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Freighters, In General Vrs their cost, Vrs their ability to actually protect themselfs.

Joneleth Rein
#21 - 2013-02-05 12:14:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Joneleth Rein
Kalle Demos wrote:
Freight Club or wtf they are called, have excellent advice on how not to move your goods


We don't talk about Freight Club...

Spider Pig! Spider Pig! Does what a Spider Pig does.. Can he swing? From a web.. No he can't. He's a pig.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2013-02-05 12:17:03 UTC
Zilero wrote:
xxVastorxx wrote:
luZk wrote:
You would be so much safer in your freigther if it had guns..Roll

Well you guys couldnt kill my mains deadpsace legion with 8 ships in jita when i gave you the chance to. So pretty sure a frieighter with guns, would be harder for ya.

In other words: Come back when you have grown a pair Big smile

quote for truth. see ya Cool

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Brooks Puuntai
Solar Nexus.
#23 - 2013-02-05 12:24:14 UTC
If you want a hauler with slots, use an orca or industrial.

CCP's Motto: If it isn't broken, break it. If it is broken, ignore it. Improving NPE / Dynamic New Eden

Azn Empire
#24 - 2013-02-05 12:30:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Giving a freighter med, low and rig slots, means a nerf to the freighter.

No combination of modules, would give you the freighter we currently have. It is optimised for it's role, you're asking for a de-optimisation.

Want the same cargo space as before? The speed and EHP will be far lower.
Want the same EHP? Then cargo space will be drastically reduced.

CCP already give you options to improve these ships, it's one of the reason Eve is called an MMO.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2013-02-05 12:32:07 UTC
I donno, you could always use a freight for moving big stuff rather than expensive stuff.

I'm yet to see many freighter kills where the cargo was things like ships\capital parts etc.

It's always a huge collection of mods and bits worth billions, stuff that could have been moved in a transport\t1 industrial\shuttle.
Max Doobie
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#26 - 2013-02-05 12:36:16 UTC
Tah'ris Khlador wrote:
Posting in a not so stealthy "Nerf Suicide Ganking" thread.

You realize you contradicted yourself when you said to give them slots to make suicide ganking difficult, and then said that it wouldn't actually prevent people from suicide ganking? So...your point is then to what?

Making something difficult...
Making something impossible to do....

...2 different carefully...
Max Doobie
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#27 - 2013-02-05 12:40:46 UTC
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Oh look an NPC corp character complaining about PVP again.

How exactly is asking for a ship to have a bit more tank complaining about PVP?

Gallente Federation
#28 - 2013-02-05 12:40:47 UTC
I wonder if there are corps out therr specialising in freightor escort. Seems it could be something profitable. Just have a few logistics about and ewar, hold out long enough for concord. Get some new order type guys to bump the freightor bumpers. Then if people refuse escort, gank them to create demand for your services.

Freighter passes.
Azn Empire
#29 - 2013-02-05 12:52:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Max Doobie wrote:
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Oh look an NPC corp character complaining about PVP again.

How exactly is asking for a ship to have a bit more tank complaining about PVP?

Of course it's about PvP. Eve is PvP centric and PvP isn't an acronym for combat. It's merely a subset of what PvP stands for. But saying that, if he wasn't thinking of combat he wouldn't want slots for EHP.

Also, he's actually asking for a nerf to the freighter.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Chenlab Delta
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2013-02-05 12:52:59 UTC
Solo freight need to die and die hard!!!!!!
Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#31 - 2013-02-05 12:54:14 UTC

Point is:

freigthers and jfreighters are designed for corporations and alliances logistic, so are suposed to be used with proper support, accordignly to this role.

If one want to use them for lonely trading it's fine, but cannot complain if the ships doesn't always perfectly fits this (unproper) use.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#32 - 2013-02-05 13:08:15 UTC
Sura Sadiva wrote:

Point is:

freigthers and jfreighters are designed for corporations and alliances logistic, so are suposed to be used with proper support, accordignly to this role.

If one want to use them for lonely trading it's fine, but cannot complain if the ships doesn't always perfectly fits this (unproper) use.

Its perfectly fine solo so long as you dont stuff 20 bil in the hold.
Felicity Love
#33 - 2013-02-05 13:42:39 UTC
The only "module" I want to see, anywhere, is the "brass pole and champagne room" module.

