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Warfare & Tactics

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Our Christmas present to FW

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X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#221 - 2012-12-30 15:16:04 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Why is Caldari militia "losing"? Because entities like post-inferno null sec farmers, Happy Endings, Kraken., and Chaotic Tranquility - while great groups of guys - don't have as much "skin in the game" as the corresponding Gallente corps and alliances. When things go bad, or they get disinterested, they go do other things.

The Caldari have fewer "fanatics" like Black Rise Guerilla Force, Templis, Liandri and Bloody Ronin than Gallente.

So that's why. All this other talk about whatever is pretty much nonsense.
DUST Expeditionary Team
Good Sax
#222 - 2012-12-30 23:05:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Nahzgul
Deen Wispa wrote:

1-What happens when your use of boost is negated by a opponent who uses similar boost?
2-What happens when the constant batphones you make to blued pirate gangs such as, say Exodus, is no longer there to help you?
3-What happens when the fight is brought to your home turf and your opponent is forcing you to pvp rather than avoiding the fight?

I think an alliance like Happy Endings found out the answer to those questions in 3 days.

I laughed when I read this and thank you for that. You are so biased in how you look at things that you ignore some important facts.

1. You make is seem as though we are the only alliance to use links and is this correct?

2. You suggest we batphone constantly when it is galmi who has actual ties to these people and are friends. more often than not they are working with galmil or simply 3rd parties. I do recall you having pirates helping you in your plexes when you were taking raka though.

3. You also seem to have forgotten the many times we came to your home system and all you did was stay docked in your stations. After this went on for a week we started to plex nenn and you came out and gave us fights and that too was fun.

The fight in raka was very fun but we were beat by superior numbers superior fire power but most of all we were beat by better tactics which is what pvp in eve is about. Also it was not just HE who fought for raka and surely if it was just us did you really think we could stand up to your whole militia on our own?
Bob TSlob
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#223 - 2012-12-30 23:38:07 UTC
Nahzgul wrote:
Deen Wispa wrote:

1-What happens when your use of boost is negated by a opponent who uses similar boost?
2-What happens when the constant batphones you make to blued pirate gangs such as, say Exodus, is no longer there to help you?
3-What happens when the fight is brought to your home turf and your opponent is forcing you to pvp rather than avoiding the fight?

I think an alliance like Happy Endings found out the answer to those questions in 3 days.

I laughed when I read this and thank you for that. You are so biased in how you look at things that you ignore some important facts.

1. You make is seem as though we are the only alliance to use links and is this correct?

2. You suggest we batphone constantly when it is galmi who has actual ties to these people and are friends. more often than not they are working with galmil or simply 3rd parties. I do recall you having pirates helping you in your plexes when you were taking raka though.

3. You also seem to have forgotten the many times we came to your home system and all you did was stay docked in your stations. After this went on for a week we started to plex nenn and you came out and gave us fights and that too was fun.

The fight in raka was very fun but we were beat by superior numbers superior fire power but most of all we were beat by better tactics which is what pvp in eve is about. Also it was not just HE who fought for raka and surely if it was just us did you really think we could stand up to your whole militia on our own?

Sure we found out. Im not sure what it was, but we found it. Hmmm..... maybe PvP ends when Raka falls...... no more PvP ever

Oh wait, that was it! We came here for PvP and we have PvP and if you think we are gonna stop PvPing because raka fell, you have no idea whats up with us
#224 - 2012-12-31 00:05:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
Major Killz wrote:

Mutnin I'll try to correct some of your assumptions and whatever hearsay you've heard.

Well like I said, that's what I was told. Personally I never liked the sov war thing and I knew the station lock outs would eventually kill FW once one side could get the upper hand. I tried to throw my hat in the Sov War at one point, and tried to get corps/groups to organize a defense structure where each group was responsible of defending a set amount of systems and also responsible to upgrade those system during dumps.

No one was really interested in defending as they felt best option was to play the flip/flop game with Gals in order to make the most ISK. There were also Caldari at the time that were planning to flip Gal bunkers if Gals let them stack to much but I guess that never happened.

