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Nerf High-sec because internet spaceships is not meant to be hello-kitty online

cytheras wrath
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-01-15 05:03:50 UTC  |  Edited by: cytheras wrath
Hello, as a Highsec carebear, i say that highsec is way way too safe. concord always has my back and kills anyone who attempts to take a pop-shot at my overly tanked skiff.

i ask that you please make concord much much weaker, to the point to where players have a remote chance of actually fighting them and beating them.

Now for my l0g1c,
1) CCP made concord insainly hard to beat ( impossible actually in highsec concordokens ) because of a issue with dreads taking on concord and winning.
2) CCP is slowly, and successfully eliminating all said threats to living in highsec, except for pure stupidity in reguards to ship loss's, or war-decs.
3) Low-sec is useless.
4) there is very little content for a said "pirate" player, or even a want to be said pirate player.
5) there is no real way of saying this except that low sec, make very little sence to exsist.

how to fix this shyt.
1) concord exists in all sec 1.0 - 0.1;
2) concord uses said Sleeper/incursion/somethingnotquitesodumbAI
3) concord intervenes a said 'event' at a strength proportional to the security rating of the system.
4) for each player that engages in the said 'event' concord sends more resistance, and scales the difficulty, to the point to where massive fleets participating in a said 'event' would have a hard time surviving.
5) allows defenselessness players time to call in backup while the said 'event starter' defends themself from the concord intervention.
6) if the said event started, successfully fends off the concord intervention, and managed to keep their pray, they deserve to do as they please with said pray.
7) tax income based on security of the system ( concord safety tax of lol'z ) concord tax sec 1.0 > concord tax sec 0.1
8) due to 7, there is no need for a 'balancing' of sec to income ratios because you can adjust concords security presents and raise tax's on capsuleer pilots. this will drive people who want more profit, to lower sec space, where concord presence is there but weaker, and tax is lower, but the risk is greater ( due to player pirates ).

Like how all NPC corps have the 11% tax and make players immune to war's, highsec should tax income, and make player less likely to get attacked by pirates while still allowing for players to find said things in system ( like ABC ores or something tasty like that) and lowering income for being in highsec ( like what is intended ). this will remove the said 'OMG low sec is full of pirates, dont go there' to, lowsec has less tax's, lets go make more profits because no one is there!

please comment as you feel, and for grammer naz1's, there are pleanty of text books you can go off and fix, fixing my comment's grammer, or spelling is both pointless, and unproductive for your said 'career'. (unless the said person is actually paid as a internet grammer naz1, then i commend your work ethic )
Vladimir Norkoff
Income Redistribution Service
#2 - 2013-01-15 05:54:22 UTC
Well hi-sec needs to be relatively safe so that newer and/or just plain stupid players can figure out the game. Tossing kids into a pool of sharks may be a good method of determining who is a natural swimmer, but you're not gonna get alot of them to stick around. Hi-sec is shark-free wading pool that they can frolick in. It needs to stay safe-ish.

But what it doesn't need to be is profitable. Sadly that's never gonna change much (if at all). People throw a fit and cancel subscrips when you take away their easy money.
Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-01-15 06:12:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Commander Ted
High sec is supposed to be safe. Concord should not be evadable and it should kill you 100% of the time.

High sec is also supposed to suck, which it doesn't. It is the most profitable of all the spaces.

Fixes are simple:
Make building **** in null worthwhile and easy
Make high sec ores utter **** and provide low yield, while buffing other spaces ores
Make exploration in high sec less profitable and increase profits in other parts of space
Increase null and low sec incursion payouts
Make rats have bigger bounties
Make it easier to add research slots to stations
Make low security level fours have 1.5x the payouts

You could probably name hundreds of things, but ill stop right here.

Your always going to need the kiddie space, it provides a safe place to catch your breath for corps, it provides an area where noobs can actually figure out how to play, it provides a area for the bizzaro risk averse people in a pvp based sandbox MMO or have exaggerated beliefs of how scary null is.

You need high sec to be safe. It just gives to much isk relative to other parts. Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

Crimeo Khamsi
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2013-01-15 06:16:58 UTC
Commander Ted wrote:
High sec is supposed to be safe. Concord should not be evadable and it should kill you 100% of the time.

