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Electronic Warfare completely useless against NPCs

Misa 'Solitaire' Onatopp
Tzarszh Capital Group Incorporated
#1 - 2013-01-16 14:57:39 UTC
Why is it that NPC ships aren't affected by electronic warfare like genuinely piloted ships are? It's been stated repeatedly that EVE is a sandbox, yet the sandbox mentality is anything but true. If NPCs were affected by EW then maybe it would be closer, but them being completely immune is wrong; no player no matter how well they fit their ship is immune to EW (exception being capitals naturally). So why do NPCs not suffer with EW? They fy the same ships as we do yet like for like they will Jam you, Target disrupt you and drain/neutrlise your cap, targetting them with like modules does next to nothing, why?

I'd like to make my ships immune to NPC jamming like they are to me, yet that would be classed as unfair, yet they can do it to us and apparently that's fine. Either everyone should be affected by it or no-one should, regardless if you are flying a capital ship or not.
Sir Dragon
Einherjar Yggdrasils
#2 - 2013-01-16 18:24:57 UTC
I'd wager the reason has something todo with the word " balance ".
Now, i am not agreeing with it. . .
And I completlly agree that NPC ships should be affected / effected
by any and all modules, even tractor beams.

But the development team just thinks,

" but what about the BALANCE!!! , omg Shocked omg omg Ugh "

and all of 'a' 'sudden' torpedoes are nerfed,
NPC's are immune to everything but ammo,
ship's and their various features make absolutly no sence,
scanning for ships cannot be done unless u r flying very specifc ships,
gate campers get features like ' instant lock ' ,
tons and tons of new features cannot be added because it might effect that prestious ballance,

. . . you get the picture and it is sucking the life outof this game
Pantera Home Videos:  ; ; .
Vin Hellsing
#3 - 2013-01-16 19:56:57 UTC
Using EW against NPCs is a non-starter, however...when they use EW on you, and you can't effectively mitigate it (try being jammed by four Pith frigates), it definitely becomes a problem.

Far as I can tell (I have not had the chance to test it, because I use FoF), the use of ECCW modules does not completely solve this problem.

So, what do, CCP?
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#4 - 2013-01-16 20:33:56 UTC
Misa 'Solitaire' Onatopp wrote:
I'd like to make my ships immune to NPC jamming like they are to me.

They're not immune to jamming.
Zan Shiro
#5 - 2013-01-16 22:54:36 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
Misa 'Solitaire' Onatopp wrote:
I'd like to make my ships immune to NPC jamming like they are to me.

They're not immune to jamming.


What was the electronics skill levels of the jammer and what ship was running the ecm? rabble rabble ecm op rabble......a "perma jam" ship is alot of time in some not so fun electronics trains. Not so fun as they can be time intensive and are single purpose. Even for a bonused ship like falcon/scorpion. Recon 5 just one of many pita trains to "perma jam". Even more fun for unbonused ships.

For the eccm stuff.....What was the ratting/mission ship? Unless a tengu eccm by itself won't work. Drop a low and put in a sensor backup arrray. If that still don't work....splurge for talons (you said FOF missiles, so I am assuming caldari missile boat, fill in your racial implants if another races missile using boat). Talons I would buy only if you see gurista alot.

the above setup on a golem when I had it cut down jams alot. this was before the new sensor skills (I don't have golem anymore to see how that helped). Thats a golem with its weak sensor. CNR and such should fair even better. A sensor subbed tengu this does wonders. You will get jammed still but very rarely.
Seranova Farreach
Biomass Negative
#6 - 2013-01-17 06:03:01 UTC
Misa 'Solitaire' Onatopp wrote:
Why is it that NPC ships aren't affected by electronic warfare like genuinely piloted ships are? It's been stated repeatedly that EVE is a sandbox, yet the sandbox mentality is anything but true. If NPCs were affected by EW then maybe it would be closer, but them being completely immune is wrong; no player no matter how well they fit their ship is immune to EW (exception being capitals naturally). So why do NPCs not suffer with EW? They fy the same ships as we do yet like for like they will Jam you, Target disrupt you and drain/neutrlise your cap, targetting them with like modules does next to nothing, why?

I'd like to make my ships immune to NPC jamming like they are to me, yet that would be classed as unfair, yet they can do it to us and apparently that's fine. Either everyone should be affected by it or no-one should, regardless if you are flying a capital ship or not.

sleepers are effected, normal rats are not. no idea why since rats are now on Sleeper AI Lite.


Ines Tegator
Serious Business Inc. Ltd. LLC. etc.
#7 - 2013-01-17 06:46:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Ines Tegator
EWAR does work on NPCs. TD's and Nos* I can vouch for having tested myself, Damps and ECM I've heard secondhand still works. The issue is that generally you are fighting 5-30 NPCs at once, and disabling 1 or 2 of them is inconsequential.

The issue isn't that it doesn't work, it's that is doesn't matter. Fixing that would require a complete redesign of PVE combat. Not a bad idea, but it is a very, very big project.

*- clarification: Nos and Neut both work on NPCs. They reduce the cap the NPC has, and (for NOS) give it to you. The catch is that NPC modules don't require cap, so there's no benefit to doing it. Nos can be used to augment cap with a utility high though. Test it: go Nos an NPC for a good long time- make sure your cap is not full so the nos works right. At a certain point, you stop gaining cap- the NPC's cap has equalized your own. Spend some cap on something- watch the cap stealing resume. This is the normal function of a Nos. It proves that NPCs have cap, and that it can be drained. Unfortunately, since they don't NEED cap, it doesn't matter if you zero them out.
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#8 - 2013-01-17 12:40:54 UTC
The only EWAR moduls that aren´t working are the Neuts and the Nos, but Damper and ECM are also mostly useless cause you can only knock out one NPC per modul. At least the Tp makes the killing easier, so they are the only really usefull EWAR modul against npc´s.

The problem that Neuts don´t work and Nos are only usefull as a Capacitor batterie, is mainly because npc got infinite cap like they got infinite ammunition . Its like in older Action RPG like Diablo 2 where you are need to manage you mana or you can´t cast , but the NPC blobs cast heavy attacks as soon as they "see" you and only have a cool down timmer sometimes.