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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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New characters and exploration

Mepoy Rudako
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-01-31 10:00:59 UTC

I started Eve 2 days ago on a 21 day trial account. I'd previously played about 4 years ago for a month and a bit doing mining, but quit as that eventually became very boring.

I did 4 tutorials including the exploration one the first day and decided that was the most interesting, so I spent the next day and a half training some astrometrics/electronics/hacking/archaeology/salvaging skills to 2/3. After finding 6 or 7 wormholes, I finally found a Radar site, and entered with the Imicus setup I read about in another thread, except with the Minmatar probe and explosive damage drones instead.

"Because of the low SP/ship requirement for Radar sites and their massive payout compared to other options I'd just focus on those really, ignore the rest and don't bother salvaging. Once you get some skills up and fly a decent combat fit ship then have a look at DED and unrated sites, don't bother with Drones or anomalies imo.

This is all you'll need for Radar sites:

[Imicus, Explorer]
Small Armor Repairer I
Capacitor Power Relay I

1MN Afterburner I
Codebreaker I

[empty high slot]
Core Probe Launcher I, Core Scanner Probe I

Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
[empty rig slot]

Hobgoblin I x3"

I also used a small shield booster, without a capacitor Power Relay. I ran out of capacitor in about 5 seconds and unfortunately, the NPC ships blew me up. xD

The radar site I found was in a 0.7 system, called a "Local Angel Virus Test Site" with 5 Gistii Ambusher Frigates.

Further information/advice i've read seems to be about people using thrashers/vexors etc to first clear the found radar site, and then return with the imicus/probe to use the codebreaker; this seems to require at least another 2 or 3 weeks. I was wondering if I should focus on some other activity for another 2 weeks or so before returning to exploration, and if there were any skill plans available for someone wanting to do some high sec exploration.

So far I've only trained the skills required to codebreaker/salvage etcetc but i've now realised I actually need to blow stuff up before I get to that part >.>

tldr; i'm annoyed that I can't hop straight into exploration (died to a radar site), how many days/weeks before I can?
Marc Callan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-01-31 10:53:21 UTC
Mepoy Rudako wrote:

I started Eve 2 days ago on a 21 day trial account. I'd previously played about 4 years ago for a month and a bit doing mining, but quit as that eventually became very boring.

I did 4 tutorials including the exploration one the first day and decided that was the most interesting, so I spent the next day and a half training some astrometrics/electronics/hacking/archaeology/salvaging skills to 2/3. After finding 6 or 7 wormholes, I finally found a Radar site, and entered with the Imicus setup I read about in another thread, except with the Minmatar probe and explosive damage drones instead.

"Because of the low SP/ship requirement for Radar sites and their massive payout compared to other options I'd just focus on those really, ignore the rest and don't bother salvaging. Once you get some skills up and fly a decent combat fit ship then have a look at DED and unrated sites, don't bother with Drones or anomalies imo.

This is all you'll need for Radar sites:

[Imicus, Explorer]
Small Armor Repairer I
Capacitor Power Relay I

1MN Afterburner I
Codebreaker I

[empty high slot]
Core Probe Launcher I, Core Scanner Probe I

Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
[empty rig slot]

Hobgoblin I x3"

I also used a small shield booster, without a capacitor Power Relay. I ran out of capacitor in about 5 seconds and unfortunately, the NPC ships blew me up. xD

The radar site I found was in a 0.7 system, called a "Local Angel Virus Test Site" with 5 Gistii Ambusher Frigates.

Further information/advice i've read seems to be about people using thrashers/vexors etc to first clear the found radar site, and then return with the imicus/probe to use the codebreaker; this seems to require at least another 2 or 3 weeks. I was wondering if I should focus on some other activity for another 2 weeks or so before returning to exploration, and if there were any skill plans available for someone wanting to do some high sec exploration.

So far I've only trained the skills required to codebreaker/salvage etcetc but i've now realised I actually need to blow stuff up before I get to that part >.>

tldr; i'm annoyed that I can't hop straight into exploration (died to a radar site), how many days/weeks before I can?

