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CCP: Making a better tomorrow, tomorrow. ...starting tomorrow.

Epic Ganking Time
#21 - 2013-01-17 02:58:21 UTC
Gogela wrote:

  • Walking in stations is critical to the future of EvE.

You misunderstand. I'm psudo-quoting from dev interviews from when incarna was being developed. That was the line they sold and the implication I was angling at was despite the fact that CCP believed that WiS was critical they still didn't deliver. Sorry that wasn't clear to you.

WiS is a cool idea and I think it would be neat to have if there was some gameplay there.... but this thread isn't about WiS it's about CCP making grand sweeping statements and then watching the resulting development fail to meet the pitch.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Kathern Aurilen
#22 - 2013-01-17 03:02:34 UTC
Ok thats better... i thought you was waiting at CCP's door with pitch fork and torches if WIS was not NOW but RIGHT NOW !!!1!!1!!1111

No cuts, no butts, no coconuts!

Forum alt, unskilled in the ways of pewpew!

#23 - 2013-01-17 03:16:59 UTC
Unfortunately CCP are afraid to work on WIS at this critical time (DUST release). It's a shame, because it looks like they did 80% of the groundwork for establishments.

Modular POSes have been pretty much ruled out in the CSM minutes. Too bad.


dark heartt
#24 - 2013-01-17 03:32:14 UTC
Please tell me more about how WIS is critical to this SPACESHIP game. The more we can avoid that $***storm the better.
Epic Ganking Time
#25 - 2013-01-17 03:36:38 UTC
iskflakes wrote:
Unfortunately CCP are afraid to work on WIS at this critical time (DUST release). It's a shame, because it looks like they did 80% of the groundwork for establishments.

Modular POSes have been pretty much ruled out in the CSM minutes. Too bad.

Actually as I understand it there's only a couple of rooms (essentially 2 types of captain's quarters) in DUST using the "Carbon" (EvE's) engine, and DUST itself plays in the Unreal game engine... so no there's really nothing EvE Incarna can use in DUST.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

#26 - 2013-01-17 15:32:42 UTC
buttehurt about no barbie emoting? lol what the christ

Dark Assassin15
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2013-01-17 16:17:19 UTC
No More Heroes wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Walking in stations is critical to the future of EvE.

Nope. A logical approach to development would be to fix existing systems first before adding new ones. Cruiser buffs are good, not too happy with the BC stuff, Tiericide is meh, 0.0 needs a cohesive vision/direction.

Agree fully. well said.


The F Word
#28 - 2013-01-17 16:28:03 UTC
I don't think EVE is about what you think it is.

EVE is about PVP, gankery, trolling, misinformation, backstabbing, plotting, revenge squashing, and manipulation.

Anything else existing in game does so merely to support the above - industry and trade for instance is all tertiary. Anything introduced is going to be along the lines of what EVE is about (as stated above), with room for marginal deviation towards anything that provides additional income to CCP and the cash shop.

Mhax Arthie
#29 - 2013-01-17 16:44:53 UTC
No More Heroes wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Walking in stations is critical to the future of EvE.

Nope. A logical approach to development would be to fix existing systems first before adding new ones. Cruiser buffs are good, not too happy with the BC stuff, Tiericide is meh, 0.0 needs a cohesive vision/direction.

Dude, in gaming industry these are patch notes not expansions. No offence, but when somebody spend too much time in the restroom it get used with the smell, but for someone who may enter the room it will be difficult to stay in for long. I don't wanna compare EVE with a restroom, but more like the veteran players attitude whom love to live in their cave and are against anything innovative and new that could shake their primitive life. Every time when a new idea nor concept is thrown into the ring, the vets are QQ all over like some lousy crybabies.

EVE is an absolute brilliant game and it's a shame that only few of us playing it on this entire planet. Only with constant balancing this game heads nowhere, there must be something big, something that changes EVE as we know it today. One thing we all agree is that changes should never be anything toward the themepark concept and EVE it is and should be forever a sandbox. But even in desert sometimes rain and the sand gets vet.
Hendrik Tiberius
Red Phoenix Rising
#30 - 2013-01-17 17:10:05 UTC
Ghazu wrote:
buttehurt about no barbie emoting?

