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TEA (v1.2.1) - Member Management Mod for SMF 2, TeamSpeak 3 and Jabber

First post
Troy Aihaken
#261 - 2012-12-27 23:46:43 UTC
Reinstall temars eve api as i believe it will need updating due to subdomain changes :)

NodeJS Developer | Frontend Development | Programming Enthusiast

#262 - 2012-12-28 19:43:32 UTC  |  Edited by: epsilonion
Temar & Troy we all regard you as a god of eve...

Yeah that did the trick, also rolled back to a previous backup..... thank you..

Can you redirect me to a installation file to help get TS3 server intergrated with this.. (yet to set up TS server on my win 2008 R2 server)..

any help would be great please.... please ... pretty please.. :)

[u]Boom you went BOOM!![/u]

Troy Aihaken
#263 - 2012-12-28 22:30:16 UTC
Installation file for the server?

NodeJS Developer | Frontend Development | Programming Enthusiast

TDS1-6 Kaptur
Goonswarm Federation
#264 - 2012-12-30 18:09:05 UTC
If you need to set up the server, the best way if you don't want to spend money ;) is get a free one from the Teamspeak website. keep in mind this only lets you have a MAX of (i think it's) 32 people on at one time. but if you want more space (512) just sign up and apply for a non-profit license that Teamspeak has, you will be able to have 512 slots now and not 32.

Link to Teamspeak Download Website, Just pick server and download the one that you need:
Link: Teamspeak Downloads page for the server!

If you need any help getting it set up, send me a mail.
#265 - 2013-01-02 01:57:22 UTC
TDS1-6 Kaptur wrote:
If you need to set up the server, the best way if you don't want to spend money ;) is get a free one from the Teamspeak website. keep in mind this only lets you have a MAX of (i think it's) 32 people on at one time. but if you want more space (512) just sign up and apply for a non-profit license that Teamspeak has, you will be able to have 512 slots now and not 32.

Link to Teamspeak Download Website, Just pick server and download the one that you need:
Link: Teamspeak Downloads page for the server!

If you need any help getting it set up, send me a mail.


I will be hosting it on my windows 2008 R2 server trying to get it to work with Mysql at the moment as I am running a LAMP server on there and have disabled IIS (IIS is bad oo so bad)...

I have googled for set-up help but its scratchy not alot out there and what there is, is for bloody linux well centOS and the alike.

Once i get that part cracked I suppose its just pointing the TEA mod to the TS database in Mysql?

[u]Boom you went BOOM!![/u]

Troy Aihaken
#266 - 2013-01-02 15:11:35 UTC
epsilonion wrote:
TDS1-6 Kaptur wrote:
If you need to set up the server, the best way if you don't want to spend money ;) is get a free one from the Teamspeak website. keep in mind this only lets you have a MAX of (i think it's) 32 people on at one time. but if you want more space (512) just sign up and apply for a non-profit license that Teamspeak has, you will be able to have 512 slots now and not 32.

Link to Teamspeak Download Website, Just pick server and download the one that you need:
Link: Teamspeak Downloads page for the server!

If you need any help getting it set up, send me a mail.


I will be hosting it on my windows 2008 R2 server trying to get it to work with Mysql at the moment as I am running a LAMP server on there and have disabled IIS (IIS is bad oo so bad)...

I have googled for set-up help but its scratchy not alot out there and what there is, is for bloody linux well centOS and the alike.

Once i get that part cracked I suppose its just pointing the TEA mod to the TS database in Mysql?

Yes once you link the ts3 server to the musql point the EVE API mod to it then you should be good to go

NodeJS Developer | Frontend Development | Programming Enthusiast

Eleq Trizi'T
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#267 - 2013-01-03 23:05:27 UTC
When I try to register with my TS server (using the non-SQL method), my main character drop-down box only shows my alliance ticker, not my character name. If I hit the register button (while connected to TS with my name correctly set), the page returns [ERROR] Unknown method.

I'm assuming that I have the server details plugged in correctly as the admin page sometimes has the server groups available for creating rules. Other times, the groups drop-down is empty.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Troy Aihaken
#268 - 2013-01-04 01:30:04 UTC
I believe this method is not working and only the MySQL database one does sorry for the inconvenience,

NodeJS Developer | Frontend Development | Programming Enthusiast

Eleq Trizi'T
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#269 - 2013-01-04 11:17:40 UTC
Troy Aihaken wrote:
I believe this method is not working and only the MySQL database one does sorry for the inconvenience,

Ah, thanks. I'm running multiple TS instances - is there a fairly easy way to make one of those instances run with MySQL without affecting the others?
Troy Aihaken
#270 - 2013-01-04 11:49:15 UTC
i believe you have to set it with a ts3server.ini file, im no whizz at teamspeak 3 servers :) but i will try to help as much as i can

NodeJS Developer | Frontend Development | Programming Enthusiast

The Gold Angels
Sixth Empire
#271 - 2013-01-04 20:51:56 UTC  |  Edited by: StuofBeef
Hey all, just found this page and got TEA 99% installed, works spot on for new registrations and rules work ok. Only issue i'm having is for existing members when go into Profile > temars eve api, you can enter the id and v-code but there is no submit button to look up the character, so when you hit the drop down no characters are listed. Trying to hit "Change profile" just brings up "[ERROR] Api must be of Type Character and show ALL toons :)"

I thought maybe it was an issue with my theme but it also happens on the default theme.