The Imicus's primary weapons will be light drones, which can work pretty well on frigates - so long as you're careful and recall them if they draw enemy fire. Basic drone skills should be achievable in a few days, and they'll be useful to you throughout just about any career you pursue.

(Oh, and for boosting shielding, a Capacitor Power Relay is a bad choice - it improves capacitor recharge, but robs shield boosters' recharge strength to do it. Actually, one of the better ways to handle hostile NPC frigates might be raw speed, using a micro-warp drive or an afterburner, to fly at right angles to the NPCs and basically dodge their shots and reduce their missile fire to glancing blows.)

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#3 - 2013-01-31 10:54:12 UTC
Can't honestly help with exploration for 2 days old toon but maybe, just maybe, you would survive if you had pulse your shield booster instead of perma running it. Also you should move, orbit a can you are currently hacking or whatever you suppose to do with it instead of sitting still. And your drones should be able to take care of rats if not all of them at least you would minimalize incoming damage.

Keep training and things will get easier eventually. But real secret is not in skills and mods, it is all about player knowledge about the game. So while you wait for that longer skill to finish you should read all you can find about kind of activities you wanna participate in.

Invalid signature format

Vilnius Zar
SDC Multi Ten
#4 - 2013-01-31 11:45:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Vilnius Zar
If you keep some range from those npc they won't hurt you much if at all, so just burn away from them while using your drones. It's not so much a ship or fit issue as you needing to get used to combat a little bit. And yes you can do it as a 2 day old character just fine if you learn a few things, Thing is that people tend to learn from mistakes so now that you got blown up you learned you need to change your strategy in regards to those npc but trust me, they're silly easy once you get the hang of it. Dying in a high sec radar site is uhm.... embarassing :P

Train up the capacitor skills to lvl 2 or so, it doesn't have to be much but a few percent better tanking here, a few percent better cap there and so forth makes all the difference.
Forest Archer
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-01-31 11:46:14 UTC
Also with radar and mags if you clear the site and warp away with to get another ship the site will despawn so using only one ship is a must. I would suggest to train up some tanking skills or capacitor skills this should help prevent taking as much damage.

Always willing to help all you have to do is ask, though if you're in the other fleet I may not help the way you want. Just a heads up. Pub Channel: Lost Souls Trading Post

Eternal Montage
Myriad Sequence
#6 - 2013-01-31 15:15:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternal Montage
It should only take you a couple days to train for highsec radar sites. Here's what I suggest: find an Academy and buy a bunch of cheap skills. To do this, look up one skill, for instance trajectory analysis and look at the market details. You should see sell orders that seem to be at a fixed price and amount (20,000 isk and 555 orders or something like that) go to that location (make sure it actually is a school--should say "Gellente Navy Academy" or "Center for advanced studies" or something like that) and go through the ENTIRE list of skills. Buy one of each of everything you can. There should be dozens of gunnery, engineering, mechanic, drone, navigation, electronics--everything in fact. There are dozens of skills with low training multipliers that you can train in a matter of minutes to give you marked improvement in your ships capabilities.

When you buy your skills, there should be about 30 that you can and should use right away, put them all in your skill queue and start training them right away. If you haven't done this yet it should be your top priority. This should cost you less than 1 mil to afford most of the highest priority skills.

How you fly your ship is important as well. Previous responses outlined how to fly frigates. Never stop moving, and if you're not cap stable than you have to manage your cap--pulse certain modules. An afterburner keeps your velocity up without increasing the size of your signature radius which means you will see significant increases in your transversal and angular velocity which allow you to speed tank. I suggest reading up on transversal and angular. Keeping these on your overview at all times and understanding them will give you an edge against NPCs and players alike.

Be aware that you can kite as well. Rats typically have poor range. So if you're ever in a situation where you think you can't tank the rats but you can outrange them, than by all means, kite them and they won't be able to touch you. (Certain cheap skills will help with your range--read them and find what you need)

Lastly, one responder mentioned the importance of information and knowledge in this game. I can't stress this enough. 35% of eve is the meta game. In other words, there are hundreds of websites, tools, wikis, etc that can give you an edge. Find these and take advantage of them. One that you should have right off the bat is EFT, so you can experiment with ship fitting. Another you might want to consider is EveMon which allows you to make a comprehensive skill plan.

