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I Won't Build "Your Empire"

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#81 - 2012-12-28 02:03:36 UTC
Karrl Tian wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
Can't wait for the highsec rebalance expansion.

Yeah the last two were great.


Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Alavaria Fera
#82 - 2012-12-28 03:26:32 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Karrl Tian wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
Can't wait for the highsec rebalance expansion.

Yeah the last two were great.


Next, more EHP for freighters.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Allota Lovin
#83 - 2012-12-28 03:46:45 UTC
Oh , this whine again!
masternerdguy tears are best tears!
Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#84 - 2012-12-28 03:49:03 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:

  1. I Am Special - Nobody is special. Everyone is a worthless until proven otherwise. Your value is solely what you bring to the community.

Same goes for goonswarm, test alliance, -a-, pl, suddenly spaceships, etc. Null sec blob fests are boring. Station grinding is boring. Moon reactions are boring.

masternerdguy wrote:

Anyway, the nerf will happen. Summer is coming.

What nerf? Nobody has even said anything about nerfs. So far CCP has only talked about pos revamps and ship re balancing. Honestly, your post reeks of a misinformed person from lowsec whos only positive aspect is a positive killboard (who even cares about kill boards, the metagame, anyway?).

Instead of spewing out the a-typical garbage from 1/4 the argument, why not come up with a constructive idea for how high, low, and null should work together rather than banter on about an imaginary nerf?
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#85 - 2012-12-28 03:54:49 UTC
Acac Sunflyier wrote:

Instead of spewing out the a-typical garbage from 1/4 the argument, why not come up with a constructive idea for how high, low, and null should work together rather than banter on about an imaginary nerf?

+1 from me, either way. It's a senseless argument no matter which side you're on. Null needs Industry changes. Highsec needs to see what happens with Industry changes in Null and how both are effected. Low will benefit from it either way I suspect.

You can't nerf Null, and there is no point nerfing Highsec without first seeing what happens when you make Cluster-spanning game changing adjustments to Null. Any change for the better there is going to have drastic effects on everything everywhere else, unless Null players just ignore it and continue on as they were, or use it internally, while pretending it has no impact or effect on them.

Even then, in the latter case, the ripples will be felt I'm sure.
Alavaria Fera
#86 - 2012-12-28 03:55:34 UTC
Acac Sunflyier wrote:
masternerdguy wrote:

  1. I Am Special - Nobody is special. Everyone is a worthless until proven otherwise. Your value is solely what you bring to the community.

Same goes for goonswarm, test alliance, -a-, pl, suddenly spaceships, etc. Null sec blob fests are boring. Station grinding is boring. Moon reactions are boring.

Basically, EVE Online is boring.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#87 - 2012-12-28 04:12:14 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Acac Sunflyier wrote:
masternerdguy wrote:

  1. I Am Special - Nobody is special. Everyone is a worthless until proven otherwise. Your value is solely what you bring to the community.

Same goes for goonswarm, test alliance, -a-, pl, suddenly spaceships, etc. Null sec blob fests are boring. Station grinding is boring. Moon reactions are boring.

Basically, EVE Online is boring.

Sov space isn't the only area in eve.
Flurk Hellbron
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#88 - 2012-12-28 04:14:03 UTC

I Won't Build "Your Empire"

I didn't even ask you to do so?
Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#89 - 2012-12-28 04:16:39 UTC
Mars Theran wrote:
Low will benefit from it either way I suspect.

Sort of. Faction warfare is it's thing. But there's huge aspects of low still broken. At least now with the venture, some of the ore is at least being mine for the first time in 10 years.

#90 - 2012-12-28 04:47:45 UTC
Acac Sunflyier wrote:
masternerdguy wrote:

  1. I Am Special - Nobody is special. Everyone is a worthless until proven otherwise. Your value is solely what you bring to the community.

Same goes for goonswarm, test alliance, -a-, pl, suddenly spaceships, etc. Null sec blob fests are boring. Station grinding is boring. Moon reactions are boring.

One thing that is often overlooked when flying with large coalitions/alliances is that you can often find a subgroup within the alliance that does just about anything, and unlike small corps that do these things I have a vast and easy talent pool for recruiting whenever numbers start to dwindle.

For instance I recently helped revitalize our baby blops wing and I'm rarely found in a fleet that numbers over 20 people. We usually live deep in someone else's territory, and the only thing we have to do with pos's is on occasion we steal one that someone is unanchoring.

I won't say I've never been a member of the blob, I have, but I don't enjoy it as much as what I do now, and my recent killboard activity kind of reflects that renewed interest.
Eli Green
The Arrow Project
#91 - 2012-12-28 04:55:42 UTC
Zaknussem wrote:
Kitty Bear wrote:
the other problem you ahve is the players,
if ccp focus on industry they complain about the lack of 'pew attention'
if ccp focus on 'the pew' they complain about broken industry

So true.

CCP ignored the playerbase (at least) once and gave us Incarna. Players raged.
CCP listened to the playerbase (at least) once and gave us Crucible. Players raged (once the high wore off).

It's a lose-lose situation. Even Aesop wrote a fable about this: You can't ever please everyone.



Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#92 - 2012-12-28 05:06:24 UTC
SmilingVagrant wrote:
Acac Sunflyier wrote:
masternerdguy wrote:

  1. I Am Special - Nobody is special. Everyone is a worthless until proven otherwise. Your value is solely what you bring to the community.

Same goes for goonswarm, test alliance, -a-, pl, suddenly spaceships, etc. Null sec blob fests are boring. Station grinding is boring. Moon reactions are boring.

One thing that is often overlooked when flying with large coalitions/alliances is that you can often find a subgroup within the alliance that does just about anything, and unlike small corps that do these things I have a vast and easy talent pool for recruiting whenever numbers start to dwindle.