Here is a screenshot.

Troy Aihaken
#272 - 2013-01-04 23:26:16 UTC
1.) Are you using my modified version?
2.)Was Temars EVE API the first mod installed on your forum?
3.) Was this done before or after you installed the theme?

NodeJS Developer | Frontend Development | Programming Enthusiast

Shin Chogan
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#273 - 2013-01-09 10:15:20 UTC
Can people using TEA 1.3 build 169 please check their {smf_prefix}tea_cache table ?
Do you notice that very little is being cached ? Or is it just me ?
Troy Aihaken
#274 - 2013-01-09 16:06:06 UTC
I have 7 pages worth of cache pages in my database, so probably just you mate :)

NodeJS Developer | Frontend Development | Programming Enthusiast

Shin Chogan
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#275 - 2013-01-09 16:07:43 UTC
Anabaric wrote:

Now if only it could integrate with mumble... Pirate

Use this to link to mumble :

It is a python script that uses the smf db as an ICE authenticator for mumble.
NB ... Not my work just what I use :)
Shin Chogan
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#276 - 2013-01-09 16:26:05 UTC
Troy Aihaken wrote:
I have 7 pages worth of cache pages in my database, so probably just you mate :)

hmmm ... interesting ... I tried reverting to the original r169 build on a dev board and still have the same issue. I put in some debug the problem was in get_xml in TEAC.php.

method_exists($this, 'set_cache') is returning false

I added in some get_class_methods ( $this ) in various places and found that things fell apart in function get_api_characters

it does this to work out which class to use :
in class TEAC

$check = $this -> is_new($userid, $api);
$class = $this -> newc;
$class = $this -> oldc;

and then calls

$class -> get_api_characters($userid, $api);

putting var_dump(get_class_methods ( $this )); just above this line gives an array of about 57 methods including get_cache and set_cache.

In most cases this then effectively calls TEACN::get_api_characters.

I put a get_class_methods($this) in TEACN::get_api_characters and low and behold there are only something like 17 methods not including the get and set_cache methods. These are defined in TEA which extends TEAC which is what I believe is the issue as the is_new function does this :

if(empty($this -> newc))
$this -> newc = new TEACN;
$this -> oldc = new TEACO;

ie creates new TEACN and TEACO objects.

I hope that all makes sense ?
Shin Chogan
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#277 - 2013-01-09 16:46:31 UTC
StuofBeef wrote:
Hey all, just found this page and got TEA 99% installed, works spot on for new registrations and rules work ok. Only issue i'm having is for existing members when go into Profile > temars eve api, you can enter the id and v-code but there is no submit button to look up the character, so when you hit the drop down no characters are listed. Trying to hit "Change profile" just brings up "[ERROR] Api must be of Type Character and show ALL toons :)"

I thought maybe it was an issue with my theme but it also happens on the default theme.

Here is a screenshot.


you shouldn't have a submit button ... you do just hit change profile ... once you've done that the dropdown is populated so you can pick a character and then hit change profile again. That error message is because the api you provide must have "Character" set to All and "Type" set to Character in CCP's api pages :)
The Gold Angels
Sixth Empire
#278 - 2013-01-10 17:08:34 UTC
Shin Chogan wrote:
StuofBeef wrote:
Hey all, just found this page and got TEA 99% installed, works spot on for new registrations and rules work ok. Only issue i'm having is for existing members when go into Profile > temars eve api, you can enter the id and v-code but there is no submit button to look up the character, so when you hit the drop down no characters are listed. Trying to hit "Change profile" just brings up "[ERROR] Api must be of Type Character and show ALL toons :)"

I thought maybe it was an issue with my theme but it also happens on the default theme.

Here is a screenshot.


you shouldn't have a submit button ... you do just hit change profile ... once you've done that the dropdown is populated so you can pick a character and then hit change profile again. That error message is because the api you provide must have "Character" set to All and "Type" set to Character in CCP's api pages :)

Sorry i though the forums would send me a reply when got a mail, it didn't lol. I'll give it a go in a bit, cheers.
Trigger Happy Capsuleers
#279 - 2013-01-11 14:02:34 UTC
Hey all!

I am getting a running list of errors when doing full member checks

and user reg seems to 404 quite often

is it because the API server cant handle that many requests? or is there some coding error i can correct?
Troy Aihaken
#280 - 2013-01-11 15:44:35 UTC
Hmm, Do you have cURL installed on the server, also have you got my modified version or standard r169

NodeJS Developer | Frontend Development | Programming Enthusiast