How did you manage to learn to write without learning to read?
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#31 - 2013-01-17 17:13:13 UTC
Basically, yeah.

What I gathered is that CCP is done with single-big-feature expansions. They're now going to roll out new content over multiple expansions--basically, building iteration into their development plan at the highest level. That ~should~ mean no more late-alphas or betas like Incarna and Dominion. (Even the successful ones, like Trinity, are now being followed up piecemeal with the V3 project). It also likely means that CCP regards the earlier, incomplete expansions are requiring further iteration. They seem to be keen on revisiting Dominion next. I noted that Winter 2013 is slated to be a nullsec themed expansion.

On top of that, there will be the ongoing balancing and code refactoring efforts.

I believe that they will eventually get to Incarna, but since Incarna as it stands is only content in the most technical sense of the word, and because the WoD team found CARBON-as-is to be unsatisfactory for avatar gameplay, I understand why they would focus on half-finished parts of the game that make up significant content right now, like Factional Warfare and sov. And POSes *cough*.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#32 - 2013-01-17 17:40:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Natsett Amuinn
Mhax Arthie wrote:
No More Heroes wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Walking in stations is critical to the future of EvE.

Nope. A logical approach to development would be to fix existing systems first before adding new ones. Cruiser buffs are good, not too happy with the BC stuff, Tiericide is meh, 0.0 needs a cohesive vision/direction.

Dude, in gaming industry these are patch notes not expansions. No offence, but when somebody spend too much time in the restroom it get used with the smell, but for someone who may enter the room it will be difficult to stay in for long. I don't wanna compare EVE with a restroom, but more like the veteran players attitude whom love to live in their cave and are against anything innovative and new that could shake their primitive life. Every time when a new idea nor concept is thrown into the ring, the vets are QQ all over like some lousy crybabies.

EVE is an absolute brilliant game and it's a shame that only few of us playing it on this entire planet. Only with constant balancing this game heads nowhere, there must be something big, something that changes EVE as we know it today. One thing we all agree is that changes should never be anything toward the themepark concept and EVE it is and should be forever a sandbox. But even in desert sometimes rain and the sand gets vet.

They don't get it though.

CCP said what they said becaue they understand that EVE will never truelly grow the way they want with just the FiS stuff.

Inferno did not add more people to TQ, Retribution did not add more people to TQ. Doing more of the same and tweeking what's already there doesn't add more people to TQ. I might get some old players back becuase they want to see if CCP "fixed" whatever their issue was.

CCP even said in the minutes that they can't even say if NEW players are coming to EVE or if it's just people picking up more accounts. I got a feeling that CCP think it's more of the later and less of the former.

Now they're pretty much asking the CSM, how can we do this. The CSM says, modular PoS's? CCP says no, that's to much work, what else can we do.

In the end, the answer is going to be NOTHING.
If they aren't willing to take on the difficult stuff, they'll never grow EVE.

EVE has sat around 350k subs for several years now. They added 100k recently with the reopening of the chinese server.
The mark of a good expansion is not current player praise, it's because new people come to the game. Inferno and retribution did not bring more people to EVE. Unifex even admitted that they thought that "fixing" things they thought were the problem, turned out to not be what was needed.

It makes sense that people ALREADY playing EVE are fine with things like WiS getting scrapped. We already play, we already like the spaceships.

If all it takes is more spaceships, then the playerbase wouldn't be holding at 350k. We'd see 450k on TQ without the chinese server; that never happend.

And it's the same thing for every other MMO.
If they don't do new things, they don't grow. They stagnate or they die. EVE has been stagnating, picking u a couple thosuand here and there, but even CCP seems to think that could have more to do with alt accounts and not really drawing in new players.

WiS type content is vital to the future of EVE, because without truelly new content EVE will never see significant growth.

The PoS revamp could have been the other driver for new players. I could have swore they said they wanted to redo them so that they weren't only useable by some people but to the wider playerbase. Not they don't want to do it becaue it's to hard and not everyone can use them? That's not what they said a year ago though.

Sounds a lot to me like they don't have the resources to do the larger things because of other stuff they're doing, and when pressed on that issue they say, "that's not it, it's just to hard". I'm not buying.

They're hunting for little things they can do that they think will grow EVE because they simply do not have the numbers working on EVE to dedicate to the more complex and larger projects.

