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Coming to the end of my sub - Thank You

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Veda Idama
#1 - 2013-01-31 11:10:53 UTC
Hello all

The idea was to sub for 3 month and see what I can do. I have to admit, it was a daunting experience but also an enjoyable one

I haven't decided if I will continue. There does seem to be a heavy time investment before a player can have any "fun" so I'm working on shortening that while being realistic with my time.

It's a great game but maybe not the game for a casual player like me.

I'd like to thank a few people for making my time here enjoyable and for being a real credit to the community in my eyes

Vilnius Zar
Laura Belle
Keno Skir

Special thanks to Keno and Laura for spending some time with me in game

I'm thinking to sub for 1 more month to see the dueling system. I feel like this might give newer players a change to 'practice' some pvp before heading into lowsec. We'll see what happens from there

Many thanks again to the community and devs for a great game and community.

Fly safe

[i]dehino 'smin yathā dehe kaumāraḿ yauvanaḿ jarā tathā dehāntara-prāptir dhīras tatra na muhyati[/i]

Vilnius Zar
SDC Multi Ten
#2 - 2013-01-31 11:48:21 UTC
I made a list and it's a positive one for a change \o/

There does seem to be a heavy time investment before a player can have any "fun"

This is not correct, you don't need fancy ships to have fun, you don't need massive isk to have fun. Sure there's limitations on what you can do but you're not helping yourself by looking ahead 6 months and ogling ships you can't use yet, instead enjoy what you can do now and in 3 days and trust me, newbies can do a whole lot.
Otrebla Utrigas
#3 - 2013-01-31 12:04:55 UTC
Veda Idama wrote:
Hello all

The idea was to sub for 3 month and see what I can do. I have to admit, it was a daunting experience but also an enjoyable one

I haven't decided if I will continue. There does seem to be a heavy time investment before a player can have any "fun" so I'm working on shortening that while being realistic with my time.

Fly safe

A friend of mine is playing the hero tackler with a condor after 2 weeks of playing. Just find a nice corp. Hero newb tacklers are needed all around, since they ships are cheap to replace, and the guy in them is willing to learn.

Also, after 1 month of skills, you can help any decent small gang with a frigate or a cruiser.

So if PvP is what you want, in few months you can do better than some guys who were playing for years. Just be willing to learn and find the proper corp to do that.

You will come back. All of us do :D
Veda Idama
#4 - 2013-01-31 12:05:02 UTC
Vilnius Zar wrote:
I made a list and it's a positive one for a change \o/

There does seem to be a heavy time investment before a player can have any "fun"

This is not correct, you don't need fancy ships to have fun, you don't need massive isk to have fun. Sure there's limitations on what you can do but you're not helping yourself by looking ahead 6 months and ogling ships you can't use yet, instead enjoy what you can do now and in 3 days and trust me, newbies can do a whole lot.

That was my initial impression. I've not flown anything other than frigates and mission reward ships intentionally for that reason.

It's finding a place to play solo with frigates and more importantly, keep up the funds to replace them

I do see what your saying. I just don't understand what I can do now rather than seeing it as a stepping stone to another class of ship?


[i]dehino 'smin yathā dehe kaumāraḿ yauvanaḿ jarā tathā dehāntara-prāptir dhīras tatra na muhyati[/i]

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#5 - 2013-01-31 14:53:55 UTC
The moment I stopped visit newbie forums one of them starts making rankings, eh...

But seriously, nice to hear you had good time and you found help you needed to enjoy the game. I hope you will stay around and have many more adventures in Eve universe.

Invalid signature format

Sairi Katelin
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-01-31 15:25:54 UTC
Veda Idama wrote:
I just don't understand what I can do now rather than seeing it as a stepping stone to another class of ship?

Be a tackler for a fleet, or for pirates is perfect use of a frigate; faction warfare is in size-limited complexes and so frigates are useful everywhere there (also, you can make isk with it), logistics is done in frigates and cruisers and now the T1 cruiser is very good at it, all are things that are desired and all are things you can be doing almost immediately.
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2013-01-31 15:26:35 UTC
I remember being scared to go out and pvp because i always thought id just get owned without learning anything and not being able to fund my ships. I was just sitting there doing nothing and "waiting" for skills to finnish wich would never be good enough i thought.

My solution tho was just buying 1 plex and sell it, and it would fund my cheap frigs for a looong time to practise with, real pvp >> dueling will give you the experience and understanding you need, what u can kill and what you cannot. this changed the whole game for me personally and i was no longer just sitting there waiting for my skills to finnish and having nothing to do basically.

But that was my solution and maybe not everyone wants to pay for PLEX but my RL back then was different so i had only a couple of hours a day at most, and no time to farm for isk.
Eternal Montage
Myriad Sequence
#8 - 2013-01-31 15:33:28 UTC
Veda Idama wrote:
It's finding a place to play solo with frigates and more importantly, keep up the funds to replace them

Faction warfare space. Fly t1, shouldn't cost much to maintain.
Veda Idama
#9 - 2013-01-31 15:48:06 UTC
Ixpha wrote:
I remember being scared to go out and pvp because i always thought id just get owned without learning anything and not being able to fund my ships. I was just sitting there doing nothing and "waiting" for skills to finnish wich would never be good enough i thought.

