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[Proposal] Planetary Interaction 2.1 - [PI Future Vision Roadmap]

First post
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#81 - 2012-08-13 19:44:59 UTC
CCP, please do this ASAP.

#82 - 2012-08-13 20:21:28 UTC
I support the proposal. Love it.
Jason Irmitrij
Azure Stars Order
#83 - 2012-09-05 07:13:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Jason Irmitrij
I support this proposal fully. +1

This is very close to how I imagined PI should be...

If this will ever be realized (slim chances, but we could hope), EVE will gain entirely new dimension, that will make its universe much closer to ultimate SCI-FI game ever conceived.

And if it will be done, it could / would lay great foundation for next-generation gameplay - flying in planets atmospheres, and maybe even walking or driving on planets surfaces first person... (Dreams, dreams)

This gave me another idea.
CCP has been able to merge (read: bought) White Wolf Company. So, why not do same with Mindark, who produced great planet based game (Entropia Universe), and then use their system for planetary based gameplay?
Just food for thought, but worth trying...
Razgriz Shaishi
Caldari State
#84 - 2012-09-07 08:24:12 UTC
Jason Irmitrij wrote:
.CCP has been able to merge (read: bought) White Wolf Company. So, why not do same with Mindark, who produced great planet based game (Entropia Universe), and then use their system for planetary based gameplay?
Just food for thought, but worth trying...

One does not simply buy a company, lol.
B52 Bombers
#85 - 2012-09-07 16:36:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Ellariona
I fully support an expansion for PI, which will lure more people to the game.

But I have two issues with the whole concept:

* I disapprove of terraforming in any way, shape or form!
* The increased supply of PI would have to be negated by using more and more PI in tech II (or tech IV, whatever ccp has to work out) manufacturing
Lady Hanguko
Koho Exploitation Corporation
#86 - 2012-09-10 08:03:00 UTC
Briliant, Absolutely lovable, perfectly perfect, sweet sxy time idea \o/ Big smile
Nikodem Oskold
Asteroid Carving Corporation
#87 - 2012-10-04 05:18:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Nikodem Oskold
This is best idea I've seen on this forum ... ever Shocked.

definitely +1

This will allow extend game-play to planets - from harmless PI structures and outposts to extremely expensive (and build-ed trough many months/years) planet-size cities overgrowing poses and stations in size and capabilities (with defenses breaking titans like matches) + armies of dust mercenaries fighting for corporations interests ... this will be game changer for EVE, no doubt.
Nikodem Oskold
Asteroid Carving Corporation
#88 - 2012-10-04 05:41:47 UTC
Nikodem Oskold wrote:
This is best idea I've seen on this forum ... ever Shocked.

definitely +1

This will allow extend game-play to planets - from harmless PI structures and outposts to extremely expensive (and build-ed trough many months/years) planet-size cities overgrowing poses and stations in size and capabilities (with defenses breaking titans like matches) + armies of dust mercenaries fighting for corporations interests ... this will be game changer for EVE, no doubt.

Also one thing for me: It will be probably long and bumpy road to build meaningful cities (courscant-sized city could take years to build), so it could be nice to being able to merchandise city/planetary structures ownership.
So you could simply sell/buy existed structures shares on market/contract, instead making military escalation only viable option to take them.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#89 - 2012-10-04 15:46:51 UTC
Nikodem Oskold wrote:
Nikodem Oskold wrote:
This is best idea I've seen on this forum ... ever Shocked.

definitely +1

This will allow extend game-play to planets - from harmless PI structures and outposts to extremely expensive (and build-ed trough many months/years) planet-size cities overgrowing poses and stations in size and capabilities (with defenses breaking titans like matches) + armies of dust mercenaries fighting for corporations interests ... this will be game changer for EVE, no doubt.

Also one thing for me: It will be probably long and bumpy road to build meaningful cities (courscant-sized city could take years to build), so it could be nice to being able to merchandise city/planetary structures ownership.
So you could simply sell/buy existed structures shares on market/contract, instead making military escalation only viable option to take them.

Ownership transfers have been included. So players can sell and transfer cities to other players/corps/alliances if they were so inclined.

And I believe its Coruscant.

Yes, I hope it would take quite a few months/Years to grind a city into a planet sized city spanning all PI grids on the surface. Then again, such a city would make Techmoons look like small change.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Earthside Mixlabs
#90 - 2012-12-05 22:24:22 UTC
This is a fantastic idea, and I support it. Yes, 1,000 times yes.