High sec is also supposed to suck, which it doesn't. It is the most profitable of all the spaces.

Fixes are simple:
Make building **** in null worthwhile and easy
Make high sec ores utter **** and provide low yield, while buffing other spaces ores
Make exploration in high sec less profitable and increase profits in other parts of space
Increase null and low sec incursion payouts
Make rats have bigger bounties
Make it easier to add research slots to stations
Make low security level fours have 1.5x the payouts

You could probably name hundreds of things, but ill stop right here.

Your always going to need the kiddie space, it provides a safe place to catch your breath for corps, it provides an area where noobs can actually figure out how to play, it provides a area for the bizzaro risk averse people in a pvp based sandbox MMO or have exaggerated beliefs of how scary null is.

You need high sec to be safe. It just gives to much isk relative to other parts.

cytheras wrath
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-01-15 06:29:11 UTC
Vladimir Norkoff wrote:
Well hi-sec needs to be relatively safe so that newer and/or just plain stupid players can figure out the game. Tossing kids into a pool of sharks may be a good method of determining who is a natural swimmer, but you're not gonna get alot of them to stick around. Hi-sec is shark-free wading pool that they can frolick in. It needs to stay safe-ish.

But what it doesn't need to be is profitable. Sadly that's never gonna change much (if at all). People throw a fit and cancel subscrips when you take away their easy money.

Eve is a game i agree, but what needs to be done, is nullsec profits will be a base line, and how much you really make based on sec status, should be tax'd off the top.

for example:
ABC ores, bring them to highsec
you refine them in 1.0 space: you lose 50% profit
refine them in 0.7 space: you lose like about 35% profit
refine them in 0.5 space: lose like 25% profit
refine them in 0.1 spce: lose like 5% profit

this will effect mining by allowing miners in highsec to, rather then risk profits to refine, sell the ore as is, and let someone else risk the refine tax to make more profit.

from a mission runner standpoint:
isk payout per mission: 10-15mil isk from agent, rats: 50-100m each mission
in 1.0 space: lose 50% profit
in 0.5 space: lose 25% profit
in 0.1 space: lose 5% profit

from a explorer standpoint:
1.0 space: less pirate stuff, more W-hole entrences where pirates can 'seep' from leading to lower sec space
0.5 space: moderate of both but leading to higher sec spce.
0.1 space: more loot stuff, and more access to W-hole space.

from a trader standpoint:
1.0 systems: slightly more tax's on sales -> prices go up -> safer, but more expencive goods
0.5 systems: less tax's -> prices slightly lowered -> less safe, but moderatly prices goods
0.1 systems: nearly no tax's -> very low prices -> not safe really, but yields very good prices

from a pvp player standpoint:
1.0 systems: i can attack said pray, but i will probably lose my ship and gain no profit, and give the pray a kill mail.
0.5 systems: i can attack said pray, but i will also have to deal with concord beating on me, i have a good chance of making more profit, and if i die, it was a worth while attempt
0.1 systems: i can attack said pray, but concord sends a single frigate that i can tank while i destroy my pray, i will win if my pray does not have a escort, and i will get paid more, unless my pray has no good stuff, then i find another pray.

from a pirate standpoint:
1.0 systems: not worth it, concord hates me and will molest me with too much firepower.
0.5 systems: i like it here, because concord is nearly on even terms as i am, and if i find a defenceless player, i can profit greatly
0.1 systems: i dwell here, because concord has little frigs that tickle my shields as i blast people to bits and sell their goods.

from your standpoint:
1.0 system: dont undock, ill die because everyone is out to get me.
0.5 system: quit playing eve because if i undock ill die
0.1 system: make a new account, and hope for better results, why did i play this game to begin with

from everyone elses standpoint:
highsec: safer, but shouldnt be too safe, also less profitable then lower security space and null sec
low sec: pirates and assholes are here, i dont want to go here because the profit is not worth it, i rather stay in highsec or nullsec
null sec: my alliance owns this system, all i have to worry about is hot drops and reds in local, in which i dock up and scream and cry until a needlessly large fleet comes to take care of it, then i go back to ratting and mining super profitable items with no risk cuz i have tons of buddys to molest anyone that trys to get into the system because i cry so hard for help.

