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James 315's "CSM Platform" May Begin The Decline Of the New Order

Kainotomiu Ronuken
#41 - 2013-02-07 21:52:01 UTC
Vegine wrote:
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:
Why would PvPers want to mine in lowsec or highsec? I don't see how this would prove anything.

because James himself stated he wants to enchance the "sandbox" statues of this game, and in this sandbox there are indy and mining aspects thats quiet essential to the success. I'm just taking James up to task to prove to us how viable these two aspects of the game would become for all the theoretical stuff he proposed to us. I'm actually quiet interested in the outcome really.

a) The sandbox does not rely on everyone doing every possible activity. James' vision of EVE does not include PvPers mining. It involves shaking up the balance between miners and PvPers. I still fail to see how asking PvPers to form a mining fleet would determine anything.

Xanthe Isgar wrote:
I cringe every time James whats-his-name gets a new thread.

It only adds to the undeserved publicity of this ridiculous "movement" and the idiots involved with it. They aren't effecting any real change in hi-sec, and their fearless leader won't either.

If you minerbumpers want to be taken even semi-seriously, form a corporation so that you can be wardecced. Otherwise, you're just a bunch suicide gankers and scammers who target ships that can't fight back.

New Order Logistics
Pap Uhotih
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2013-02-07 22:04:51 UTC
I don’t think he is any more or less likely to become CSM because of that post.
I do think it makes clear that he would be highly ineffective in that position. It seems he has a belief that any changes could happen with an unrealistic pace and volume, it has too little focus. It suggests a certain naivety that would only hamper the pace of any debate.

He would have been better to come up with a road map of some sort just to give it a bit of structure. How to get from this Eve to his vision of Eve is important, it wouldn’t be in a single vast patch so what is the hierarchy and grouping of these changes going to be as some of them don’t seem to be able to co-exist (hi sec is useful for trade hubs but null should be self sufficient).

The food chain he refers to would probably be better described with a diagram, a few references are made to it but they make it very difficult to rationalise it from the information given.

Bing Bangboom wrote:

Miner bumping by Agents of the New Order and ganking by the Knights of the New Order along with all the clever tactics for boxing in the carebears, the avoidance of war decs, the "invincible" Stabbers are all part of pointing out the ludicrous situation that exists in high sec today.

Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:

Xanthe Isgar wrote:

If you minerbumpers want to be taken even semi-seriously, form a corporation so that you can be wardecced. Otherwise, you're just a bunch suicide gankers and scammers who target ships that can't fight back.

New Order Logistics

One of you is lying and I’m going to tell Santa.
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#43 - 2013-02-07 22:09:30 UTC
Pap Uhotih wrote:
How to get from this Eve to his vision of Eve is important, it wouldn’t be in a single vast patch so what is the hierarchy and grouping of these changes going to be as some of them don’t seem to be able to co-exist

He did say that he hasn't finished writing everything to do with his CSM campaign. Including the end goal AND how to get there in a single post would be a bit too much, even for someone who writes walls like James does.

Pap Uhotih wrote:
Bing Bangboom wrote:

Miner bumping by Agents of the New Order and ganking by the Knights of the New Order along with all the clever tactics for boxing in the carebears, the avoidance of war decs, the "invincible" Stabbers are all part of pointing out the ludicrous situation that exists in high sec today.

Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:

Xanthe Isgar wrote:

If you minerbumpers want to be taken even semi-seriously, form a corporation so that you can be wardecced. Otherwise, you're just a bunch suicide gankers and scammers who target ships that can't fight back.

New Order Logistics

One of you is lying and I’m going to tell Santa.

Simple; we're not ALL in New Order Logistics. I, for example, cannot easily be wardecced. Neither can my friend in Deep Core Mining Inc.
Keisha Mei Ash
#44 - 2013-02-07 23:45:32 UTC
Mira, I agree with you, but damnit, don't post yet another thread about these basement dwellers!
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#45 - 2013-02-08 00:40:48 UTC
Intar Medris wrote:
Mallak Azaria wrote:
Intar Medris wrote:
Except one glaring ******* problem High sec is basically the life blood of EVE.

And it shouldn't be. That is the problem. There is no incentive for people to leave highsec because the rewards & benefits are far too high. For balance, you either need to lose a large chunk of the benefits or the rewards.

Well moon goo would plenty reason enough to move out to null but the powers that be in every large SOV holder put it off limits to the average sheep. Null sec is similar to high sec, but the rats are a hell off a lot tougher along with no concord. Low sec from the POV of a miner just isn't worth the risk. Every good entry in low camped, it is next to impossible to get into a SOV holding Alliance if you are not 100% PVP only pilot. Since mining is only for carebears according to Goonswarm. If any imbalance exist it is because of the big players in EVE politics. If ypu want a perfect example of risk vs reward take a look at WHs. The income potential for taking the leap of faith that moving to a WH requires goes hand and hand with the risk. You Null Power Blocs want to see more people move out to Null or low sec start being a bit more welcoming. Otherwise STFU.