And the little things are never going to grow EVE.
It han't worked in any other MMO, why does CCP think they'll be the exception to the rule?
Alienated Joe
#33 - 2013-01-17 17:43:05 UTC
dark heartt wrote:
Please tell me more about how WIS is critical to this SPACESHIP game.

Do you remember the trailer "EVE: A Future Vision"? At that time, EVE was a sci-fi simulation game with spaceships. I loved that idea, It fuelled my imagination, but something has changed along the road.
Mhax Arthie
#34 - 2013-01-17 18:34:10 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Mhax Arthie wrote:
No More Heroes wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Walking in stations is critical to the future of EvE.

Nope. A logical approach to development would be to fix existing systems first before adding new ones. Cruiser buffs are good, not too happy with the BC stuff, Tiericide is meh, 0.0 needs a cohesive vision/direction.

Dude, in gaming industry these are patch notes not expansions. No offence, but when somebody spend too much time in the restroom it get used with the smell, but for someone who may enter the room it will be difficult to stay in for long. I don't wanna compare EVE with a restroom, but more like the veteran players attitude whom love to live in their cave and are against anything innovative and new that could shake their primitive life. Every time when a new idea nor concept is thrown into the ring, the vets are QQ all over like some lousy crybabies.

EVE is an absolute brilliant game and it's a shame that only few of us playing it on this entire planet. Only with constant balancing this game heads nowhere, there must be something big, something that changes EVE as we know it today. One thing we all agree is that changes should never be anything toward the themepark concept and EVE it is and should be forever a sandbox. But even in desert sometimes rain and the sand gets vet.

They don't get it though.

CCP said what they said becaue they understand that EVE will never truelly grow the way they want with just the FiS stuff.

Inferno did not add more people to TQ, Retribution did not add more people to TQ. Doing more of the same and tweeking what's already there doesn't add more people to TQ. I might get some old players back becuase they want to see if CCP "fixed" whatever their issue was.

CCP even said in the minutes that they can't even say if NEW players are coming to EVE or if it's just people picking up more accounts. I got a feeling that CCP think it's more of the later and less of the former.

Now they're pretty much asking the CSM, how can we do this. The CSM says, modular PoS's? CCP says no, that's to much work, what else can we do.

In the end, the answer is going to be NOTHING.
If they aren't willing to take on the difficult stuff, they'll never grow EVE.

EVE has sat around 350k subs for several years now. They added 100k recently with the reopening of the chinese server.
The mark of a good expansion is not current player praise, it's because new people come to the game. Inferno and retribution did not bring more people to EVE. Unifex even admitted that they thought that "fixing" things they thought were the problem, turned out to not be what was needed.

It makes sense that people ALREADY playing EVE are fine with things like WiS getting scrapped. We already play, we already like the spaceships.

If all it takes is more spaceships, then the playerbase wouldn't be holding at 350k. We'd see 450k on TQ without the chinese server; that never happend.

And it's the same thing for every other MMO.
If they don't do new things, they don't grow. They stagnate or they die. EVE has been stagnating, picking u a couple thosuand here and there, but even CCP seems to think that could have more to do with alt accounts and not really drawing in new players.

WiS type content is vital to the future of EVE, because without truelly new content EVE will never see significant growth.

The PoS revamp could have been the other driver for new players. I could have swore they said they wanted to redo them so that they weren't only useable by some people but to the wider playerbase. Not they don't want to do it becaue it's to hard and not everyone can use them? That's not what they said a year ago though.

Sounds a lot to me like they don't have the resources to do the larger things because of other stuff they're doing, and when pressed on that issue they say, "that's not it, it's just to hard". I'm not buying.

They're hunting for little things they can do that they think will grow EVE because they simply do not have the numbers working on EVE to dedicate to the more complex and larger projects.

And the little things are never going to grow EVE.
It han't worked in any other MMO, why does CCP think they'll be the exception to the rule?

Totally agree, very good post! +1
Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#35 - 2013-01-17 20:01:42 UTC
Ludi Burek wrote:
Romvex wrote:
I still fail to see how WIS is "critical to the future of eve"What?

Eve has WiS? Lol

Sure they do...You can fap on a couch while watching poor quality re-runs on a single screen.

I want my REMOTE!