It's just a stupid system all together as the whole Sov system has been nothing more than farmville since it's inception for one side or the other.
Vaal Erit
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#225 - 2012-12-31 00:09:46 UTC
Threads like this make CAOD look like a place full of geniuses.

Gallente are doing excellent work with a massive fleet and all day nonstop ops. They get points deducted because they got a massive boost from Caldari being so dumb and saying "duhhhhhhhhh" for 2 days when the ninja patch hit and then went "oh snap we finally read the patch notes, we are screwed" I'm not saying Gallente aren't doing hard work, they are doing great. Congrats go to Gallente, it looks like an easy win for them atm.

The history of FW is full of major swings, one FW faction gains a lot of people and streamrolls. The only concern now is whether the game mechanics support a comeback from tier 1. It looks like it will be very difficult to come back from tier 1 with dplexing lp and ease of farming, a comeback might be more difficult than ever before in FW. I figure a more balanced FW state of war will lead to more pvp and more fun for everyone.
Marc Callan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#226 - 2012-12-31 00:36:27 UTC
The Caldari response to the ninja patch actually began before the patch, with a bunker-buster fleet mobilizing within hours after the devblog announcement. There was an FC running hub-bashers for something like eighteen hours straight, meeting resistance from Gallente and pirates alike.

This loss didn't come from sitting around and going "durrr".

The ninja-patch reactions can be summed up as follows: the Gallente had the ability to respond by sending out light units to deplex, jumping from plex to plex, utilizing the much-derided gunless frigates even more safely than they'd been used pre-patch. The Caldari had to respond by sending out a concentrated, massed fleet, which was attracting attention from the entire warzone, Gallente and pirates alike, and could only be in one place at a time. Several times, a hub had to be abandoned in mid-bash because there was too much heat, and the time lost from withdrawing to find another system was judged to be less than the time that would be lost if the entire fleet got jumped and slagged.

People were bashing until they dropped, at least in the EU time zone, where the patch hit while just about everyone was off at real-life jobs and the like.

Kraken, Templis, Ronin, and others were all represented, all pushing hard, all sacrificing.

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#227 - 2012-12-31 00:50:44 UTC
Vaal Erit wrote:
It looks like it will be very difficult to come back from tier 1 with dplexing lp and ease of farming, a comeback might be more difficult than ever before in FW. I figure a more balanced FW state of war will lead to more pvp and more fun for everyone.
isk/lp will even out with lp/plex or mission. At that point in time it will be just as profitable to be in the "losing" militia.

#228 - 2012-12-31 00:53:26 UTC
Marc Callan wrote:

Kraken, Templis, Ronin, and others were all represented, all pushing hard, all sacrificing.

I'm shocked templis didn't AWOX anyone on the OP tbh.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Juan Rayo
Justified Chaos
#229 - 2012-12-31 01:11:14 UTC
Nobody is losing. Caldari will just have to make base in highsec for a bit, then they'll make a whole lot of isk offensive plexing while Gallente will go "**** defending systems been there done that" and in a few months we'll be back to a sort of equilibrium.

Plus, people are having pew pew. How is that "losing" for anyone?

It IS true that some of the old timers in Galmil have an opportunity to get a small monkey off their back paying back the squids in kind for their past warzone dominance. But in FW it really means little. We will just continue to pew pew each other happily, as it should be.
Marc Callan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#230 - 2012-12-31 01:27:33 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
Marc Callan wrote:

Kraken, Templis, Ronin, and others were all represented, all pushing hard, all sacrificing.

I'm shocked templis didn't AWOX anyone on the OP tbh.

I never witnessed an AWOX perpetrated by the EU contingent of Templis. I obviously didn't witness every op of the war.

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

Dan Carter Murray
#231 - 2012-12-31 02:18:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Dan Carter Murray
Juan Rayo wrote:
Nobody is losing.

btw congrats on being the winners. 50GB free space @

Mich Farmer
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#232 - 2012-12-31 10:44:08 UTC
Mekhana wrote:
We'll have to wait until new players enter the fray to turn things around for them or rely on old players leaving to balance things out.


