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Intergalactic Summit

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After Action Report: Mito, YC115.01.29, circa 20:00 hours

Sami Okuuda
#101 - 2013-02-01 17:32:28 UTC
The Navy would not normally have responded to the accusations of a known criminal organization like the Guristas, but the unasked for commentary by the DED has forced our hands.

Naturally, the Caldari Navy categorically denies the charges leveled against it by the Guristas. The individuals we were engaging in military actions against were not State citizens, they were not mercenaries contracted to any megacorporations, and no civilian casualties were incurred during the operation against a military facility.

An orbital bombardment did occur three times as recorded by Ms. Vesren's transponders, against military targets. As can be presumed obvious, a " resupply, logistics and medical facility" would be incapable of withstanding a single orbital bombardment from the contingent of military vessels claimed to have been involved. It was instead a bunker servicing enemies of the State. Their willingness to depart with the Guristas, when non-Caldari forces were on location and offering their support, should only confirm their criminality.

Obviously, I am unable to further comment on the matter due to the operation security necessary to maintain continued action against the enemies of the State.
Scope Works
#102 - 2013-02-01 17:41:58 UTC
Sami Okuuda wrote:
Naturally, the Caldari Navy categorically denies the charges leveled against it by the Guristas. The individuals we were engaging in military actions against were not State citizens, they were not mercenaries contracted to any megacorporations, and no civilian casualties were incurred during the operation against a military facility.

Not citizens? Not contracted with the megas?

Arve Vesren wrote:

Directive Enforcement Department

Archive - CN-870/665

Corporation: Intara Direct Action
SCC Identification Number: 1000-239
Registered Headquarters: Vuorrassi I - Moon 1 - Caldari Business Tribunal
Registered Chief Executive Officer: Vilvura Okuta
Oversight: Lontrek Regional Authority / Chief Executive Panel - Deferred to the Caldari Provincial Directorate
Registered Governing/Legislative Body: Caldari Provincial Directorate - Caldari State

Yeah, no. They were completely legitimate even by your standards. But you suddenly decided "Oh well, you're not good anymore." Sounds real familiar. Witch hunt anybody?

An orbital bombardment did occur three times as recorded by Ms. Vesren's transponders, against military targets. As can be presumed obvious, a " resupply, logistics and medical facility" would be incapable of withstanding a single orbital bombardment from the contingent of military vessels claimed to have been involved. It was instead a bunker servicing enemies of the State. Their willingness to depart with the Guristas, when non-Caldari forces were on location and offering their support, should only confirm their criminality.

If I was them and I was a baseliner, I'd be worrying about running off with random capsuleers who could be affiliated with who knows what. At least the Guristas were familiar in the sense they were Caldari and they were on the ground trying to help them. So who are the enemies of the State that you had to blast a whole facility for? Someone finally standing up to your nut job Executor?

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#103 - 2013-02-01 18:00:36 UTC
Anslo wrote:
Yeah, no. They were completely legitimate even by your standards. But you suddenly decided "Oh well, you're not good anymore." Sounds real familiar. Witch hunt anybody?

I believe what Commander Okuuda was making reference to was the fact that Intara Directive Action was not a direct subsidiary of any CEP Megacorporation (As such none of its employees were corporate citizens of the State) and was an independent entity operating in the State under CEP/CPD oversight.

If Intara Directive Action was not directly owned by a CEP Megacorporation or contracted by them then its employees are effectively persona non grata without the rights afforded to State citizens.

I fail to see any issue in the conduct of legitimate use of force against non-entities within the borders of the Caldari State by the CEP, CPD, and Caldari Navy in defence of its national security.


Stay Feral
#104 - 2013-02-01 19:03:35 UTC
Sami Okuuda wrote:
The Navy would not normally have responded to the accusations of a known criminal organization like the Guristas, but the unasked for commentary by the DED has forced our hands.

Naturally, the Caldari Navy categorically denies the charges leveled against it by the Guristas. The individuals we were engaging in military actions against were not State citizens, they were not mercenaries contracted to any megacorporations, and no civilian casualties were incurred during the operation against a military facility.

