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The mysterious tale of the doanshoots

First post
drew carnegie
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#41 - 2011-10-23 19:28:24 UTC
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2011-10-23 19:38:22 UTC
Captains log. Day 179. VFK-IV solar system.

It still wont budge.

End of log
David Carel
SWAT Team Sales Consultants
#43 - 2011-10-23 19:44:33 UTC
I am sitting at a holographic model of my Anshar class Jump Freighter and wonder when the next incursion will start.
Sanshas must be destroyed. Ships must be freightered.
Travis Wells
Goonswarm Federation
#44 - 2011-10-23 19:47:43 UTC
Doanshoot doanshoot come in over I said as I hailed doanshot on the igsb. I was running quite low on quafe zero and havnt found any zero calorie beverage quite as good. I need my new shipment of quafe zero, my 5 pack that I thought I had majically dissapeared.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2011-10-23 20:02:19 UTC
Captains log. Day 181. VFK-IV solar system.

Those amarr engineers are no good for any job, i wish my friend bbj was here to fix the station. I have been poking around the undocking handle and i think i figured out the faulty nanotransmitter starboard regulator that prevents the undocking from working... lets see..

*lights blinking for short while*

˙sɯoɔ ǝɔɐds *dılq* pɹɐoqɹɐʇs ɐıʌ ɾqq oʇ ǝƃɐssǝɯ puǝs oʇ ǝʌɐɥ ı ʞuıɥʇ ı *ɹoɹɹǝ* 'ʇɥƃıɹ ʇou llıʇs sı ƃuıɥʇǝɯos

End of log
Travis Wells
Goonswarm Federation
#46 - 2011-10-23 20:23:13 UTC
Minesweeper are you still having issues with the undock lever? If all you needed was a neuro transmitter you should have asked, I have a few extra. Maybee in trade you can fly in my fleet with me, ill pay for your help, especially if you help me destroy drew carnegie.
Hatface Jones
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2011-10-23 20:41:54 UTC
Dear Minesweeper,





The door handle is stuck and I'm fairly certain that trying to cook x-instinct class booster items in the bathroom was a bad idea.


Travis Wells
Goonswarm Federation
#48 - 2011-10-23 21:19:54 UTC
Hatface, are you trying to tell me that there's a problem with the xinstict boosters I ordered? I told you a bathtub was not the proper place to cook them. I'm going to be very unhappy with you if this is the case....
Travis Wells
Goonswarm Federation
#49 - 2011-10-23 23:20:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Travis Wells
Star sky ship captain commander ship bridge blog log.

Seems as the crew moral has really gone down since we ran out x instict booster. There has almost been rioting in the mess hall. I hope that I get the new shipment soon for my fiends of a crew. Once I have that I will once again be an unstoppable force. I just hope that noone notices that I ran out while I am week and feeble. Maybee all this buisness I got myself into wasn't worth it. Well actually, 17 billion isk is always worth it, I'm space rich. I hope hatface doesn't let me down. Also I still havnt heard from doanshoot, its starting to get aful suspicious

~~~End log~~~
Joenes Regyri
#50 - 2011-10-23 23:54:50 UTC
Who taught these things to speak?
David Carel
SWAT Team Sales Consultants
#51 - 2011-10-24 00:05:10 UTC
Joenes Regyri wrote:
Who taught these things to speak?

I did, why?
Joenes Regyri
#52 - 2011-10-24 00:11:49 UTC
David Carel wrote:
Joenes Regyri wrote:
Who taught these things to speak?

I did, why?

I think you missed a spot.
Travis Wells
Goonswarm Federation
#53 - 2011-10-24 00:37:19 UTC
Star Commander Ship Captain Capsule Pilot Chief Log

Still no word from hatface, luckily a shady david carel character told me where i could get the boosters in low security space. Some guy named jones had them in molden hieth. after a long haul out there i was set up by the police. Jones was working for minmatar the whole time, and david carel was a fool for trusting him. fortunaly the hull of jones' wreath was no match for my autocannons, i quicky scooped the boosters and warped off before the police could pop me. Silly jones, trix are for kids. Now with the boosters my crew has gotten their fix and we can go bnack out on the prowl. Still no word from doanshoot. im really really suspicious now.

~~~~~end log ~~~~~~~~
David Carel
SWAT Team Sales Consultants
#54 - 2011-10-24 01:18:02 UTC
What? That fuckhead lied to me? I'll rip his balls off and make him eat them. Raw.
drew carnegie
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#55 - 2011-10-24 01:32:05 UTC
Starcaptain spacepilot captain's quarters in-station video feed news report update:

how to update jump cloen
drew carnegie
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#56 - 2011-10-24 01:32:55 UTC
thought this was googles lol sry
Major Spag
State War Academy
Caldari State
#57 - 2011-10-24 01:37:32 UTC
Betrayed! By the one person I never thought would do so. This David Carel guy. He just walked off with my money! This is inconceivable!

I shall hunt him down to the ends of the earth and extract the money from his tight muscular gludius maximus.
drew carnegie
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#58 - 2011-10-24 01:45:34 UTC
Double-crossed! By BBJ himself! I told him to meet me at the EVE Gate so we could gank space tourists! But he didn't show! Instead there was a fleet of

[transmission termindated]
Travis Wells
Goonswarm Federation
#59 - 2011-10-24 02:18:47 UTC
major spag, it has seemed the david carel character has tried to play us both... willyou join me in hunting him down? i hear he was just shunned, we should ambush his retreat
Travis Wells
Goonswarm Federation
#60 - 2011-10-24 02:34:47 UTC
haha drew carnegie, seems as you have fallen for my trap. BBJ was a cheap payout, told you you had no chance.