Actually the last thing gallente would want is for some big entity to enter Caldari side. After all, you brought 100 man alliance (that also blued with several local pirate enties, some who also entered FW to support you) across the map to fight one (Damar Rocarion) guy in an enviroment which was already completely lopsided to one entitys favor.

Then there are entities like Dark-Rising who can deploy more capitals to field than Caldari militia has active numbers if required. Not to mention SOTF who, despite all their bragging, still calls on neutral entities like wolfsbrigade to do their FW fighting for them.

And when we look things in light of the fact none of these "old players" are in a hurry to leave and are quite happy to call even more people to their side (last time yesterday Spiritus Draconis member was in local chat begging for Tuskers to join Gal militia), one must wonder what kind of pvp they expect to gain when ultimately they can just park several hundred capitals to any system they want when all their friendly blues are added into the mix.
Cat Casidy
Percussive Diplomacy
#233 - 2012-12-31 11:19:30 UTC
Mich Farmer wrote:
Mekhana wrote:
We'll have to wait until new players enter the fray to turn things around for them or rely on old players leaving to balance things out.


Actually the last thing gallente would want is for some big entity to enter Caldari side. After all, you brought 100 man alliance (that also blued with several local pirate enties, some who also entered FW to support you) across the map to fight one (Damar Rocarion) guy in an enviroment which was already completely lopsided to one entitys favor.

Then there are entities like Dark-Rising who can deploy more capitals to field than Caldari militia has active numbers if required. Not to mention SOTF who, despite all their bragging, still calls on neutral entities like wolfsbrigade to do their FW fighting for them.

And when we look things in light of the fact none of these "old players" are in a hurry to leave and are quite happy to call even more people to their side (last time yesterday Spiritus Draconis member was in local chat begging for Tuskers to join Gal militia), one must wonder what kind of pvp they expect to gain when ultimately they can just park several hundred capitals to any system they want when all their friendly blues are added into the mix.

I'll have what he's having.


Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#234 - 2012-12-31 12:52:50 UTC
Mich Farmer wrote:
Mekhana wrote:
We'll have to wait until new players enter the fray to turn things around for them or rely on old players leaving to balance things out.


Actually the last thing gallente would want is for some big entity to enter Caldari side. After all, you brought 100 man alliance (that also blued with several local pirate enties, some who also entered FW to support you) across the map to fight one (Damar Rocarion) guy in an enviroment which was already completely lopsided to one entitys favor.

Then there are entities like Dark-Rising who can deploy more capitals to field than Caldari militia has active numbers if required. Not to mention SOTF who, despite all their bragging, still calls on neutral entities like wolfsbrigade to do their FW fighting for them.

And when we look things in light of the fact none of these "old players" are in a hurry to leave and are quite happy to call even more people to their side (last time yesterday Spiritus Draconis member was in local chat begging for Tuskers to join Gal militia), one must wonder what kind of pvp they expect to gain when ultimately they can just park several hundred capitals to any system they want when all their friendly blues are added into the mix.

This post somewhat delivers, though you could mention more about your delusions of ccp bias and imagined death threats. Dont be slippin' ,we expect more of you damar!
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#235 - 2012-12-31 14:51:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Yogsoloth
Mich Farmer wrote:
Mekhana wrote:
We'll have to wait until new players enter the fray to turn things around for them or rely on old players leaving to balance things out.


Actually the last thing gallente would want is for some big entity to enter Caldari side. After all, you brought 100 man alliance (that also blued with several local pirate enties, some who also entered FW to support you) across the map to fight one (Damar Rocarion) guy in an enviroment which was already completely lopsided to one entitys favor.

Then there are entities like Dark-Rising who can deploy more capitals to field than Caldari militia has active numbers if required. Not to mention SOTF who, despite all their bragging, still calls on neutral entities like wolfsbrigade to do their FW fighting for them.

