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Sell Orders

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.


First post
Svodola Darkfury
Cloak and Daggers
The Initiative.
#1 - 2013-01-07 21:21:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Svodola Darkfury
This wormhole has been sold.

- Only 3 moons, extremely defensible
- The System has a 7 AU radius; nobody will get in without you seeing if you are d-scanning often enough.
- easily scannable due to the aforementioned small radius
- no dead towers

- Planetary interaction isn't a great composition (barren x3, lava, storm) but you can make at least part of your fuel here.
- all 5 customs offices are owned by a 3rd party corporation who used to live here, and are access denied to neutrals, so they will have to be bashed to use the planets.

Asking price: 300 million (offers as always are accepted)

Transfer method: Half up front for the bookmarks, half upon verification that the system is as described to you in this post. I will not accept any money until I have scouted the high-sec or low-sec via the C3. Null-secs will not generally be used.

I do not use 3rd parties for sale of wormholes under 500 million ISK; I have plenty of references of wormhole sales that I can provide you that show I have not stolen in the past and have no intention of stealing in the future. You will be asked to provide a "Svo did not steal my iskies" post at the end of this sale upon full purchase and moving in safely.

Anomalies/sigs at time of posting: 9 anomalies (all of the 100 million isk per variety) and 12 ladar/gravs, 1 radar/mag

Please contact me via in-game mail to make a purchase offer.

Svodola Darkfury.

Director of Frozen Corpse Industries.

Svodola Darkfury
Cloak and Daggers
The Initiative.
#2 - 2013-01-08 21:08:49 UTC
Bump, reduced to 300 million price in the interest of moving this wormhole more quickly.

Director of Frozen Corpse Industries.

Kakalses Mystoerieus
#3 - 2013-01-08 22:00:22 UTC
150mill offer stands for 2 hours
Svodola Darkfury
Cloak and Daggers
The Initiative.
#4 - 2013-01-08 22:01:38 UTC
TheSlaveMaster wrote:
150mill offer stands for 2 hours

Offer received and accepted if nobody steps forward in that time to offload this headache...

Svodola Darkfury.

Director of Frozen Corpse Industries.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-01-09 00:48:49 UTC
200m, I'll be on tomoorw night about 8 eve time to complete
Svodola Darkfury
Cloak and Daggers
The Initiative.
#6 - 2013-01-09 02:26:09 UTC
EzeikaL wrote:
200m, I'll be on tomoorw night about 8 eve time to complete

Current highest bid.

Director of Frozen Corpse Industries.

ISD LackOfFaith
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#7 - 2013-01-09 03:23:42 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD LackOfFaith
Deleted off-topic posting as per the Sell Order forum rules:


8. This forum is for selling items, you may reply to the threads with bids or questions regarding the item. All other posts are off topic and will be removed.

Please stay on topic, within forum rules, and be courteous to each other.

ISD LackOfFaith


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to Eve Mail or anything other than the forums.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#8 - 2013-01-09 23:27:22 UTC
Hole purchased and transaction went smoothly, nice, quick and efficient.