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

Epic Ganking Time
#36 - 2013-01-17 20:10:34 UTC
Beekeeper Bob wrote:
Ludi Burek wrote:
Romvex wrote:
I still fail to see how WIS is "critical to the future of eve"What?

Eve has WiS? Lol

Sure they do...You can fap on a couch while watching poor quality re-runs on a single screen.

I want my REMOTE!

It's like the blind are leading the blind here... I'm not saying "WiS is critical to EvE"... I'm pointing out that the devs said that. WiS is a cool idea but we've never seen it as a functional game.

That said, I did convert some old skool battlestar galactica and a-team vids to play in CQ and it's pretty funny. Big smile

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#37 - 2013-01-17 20:29:30 UTC
Gogela wrote:

That said, I did convert some old skool battlestar galactica and a-team vids to play in CQ and it's pretty funny. Big smile

Can you tell us more please?

Play in CQ?
Epic Ganking Time
#38 - 2013-01-17 20:36:46 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Gogela wrote:

That said, I did convert some old skool battlestar galactica and a-team vids to play in CQ and it's pretty funny. Big smile

Can you tell us more please?

Play in CQ?

You bet. In fact, CCP posted this REALLY easy-to-follow guide on converting any videos you have to play in your Captain's Quarters (CQ) in-game. It's pretty funny. You should try it. Big smile

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2013-01-17 20:40:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
[breaking the 4th wall]

This game so much is about the individual achievements,
but most individuals lack any will to reach *actual* achievements.

I am totally discarding small things everybody can do, like being +5 or -10.
I'm also discarding things like reaching the first billion isk or building up a POS.
That's generic crap.

What i'm talking about is the fact that most people don't want to be famous or, at least, well known.

Every other corp seeks members and "plans to go to 0.0" ... why ?
Because that's what CCP has laid out for people to do.
Grow and move to the lawless land, as if it meant anything.

What happens to these corps ? Nothing. They might grow, they might move to 0.0,
but they'll vanish into unknowingness just like 99% of all the people out there.
Except, of course, the headline makers like the GOONS, TEST, PL, etc.

Although nice, that simply isn't good enough. In other MMOs, people level up because of
the (fake) feeling of accomplishment. They kill dumb AI and feel awesome because of that.

CCP has the same stupid stuff with missions and agents and creates the same idiots
with fake self esteem believing they are great (until they get blown up by a player),
but what CCP doesn't provide is a way to get known by PEOPLE. To actually accomplish something
that PEOPLE recognize and what makes e-famous.

I don't even think it's possible for CCP to integrate something that makes people WANT to be e-famous.
Otoh, i'm noticing way too many people simply not being interested in being e-famous. There is no incentive
for people to have impact onto the lives of others. They don't want to do it on a grander scale and most ignore
that they are doing it on a smaller scale, every time they undock.

The whole issue bogs down to people wanting to have fun, instead of trying to achieve something bigger.
Of course, i don't blame anybody for playing to have "fun", but it's not mutually exclusive to have fun AND
do hard work and actually achieve something that gets recognized by thousands of other people.

Well ... anyway. These are my *observations* about people, collected since around last april,
when i started doing the "resident outlaw of hek" storyline, which made me semi eve-famous.

Nowhere do i want to make you think that i'm talking about *everybody* out there,
but i have talked to manymanymany people out there over the last 10 months and
that's the information i've gathered. It's saddening me, tbh, because i can't keep going with my storyline,
as i lack people actually interested in playing the game in a way it is very well meant to be played:
On a grand scale, with lots of impact on the lives of others.

Simply adding more crappy content won't cut it in the long run, unless the content is totally
player-driven and puts the player into the actual middle of it ... so he has reason to try and
achieve that he'll get recognized by everybody else.

[/end of break]

Now go **** off, i hate you all.
Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#40 - 2013-01-17 20:42:27 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Gogela wrote:

That said, I did convert some old skool battlestar galactica and a-team vids to play in CQ and it's pretty funny. Big smile

Can you tell us more please?

Play in CQ?

You bet. In fact, CCP posted this REALLY easy-to-follow guide on converting any videos you have to play in your Captain's Quarters (CQ) in-game. It's pretty funny. You should try it. Big smile

Don't **** me with man!!

I never knew this.
That is just awesome. Thank you.
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