And when we look things in light of the fact none of these "old players" are in a hurry to leave and are quite happy to call even more people to their side (last time yesterday Spiritus Draconis member was in local chat begging for Tuskers to join Gal militia), one must wonder what kind of pvp they expect to gain when ultimately they can just park several hundred capitals to any system they want when all their friendly blues are added into the mix.

Talking about yourself in the 3rd person is just lol.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#236 - 2012-12-31 15:05:30 UTC
Mich Farmer wrote:

Actually the last thing gallente would want is for some big entity to enter Caldari side. After all, you brought 100 man alliance (that also blued with several local pirate enties, some who also entered FW to support you) across the map to fight one (Damar Rocarion) guy in an enviroment which was already completely lopsided to one entitys favor.
We're currently "draining the swamps." Once complete, we're coming after Osama bin Damar. Big smile
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#237 - 2012-12-31 15:12:30 UTC
Actually, it's not that easy for gallente pilots to get into fights either. I did some junior FCing (i.e. first times doing it) and i was surprised at similar sized fleets (some even had the advantage) running away from us. I also catched quite some stabbed caldari plexers solo this month (OH Thrasher DPS FTW), so that's also a moot point towards your "yo, we caldari are about pvp, yo" argument.

One valid argument though is the lack of caldari pilots willing to do pvp. With Kraken and some others gone, there isn't a lot of opposition left. Mind you, those left are surely motivated to keep their systems. BRGF for instance immediately comes to my mind. If I open a plex in Eha, there will be a BRGF guy in a matter of minutes to defend it.

I haven't been online a lot in the past 2 weeks so very recent changes could have gone past me, but from what I recall, FW is working as intended and healthier than ever (actually favoring PVP). Could it be better? I suppose so. I particularly like the idea of rolling a timer back at twice the speed to remove even more farmers. Add the addition of extending docking restrictions to hisec and I'm a happy camper.
Mich Farmer
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#238 - 2012-12-31 15:20:21 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
We're currently "draining the swamps." Once complete, we're coming after Osama bin Damar. Big smile

I can assure you that you will not get any resistance from me in FW plexes you open in Yvangier.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#239 - 2012-12-31 15:23:31 UTC
Mich Farmer wrote:
I can assure you that you will not get any resistance from me in FW plexes you open in Yvangier.

F'ing neutral low sec governments. They say their part of the Federation, but they still harbor these hookbill flying terrorists.
Naga's Be Trippin
#240 - 2012-12-31 17:05:17 UTC  |  Edited by: ALUCARD 1208
Mich Farmer wrote:
Mekhana wrote:
We'll have to wait until new players enter the fray to turn things around for them or rely on old players leaving to balance things out.


Actually the last thing gallente would want is for some big entity to enter Caldari side. After all, you brought 100 man alliance (that also blued with several local pirate enties, some who also entered FW to support you) across the map to fight one (Damar Rocarion) guy in an enviroment which was already completely lopsided to one entitys favor.

Then there are entities like Dark-Rising who can deploy more capitals to field than Caldari militia has active numbers if required. Not to mention SOTF who, despite all their bragging, still calls on neutral entities like wolfsbrigade to do their FW fighting for them.

And when we look things in light of the fact none of these "old players" are in a hurry to leave and are quite happy to call even more people to their side (last time yesterday Spiritus Draconis member was in local chat begging for Tuskers to join Gal militia), one must wonder what kind of pvp they expect to gain when ultimately they can just park several hundred capitals to any system they want when all their friendly blues are added into the mix.

rofl u are crazy drama we didnt do a 100man cta for u. We just simply "CAME HOME" but i do realise in ur own head eve revolves around you, u are the sun to which were all just an orbital body.. Also no spdr members asked tuskers to join fw some of us do actually have friends and give them a wave in local from time to time. On another note can u please enlighten me as to who these so called pirate corps we have blue do we have kills with them cos i dont see it newere. several hundred caps ? ill take 1 oz of whatever uve been sniffing mate

ur tinfoil hattery really knows no bounds does it ? atleast uv moved on from the rl threat accustations of 2 years ago ........ OH WAIT.............

5 AND COUNTING Big smileBig smileBig smileBig smileBig smile