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Fitting for low sec pve (DED's, etc.)

Dautrin Maize
Peirmont Industries
#1 - 2012-12-23 04:15:59 UTC
I've recently been exploring, and getting pretty good at it. But I'm stumped on how to fit for doing sites in low sec. That is, I'm having difficulty deciding on a balance between defensive capability vs pirates and the pve capability I'll need to handle the sites themselves.

How do you folks fit your ships for flying faction warfare or signatures in low sec?

Seems like if you try to fit for both pvp and pve, you don't do either very well...
Zoltan Lazar
#2 - 2012-12-23 07:44:20 UTC
The trick is to have 4-5 systems that you live within 2 jumps of which you are incredibly familiar with and know all the threats of.

From there, determine what rats you face. You'll want a legion to fight anything with an EM hole (they have Em/Therm to resist then) or a tengu for anything with a kin hole (Em/Therm or Kin/Therm to resist then, check your rats). If it's angels either a loki or a tengu depending on your skills.

You'll get caught eventually, but you can greatly minimize the risks by knowing your area very well.

Also, an alt is immensely useful. Serious exploration really requires one, especially once you're blops capable. (covert cynos can't get gatecamped)
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-12-23 08:25:04 UTC
If you want to stay on the cheap (and perhaps less interesting to the pirates):
t1 cruiser or BC fit for PVE, and stick a cloak on - if someone comes in with probes, hide with your cloak.

Strongly advise making safes, etc. and getting to know a specific area like Zoltan suggests
Dautrin Maize
Peirmont Industries
#4 - 2012-12-23 08:39:34 UTC
So you guys are saying to fit for pve and just try to be cautious?

And cloaks are a given, but do me no good if I'm already engaged with rats when the pirate shows up.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-12-23 10:59:22 UTC
Dautrin Maize wrote:
So you guys are saying to fit for pve and just try to be cautious?

And cloaks are a given, but do me no good if I'm already engaged with rats when the pirate shows up.

Unless you know how to survive on low-sec don't fly anything more expensive then T2 fitted battlecruiser, you should be able to complete most sites in a battlecruiser. I'm not sure if a ship with bonus to probes is a most, but it is going to make you life a lot easier. Use a covert ops to scan down the sites and return in the battlecruiser.

Don't try and make a PvP and PvE fit, the sites in low-sec have battleships in the "good" sites. In the harder sites you need to tank the damage equal to the hard level 4 missions, it don't really leave a lot of room for pvp modules.

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.

Rinnve Elennean
#6 - 2012-12-23 14:05:42 UTC
Dautrin Maize wrote:
And cloaks are a given, but do me no good if I'm already engaged with rats when the pirate shows up.

Learn to use directional scanner.
Brewlar Kuvakei
Adeptio Gloriae
#7 - 2012-12-23 14:39:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Brewlar Kuvakei
Cloak LMFAO! because you can cloak when rats are targeting you? Nope you have to warp out so cloak is useless. Also in DED' a pirate will just launch core probes if he see's wrecks but no overseer cruiser wreck, He won't care if you are cloaked he will simply go in a finish off the rest of the plex after you've done 90% of the work.

Any good pirates will simply pre scan good DED's and let PVE players clear all but the final room before making his way to gank you and if he misses he still gets a nice faction drop to sell,
Sabin Infernorum
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-12-23 15:23:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Sabin Infernorum
I just use a t2 railgun-fit enyo. It can handle every site short of the final boss of a 4/10, and for those you can just dock up and switch to blasters with void.

Also, not many people will try to gank something that can be in warp within seconds of the ganker showing up on short range dscan.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#9 - 2012-12-23 15:49:06 UTC
Yes, a cloak is rather useful indeed. While you can't cloak when being targeted, it's nice to be able to cloak up in a safe. And with Improved Cloak and MWD you increase your chances of getting away from hot gates.

Like Rinnve said, Dscan is your best friend, and in general you want to try your best to avoid an engagement- unless you know that you can handle the opponent. Due to current acceleration gate mechanics, you have to be AFK, out of house and asleep if someone can surprise you inside a plex.

As what comes to PVE vs PVP fits, I think point (warp scrambler/disruptor) is the major difference, since it's useless against rats. (CCP why oh why)- still there are ships that can spare a mid for point. If you optimize your resists against the local rats, you will have resist holes which attackers will be aware of and try to exploit. Again, there are ships that can omnitank well enough to do all lowsec sites. Some ships can spare a high for a neut. Many have room for a flight of ECM drones.

My point is, it's not that black and white. I have kills done with my exploration ships, and have run sites in pvp fits.

I don't want to give too much advice, because the learning process itself is very much fun, and figuring out things on your own is much more rewarding. Don't read any site walk-throughs, or you rob yourself of the whole core idea of exploration. If you aim for isk/hour, look elsewhere, if you want to enjoy exciting adventures in space, fly to lowsec and toss out some probes :)


Mnemosyne Gloob
#10 - 2012-12-23 16:01:48 UTC
To expand on what others have said, it is generally better to not try to pvp in your pve boat, you will just die. If you are a lone explorer better play hide and run (don't try to finish that site that you know someone just probed you out of).

The new rats behavior, however could make for some comedy assasination attempts, if the attackers did not figure it in.
Cage Man
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#11 - 2012-12-23 19:25:55 UTC
google or look under my EVE for sir livingston.. he has some really good practical advice on how to do it and has some vids to make it easier...
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#12 - 2012-12-23 22:18:27 UTC
Brewlar Kuvakei wrote:
Cloak LMFAO! because you can cloak when rats are targeting you? Nope you have to warp out so cloak is useless. Also in DED' a pirate will just launch core probes if he see's wrecks but no overseer cruiser wreck, He won't care if you are cloaked he will simply go in a finish off the rest of the plex after you've done 90% of the work.

Any good pirates will simply pre scan good DED's and let PVE players clear all but the final room before making his way to gank you and if he misses he still gets a nice faction drop to sell,

You have a very narrow view of the game, don't you? Anything that doesn't suit exactly how you play is simply awful.

Yes, I have been scanned out and chased out of plexes. Three times, I believe. So less than 1% of the time. It's annoying when it happens but it's never really all that risky.

Risk comes in the form of ungated sites, combat ladars in particular. But that's another discussion.
Zekk Pacus
RPS holdings
#13 - 2012-12-25 10:04:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Zekk Pacus
Dautrin Maize wrote:
So you guys are saying to fit for pve and just try to be cautious?

And cloaks are a given, but do me no good if I'm already engaged with rats when the pirate shows up.

Don't be there when the pirate shows up. It's generally never a good idea to try and balance between pve and pvp, since the guy hunting you will have a setup designed to counter your ship. He'll win if he catches you.

You have dscan, he'll have to scan you out or at the worst uncloak his PVE hunting t3 to get through the first acceleration gate. That should give you more than enough time to run away.

Also, don't bother with hacking/arch sites in lowsec. The drop's almost never worth it and as you say they're ungated. Maybe if you manage to find a few nice quiet systems that no one ever goes to, but it only takes one guy who's got the site pre-scanned and an elite frigate to ruin your day.

EDIT: And this should be obvious but if someone chases you out of a site and then disappears from dscan but is still in local, don't go back in. I've seen so many people fall for this and it makes me facepalm every time.