An orbital bombardment did occur three times as recorded by Ms. Vesren's transponders, against military targets. As can be presumed obvious, a " resupply, logistics and medical facility" would be incapable of withstanding a single orbital bombardment from the contingent of military vessels claimed to have been involved. It was instead a bunker servicing enemies of the State. Their willingness to depart with the Guristas, when non-Caldari forces were on location and offering their support, should only confirm their criminality.

Obviously, I am unable to further comment on the matter due to the operation security necessary to maintain continued action against the enemies of the State.

Thank you, Commander Okuuda. And to DED officer Vesren.

Perhaps now more inquisitive minds will understand a couple of things.

First of all, while any free person has the right to levy questions at pretty much anyone they desire, that does not mean everyone will be obliged to respond to their questions or under any real need to do so. Some entities (like the Caldari Navy or pretty much any other navy in service out there) will be limited in what they can legally divulge due to security reasons. I sure don't expect the Federation Navy to be forthcomming with any information they believe can be harmful to the Federation, so why should I expect the Caladri Navy to do so? Simple answer is, I don't. Much information on these events in particular are on a need-to-know basis.

Secondly, somewhat besides the point: The claims of any Gurista or pirate of any other stripe can not be trusted in any way, shape or form. They might be telling the truth, in any event, but there is no gaurantee for that and the odds are terribly low whenever personal winning are in play for them. In this event as an example, the Guristas has much to gain by spreading lies and miss-information in their normal manner. Nothing out of the usual.


I can understand where your view-point is coming from, and yours is a worthy pursuit. However you seem to be jumping to many conclusions and keep demanding information none of us are privy too. This does not even have to be a specific Caldari example, you are asking a serving Navy to divulge information on a medium where billions of people from anywhere and everywhere in the cluster can see it. This would be a massive information leak at best and a dereliction of duty to keep possibly sensitive information bottled up at worst. Your request will simply not be obliged. End of story.

Rinai Vero
Blades of Liberty
#105 - 2013-02-02 00:03:30 UTC
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
Anslo wrote:
Yeah, no. They were completely legitimate even by your standards. But you suddenly decided "Oh well, you're not good anymore." Sounds real familiar. Witch hunt anybody?

I believe what Commander Okuuda was making reference to was the fact that Intara Directive Action was not a direct subsidiary of any CEP Megacorporation (As such none of its employees were corporate citizens of the State) and was an independent entity operating in the State under CEP/CPD oversight.

If Intara Directive Action was not directly owned by a CEP Megacorporation or contracted by them then its employees are effectively persona non grata without the rights afforded to State citizens.

I fail to see any issue in the conduct of legitimate use of force against non-entities within the borders of the Caldari State by the CEP, CPD, and Caldari Navy in defence of its national security.

Calling Intara Direct Action "non-entities" is going a bit far don't you think? We all have known that they were an organization independent of the Megas, but they are hardly the only ones in the State. From the estimates I've seen close to 10% of the Caldari population live independently of the Eight. Are you honestly claiming that Caldari law allows for summary execution of these people without any due process?

It is telling that Commander Okuda purposefully made no direct mention of Intara Direct Action. He simply repeated the same line that the targets were "enemies of the State." Clearly, if there were legitimate charges to be leveled at IDA by the Caldari Executive Panel, the Caldari Business Tribunal, or the Caldari Providence Directorate they would have been made public, as the DED representative made clear that past investigations of IDA have been made public.

He also confirmed what was already known, that IDA were a registered Caldari Corporation with no previous negative standing with any of the Caldari regulatory agencies.

So, we have two mutually exclusive claims here, and it is up to the members of the Summit to make their own decisions about which claim is legitimate.

The real question goes beyond the legitimacy of the actions taken against IDA. That is, who else in the Caldari State is being targeted for summary "justice?" Who else has found themselves declared "non entities" with no other warning than the explosion of incoming Caldari Navy ordnance?
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#106 - 2013-02-02 03:22:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Pieter Tuulinen
There's a lot of misunderstanding here, I think, and it seems to hinge around the difference between a Corporation that is affiliated with one of the Big-Eight and a Company that exists within the State. The two are very different.

Companies formed with ties to one of the Mega-Corporations are considered to be an extension of those entitites and to enjoy status and protections accordingly. If you tangle with an Ishukone subsidiary or, as is more likely, with an affiliate of a partner of a subsidiary of Ishukone, then you are tangling with the big Ish herself.