My solution tho was just buying 1 plex and sell it, and it would fund my cheap frigs for a looong time to practise with, real pvp >> dueling will give you the experience and understanding you need, what u can kill and what you cannot. this changed the whole game for me personally and i was no longer just sitting there waiting for my skills to finnish and having nothing to do basically.

But that was my solution and maybe not everyone wants to pay for PLEX but my RL back then was different so i had only a couple of hours a day at most, and no time to farm for isk.

That actually sounds like a good idea and would solve some of the issues i'm facing. Thanks

[i]dehino 'smin yathā dehe kaumāraḿ yauvanaḿ jarā tathā dehāntara-prāptir dhīras tatra na muhyati[/i]

Steven Koskanaiken
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-01-31 16:51:25 UTC
One tip: go find people to play with. EVE is a MMO, so go and socialize with others.
Cameron Zero
Sebiestor Tribe
#11 - 2013-01-31 17:10:53 UTC
Frigates don't have to be a stepping stone to something else. There are plenty of people in Eve who fly frigates almost exclusively (and are damn good at it). Sure, training for larger ships takes time, but remember, bigger is not always better.

As for having to wait to have fun, there are plenty of ways to go have fun after even just a few hours (or days) of training. An example:

Red vs Blue - Our Noobfleet members are given (free!) frigate hulls to PVP with. The insurance on the hull is almost always enough to more than cover the cost of the T1 modules you fit them with. (In fact, when I first started, I actually made ISK via the program. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep flying T1 frigates.) There's also a skillbook program, and plenty of events and opportunities to find people to PVP with. In addition, people are more than willing to have "duels" where you only shoot each other to hull, so neither person loses their ship.

Why wait for a dueling system? Come join RvB today!

(Standard disclaimer: RvB is not a teaching institution. You CAN learn during your stay (and you probably will) a lot about PVP, but - aside from a few generous souls - no one is going to hold your hand and teach you how to PVP. Also, lest someone else come in with a "not real PVP" comment, you are always welcome to join RvB for awhile until you get some basic understanding of PVP, and then go join a "real" PVP corporation elsewhere.)

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. …"

Steven Koskanaiken
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#12 - 2013-01-31 21:02:45 UTC
Okay, now not on my cell phone so can type a proper reply.

As for the OP:

+1 for the attitude.

I really expected a full whine / rage quiting thread blaming that EVE is wrong in "x", "y" and "z" cause it doesn't work in the way the OP wanted it to work.

Hell, was I surprised by the OP. A well worded and totally correct way of posting. You show that you tried, you show that you are open minded. You show that you found out that EVE isn't your game, while understanding that it doesn't mean EVE is wrong.

For that I salute you - o7 -.

Now, I do hope that you will continue to play EVE cause by the way you typed the OP I do see a player who has a great EVE future in him.

Don't be fooled by the "you can't do anything fun for the first year" whiners out there, they are playing EVE wrong. Go out and do stuff that you like, no matter how old your character is, no matter how small or big your ship is. Go out and have fun, being older means your idea of fun will change / grow with your SP/ISK abilities, but it's perfectly possible to have fun as a low SP character.

I started this character with only 1 thing in mind: RvB.
I could hardly fit a proper PvP ship on him in my opinion (compared with my main - 39mil SP at that time) yet I had a great time going hero leeroy jenkins tackle in RvB while training skills. g
Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#13 - 2013-01-31 22:06:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Inxentas Ultramar
Yeah, it was a good breakdown of a new players experience. The SP thing is a bit intentional off course. Doesn't the tutorial at some point indicate that you take a look at a few ships? It's not as if that section wasn't intended as a way of telling you if you stick with it you can fly a ship 1000x the size of your wee little noobship. Big smile It is a game that takes patience and a little planning. But you can have fun all the way from near 0 up to a gazillion SP. I must admit that I did a lot of research on the game before I started my trial, because I knew it was going to be quite complex. But thanks to my IRL friend I got into a courier contract into nullsec with 5 mil up front and another 5 if i'd make it. I was evading bubbles and scanning for players in mere days. Thanks to that little gesture I knew hisec was a carboard box and the sand was outside of it quite early in my Eve carreer. Big smile

Fly safe!
Keno Skir
#14 - 2013-02-01 02:52:13 UTC
Sorry to see you go man o/

Take care Lol
#15 - 2013-02-01 07:49:31 UTC
You are not allowed to leave EVE until you get your 1st kill.