Edit: I wanted to mention, as an explorer myself, I must advise against switching ships UNLESS if you're doing DED sites. Radar/mags can be done in an all-in-one explorer
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2013-01-31 15:53:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Ixpha
I am not a vet whatsoever but i do have done exstensive reading before i started out, at the top of my head i have 2 tips

-I just cant go exploring now without this page:
Altho its intended for DSP its quite usefull without.

-Also since your after only radar sites. Radar, grav, mag and ladar sites will always show after 25% signal strength, so if none of them are showing at 25%, move on to next since it a WH or a DED, will save u alot of time
Davith en Divalone
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2013-01-31 17:18:41 UTC
I think that's a weak fit, likely one that's out of date given changes to retribution. And, it's not a Probe. Key changes I'd make:

Tank: This Imicus is set up to armor tank without any resistance mods, which is terrible against Angels due to their high explosive damage and the low explosive resistance of T1 armor. Switching to the Probe, it looks like Cap is a bit tight, so I'd look at the following options:

* Active Shield: Use a Small Ancillary Shield Booster and Cap Boosters to conserve cap.
* Passive/Buffer Shield: Fit a Small Shield Extender and an Explosive Deflection Amplifier, and follow up with a DCU and Shield Power Relays in the lows. Primarily, you're looking for enough tank to burn down rats on warp-in.
* Armor tank: To me, it looks really hard to fit a good armor tank on a Probe for Angels due to limited powergrid and cap. But I'd start with at least one explosive resistance mod, fortify with a second or DCU, and then rig for increased power grid and capacitor recharge to support an armor repair module.

DPS: The bad news is that the Probe is a split-weapons hull. The good news is that you have your choice of missiles or turrets as your secondary weapon. Personally, I'd go for light missiles for a little bit of extra range and easier fit compared to artillery, and snipe from ~15km out. Drone skills will be very helpful, because once you train into Tech II drones and some of the secondary skills, you can pop most highsec radar rats in seconds.

Rigs: If you're having trouble with DPS or tank, I'd rig for DPS or tank over scan bonuses. If you're running an armor repairer you'll probably need to rig for cap and powergrid.

Tactics: Usually when I find multiple rats on a radar site, they're spread out and it's possible to pull one set without drawing aggression on the other. Almost always in highsec, you'll have the advantage in both damage projection and speed. Pop them at range or kite them.
Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#9 - 2013-01-31 22:26:38 UTC
Forest Archer wrote:
Also with radar and mags if you clear the site and warp away with to get another ship the site will despawn so using only one ship is a must. I would suggest to train up some tanking skills or capacitor skills this should help prevent taking as much damage.

Sorry, this is false or old info. First off, you will have no need to warp into the site with your scanning ship. Set a bookmark from your scanner instead. Secondly, the rad/mag site will only despawn once you hack/analyze/salvage a container. As long as you dont interact with any of those containers, you can warp in and out all you want, you can even kill rats. But only the initial ones, as some containers are booby trapped and will spawn NPC's once interacted with. You can definately use seperate ships for scanning and running the sites. In unsafe space, the need for seperate ships is a risk/logistic/SP issue mostly. One you can easily solve by getting into the right player corporation, I might add.
Kathern Aurilen
#10 - 2013-01-31 22:34:38 UTC
Mepoy Rudako wrote:

Hobgoblin I x3"
They extended the drone bay on the Imcus... Its now a 25m3 drone bay.

No cuts, no butts, no coconuts!

Forum alt, unskilled in the ways of pewpew!

Oz Yael
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2013-02-01 01:35:27 UTC
Ixpha wrote:
I am not a vet whatsoever but i do have done exstensive reading before i started out, at the top of my head i have 2 tips

-I just cant go exploring now without this page:
Altho its intended for DSP its quite usefull without.

-Also since your after only radar sites. Radar, grav, mag and ladar sites will always show after 25% signal strength, so if none of them are showing at 25%, move on to next since it a WH or a DED, will save u alot of time

A great tip!!!