Anyone who says that a successful drug dealer doesn't dip into their own produduct isn't harvesting their base materials and cooking them in their own spacegarage. Besides, you never know what that stuff you buy off the guy on the corner of Jita and Sobaseki is cut with.  >:3

Stegas Tyrano
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2012-12-06 13:22:22 UTC
Bump, because this is pretty epic.

Herping your derp since 19Potato - [url=][Proposal] - Ingame Visual Adverts[/url]

Caldari State
#92 - 2012-12-09 22:43:39 UTC
it would put eve on everyones first page.

i like sandboxing 3rd party apps too as idea.
Shanara As
Psy Corp Ltd.
#93 - 2012-12-18 11:32:16 UTC
as i am an industrialist at heart, and i do see the benfits of a PI revamp (especially the focos on team and corp activities got me hooked) i think this change would drastically alter the game itself.

eve is already called "excel in space" by a lot of people. its probably the most complex MMO-game out there.
and adding to that with such a drastic "improvement" would make it even bigger, but not necessarily better.

maybe i would have to read and re-read it again, but as of now i think they should make PI more worthwhile and team-oriented, less tedious.

making it into a complex game itself while having appeal , will most certainly cost too much time and money and drive focus away from improving the core of the game: ships in space and the interactions they create between space and each other. its not a planetary simulation...

dont get me wrong: its probably the most rounded out idea ever presented.
for that alone you guys deserve props.

"Gotta spend money to make money" "A fool talks, a wise man listens" "He who doesn´t wanna listen, talks the most"

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#94 - 2012-12-20 01:07:23 UTC
Hey, we've all got dreams here and I'm sure none of us are going to die anytime soon. Patience and we will all eventually see PI and Dust develop into fully mature game features.

You've got my vote though for CCP to see this through till the end.Smile
#95 - 2013-01-05 16:22:31 UTC
+1 with terraforming version B or a modified A

In it's current state terraforming makes no sense. So you have a class M world, you destabilize it... and suddenly you have other minerals present that wheren't there before to mine ?! It does make some sense if you go from barren to lava (because volcanic activity brings new stuff up to the surface)... but if you go from barren to storm it makes no sense that there is new stuff just pops in. Neither does it in reverse, that if you make a barren world into an M class you suddenly loose access to minerals you had access to before... the change ain't that radical.

Additionally I would propose a system for tourism/migration for the npc's in the civilian PI part:

For example if your colony is "great" aka: low pollution, low taxes, nice beaches => a lot of people would like to live there so people on other planets would put up contracts to be shipped there.

Opposite, if your place is a stinking slum, then the people living there will want out, and would put up contracts to be taken out. You can try to lock down migration like the dictator you dream to be... which would only increase the demand to leave Cuba.

Players can then make ISK by "stealing" your population which wants to leave and shipping them away. There is much room for the idea to be more fleshed out... think: covert landing to get out fugitives, dock-master catching you... locking you down... contraband in slaves or in refugees... many possibilities.
AnJuan Jackson
Red Star Trading Corporation
#96 - 2013-01-07 16:37:56 UTC
Two step wrote:
As I say to everyone who brings up similar ideas, CCP has game designers already. They are usually good at their job, and are almost always far better than players are at this sort of thing. The chances of them seeing a proposal like this and fully adopting it are basically 0.

In this specific case, CCP had a ton of stuff *planned* for PI, and it turned out to be too much work to implement, so they started cutting features, and we ended up with the system we have now, which is boring and lacks any sort of "game". PI is also where the DUST link will come into play, and they already need to figure out how to make that compelling, fun, and interesting.

So, we shouldn't post ideas and new suggestions because CCP should of thought of it already?

I fully support this topic and hope CCP gives it some special consideration, because EvE online could be a more immersible experience and PI feel less... meaningless.

I also think if CSM's aren't going to take new game ideas seriously, they should be CSM's. Just an opinion.
Da Dom
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#97 - 2013-01-07 18:26:40 UTC
Best mind-frack eva!

You have my support


Because Far-que... That's why.

Zloco Crendraven
Shadow Cartel
#98 - 2013-01-15 13:01:43 UTC
Anything even close to happning?

BALEX, bringing piracy on a whole new level.

Bo Kantrel
#99 - 2013-02-02 18:31:40 UTC
Montevius Williams
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#100 - 2013-02-12 23:28:01 UTC
C'mon CCP. I hope you are watching this thread.

"The American Government indoctrination system known as public education has been relentlessly churning out socialists for over 20 years". - TravisWB