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Character Bazaar

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WTS 72mil SP Caldari / Minnie PvP Char

Caldari State
#1 - 2011-10-23 23:44:15 UTC
skills here

Will make a solid main / alt for anyone looking for this skill set. Has abit in indy related stuff but overall a nice char.

Quick highlights:

Minnie and Caldari Dreads, 17 days to Moros
Caldari Carrier IV (28 days to V)
Minnie carrier capable (just needs the book)
Fighters V
Jump Cal V

1 Remap
No kill rights
Positive wallet & Sec status

Starting bid and reserve: 14.5bil
Buyout: 16bil

Auction ends saturday at DT, all ccp rules apply and i will pay the transfer fee. In game offers will be considered.
Logi Trick
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#2 - 2011-10-23 23:46:43 UTC
12b buyout
De Guillaume
Van Lanschot Banking
Van Lanschot
#3 - 2011-10-23 23:48:36 UTC
my only offer is 14b

it wont go up and its time limited. so after 24hrs consider it retracted.

it is a good char, but its a bit all over the place. its not great at 1 thing. but average. u spread ur sp. but still a good char

free bump

Has you ever went so far as chose to go even use want to look more like do?

Caldari State
#4 - 2011-10-24 00:17:37 UTC
thx delguillaume, if ur offer isnt improved on within the next 12hrs i will accept ur buyout offer
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-10-24 05:53:24 UTC
Tako Red
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-10-24 07:13:16 UTC
pls convo me!
Tako Red
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#7 - 2011-10-24 07:21:13 UTC
15 b/o
Caldari State
#8 - 2011-10-24 07:23:13 UTC
Tako Red wrote:
15 b/o

accepted, please send isk and acct details. i will complete transfer in 17hrs once char is in npc corp
Tako Red
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#9 - 2011-10-24 07:25:00 UTC
isk transfered
Caldari State
#10 - 2011-10-24 07:39:50 UTC
Tako Red wrote:
isk transfered

received, will transfer once in npc corp in line with ccp rules o/