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[NETCI] Profit Reports (Currently week 6) updated: 13th january 2013

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Chorus Ambrye
#1 - 2012-12-30 09:58:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Chorus Ambrye
Hey MD

Rather than spamming the forums every week I have decided to compile all profit reports into one thread.

Shares are sold out !, you can view the NETCI IPO for more info.

Week 6 Profit report:

Week 6 started with a bang, I sold out of shares ! I would have never expected to sell out this fast, and I also would have never expected to be able to offer as much returns on the shares as I´m able to make !

Having new ways of getting items, rather then relying on buy orders I have set up relationships with a few manufacturers so I´m able to keep nearly all of my isk in the sell orders, it has really paid off and business is going great !

I have had a lot of interest in shares since I sold out, even getting offers up to 2 million isk per share, I´m sorry to say but I have no plans on expanding right now, I´m happy with the capital I have and for the time being I will just be working off the capital I have now, my current investors can feel free to trade their shares around as much as they want though.

Some changes to my policy towards shares, I now offer investors 100% buyback at any point they want, with the disclaimer that it might take up to 48 hours to liquidate enough isk, might take longer for the larger investors.

I have also decided that once I reach 20 billion isk NET worth I will start to increase the value of the shares to 50% of the NET worth, this is meant to be an incentive for the investors to keep their isk with me, as they are both getting great returns and once they decide to cash out they will be able to get their entire investment back + profit.

I´m still not 100% sure I will be able to keep up with these kind of margins I managed in week 6, but we will see, at the moment I seem to be able to roll over around 2 - 3 billion isk per day and I am only buying high margin items.

Anyway, life is good, things are going great and I´m incredibly happy and humbled by the support the investors have given me as well as their invested trust in me, it will surely pay off !

here are the numbers for week 6:

Total profits earned: 2.01 billion isk)
Total dividends paid out: (1.005 billion isk)
Dividends per share: 105.000 isk

Shares sold: 1445 @ 1 million isk per share (1.445 billion isk isk)

Dividends that went back to NETCI: 0

Current NET worth of NETCI: 13.625.000.000 (13.625 billion isk)
Chorus Ambrye
#2 - 2012-12-30 09:58:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Chorus Ambrye
Older Profit reports:

Week 30 Nov - 8 Dec.

See IPO thread here if you are interested in buying shares:NETCI IPO

Its been an exciting first week of trading, I'm still getting to know the market and trying out a lot of different items to get me going, so far I have found a few favorites that I'm monitoring very closely.

There were some interesting developments on the market that really affected me right from the start, coming into the market right after the expansion some items took a very quick dip and some seemed to skyrocket, so I had to tread very carefully, I made some bad calls as well as some good ones, but making sure never to put all my eggs into one basket I am happy with the outcome.

The start of the IPO has also been a lot of fun, I´m used to people getting ripped apart here on MD, but setting up the IPO with the truth in mind has worked great so far, I have a lot of people asking about my operation and I can see there is quite a bit of interest in my operations.

I´m still playing around with what tools to use for better tracking, I have been testing EVE-Mogul, however I don't feel its tracking my stats very well, I will make a bug report to the developer later this week. Thinking about trying out EMMA next.

The numbers (rounded up or down in millions of isk):

Starting capital: 582 m

Expenses: 64 m Expenses are not expected aside from this start up cost.

List of items bought for startup:

skills bought:
Corporation Management
Broker Relations
Margin Trading

Ocular Filter - Basic
Memory Augmentation - Basic
Neural Boost - Basic
Cybernetic Subprocessor - Basic
Social Adaptation Chip - Basic

Starting capital after expenses: 518 m

Profit made from trading: 94 m

Dividends payed out: 47 m

Investor money gained: 100 m

Current net worth of NETCI: 712 m

All in all I´m very happy about these numbers, and I can only see them going up from this

Week 2 and Week 3

Hi everyone,

December has been quite hectic for me so I was unable to put out the week 2 profit report, however dividends were paid out in time.

I have a christmas vacation from work now for the next week and I have traveled to my home town to family for christmas.

Week 2 summary

Week 2 was a very exciting week, I learned a lot about the market trends and increased investor interest got me going off to a very good start, going from just around 1 billion isk in buy orders to around 30 billion really did wonders, although I must admit it was very daunting to begin with having so much isk to roll over.

Week 2 weekend was quite exciting, there was a lot of market manipulation going on and some items skyrocketed in price for a few hours, I made some and I lost some, always being careful not to get stuck with a large stock of an item that was eventually going to drop down in price in a few hours.