Independent companies operate under specific licenses and oversight of the CPD. Their licenses can be revoked and their status changed for any of a million reasons that are detailed in the licensing agreement. Even if the CPD were to become angered at, say a SuVee affiliate, they couldn't just pull their license, because their legitimacy stems from their relationship with one of the ruling eight.

So if I read the statements made correctly, IDA's license was revoked with cause and they and their employees therefore became disattached peoples, with no indigent right of abode within the State. Those who then resisted against their lawful removal became fully fledged dissidents - subject to arrest and deportation. Those who resisted physically crossed the line further to become criminals.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#107 - 2013-02-02 03:45:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Stitcher
While I understand that public-relations is almost certainly near the bottom of the list of priorities for both the CPD and the Navy for the time being, the commentary from the DED is telling. This operation is promoting a general sense of unease across New Eden, and for the benefit of the State a more comprehensive statement would be highly advisable as soon as it can be produced without compromising operational security.. We are a net exporter, let's remember - and it doesn't pay to make your customers uncomfortable.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Rinai Vero
Blades of Liberty
#108 - 2013-02-02 04:36:01 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:

So if I read the statements made correctly, IDA's license was revoked with cause and they and their employees therefore became disattached peoples, with no indigent right of abode within the State. Those who then resisted against their lawful removal became fully fledged dissidents - subject to arrest and deportation. Those who resisted physically crossed the line further to become criminals.

Actually, that's exactly the statement that has not been made. It is the statement loyalists to the CPD wish had been made.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#109 - 2013-02-02 07:08:11 UTC
I believe the CalNav spokesman was clear that those targetted were NOT State Citizens.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Rinai Vero
Blades of Liberty
#110 - 2013-02-02 07:43:24 UTC
And the DED spokesperson was clear that all available public records indicate that they WERE a corporation in good standing within the State.

At any rate, saying that the targets are "NOT State Citizens" is not the same as saying:

Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
IDA's license was revoked with cause and they and their employees therefore became disattached peoples, with no indigent right of abode within the State. Those who then resisted against their lawful removal became fully fledged dissidents - subject to arrest and deportation. Those who resisted physically crossed the line further to become criminals.

That's a statement that you're putting in the mouths of the Caldari Navy through inference on your own part.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#111 - 2013-02-02 07:54:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Pieter Tuulinen
I was speculating, yes. But you don't generally use that sort of force on someone who is complying with CPD oversight.

Now, what I WAS right about was that IDA's license was revoked and that this effectively made it's associates and employees into detached persons. As such they lose several important protections under State Law - and if they didn't resist, I'm interested to know why they were described as hardned military targets and subjected to ortillery.

Your thoughts on that?

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#112 - 2013-02-02 09:20:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Veikitamo Gesakaarin
Rinai Vero wrote:
Calling Intara Directive Action "non-entities" is going a bit far don't you think? We all have known that they were an organization independent of the Megas, but they are hardly the only ones in the State. From the estimates I've seen close to 10% of the Caldari population live independently of the Eight. Are you honestly claiming that Caldari law allows for summary execution of these people without any due process?

I do not believe categorizing Intara Directive Action as a non-entity is, "going a bit too far" since it would be a correct statement in a situation in which its licence to conduct legal operations in the Caldari State was to be revoked. As Ms. Vesren of the DED so kindly provided information clearly identifying Intara Direct Action as operating under CEP/CPD oversight it then follows that the CEP/CPD have the legal authority to revoke the corporate operational rights for Intara Directive Action under their mandates and indeed, would have no legal grounds upon which to continue its operations.

This is not some unique occurrence for Quafe Corporation for example once had its licence to conduct operations in the Caldari State revoked by the CEP and indeed, the moment such occurred it was legally a non-entity and its employees were afforded no legal rights so long as they remained within the borders of the Caldari State, which was not for long since they were promptly deported back to the Federation.

Now as for summary executions, that is your own assertion for no verifiable information has come to light that such has occurred from a credible source, unless one believes the words of a known criminal cartel hostile to both the Caldari State and the CONCORD Assembly, and whom would have reason to imply as much against a nation that actively prosecutes them for their activities.