Sorry bud.. that's just the way it is. Twisted
Kyra Quinn
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2013-02-01 08:42:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyra Quinn
Veda Idama wrote:
Hello all

The idea was to sub for 3 month and see what I can do. I have to admit, it was a daunting experience but also an enjoyable one

I haven't decided if I will continue. There does seem to be a heavy time investment before a player can have any "fun" so I'm working on shortening that while being realistic with my time.

It's a great game but maybe not the game for a casual player like me.

I'd like to thank a few people for making my time here enjoyable and for being a real credit to the community in my eyes

Vilnius Zar
Laura Belle
Keno Skir

Special thanks to Keno and Laura for spending some time with me in game

I'm thinking to sub for 1 more month to see the dueling system. I feel like this might give newer players a change to 'practice' some pvp before heading into lowsec. We'll see what happens from there

Many thanks again to the community and devs for a great game and community.

Fly safe

I'm a week old now and I've done lots of things. I'm talking to many people from all kinds of play styles via the rookie/help channel and because people reacted to my thread. I've been doing exploration although not being able to do the cooler ones right now is a bit frustrating but it's an MMO so progress is part of the game. I've been invited to a pvp group, made an alt for it (didn't want to "mess up" my character) and trained some skills on it they told me to get (took about a day) and so far I've been out with them two times, I still don't know what I'm doing but that really doesn't matter and I'm sure that'll change with time.

So far the game is a blast and I keep hopping from one thing to another, sampling it all trying to find my own playstyle and the only thing I refuse to do is grind pve. It's weird, I've played many MMO's but I've not played one where newbies can actually do stuff and be useful in a group, that's not a sales pitch from their website but it's what I'm doing right now. I'm keeping a blog to track my progress and just for the fun of it, keeping myself busy.

So get active, talk to people and try stuff, just DO things that aren't the obvious boring stuff. I didn't expect to have fun in a spaceship game (not really my thing) and a pvp focussed one at that (not really my thing either, for now) but so far it's been an enjoyable journey.

Don't give up :P
Counselor ForHire
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2013-02-01 09:18:15 UTC
EvE is what YOU make of it.

I have been playing since Exodus and learned real fast about getting ganked. Initially I was pissed...then I laughed and started over.

The biggest difference between EvE and most games is that YOU get to decide what you want instead of following some script. So what...other people have big shiney pew pew monster ships. Other people have teeny tiny super fast annoyance ships that bring down Battleships and Industrials.

Talk to other people, visit other EvE related websites, check out chat channels, click on random pilots and see who they are and where they come from and what corps they belong to. etc...

You have a good attitude, EvE has some of the most mature players around (save some of the forum trolls) so you are in good company. Play a little more and have fun. is a game!
Don't fly what you can't afford to lose ALSO includes drones!!!
Laris Orwan
#18 - 2013-02-01 11:22:53 UTC
Veda Idama wrote:
Vilnius Zar wrote:
I made a list and it's a positive one for a change \o/

There does seem to be a heavy time investment before a player can have any "fun"

This is not correct, you don't need fancy ships to have fun, you don't need massive isk to have fun. Sure there's limitations on what you can do but you're not helping yourself by looking ahead 6 months and ogling ships you can't use yet, instead enjoy what you can do now and in 3 days and trust me, newbies can do a whole lot.

That was my initial impression. I've not flown anything other than frigates and mission reward ships intentionally for that reason.

It's finding a place to play solo with frigates and more importantly, keep up the funds to replace them

I do see what your saying. I just don't understand what I can do now rather than seeing it as a stepping stone to another class of ship?


I've played on a off for the last 10 months or so at first high sec, mining, mission running and just trying to get bigger and bigger ships.. But in the last 2 weeks I've been running merlins solo in low sec ratting and trying to learn how to evade, stay waare and try to pick the odd fight I might have a chance with. I've only lost 5 merlins at a cost of about 15mil and had the best two weeks in game so far. There is so much to learn before even fighting.. Safes, dscan etc and just the excitement of flying around low great..

I've got loads to learn about pvp but my biggest regret was not doing this months ago.. Frigs are great fun.. Well in low sec they are :)

Sub one more month.. Message me in game for a reasonable T1 fit that can take care of most rats in low and have fun being hunted, hunting and being blown up... Trust me you'll love it.. Especially the adrenaline hand shake that no other game comes close to.

Good luck
Veda Idama
#19 - 2013-02-01 13:48:54 UTC
I'm genuinely humbled and blown away by your responses. Thank you

I was honestly expecting a few 'can I have your stuff?' replies and not much more.

The more i'm out of of game, reading forums, researching etc. the more I want to play

The more i'm in game, the more i'm struggling to find things to do.

I started an alt along this guy to help and i'm subbing for another month at least. Sticking with frigs and working on better builds

You guys make it hard to quit this :)


[i]dehino 'smin yathā dehe kaumāraḿ yauvanaḿ jarā tathā dehāntara-prāptir dhīras tatra na muhyati[/i]

Keno Skir
#20 - 2013-02-01 13:52:42 UTC
Well if ur staying come find me one night and i'll show you basic lowsec survival.
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