FFS, I want to be "Jabba the Giant Talking Space Slug" and have scantily clad amusements dancing around my chambers instead of swimming around in recycled pod-goo... sheeesh. Roll

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Dr No Game
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#34 - 2013-02-05 14:09:55 UTC
Zilero wrote:
xxVastorxx wrote:
luZk wrote:
You would be so much safer in your freigther if it had guns..Roll

Well you guys couldnt kill my mains deadpsace legion with 8 ships in jita when i gave you the chance to. So pretty sure a frieighter with guns, would be harder for ya.

Want to try that without:

a) Being all tank and no damage
b) Slaveset
c) Legion booster

and most importantly:

d) Without immediately deaggressing and docking up.

In other words: Come back when you have grown a pair Big smile

Really? You make a career wardeccing easy HiSec targets in Jita and you're telling someone else to grow a pair?
Alavaria Fera
#35 - 2013-02-05 14:19:27 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Sura Sadiva wrote:

Point is:

freigthers and jfreighters are designed for corporations and alliances logistic, so are suposed to be used with proper support, accordignly to this role.

If one want to use them for lonely trading it's fine, but cannot complain if the ships doesn't always perfectly fits this (unproper) use.

Its perfectly fine solo so long as you dont stuff 20 bil in the hold.

15 Bil might also be a bit too much.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2013-02-05 14:37:43 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Sura Sadiva wrote:

Point is:

freigthers and jfreighters are designed for corporations and alliances logistic, so are suposed to be used with proper support, accordignly to this role.

If one want to use them for lonely trading it's fine, but cannot complain if the ships doesn't always perfectly fits this (unproper) use.

Its perfectly fine solo so long as you dont stuff 20 bil in the hold.

15 Bil might also be a bit too much.

Not with 10 logis, two double webbers, a command ship or two, and God on your side.

De'Veldrin's Corollary (to Malcanis' Law): Any idea that seeks to limit the ability of a large nullsec bloc to do something in the name of allowing more small groups into sov null will inevitably make it that much harder for small groups to enter sov null.

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2013-02-05 14:58:57 UTC
xxVastorxx wrote:
As we all know by now we see Freighters and jump freighters in Highsec,lowsec,nullsec,Wh space always getting blasted to nothing,

the idea behind, moveing a whole world and then some is a cool idea, But what about cost vrs security ??

T1 Freighter hull 1.5 bill. *before mineral prices went thro roof 800 mill.
JF about 6.5 bill ish and up, havent checked their prices recently but seen them in that area.

Freighters juicy targets for suicide gankers, Same with JF, in the odd situations.

Push them off a gate with mach's *offgrid* then kill it.

So why no mid,or low slots CCP adding them would bring much less problems for the players that complain about looseing them.
Your still going to prolly loose it if suicide ganked, but why not make it harder for the person trying to gank it ?

I myself havent lost a Freighter or a JF, So not sure what it feels like.

So Question is will CCP help the Freighter,Jump Freighter's out by allowing them Low Slots, Mid slots.
In most movies you see freighters can even use defensive systems *guns,drones,tank etc,

It would look alot cooler if you seen killmails where a bunch of pilots tried suicide ganking a freighter but instead got owned by it. That would be better then kiling a Drake with a badger II. :D

Maybe what all those loose freighters need then is to be tightened up a bit.

Or do you mean loose as in "who let the dogs out?" loose?

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Mai Khumm
#38 - 2013-02-05 15:01:08 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Sura Sadiva wrote:

Point is:

freigthers and jfreighters are designed for corporations and alliances logistic, so are suposed to be used with proper support, accordignly to this role.

If one want to use them for lonely trading it's fine, but cannot complain if the ships doesn't always perfectly fits this (unproper) use.

Its perfectly fine solo so long as you dont stuff 20 bil in the hold.

15 Bil might also be a bit too much.

I can't justify shoving 5bil into the damn thing...
Alavaria Fera
#39 - 2013-02-05 16:20:46 UTC
Mai Khumm wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Its perfectly fine solo so long as you dont stuff 20 bil in the hold.

15 Bil might also be a bit too much.

I can't justify shoving 5bil into the damn thing...

Well, yeah, we were going to next laugh at someone losing 10bil in PLEX, but sure, just jump to 5bil Lol

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Minmatar Heavy Industries
#40 - 2013-02-05 19:17:33 UTC
Would be interesting to see if frieghters were given a lo slot how many people would fit DC II's versus cargo extenders
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'