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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Ξ [M-N-D] Mine-N-Dash Corporation: Recruitment now active! [ NOOB FRIENDLY ] Ξ

Xero Koraka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-12-28 20:11:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Xero Koraka
Hello pilot! I am Admiral Xero Koraka and I am here to send a recruitment message to the universe of EVE: Online. Pirate


- On the 19th of December 2012, Mine-N-Dash was founded by the President: Elwood Echerie and Vice President: Henri Arnerette. Ever since the date of creation, we have achieved thirteen members and continue to ascend steadily which is an ideal rate for a slowly growing Corporation. However, we are not just a Corporation, we are a family. We look out for each other, comfort each other in time of need, tend to each others injures; we are united under one banner.

What do we do?

- Mining; we do mining operations when we can and where we can. Depending on manpower mainly.
- Incursions; The Military division, (led by my self), heads head to head with NPC combatants to take control over certain sectors.
- Player vs. Environment (PvE); We are starting up mission fleets to head for our POS reputation. This is all PvE combat.
- Hauling contracts; We share hauling contracts among each other to help everyone earn their share.
- Roleplay; This is a big thing in the Corporation as the military division likes to use proper military terms. I know.
- Socializing; Communication is important among us all and it is vital we talk to each other. We have members active through out all timezones!
- Fun; We know that recreational time is must after a hard days work, so we like to have a bit of fun whether that be talking over EVE-Voice or go shoot some NPC's! Everyone has the right to let off steam Smile.


- Contact me via the forums or in-game for more information. We have tried to keep this post as short as possible and we want that are interested to formally contact us! Find out the details by contacting us that way. Thank-you for reading.

- Admiral Xero Koraka. [>]

P.S. You can find our forums here:
Xero Koraka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-12-29 08:43:27 UTC
Still recruiting. Big smile
Xero Koraka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-12-29 23:30:15 UTC
Gotta' keep on recruitin', recruitin', recruitin' WHAT! Shocked
Xero Koraka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-12-30 11:01:37 UTC
We continue to recruit in the arts of Magyk. Smile
Xero Koraka
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-12-31 10:24:19 UTC
Still recruiting guys! Come on, join today!
Arguil McKay
Solyaris Chtonium
#6 - 2013-01-03 15:28:30 UTC
Friendly bump for your corpPirate

Twistedhad fun yesterday with one of your membersTwisted

Eviljust wish they would have more guts when they bring out a bigger shipEvil