For instance I recently helped revitalize our baby blops wing and I'm rarely found in a fleet that numbers over 20 people. We usually live deep in someone else's territory, and the only thing we have to do with pos's is on occasion we steal one that someone is unanchoring.

I won't say I've never been a member of the blob, I have, but I don't enjoy it as much as what I do now, and my recent killboard activity kind of reflects that renewed interest.

Yeah but the thing is some people are deaf and cannot speak in comms, which is often a must in null blocks. Some people only want to spend an hour a weekend doing some very casual activities.

Fact is I think high sec is fine the way it is. Keeps prices low, has a viable market. and introduced people to the game. Highsec has become a breadbasket that everybody can take from. Nerfing highsec would have too vast a repercussion on too many areas of space. It'd be very likely eve couldd enter another economic depression; the very least a recession. This is the worst possible thing that could happen in Eve. Nobody would buy anything cause your isk would be worth more and more the longer because the value of one isk would buy more and more. It would very easily turn into a tailspin.

I get that people are bored in null a lot of the time waiting for the cta. But I don't think nerfing highsec will get more targets in null. It'd probably cause many people to leave (The opposite of what we want to happen.)
Wo nko
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#93 - 2012-12-28 05:14:42 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#94 - 2012-12-28 05:15:25 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
These threads are getting really old. I don't care about highsec, and I dont care about nullsec and I certainly don't care what high seccers think of null seccers and vice versa. Get over yourselves.

Here's something we haven't all tried yet.

It's called "minding our own business".

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Nick Bete
Highsec Haulers Inc.
#95 - 2012-12-28 05:28:02 UTC
OP can you please keep dumb-posting and get banned again? The forums were so much nicer with you gone.
Frying Doom
#96 - 2012-12-28 08:12:34 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
In many of the defensive cries from hi seccers attempting to justify that hi sec is balanced I've been seeing a recurring theme: "I won't go to nullsec because I don't want to help build your empire. I want to build one with my RL friends."

"I won't go to nullsec because I don't want to help build your empire. I want to build one with my RL friends."

This is the epitome of the fundamental misunderstanding hi seccers have about the nature of this game. It is based on 3 incorrect assumptions.

  1. I Am Special - Nobody is special. Everyone is a worthless until proven otherwise. Your value is solely what you bring to the community.
  2. EVE is Relaxing - EVE has never been relaxing. It has been about hard work and commitment. You might have fun, but it will take a lot of work to get there.
  3. EVE is About Small Gang / Solo - EVE has never been balanced around small gang or solo, and this has never been pushed by any of the advertising. In fact the opposite is pushed.

So what do you resort to? You resort to blaming the evil nullseccers for all your problems and talking about how unfair it is that you might lose, or that setting up your 5 man alliance in the middle of Deklein won't work, or that you got blobbed. Then when that doesn't work you cry about how important it is to be a "casual gamer".

The definition of casual gamer seems to be pretty flexible these days. I didn't know grinding missions or ice mining for 14 hours a day was casual.

Anyway, the nerf will happen. Summer is coming.

I bring your attention to point 1

And ask why you bother to waste peoples time with a thread like this?

Actually never mind you may refer your self to point 1. Lol

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#97 - 2012-12-28 08:29:56 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
These threads are getting really old. I don't care about highsec, and I dont care about nullsec and I certainly don't care what high seccers think of null seccers and vice versa. Get over yourselves.

Here's something we haven't all tried yet.

It's called "minding our own business".

Oh, here I was thinking we were playing the same game on the same shard.
I'm just going to go back to my nullsec server now where nothing you do has any effect on my game and nothing I do has any effect on yours.
Oh wait...

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#98 - 2012-12-28 08:53:05 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
These threads are getting really old. I don't care about highsec, and I dont care about nullsec and I certainly don't care what high seccers think of null seccers and vice versa. Get over yourselves.

Here's something we haven't all tried yet.

It's called "minding our own business".

Oh, here I was thinking we were playing the same game on the same shard.
I'm just going to go back to my nullsec server now where nothing you do has any effect on my game and nothing I do has any effect on yours.
Oh wait...

Are you OK? You seem kind of angry.

If you want others to mind your business, or you want them to let you mind theirs, you have to offer something for that time. It's an economical measure. Most people actually mind their own business, even in the largest shard we know of, known as the real world to some to dare to venture out of the basement.

I would say you should mind your own business because it makes sense. What could you have done to change things, other than a forum post?

Quite often in threads like this, there is much energy going into what people aught to do, while not really doing anything to change that.

If you want people to be involved in your game the way you see it, you have to come up with a way to let them be involved, either voluntarily or involuntarily, and in some manner that they benefit from it pertaining to their goals.

If you want everybody doing things that has some effect on each other, then you must really understand the scope of the activities. Recently I equipped a battleship with mods I never used before, and am running tests on it. This has nothing to do with anybody else, for now, but I suspect that somebody built that hull, and made those T2 modules. My present goals do not involve interaction with anybody else at this time.

But to understand the effect of things regarding interaction, and the scope of the activities, would be to try to find the crossroads where the map is too large. It's beyond my understanding. I don't know what I can do for you that can change anything for you at this time, and could not think of anything you can do for me.

Good luck trying though. I think that nothing is going to change until there are enough people ready to work on some very out of the box ways to mix things up a bit.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#99 - 2012-12-28 09:14:14 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Karrl Tian wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
Can't wait for the highsec rebalance expansion.

Yeah the last two were great.


Next, more EHP for freighters.

After this expansion they dont need it no more XD

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#100 - 2012-12-28 10:55:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
I want a special overview icon for casual gamers,
so i can concentrate all my guns on them.

Edit: In fact, we should create a group that specifically targets these so called "casual gamers".