Rinai Vero wrote:
It is telling that Commander Okuda purposefully made no direct mention of Intara Direct Action. He simply repeated the same line that the targets were "enemies of the State." Clearly, if there were legitimate charges to be leveled at IDA by the Caldari Executive Panel, the Caldari Business Tribunal, or the Caldari Providence Directorate they would have been made public, as the DED representative made clear that past investigations of IDA have been made public.

He also confirmed what was already known, that IDA were a registered Caldari Corporation with no previous negative standing with any of the Caldari regulatory agencies.

Clearly, Commander Okuuda is not at liberty to discuss in detail information regarding ongoing security operations in the defence of the national security of the Caldari State. The CEP and its agencies have the legal authority to act against any entity within its borders deemed a risk to its security, and as the sole Executive Authority of the Caldari State any actions the CEP member Megacorporations decide to undertake in the interests of the Caldari State are legitimate de jure and if it is deemed in the national interest, there is no other authority in the State that can force the CEP to disseminate information to the public once it is deemed necessary to withhold it.

If the CEP and its agencies declare an entity an enemy of the State, then they are an enemy of the State and any actions to be undertaken against such enemies of the State up to and including the use of force are warranted under the laws of the Caldari State to defend the national interest.

I thus commend the CEP, the CPD and the Caldari Navy in their defence of the Caldari State and its people, and while I may also wish to have further information regarding the details of the current situation, I trust in the judgement of the CEP and its agencies to act with swiftness and decisiveness with the information they do have access to for they are men and women of proven talent and ability.

Rinai Vero wrote:
The real question goes beyond the legitimacy of the actions taken against IDA. That is, who else in the Caldari State is being targeted for summary "justice?" Who else has found themselves declared "non entities" with no other warning than the explosion of incoming Caldari Navy ordnance?



Rinai Vero
Blades of Liberty
#113 - 2013-02-02 18:46:46 UTC
It is not speculation to say that other attacks have happened and continue to happen. Commander Okuda himself confirmed that military operations were ongoing, hence his claim for the need for operational security. These operations are targeted against someone. Who else, then, is being attacked?

Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
I do not believe categorizing Intara Directive Action as a non-entity is, "going a bit too far" since it would be a correct statement in a situation in which its licence to conduct legal operations in the Caldari State was to be revoked. As Ms. Vesren of the DED so kindly provided information clearly identifying Intara Direct Action as operating under CEP/CPD oversight it then follows that the CEP/CPD have the legal authority to revoke the corporate operational rights for Intara Directive Action under their mandates and indeed, would have no legal grounds upon which to continue its operations.

This is not some unique occurrence for Quafe Corporation for example once had its licence to conduct operations in the Caldari State revoked by the CEP and indeed, the moment such occurred it was legally a non-entity and its employees were afforded no legal rights so long as they remained within the borders of the Caldari State, which was not for long since they were promptly deported back to the Federation.

In the case of Quafe there was wide news coverage of CEP meetings to deliberate the removal of that company's licence to operate. CEOs made public statements, and the House of Records had the CPD petition on file. Perhaps you have greater access to Caldari corporate information than I do. Can you provide appropriate sources to verify your claim that IDA's licence and corporate standings have been revoked?

My database inquires clearly show Intara Direct Action as still being a Caldari State corporation. The DED representative relayed information clearly showing their previous normal standings, to date no further information about any licensing issue or corporate sanction against IDA has been released.
Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#114 - 2013-02-03 11:22:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Veikitamo Gesakaarin
Rinai Vero wrote:
Can you provide appropriate sources to verify your claim that IDA's licence and corporate standings have been revoked?

Permit me to re-iterate points already elaborated upon:

The CEP and its agencies have the power to revoke the operations licence of Intara Directive Action.

The CEP and its agencies have the authority to take action against threats to the security of the State within its borders.

The CEP and its agencies do not have to disclose information regarding its decisions and investigations unless it is deemed pertinent to do so, and particularly if such is related to ongoing national security operations as can be seen in the current matter at hand.

There is frankly, nothing more that needs to be said on the matter until further information comes to light either from the CEP or an agency thereof. Until such time, any related discussion is merely speculation or the provision of baseless assertions.


Ollie Rundle
#115 - 2013-02-03 17:13:47 UTC
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
There is frankly, nothing more that needs to be said on the matter until further information comes to light either from the CEP or an agency thereof. Until such time, any related discussion is merely speculation or the provision of baseless assertions.

