02-09 06:55:58 UTC
Sar'ran Zorn wrote:
There already is a statement when your account expires, in account management and in the API. How much stupid proofing does your world need?

If the information is available and bridgeable by CCP into an in game display presented in the character sheet then why not present that information in game? Why make it so that you need to log into another interface, entering the same login details again? to check out when your account expires, they have already done it to an extent, they need to finish the job.

The whole point is, if it can be done, why not do it? Arguing that its not broken because there is a method already is just being obstructionist to innovation.


Dyvim Slorm
Coven of the Morrigan
#8 - 2013-02-09 17:52:12 UTC
Quick fix, use Evemon it picks up when the account expires from the api
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-02-09 23:11:15 UTC
When you inject plex in game, it tells you the date when sub runs out in a popup window. There already is a plex tab, but for some reason it doesn't tell you how subscription time ending date. The notification is already in game, the plex tab is already in game, put the notification in the plex tab.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-02-10 16:01:51 UTC
sabre906 wrote:
When you inject plex in game, it tells you the date when sub runs out in a popup window. There already is a plex tab, but for some reason it doesn't tell you how subscription time ending date. The notification is already in game, the plex tab is already in game, put the notification in the plex tab.

Precisely this.