eve itself needs to get re-vamped so new players can really get the feel that eve is not a safe place, and adjust to it sooner, rather then think that the game is played in highsec, unless i want to pvp then i go to nullsec or lowsec.

if i want to pirate, i want to be able to raid haulers, and other people in lower sec space with some forms of interfention from concord, or another player, i dont want to be kicked out of highsec because i cant do what i want. this is a sandbox after all. make the game more like it, not like a themepark mmo where highsec is 'leveling zones', nullsec is 'endgame' and lowsec is 'pvp arenas'.

i Play eve because i want to be what i want, not fall into sec brackets based on my choice of play.

Basicly stating:
if i want to be X in Y security status, i should be able to do that within game mechanics, and profit if i am good at it.

currently, if i want to be a pirate in 1.0 status space, i am unable to do it because concord destroys my ship after i shoot the first shot. this means i risk my ship, and get no reward. kinda like playing Russian roulette with a M9 pistol.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-01-15 06:40:06 UTC
Nice ideas there. Once Eve's the way you want, all 5 of you bittervets left in the game can get together and figure out how to fund CCP.Lol
cytheras wrath
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2013-01-15 06:58:11 UTC
sabre906 wrote:
Nice ideas there. Once Eve's the way you want, all 5 of you bittervets left in the game can get together and figure out how to fund CCP.Lol

its easy, us 5 vets will have everyone's isk ( stuff ) and buy the remaining plex's to the point, where we will have enough game time in our 5 accounts to keep ccp happy for atleast a month or so. then we go play minecraft or something.

in reality, i dont play eve as much as i use to simply because its boring, there is no 'omfg this happened to me today' or any other form of excitement, and the amount of time i can invest in games is already limited.

i agree eve is a great game, but there is no short and sweet things that are entertaining or keep me wanting to come back for more.

i think the only time i actually said ill come back was when incarna was release ( i was bitterly disapointed ) and put off by this, so i stoped playing, i didnt un-subscribe because i didnt want to fall behind in my training for when they actually release something that makes up for the failure.

which brings me to why i posted this to begin with, CCP is making this sandbox more and more into a 'theme park' sandbox. where if you want to do X your limited to do it this way or that way.

CCP needs to get off that train of mind, and just provide us the tools to craft or carve out what we want to do, which brings me to why i want this change. CCP has made highsec way too safe, and when way to safe is where everyone hangs out and plays, the rest of the game is very bland and well crappy.

i dont want to be a miner that sits in highsec and watchs a static laser show, i dont want to be a mission runner that does the same thing all the time (actually waiting for the dynamic AI rats and try that new toy out ). i dont want to be part of a nullsec alliance and be forced to play on their schedule, and i dont want to chill in low sec where i have to find people to kill and not meet new people because no one hangs out in low sec. its also been harder and harder to perform piracy profitably, which is the whole point of piracy ( pillaging and looting for profit of merchant ships ).
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2013-01-15 12:47:23 UTC
Commander Ted wrote:
High sec is supposed to be safe.

No, it isn't.
Azn Empire
#9 - 2013-01-15 13:17:43 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
Commander Ted wrote:
High sec is supposed to be safe.

No, it isn't.

High sec is meant to be safer, not safe.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

All Web Investigations
#10 - 2013-01-15 13:20:54 UTC
The obvious thing that just flat out need fixing in highsec is the insane industry infrastructure. Why should a single system in highsec have the capacity of an entire nullsec region when it comes to manufacturing, on top of having none of the risks or costs associated with holding nullsec? It's awfully broken.

And something I'd personally like to see is downplaying concord - making them slower, weaker, or a bit less caring. With crimewatch 2.0 opening you up to everyone in the universe to shoot at for the tiniest of crimes, I think it's necessary to do push the scales the other way a little for balance. Otherwise it's just going to snowball until highsec just isn't fun in any shape or form
Jorma Morkkis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-01-15 14:00:19 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Commander Ted wrote:
High sec is supposed to be safe.

