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Sov grind needs to change

Fleet of the Damned
#1 - 2013-01-23 08:33:31 UTC
The one and only reason the HBC and CFC arn't going into an all out war is because they grow tired of grinding space (which is understandable).

CCP should make it easier to grind sov in null. The FW system comes to mind, not that it's perfect, but it generates conflict in every system because it's easy to plex a system for your'e own corp/alliance this way.

If this kind of system were to be implemented in null sec, even small corps stand a change of getting sov in null.

Just make null sec like FW lowsec without rules. Where factions can be seen as alliances/corps.

I'm sure CCP/CSM can come with a good system within 18 months.
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2013-01-23 08:35:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicolo da'Vicenza
that would involve CCP improving on nullsec, something they've been loathe to do over the past 3-4 years and have no plans to do in the future
so think of a new solution

perhaps we could make some sort of moral imperative to make specific alliances fight
or phrase it as like some sort of nerf, that'll get Soundwave's attention

like "what if we nerfed the EHP of TCUs, and nerfed the crushing sov bills?"
Fleet of the Damned
#3 - 2013-01-23 08:40:55 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
that would involve CCP iterating on nullsec, something they've been loathe to do over the past 3-4 years
so think of a new solution

perhaps we could make some sort of moral imperative to make specific alliances fight

No it wouldn't because every sov stays as it is now. Just the rules for taking sov changes. The big coalitions actually have to work for there precious sov (instead of dozens of empty systems), or adopt a new way to blue everything like there doing now. Even moon systems could be taken in a day maybe 2.
#4 - 2013-01-23 08:58:12 UTC
I hope you don't mean pve will have anything to do with sov. lol what the christ

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2013-01-23 09:00:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicolo da'Vicenza
'the system is under siege, we need the miners to boost the sov - i will fc from my stratrorqual"
Jita iswhereIsit
#6 - 2013-01-23 10:04:12 UTC
There doesn't need to be a huge revamp or anything, all they need to do is reduce the amount of reinforced timers and reduce the HP of IHUBS and stations.

The systems general PVE/PVP/Mining/POS count/amount should add to its defense level rating, so a system that is generally used quite a lot will be the hardest to take (but still smaller reinforce timers than the current system). A system or systems that aren't generally used will have a lower defense rating so will effectivley pushing the reinforce timer of the i-hubs/stations down to a point in which you could take it within an hour (or so). This system would make fights and campaigns more dynamic and more accessable for leadership/FCs, it wouldn't be as much of a risk and there wouldn't have to be such a huge commitment just to start an internet spaceship war.

The current issues are that the main bloc level FCs don't want to spend hours and hours a night shooting structures, its boring and the current dynamic of 0.0 means that there isn't likely to be another huge war until the system changes and doesn't mean cancelling your social life for the next several months.

I do hope this sends a message to CCP that empire isn't the only part of the game, and that the areas where all the drama and the areas which would generate the most publicity are in dire need of change. I was really looking forward to a war, but at the same time can understand why shadoo didn't want it to happen.
Ana Fox
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2013-01-23 10:24:39 UTC
BrutalButFair wrote:
The one and only reason the HBC and CFC arn't going into an all out war is because they grow tired of grinding space (which is understandable).

You really think that is reason why they dont go in all out war ?

That is true reason as much like you said they dont go to war cause of bad weather.
Marcus Harikari
#8 - 2013-01-23 10:56:28 UTC
Why don't you just join FW?
Fleet of the Damned
#9 - 2013-01-23 10:57:40 UTC
Ana Fox wrote:
BrutalButFair wrote:
The one and only reason the HBC and CFC arn't going into an all out war is because they grow tired of grinding space (which is understandable).

You really think that is reason why they dont go in all out war ?

That is true reason as much like you said they dont go to war cause of bad weather.

Have you ever grinded sov? If so you should know better
Fleet of the Damned
#10 - 2013-01-23 10:58:00 UTC
Marcus Harikari wrote:
Why don't you just join FW?

i already am Big smile
Brooks Puuntai
Solar Nexus.
#11 - 2013-01-23 11:17:03 UTC
They should probably improve on null and make it worth fighting for, before they redo Sov mechanics.... again.

CCP's Motto: If it isn't broken, break it. If it is broken, ignore it. Improving NPE / Dynamic New Eden

#12 - 2013-01-23 11:18:50 UTC
While I think you have fell victim to a lame excuse of why they are not fighting (real reason is Tech Moons) I do agree something more fitting should be made of null sec Sov War. To better cater to their needs..

After the great success CCP has has with FW Sov War mechanics,I think they should follow suite with a replica in null sec.

I was thinking perhaps they should not force anyone to orbit buttons for hours each day, but rather allow them to do their favorite past times. Something that would even draw those cute lovable carebears out of high sec.

They could have Sov tied to activity in the system. If you have a station with industrial upgrades then you simply have to keep the asteroid belts clear of Veldspar each day. If the roids get to big, they have the chance of losing orbit and getting hurled toward the station destroying it and all it's contents.

For systems with ratting upgrades, then you must keep the belts clear of those pesky little red crosses and complete lots of missions or the evil Sansha will come and camp your stations eventually destroying it.

This could be carried on to the connecting systems near by that your alliance uses actively. If you are active in the near by systems, then they flip to your sov based off the closest station system. However if your evil neighbors come and mine more roids or kill more rats than your own guys then the Sov starts to flip to them.

This way everyone can be happy and love one another with out risk of losing their precious space ships..

yes this is a troll..