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Market Discussions

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Fixed/Moving Price

Nashira Corvus
Republic Interstellar
Weapons of Mass Transportation
#1 - 2012-12-17 22:36:37 UTC

Recently passed my first bil isk as a station trader. Woop.

Except, it seems like an awful lot of effort, relatively - a lot of .01isk undercuts and poking at lots of small trades. I'm trading out of a secondary hub (dixie) and my RL job makes it hard to short term trade. Possible, not comfortable.

Which leads me to my question: am i best served just buying something then sitting it at a margin (say, 3%), or always trying to be lowest for the station/region? And if the former - do you often modify prices, or just leave them to stew?

Or is .01 isk the only real way to push it, until you have enough to make big motions in the regional markets?

The Fukuzawa
#2 - 2012-12-17 23:30:45 UTC
There are a lot of different ways to achieve 500 million isk an hour trading, but capital is most important. The more isk you have rolled into the market the easier it is to see higher returns.

So build capital, then trial and error. No one is going to show off their market gems. Trial and error is how you uncover your own.
Nashira Corvus
Republic Interstellar
Weapons of Mass Transportation
#3 - 2012-12-18 07:20:32 UTC
The Fukuzawa wrote:

So build capital, then trial and error. No one is going to show off their market gems. Trial and error is how you uncover your own.

Wasn't asking for gems, or 'go here buy that'.

Was merely asking in general, do people who have the billions station trade, or move vast quantities around, or a combination? Cos if the former, then does the 0.01 isk game not get tiresome when you have 50 orders to poke at...
The PiMan Eatme
Public Haulage And Trade
#4 - 2012-12-18 08:17:51 UTC
I usually do a mix,

Safe long term holds,

Most recent of which was select Meta 4 stuff that dropped rock bottom months ago and is now going through the roof due to the patch, this got me an instant 1Bil profit.

Short term flips

Keep an eye on an item until you think its hit the floor, buy it up and list at +10%, it will usually sell within a week as people buy bulk orders on the market and these will get filled even if your not the cheapest.


Look for clues in the features forum and dev blogs on what might be changing late next year in a couple of expansions and try to spread your bets a little.

Sometimes you can even track an item through 7 days and find the price is always much higher on a certain day, in cases of items like this you can buy them and shift them within a few days with a decent margin.

Its all learning, i've made isk through some great work on the market but have also had my fair share of poor calls where i've had to hold stuff longer than i'd like or dump it slightly under what i paid to get out early on in a crash.
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-12-18 10:00:53 UTC
Nashira Corvus wrote:
The Fukuzawa wrote:

So build capital, then trial and error. No one is going to show off their market gems. Trial and error is how you uncover your own.

Wasn't asking for gems, or 'go here buy that'.

Was merely asking in general, do people who have the billions station trade, or move vast quantities around, or a combination? Cos if the former, then does the 0.01 isk game not get tiresome when you have 50 orders to poke at...

People who have billions do random stuff .
Also moving some stuff around improves GREATLY imo the income , there is a profit to be made by moving LARGE quantities from region to region , and that can be achieved buying from sell orders and selling to buy orders , but instead if you create sell orders that margin is even bigger .

Buying and selling in the right spots the right stuff can make you insane profit . Some places will pay 5 times the jita price for certain items or even more .

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

Midas Man
Dzark Asylum
#6 - 2012-12-19 20:38:33 UTC
Just like in real life there is money to be made everywhere in many different ways and in eve there are "less" rule regulations and laws to abide by Evil Do as you would in real life spread it around that way losses don't hurt too much you just sell out and look for the next thing.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#7 - 2012-12-19 20:56:15 UTC
The Fukuzawa wrote:

So build capital, then trial and error. No one is going to show off their market gems. Trial and error is how you uncover your own.

I do.

I post how I trade, what I trade and my public investment had the performance for the various items with visible names, numbers and percentages.