I made a big mistake on one specific item and bought a lot more stock then I meant to, getting stuck with such a large stock that it took me 4 days to get rid of and I lost a bit of money on that, however all in all I made more then I lost on other items so it was not too terrible.

Week 3 summary

Week 3 was a lot less eventful in terms of eve, work was going crazy, and where I generally have around 4 - 5 cases to follow up on at work I had around 30 each day, that a long with a lot more call-ins then usually, people get really stressed about minor things around christmas.

Knowing that I would not be able to be nearly as active on the market this week I tried a new strategy where I had mapped out a few items that have quite a slow rollover but generally are stable in prices and when you roll them over there is quite a bit of profits but it takes a lot of patients.

to my surprise this new strategy paid off a lot better then what I had expected and I managed to make a record in profits, so I will definitly be introducing this new strategy to my trading adventures in the future a long with others things I have learned.

The Numbers:

Week 2 and Week 3 combined

The tracking tool I was using seemed to bug out so I stopped using it and I am looking into other options at the moment, I´m thinking about trying out EMMA.

These numbers are pretty rough estimates, and you can expect a lot more detailed reports in the future.

Total profits earned: (1.2 billion isk)
Total dividends paid out: 611.000.000 (611 million isk) + 84.000.000 christmas bonus = 695.000.000 (695 million isk)
Dividends per share: 69.500 isk

Shares sold: 6670 @ 1 million isk per share (6.67 billion isk)

Dividends that went back to NETCI: 225.000.000 (225 million isk)

Current NET worth of NETCI: (8.1 billion isk)
Chorus Ambrye
#3 - 2012-12-30 09:59:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Chorus Ambrye
Week 4

Starting out on week 4, I was able to be quite active at the start of the week and made some good deals, I had built up some stock of drones as well as a few other things that paid off very well over the last weekend.

As the week went on I couldn't be as active, a lot of family business as well as terrible weather here in my hometown kept me from updating my orders as much as I would have liked to, yesterday we were without electricity for over 12 hours.

Its in icelandic but you can see some pictures of the weather here on this news site:

The plan was to drive back home today, but looking at the roads I wont be able to, so hoping to drive home tomorrow.

I was still able to get enough good deals over the week and the little I could update the market after the weekend I still managed to make some decent profits on those slower moving items, at one point I even got enough buy orders filled over night that I didnt have enough isk to cover them all !

I havent had the time to look into tracking tools, but I will see if my ride home is going to go today or not and then I will check out EMMA.

Total profits earned: 897.000.000( 897 Million isk)
Total dividends paid out: 448.500.000 (448.5 million isk)
Dividends per share: 44850 isk

Shares sold: 610 @ 1 million isk per share (610 Million isk)

Dividends that went back to NETCI: 117.507.000 (117.5 million isk)

Current NET worth of NETCI: (9.3 billion isk)

Week 5 profit report

Week 5 went really well, I think I have found a comfortable spot on the market, with some items that seem like a treasure, I also found new ways to get items so I am having less problems with having to sit on a lot of isk for buy orders.

I moved to a different hub and I´m doing really great things there, this week is by far the most successful, however I´m not sure I can keep this kind of profit margins up in the next weeks, but we will see.

I´m back at work so I have a lot more time to play around with the orders and it has really shown.

I also got my self EVEMENTAT, so you can expect some screenshots from that once I learn the robes with it.

here are the numbers for week 5:

Total profits earned: 1.875.000.000( 1.875 billion isk)
Total dividends paid out: 937.500.000 (937.5 million isk)
Dividends per share: 93750 isk

Shares sold: 1125 @ 1 million isk per share (1.125 billion isk isk)

Dividends that went back to NETCI: 140.000.000 (140 million isk)

Current NET worth of NETCI: 12.300.000.000 (12.3 billion isk)
Ash Holloway
#4 - 2012-12-31 19:18:58 UTC
A lot of fluff in these reports.
Chorus Ambrye
#5 - 2012-12-31 19:54:20 UTC
Ash Holloway wrote:
A lot of fluff in these reports.

Indeed, I´m a fluffy guy !

I still view eve as a game where I am having fun doing what I´m doing, and its highly affected by my real life, I just like to put out some experience a long with all the numbers.

I´m also thinking of ways and looking through other corps reports on how to deliver acctual proof of the profits and what the best way to give out detailed descriptions of what I´m doing without revealing too much without simply handing over API keys.

any suggestions are more then welcome.