What's not speculation is that the Guristas have stolen both active and inactive specimens of the new clone soldier technology out from under the noses of CEP, CPD and CalNav forces sent to secure it. The Guristas modus operandi in cases such as this is usually to reverse engineer the stolen technology and then apply said technology for their own profit.

This is the 'threat to the cluster' that the initial reports made reference to.

Now that we have talked the moral hand-wringing controversies of the CalNav-supported bombing of Caldari planets into the ground, might we turn our attention to this instead?
Jiro Inkunen
#116 - 2013-02-03 21:34:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Jiro Inkunen
Good evening Ladies & Gentlemen, permit me to introduce myself.

My name is Jiro Inkunen, and for the past decade I have served as the Chief Legal Adviser and personal legal counsel to the Intara family.

My business here today is to make a public statement regarding the slanderous remarks brought against Intara Direct Action, and therefore by proxy the Intara family itself, from a number of capsuleers who represent organizations with business and economic interests within the Caldari State.

This evening a formal complaint has been lodged with the Caldari Business Tribunal against the following individuals, referred to in this instance by their registered capsuleer callsigns:

  • Aquila Shadow
  • Desiderya
  • Pieter Tuulinen
  • Solarienne
  • Veikitamo Gesakaarin

The following organizations have also been included:

  • Caldari Office Of Naval Intelligence (N.B. - Identity Misnomer - No affiliation with any branch of the Caldari Military)
  • Pyre Falcon Defence And Security
  • Pyre Falcon Defence Cadre XV-01A
  • Pyer Falcon Defence Combine
  • Kaalakiota Corporation (by proxy of the above named who claim affiliation)

It is the belief of the Intara family, given the obvious strike against an Intara Direct Action facility by Caldari forces, that these slanderous remarks were made in a ridiculous attempt at smearing [INTDA] for the purpose of damage control and public relations cleanup after it was revealed that the Caldari Military have actively been engaging and destroying equipment and personnel registered to State owned corporations.

The formal complaint includes the following charges:

  • Corporate slander.
  • Corporate harassment.
  • Corporate espionage.

These charges are justified by the following facts:

  • The Kaalakiota Corporation's majority shareholder is one Tibus Heth, who assumes control of all KK operations, and by proxy the operations of the Home Guard.

  • The same individual also controls the forces which were involved in the attack on an Intara Direct Action facility on Vellaine III.

  • Those aligned with Kaalakiota, and therefore with Tibus Heth have attempted a smear campaign based on ridiculous false claims and wholly unsubstantiated rumor against Intara Direct Action, and therefore the Intara family in an attempt to play down the events of last Tuesday.

At this moment in time, a suppression order has been filed and approved against all above named involved parties by the Caldari Business Tribunal.

Breach of this order by continued slander of the Intara family via any means, physical or electronic, are grounds for the revocation of State trading licenses.

Breach of the order also warrants full retaliation against all assets belonging to the above named individuals, both military and industrial, by forces representing the Intara Family.

The defendants listed above are required by law to provide written proof of evidence to substantiate their slanderous claims against the Intara family. This proof must be delivered via electronic mail to myself within 48 hours of the date of this announcement to enable the Intara family to prepare defense against these false claims in front of the Caldari Business Tribunal.

Thank you for your kind attention,

Jiro Inkunen, LL.M., BsL, J.S.D, CC.2
Chief Legal Adviser
Intara Family Legal Counsel
Intara Direct Action
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#117 - 2013-02-03 22:31:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Pieter Tuulinen
--STATEMENT REDACTED-- : Under personal authority V.Gesakaarin

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Aquila Shadow
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#118 - 2013-02-04 02:41:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Aquila Shadow

What ever happens next Jiro remember. You started this.

                                              "Let Vigilance Be Your Sword"

Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#119 - 2013-02-04 03:49:36 UTC

Katrina Oniseki

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#120 - 2013-02-04 06:58:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Grideris
I guess this is the moment where you wish the Caldari Navy would release the reasoning behind the action taken against Intara Direct Action.

Better get my popcorn ready. - the unofficial forum for everything DUST 514 -** the** blog site with everything else DUST 514 you need