No, it isn't.

High sec is meant to be safer, not safe.

If you think Concord can't be tanked you're wrong.

Use :effort:. Stop whining.
Michael Loney
Skullspace Industries
#12 - 2013-01-15 14:13:31 UTC
High-sec = Cities
Low sec = Rural
Null-sec = Wild west

There should be more industry avaliable in Low-sec compared to High-sec. The factions with 0.5 or better space should charge a lot more for Manufacturing slots and Star Base charters.

Low-sec should be cheap to set up a large manufacturing system, and still have CONCORD drop by once in a while. ( no not CONCORDOKEN )

You can make an empire in Null-Sec, if you can defend it, but it does not mean you can manufacture to the same level as a city.

Te people that want to live in a city do so for the relative safety it provides, people that want to fight and blow up others can go to the wild west and have all the fun they want.

Don't ask me what to change, I don't know but making combat more fun would be a good start.

Shinzhi Xadi
#13 - 2013-01-15 14:33:26 UTC
Michael Loney wrote:
High-sec = Cities
Low sec = Rural
Null-sec = Wild west

There should be more industry avaliable in Low-sec compared to High-sec. The factions with 0.5 or better space should charge a lot more for Manufacturing slots and Star Base charters.

Low-sec should be cheap to set up a large manufacturing system, and still have CONCORD drop by once in a while. ( no not CONCORDOKEN )

You can make an empire in Null-Sec, if you can defend it, but it does not mean you can manufacture to the same level as a city.

Te people that want to live in a city do so for the relative safety it provides, people that want to fight and blow up others can go to the wild west and have all the fun they want.

Don't ask me what to change, I don't know but making combat more fun would be a good start.

I have to admit, I really like this idea of eve security levels.

The problem is currently, I think its more like:

High sec = city
Low sec = wild west
Null sec = Gang land

Making low sec into a kind of suburbs with industrial stuff, pollution, and other bad sides of civilization would be pretty neat, but with no concord there, it can't be done right now.

From this point of view, Null-sec as the wild west seems good. It should have undiscovered resources like it has now, high ores, moons, high end PI, enormous wealth to be made due to empires not yet claiming all resources. It should also have the least development, almost no stations, no security other than your own thugs to fight for your space, no trade hubs that are anything like high sec, since they can't be protected properly. Isn't null-sec quite a bit like that now? lol

Seems to me if eve were to go to this theme for its 3 zones, the only real problem is low-sec.

My 2isk

Mac Pro dual 6-core Xeon 3.06ghz, 24gig ecc ram, EVGA GTX 680 Mac Edition, Intel SSD, OS X Yosemite and Windows 8.1 Pro.

All Web Investigations
#14 - 2013-01-15 15:11:28 UTC
I thought the point of nullsec was to be an open area in which you could build your own empire, not to be a wild west wasteland that is mechanically incapable of providing basic necessities...
Azn Empire
#15 - 2013-01-15 15:16:58 UTC
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Commander Ted wrote:
High sec is supposed to be safe.

No, it isn't.

High sec is meant to be safer, not safe.

If you think Concord can't be tanked you're wrong.

Use :effort:. Stop whining.
Sorry, what are you going on about? Did I mention Concord? Did I say I could tank them? Did I say, I should not have to use effort? Where did I whine?

I await you response, with bated breath.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Fey Ivory
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2013-01-15 15:36:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Fey Ivory
cytheras wrath

Its a interesting idea, personaly i dont mind that highsec gets alittle less profitable, my concearn is that it stays highsec... or working like this

High sec... High security = Less gain, Less risk
Low sec and Null = More risk, More gain

The problem though, just imposing a flat extra task depending on security, its no sure it make "high sec" less profitable... lets us reason, the majority of all things that is mined, built researched are done by us "carebears" we are the fuel the drives the war machine... and when all is said and done, we want pay for our time and work... Most that fight, want just that, to fight, and they want the ships and stuff that go with it... so like in all economics, the costlier it gets for me as seller, the more i will add to the sell price, ie, it will only make things costlier at the other end... its just simple economics...