Chorus Ambrye
shar'ra matcevsovski
#6 - 2012-12-31 20:10:56 UTC
Chorus Ambrye wrote:

I´m also thinking of ways and looking through other corps reports on how to deliver acctual proof of the profits

wait, you think we believe that "Profit made from trading: 94 m" is a actuall proof of a running business?

"Profit made from trading: 4.000 trillion" <--- see what I did there?

shar'ra phone home

Ash Holloway
#7 - 2012-12-31 20:39:16 UTC
Fluffy from being full of ****? time will tell.

I got nothing for you man. Like I said earlier in your original post, you don't know the epic fail you are in for whether you are legit or not.

Oh the irony, I complain about the cynical nature of Eve players because of the endless bashing my group has gotten. I never thought I would be on the other side, but I hate to admit that I am. Its not clear that you are a scammer, but what is clear from your posts is lack of experience. You offered to volunteer reports and they are nothing but comments about weather, your real life work, and your difficulties in the market. There is absolutely no value there for the potential and current investors. That said, I'm not calling you a scammer.

The Fukuzawa
#8 - 2012-12-31 20:42:19 UTC
Irony indeed.
Chorus Ambrye
#9 - 2012-12-31 21:03:19 UTC
shar'ra matcevsovski wrote:
Chorus Ambrye wrote:

I´m also thinking of ways and looking through other corps reports on how to deliver acctual proof of the profits

wait, you think we believe that "Profit made from trading: 94 m" is a actuall proof of a running business?

"Profit made from trading: 4.000 trillion" <--- see what I did there?

No I dont believe that this is an acctual proof of what I´m doing, thats why I said:

Chorus Ambrye wrote:

I´m also thinking of ways and looking through other corps reports on how to deliver acctual proof of the profits

Read it carefully, you might see what I wrote
Chorus Ambrye
#10 - 2012-12-31 21:07:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Chorus Ambrye
Ash Holloway wrote:
Fluffy from being full of ****? time will tell.

I got nothing for you man. Like I said earlier in your original post, you don't know the epic fail you are in for whether you are legit or not.

Oh the irony, I complain about the cynical nature of Eve players because of the endless bashing my group has gotten. I never thought I would be on the other side, but I hate to admit that I am. Its not clear that you are a scammer, but what is clear from your posts is lack of experience. You offered to volunteer reports and they are nothing but comments about weather, your real life work, and your difficulties in the market. There is absolutely no value there for the potential and current investors. That said, I'm not calling you a scammer.

Fair enough, so far I have paid out 1 billion isk in dividends thats 10% of the total capital investment for my investors in one month, even if I cant keep increasing profits this means that if they wish to cash out they can do so with a profit in 3 more months, if they decide to stick around after that they are still generating profits, and who knows, I might expand into other profitable ventures in that time wish investor votes.

Also if you have any actual constructive criticism on how I should improve the investor reports then my ears are open, currently you are just being a "cynical eve player" with no helpful comments :)
shar'ra matcevsovski
#11 - 2012-12-31 21:09:07 UTC
Chorus Ambrye wrote:
shar'ra matcevsovski wrote:
Chorus Ambrye wrote:

I´m also thinking of ways and looking through other corps reports on how to deliver acctual proof of the profits

wait, you think we believe that "Profit made from trading: 94 m" is a actuall proof of a running business?

"Profit made from trading: 4.000 trillion" <--- see what I did there?

No I dont believe that this is an acctual proof of what I´m doing, thats why I said:

Chorus Ambrye wrote:

I´m also thinking of ways and looking through other corps reports on how to deliver acctual proof of the profits

Read it carefully, you might see what I wrote

well, my bad, i thought you were presenting the solution later in your post.

shar'ra phone home

The Fukuzawa
#12 - 2012-12-31 22:34:00 UTC
Chorus Ambrye wrote:
Ash Holloway wrote:
Fluffy from being full of ****? time will tell.

I got nothing for you man. Like I said earlier in your original post, you don't know the epic fail you are in for whether you are legit or not.

Oh the irony, I complain about the cynical nature of Eve players because of the endless bashing my group has gotten. I never thought I would be on the other side, but I hate to admit that I am. Its not clear that you are a scammer, but what is clear from your posts is lack of experience. You offered to volunteer reports and they are nothing but comments about weather, your real life work, and your difficulties in the market. There is absolutely no value there for the potential and current investors. That said, I'm not calling you a scammer.