Make friends, get your moons. It's pretty easy.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Lin Suizei
#46 - 2013-02-08 00:41:57 UTC
Vegine wrote:
Well, here's one thing James could try. Take a fleet down to low and simulate a mining fleet and mining defense fleet give it a week or two and see how it holds up...

You do realize that there are industrial corps and mining ops happily living their lives in lowsec, right?

Lol I can't delete my forum sig.

Sphere Foundation
#47 - 2013-02-08 01:07:18 UTC
Lin Suizei wrote:
You do realize that there are industrial corps and mining ops happily living their lives in lowsec, right?

personal account from James would boost credibility, solid facts to refute some detractors, and further his cause.
just a suggestion
Mira Robinson
#48 - 2013-02-08 04:13:50 UTC
Well, James has gone and changed the comment form on Minerbumping. It was the same for like...since it launched. Wonder what brought the change.

Earlier today, the Dixon Mining Guild and the Butz Manufacturing Corporation formed a coalition.

It's hard to tell if there is a light at the end of the tunnel for the Dixon-Butz Alliance.

Zol Interbottom
Blimp Requisition Services
#49 - 2013-02-08 04:16:34 UTC
i really dont see why everyone s saying high sec is so good for money, i have like what, 100m in total things over 6 months of playing and 10m in my wallet

if you want the carebears to go to null/low more, just maybe consider stopping camping ever other gate and killing everyone instantly?

oh wait its EVE thats never gonna happen, in that case i support the nerfing of highsec until its impossible to make any money and then shoot them all until they ragequit and EVE loses a few hundred thousand carebears and the null/low sec hardcore PVP guys will finally be happy

"If you're quitting for the 3rd time you clearly ain't quitting" - Chribba

Lord Ovuld Feish
#50 - 2013-02-08 04:24:49 UTC
Mira Robinson wrote:
Well, James has gone and changed the comment form on Minerbumping. It was the same for like...since it launched. Wonder what brought the change.

Or...not. It's back to Atom. That lasted all of 15 minutes. Wonder if the blog is under attack.
All Web Investigations
#51 - 2013-02-08 16:28:17 UTC
Zol Interbottom wrote:
i really dont see why everyone s saying high sec is so good for money, i have like what, 100m in total things over 6 months of playing and 10m in my wallet

if you want the carebears to go to null/low more, just maybe consider stopping camping ever other gate and killing everyone instantly?

oh wait its EVE thats never gonna happen, in that case i support the nerfing of highsec until its impossible to make any money and then shoot them all until they ragequit and EVE loses a few hundred thousand carebears and the null/low sec hardcore PVP guys will finally be happy

The vast vast majority of lowsec gates aren't camped, don't deliberately misrepresent the state of things in order to bolster your own arguments. There's a few notable ones that have lots of pirates and camps, but they're the minority by a large margin.
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#52 - 2013-02-08 17:00:12 UTC
Lord Ovuld Feish wrote:
Mira Robinson wrote:
Well, James has gone and changed the comment form on Minerbumping. It was the same for like...since it launched. Wonder what brought the change.

Or...not. It's back to Atom. That lasted all of 15 minutes. Wonder if the blog is under attack.

I suspect it's just James experimenting with optimising the blog due to the high amount of traffic it sees these days.
Winchester Steele
#53 - 2013-02-08 19:57:27 UTC
Zol Interbottom wrote:
i really dont see why everyone s saying high sec is so good for money, i have like what, 100m in total things over 6 months of playing and 10m in my wallet

if you want the carebears to go to null/low more, just maybe consider stopping camping ever other gate and killing everyone instantly?

oh wait its EVE thats never gonna happen, in that case i support the nerfing of highsec until its impossible to make any money and then shoot them all until they ragequit and EVE loses a few hundred thousand carebears and the null/low sec hardcore PVP guys will finally be happy

Umm, if all you have is 100m your doing it wrong. I have a friend who started 2 months ago and is sitting on 2 billion liquid just running l3's in a drake.

Oh and confirming that gatecamps are IMPOSSIBLE to get by. Roll Also confirming that shooting spaceships in a game about shooting spaceships is immoral and only "hardcore" nullsec guys ever do it.

But seriously. 100m in six months?? 1 level 4 mission in hi-sec nets you about 12-15 million isk sometimes more.


Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#54 - 2013-02-09 14:35:10 UTC
Fabio Bittar wrote:
  • Remove level 4 & 5 agents from High Sec. These agents should operate at the fringe of empire space (low sec); buff the rewards if you must, but have them operate where it makes sense. WHY would a level 4 agent operate out of Funtanainen (2 jumps from Jita) is beyond me. People are farming L4 missions to buy PLEX while sitting in High Sec. Where's the risk vs reward in this?
  • Remove all minerals with the exception of veldspar from High Sec. Empire space is where you learn the ropes, not a convenient place to hide and AFK mine, oblivious to the sandbox, farming PLEX while sitting in High Sec. Where's the risk vs reward balance in this?
  • Remove all exploration sites (not anomalies, but the ones requiring active probing to be found) from High Sec. The proliferation of carebear explorers is a serious threat to the economy. People are purchasing PLEX sitting in High Sec. Where's the risk vs reward balance in this?

  • *cough*



    PS - LOL

    Kainotomiu Ronuken
    #55 - 2013-02-09 15:01:11 UTC
    Katran Luftschreck wrote:




    PS - LOL

    Thank you for your valuable contribution.
    Estella Osoka
    Cranky Bitches Who PMS
    #56 - 2013-02-09 15:08:33 UTC
    •Remove level 4 & 5 agents from High Sec. These agents should operate at the fringe of empire space (low sec); buff the rewards if you must, but have them operate where it makes sense. WHY would a level 4 agent operate out of Funtanainen (2 jumps from Jita) is beyond me. People are farming L4 missions to buy PLEX while sitting in High Sec. Where's the risk vs reward in this?

    •Remove all minerals with the exception of veldspar from High Sec. Empire space is where you learn the ropes, not a convenient place to hide and AFK mine, oblivious to the sandbox, farming PLEX while sitting in High Sec. Where's the risk vs reward balance in this?

    •Remove all exploration sites (not anomalies, but the ones requiring active probing to be found) from High Sec. The proliferation of carebear explorers is a serious threat to the economy. People are purchasing PLEX sitting in High Sec. Where's the risk vs reward balance in this?

    Level 5 agents were removed from highsec years ago. The thought behind it was that it would get players to go into lowsec. It didn't work. Besides missioning in low/nullsec isn't that profitable when you can instead run plexes or rat for better isk/hr.

    Moving all the good ore to lowsec would just ruin the EVE economy. Who wants to spend 1mil+ isk on a T1 frgiate? Also, if your going to move to lowsec to mine, you mine as well take the plunge and go to null. Better profit with less risk, at least compared to lowsec mining.

    Most of the good exploration sites are already in low/nullsec. The ones in highsec really don't provide that much of a profit in my opinion. Not to mention the competition for those sites make it a very poor isk/hour venture.

    Of course people are purchasing PLEX in highsec, where else ae you going to purchase it? Lowsec or null? Who the hell wants to move the PLEX out there, or risk their ship and clone just to get to the station selling it? Highsec is where you go to sell, this is known; and has been known for years. Even nullseccers bring their stuff to Jita to sell.

    Even if all this were to happen people would just either unsub, or farm L3s to save up enough to get a good Incursion fitted ship and go farm those.

    EVE is a sandbox where you can choose to play the game your own way. People may try to enforce their own style onto you, but it still your choice whether you let them do that.

    If ya'll really think that James' idea is good then practice what he is preaching and go plex/mine/mission in lowsec yourselves and show everyone it can be done.
    Katran Luftschreck
    Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
    #57 - 2013-02-09 17:26:03 UTC
    Estella Osoka wrote:
    EVE is a sandbox where you can choose to play the game your own way. People may try to enforce their own style onto you, but it still your choice whether you let them do that.

    Well said! Just say no to bumptards.

    Bing Bangboom
    DAMAG Safety Commission
    #58 - 2013-02-09 19:51:07 UTC
    Katran Luftschreck wrote:
    Estella Osoka wrote:
    EVE is a sandbox where you can choose to play the game your own way. People may try to enforce their own style onto you, but it still your choice whether you let them do that.

    Well said! Just say no to bumptards.

    When the Knights suddenly surround your Mack, just say "NO!" in a firm voice and give them a sharp rap on the snout!

    Don't tell me... you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

    315 4 CSM8


    Highsec is worth fighting for.

    By choosing to mine in New Order systems, highsec miners have agreed to follow the New Halaima Code of Conduct.

    No Alibi
    Sometimes Here
    #59 - 2013-02-10 01:20:52 UTC
    Hmmmm.... Well I admit I did not read all of this forum, but I did read what James 315 wrote.Roll
    I do tend to agree with what he is all about, howevre I do not agree with the double standard. Anyway, Ventures are messing up those of us that mine to fund PVP of all kinds. It has been said that "suicide ganking" is falling? Your doing it wrong I guess. Can flipping is still there, just got to be smart about it. This IS EVE... I know there are smart people out there.

    I fly by the seat of my pants, No wonder my ass is always on fire!

    No Alibi
    Sometimes Here
    #60 - 2013-02-10 01:22:19 UTC
    BTW I have been in this game for 2.5 years and have all of my mining fleet still.P

    I fly by the seat of my pants, No wonder my ass is always on fire!