And most carebears like me, want to have a relative safety, so things wont change where we will be... its ewen said that many old experienced pvpers have ALTS that "hide" in NPC corps just to benefit from the relative safety, if they mine gather resources, its a catch 22 really...
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#17 - 2013-01-15 15:40:01 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Jorma Morkkis wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Commander Ted wrote:
High sec is supposed to be safe.

No, it isn't.

High sec is meant to be safer, not safe.

If you think Concord can't be tanked you're wrong.

Use :effort:. Stop whining.
Sorry, what are you going on about? Did I mention Concord? Did I say I could tank them? Did I say, I should not have to use effort? Where did I whine?

I await you response, with bated breath.

did he press quote instead of just reply? lol

not sure how being able to withstand concord for a bit longer will change things. u have plenty of time to blap things before they arrive, and u cannot seriously expect to survive a concordokken, especially when u cannot warp from the moment u commit a crime.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Azn Empire
#18 - 2013-01-15 15:57:20 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
did he press quote instead of just reply? lol

not sure how being able to withstand concord for a bit longer will change things. u have plenty of time to blap things before they arrive, and u cannot seriously expect to survive a concordokken, especially when u cannot warp from the moment u commit a crime.
Well if he didn't, you just gave him a get out of jail free card. LolLol

As far as concord is concerned you are correct, you cannot seriously expect to survive if you have provoked their wrath. Concord is a necessary and required evil.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#19 - 2013-01-15 16:12:34 UTC
Low and null sec is more profitable than high sec by quite a bit, except for the pirates killing virtually all profit to be made there. Null sec alliance members who work their space do fine.

Low sec dwellers complaining about lack of defenseless targets in their space have only themselves to blame. You overhunted your territory to the point that nearly all the bears avoid it like the crime filled wasteland you are so proud to make it. Why should a bear move to low sec, where ship losses make missioning there a negative income proposition? Where failed missions occur so frequently your faction gets destroyed. Where you have to bring a fleet of people to do the simplest of things, where you are basically sitting with your thumb up your rear because pirates won't engage where there is an actual fight and the split in profits makes the night both boring and not worth the time for the pvp combat escorts?

The so called pirates kill low sec. You can destroy hi sec all you want, but so long as non-consensual pvp exists along side useless for pvp mission fits, most people are going to go where their risk is manageable. Unless your game is playing mouse, trying to play your game while you can be prevented from doing anything you came to do by mouth breathing baby eaters is not fun. Killing hi sec will not force people into your Target box, it will simply force them out of the game.
UnSkilleD Inc.
#20 - 2013-01-15 16:13:10 UTC
Commander Ted wrote:
High sec is supposed to be safe. Concord should not be evadable and it should kill you 100% of the time.

High sec is also supposed to suck, which it doesn't. It is the most profitable of all the spaces.

Fixes are simple:
Make building **** in null worthwhile and easy
Make high sec ores utter **** and provide low yield, while buffing other spaces ores
Make exploration in high sec less profitable and increase profits in other parts of space
Increase null and low sec incursion payouts
Make rats have bigger bounties
Make it easier to add research slots to stations
Make low security level fours have 1.5x the payouts

You could probably name hundreds of things, but ill stop right here.

Your always going to need the kiddie space, it provides a safe place to catch your breath for corps, it provides an area where noobs can actually figure out how to play, it provides a area for the bizzaro risk averse people in a pvp based sandbox MMO or have exaggerated beliefs of how scary null is.

You need high sec to be safe. It just gives to much isk relative to other parts.

agreed, HS is supposed to be safe, so the current Concord overpowerness is fine.

but yes, revenue balance is broken, and shall be fixed, either by nerfing HS income, or buffing low and null

and no way i see concord in my low sec.

concord is not meant to protect, it is meant to punish.

it doesn't prevent anyone to pop you provided they bring enought firepower, however, it make the loss of said firepower unavoidable, and this is fine

imao, reward shall scale between high< low < null (WS to be defined), the same way that the inherent risk increase between hs/ ls / ns.

the moto of eve has always been risk vs reward.

actually, you can have:
high reward / low (almost none) risk in hig
med reward / med risk in low
med to poor reward (region dependant) / high risk

this is broken
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