Fair enough, so far I have paid out 1 billion isk in dividends thats 10% of the total capital investment for my investors in one month, even if I cant keep increasing profits this means that if they wish to cash out they can do so with a profit in 3 more months, if they decide to stick around after that they are still generating profits, and who knows, I might expand into other profitable ventures in that time wish investor votes.

Also if you have any actual constructive criticism on how I should improve the investor reports then my ears are open, currently you are just being a "cynical eve player" with no helpful comments :)

"You offered to volunteer reports and they are nothing but comments about weather, your real life work, and your difficulties in the market. There is absolutely no value there for the potential and current investors." That is a very constructive statement.

I think you are missing our position Chorus. We want to see players succeed at what they are trying to accomplish. That said, we understand why there is a lot of resistance within the community and realize that attacks on our venture are to be expected. At first we handled this wrong.

The one thing that worries us about your venture is that you offer no collateral, you could simply run with all the isk raised just like the others have in the past. We do offer collateral, so we feel we are in the position to be skeptical or cynical, what ever you prefer.

Like Ash said, we are not calling you a scammer.
ISD Cyberdyne
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#13 - 2012-12-31 22:40:37 UTC
Found this to be a very interesting thread.

Chorus, very well done on your reports and write-ups! Looking forward to reading more as you continue your business.

ISD Cyberdyne

Lieutenant Commander

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

#14 - 2012-12-31 23:26:06 UTC
ISD Cyberdyne wrote:
Found this to be a very interesting thread.

Chorus, very well done on your reports and write-ups! Looking forward to reading more as you continue your business.

OMG he has an ISD alt , definatly scam now Shocked

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

The Fukuzawa
#15 - 2012-12-31 23:27:50 UTC
ISD Cyberdyne wrote:
Found this to be a very interesting thread.

Chorus, very well done on your reports and write-ups! Looking forward to reading more as you continue your business.

Interesting, in a bad way.
The Fukuzawa
#16 - 2013-01-01 00:06:02 UTC
flakeys wrote:
ISD Cyberdyne wrote:
Found this to be a very interesting thread.

Chorus, very well done on your reports and write-ups! Looking forward to reading more as you continue your business.

OMG he has an ISD alt , definatly scam now Shocked

Whether its an alt or a boyfriend, I wonder if this has anything to do with my thread getting locked down.
shar'ra matcevsovski
#17 - 2013-01-01 07:56:09 UTC
ISD Cyberdyne wrote:
Found this to be a very interesting thread.

Chorus, very well done on your reports and write-ups! Looking forward to reading more as you continue your business.

I always found it better when "officials" stay rather neutral to discussions.... However if it turns out that Chorus scams somebody, it would give the whole thing a realy bad taste.

shar'ra phone home

Dhexul Credus
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2013-01-01 11:12:12 UTC
He's actually been very forthcoming, timely, and open about his tradeing. Plus he's paid interest every time (on time) and has turned out to be a better investment than anything New Eden Trade Group could offer. I'm very glad for working with Chorus even more glad for not putting isk into the hands of people like the New Eden Trade Group.

If anyone is looking to invest, I couldn't give Chorus a higher rating. He's a great guy who enjoys working the market and is well worth it. Once his IPO fills up I think he'll do very well for himself and his investors.
The Fukuzawa
#19 - 2013-01-01 11:57:53 UTC
Dhexul Credus wrote:
He's actually been very forthcoming, timely, and open about his tradeing. Plus he's paid interest every time (on time) and has turned out to be a better investment than anything New Eden Trade Group could offer. I'm very glad for working with Chorus even more glad for not putting isk into the hands of people like the New Eden Trade Group.

If anyone is looking to invest, I couldn't give Chorus a higher rating. He's a great guy who enjoys working the market and is well worth it. Once his IPO fills up I think he'll do very well for himself and his investors.

#20 - 2013-01-01 12:42:18 UTC
Dhexul Credus wrote:
He's actually been very forthcoming, timely, and open about his tradeing. Plus he's paid interest every time (on time) and has turned out to be a better investment than anything New Eden Trade Group could offer. I'm very glad for working with Chorus even more glad for not putting isk into the hands of people like the New Eden Trade Group.

If anyone is looking to invest, I couldn't give Chorus a higher rating. He's a great guy who enjoys working the market and is well worth it. Once his IPO fills up I think he'll do very well for himself and his investors.

This will help him out a LOT.Who doesn't want a 20 day alt vouching for ones honesty.

IF you really wanted to help him out you'd post on a main toon that is not related to him in a too obvious way.Your only making things worse for the OP ....

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

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