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Make possible to put characters on the market and mark sold characters in employment history.

Sidus Rado
Sidus Rado Tax Free Corporation
#1 - 2013-01-02 20:31:45 UTC
It will be much less scam in character selling, if ccp allows to put characters on the market. If brokers fee will be equal to current plex price, ccp will get plex price from character selling.
Also it will be very nice if there will be information in employment history when that character was sold, so that other players will know when character was sold.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#2 - 2013-01-02 20:38:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Sidus Rado wrote:
It will be much less scam in character selling
Just FYI, character sales scamming is a quick way to get yourself banned — it's pretty much the only scam that is against the EULA. The current system is set up so as to make it much easier to trace and much harder to scam than if done through the normal means. So no, there will not be less scams than there currently are.

Also, no, having a brokers fee that corresponds to to the prie of a PLEX is not the same for CCP as requring an actual PLEX (or just plain old cash).
Zan Shiro
#3 - 2013-01-03 05:02:17 UTC
only way to get scammed in char buying is to do the buying out of game.

If you deal with a seller on say these boards, give player A his isk (in game), and they do not transfer the char the nice gm's will get you your isk back and deal with player A. You have a record to prove you met your end of the deal. Or put simply...a leg to stand on legally.

If you go to real money out of game, paypal them $100 and they do not deiiver the char, the nice GM will say not our problem and to take it up with paypal. You broke your have no leg to stand on.

TL;DR...don't paypal your eve char buys
Sidus Rado
Sidus Rado Tax Free Corporation
#4 - 2013-01-03 06:13:09 UTC
OK. And what about the note withe the date in employment history of sold characters?
Zan Shiro
#5 - 2013-01-03 07:03:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Zan Shiro
Sidus Rado wrote:
OK. And what about the note withe the date in employment history of sold characters?

Here's a funny story...

one day I was jsut chilling in the corp channel recruitment for the combat char since it was asked that if not busy on ops to show some numbers there...and one corpie logs ins, sees we have a potential recruit in the house and goes "wtf, you come back to eve?" when he sees player name X.

Player X goes ummmm....I take it you know a former owner of this char.

Our boy goes yeah, I was his ceo.

And there was the getting to know you question of is this char bought answered before it was even asked.

Moral of the least in pvp circles there is always a chance someone will know if a char is bought. Roamed and bashed with a player for months on end, you learn about them a little. If not by name association then voice comms. Another funny story....

So there I was in the home system. I see the name of my CEO from an old corp in local and in corp chat but not in voice comm channels. I go man, "welcome back to eve but when did you go shy and not be vocal in voice comms?" Another voice comes in and goes "hey man, wassup....he gave me this char when we quit eve." I knew the voice, saw his name in corp channel and went "oh cool, least it has a good home" Rolled with the owner in another alliance way back with him. Was weak on his name, voice real distinctive though.
Reckless Abandon
#6 - 2013-01-03 11:59:10 UTC
Zan Shiro wrote:
Here's a funny story...

one day I was jsut chilling in the corp channel recruitment for the combat char since it was asked that if not busy on ops to show some numbers there...and one corpie logs ins, sees we have a potential recruit in the house and goes "wtf, you come back to eve?" when he sees player name X.

Player X goes ummmm....I take it you know a former owner of this char.

Our boy goes yeah, I was his ceo.

And there was the getting to know you question of is this char bought answered before it was even asked.

Here's how it could have gone.
"wtf, you come back to eve?"
"Ummmmm... yeah"
"You want your old roles back dude?"
"Uhh, sure"
5 minutes later, all corp hangars and assets are gone...

A note in the employment history would be very useful!!!
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#7 - 2013-01-03 12:02:55 UTC
Aptenodytes wrote:
Zan Shiro wrote:
Here's a funny story...

one day I was jsut chilling in the corp channel recruitment for the combat char since it was asked that if not busy on ops to show some numbers there...and one corpie logs ins, sees we have a potential recruit in the house and goes "wtf, you come back to eve?" when he sees player name X.

Player X goes ummmm....I take it you know a former owner of this char.

Our boy goes yeah, I was his ceo.

And there was the getting to know you question of is this char bought answered before it was even asked.

Here's how it could have gone.
"wtf, you come back to eve?"
"Ummmmm... yeah"
"You want your old roles back dude?"
"Uhh, sure"
5 minutes later, all corp hangars and assets are gone...

A note in the employment history would be very useful!!!

Yeah, because it's CCP's task to guard your shinies Roll

Beside from lore or RP point of view such note would break immersion. You are your toon after all.

Invalid signature format

Reckless Abandon
#8 - 2013-01-03 12:46:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Aptenodytes
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Yeah, because it's CCP's task to guard your shinies Roll

No, it is CCP's job to give you the tools to guard your shinies. Isn't that what they always say? We give you the tools, it's up to you to use them? So where is the tool to verify that a character still belongs to the same player?

Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Beside from lore or RP point of view such note would break immersion. You are your toon after all.

Then character transfers should not be allowed.

It doesn't have to say "This character was transferred to another player"... it could say something more in character like "This character has undergone a personality transplant" or whatever.