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I drank a full glass of rotten milk.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#21 - 2013-01-09 02:11:04 UTC
Ares Desideratus wrote:
I was chilling in my grandma's garage (my bedroom) and I had a who-knows-how-old glass of milk sitting on the coffee table, which I didn't pay any attention to.

But then I decided to have a nice glass of milk and went and poured myself one (I don't do dishes punctually because I'm a slob), and sat down with my nice new glass of milk and starting playing Skyrim.

Evidently I placed my new glass a little too close to the old glass because during one of my adventures I paused the game and reached for one of the glasses, unknowingly picking up the rotten one, and without thinking, began chugging this raunchy glass of stale, stinky, milk that had all kinds of weird chunky growths clinging to the sides of the glass. It didn't help that I kept my eyes closed for most of the drink, which left all responsibility up to my taste buds to realize that this milk all of a sudden tasted kind of funky. When I opened my eyes and saw the green stuff I was drinking, needless to say I was absolutely disgusted.

So I put the glass down, but being the iron-jawed, hard-drinking, tough mofo that I am, was unfazed by this rotten disturbance in my otherwise tip top body, which, being that I couldn't puke it out unless I forced myself to, which I didn't really entertain the thought of, made it all the more nasty.

So I went on with my day...

You know what cheese is, right?

Sour cream?

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Ares Desideratus
#22 - 2013-01-09 04:48:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Ares Desideratus
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Ares Desideratus wrote:
I was chilling in my grandma's garage (my bedroom) and I had a who-knows-how-old glass of milk sitting on the coffee table, which I didn't pay any attention to.

But then I decided to have a nice glass of milk and went and poured myself one (I don't do dishes punctually because I'm a slob), and sat down with my nice new glass of milk and starting playing Skyrim.

Evidently I placed my new glass a little too close to the old glass because during one of my adventures I paused the game and reached for one of the glasses, unknowingly picking up the rotten one, and without thinking, began chugging this raunchy glass of stale, stinky, milk that had all kinds of weird chunky growths clinging to the sides of the glass. It didn't help that I kept my eyes closed for most of the drink, which left all responsibility up to my taste buds to realize that this milk all of a sudden tasted kind of funky. When I opened my eyes and saw the green stuff I was drinking, needless to say I was absolutely disgusted.

So I put the glass down, but being the iron-jawed, hard-drinking, tough mofo that I am, was unfazed by this rotten disturbance in my otherwise tip top body, which, being that I couldn't puke it out unless I forced myself to, which I didn't really entertain the thought of, made it all the more nasty.

So I went on with my day...

You know what cheese is, right?

Sour cream?

yeah whatever herzog

edit: ******* wise guy
Brujo Loco
Brujeria Teologica
#23 - 2013-01-10 14:28:00 UTC
silens vesica
Corsair Cartel
#24 - 2013-01-10 18:03:46 UTC
MMMmmmmmmmmMMMMmmMMmm. Tasty!


Tell someone you love them today, because life is short. But scream it at them in Esperanto, because life is also terrifying and confusing.

Didn't vote? Then you voted for NulBloc

Ares Desideratus
#25 - 2013-01-10 18:06:24 UTC
silens vesica wrote:
MMMmmmmmmmmMMMMmmMMmm. Tasty!


look guys we got a ******* FUNNY GUY IN THE HOUSE
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#26 - 2013-01-11 03:39:08 UTC
Eternum Praetorian wrote:
Here is a quote from another site.

It is nice to see that about 20 people are going to answer and say the same thing "you may be sick". The answer they gave is bullocks.

Sour milk is perfectly fine. You have eaten sour cream with no ill effects. Sour milk is just a flavouring as much as sour cream is. Before pasteurization spoiled milk may have been a problem because the bacteria that is present in fresh milk is not always friendly. Now there is no problem, and as long as you have kept the milk separate from poo and eggs, cross contamination should not be a problem.

To tell you the truth you may have hit upon some culinary secret with the sour milk. Sour milk is used in a lot of Indian and Tibetan recipes. The milk adds a dimension of flavour that is reminiscent of citrus for people that have no access to the fruit.

Never worry, of it isn't blue or an olive green it is ok.

One taste of spoiled milk will surely turn your stomach. Spoiled milk is distinctive in its aroma and appearance, but it need not be chucked out. It's a critical component of some delicacies!

Well, you learn something new every day... now let's all enjoy our rotten milk!

I'm fairly certain there is a distinct difference between sour milk and milk that has sat out on a table for a week and grown all sorts of interesting mold spores. That said, I think it's bollocks; take that as you will.
Krixtal Icefluxor
#27 - 2013-01-11 04:47:39 UTC
Ares Desideratus wrote:
I was chilling in my grandma's garage (my bedroom) and I had a who-knows-how-old glass of milk sitting on the coffee table, which I didn't pay any attention to.

But then I decided to have a nice glass of milk and went and poured myself one (I don't do dishes punctually because I'm a slob), and sat down with my nice new glass of milk and starting playing Skyrim.

Evidently I placed my new glass a little too close to the old glass because during one of my adventures I paused the game and reached for one of the glasses, unknowingly picking up the rotten one, and without thinking, began chugging this raunchy glass of stale, stinky, milk that had all kinds of weird chunky growths clinging to the sides of the glass. It didn't help that I kept my eyes closed for most of the drink, which left all responsibility up to my taste buds to realize that this milk all of a sudden tasted kind of funky. When I opened my eyes and saw the green stuff I was drinking, needless to say I was absolutely disgusted.

So I put the glass down, but being the iron-jawed, hard-drinking, tough mofo that I am, was unfazed by this rotten disturbance in my otherwise tip top body, which, being that I couldn't puke it out unless I forced myself to, which I didn't really entertain the thought of, made it all the more nasty.

So I went on with my day...

+10 for the subject line alone.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Thomas Gore
Blackfyre Enterprise
#28 - 2013-01-11 12:35:50 UTC
In Finland we call it "piimä" (sourmilk) and we love it.

But yeah... we sour it under controlled environments and drink it cold.
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