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Salvage Drones and Sleeper Wrecks

Emu Meo
#1 - 2012-12-19 19:17:54 UTC
I was just wondering if it is viable to use salvage drones to loot the sleeper wrecks, and was wondering if anyone has tried this yet? Ive heard they cannot salvage large wrecks, although they could still be useful for medium and small if they would work. Does anyone have any experience of this?
Krixtal Icefluxor
#2 - 2012-12-19 19:29:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Krixtal Icefluxor
I just scanned every article I could find about Salvage Drones and Salvaging, and can find no skill-based requirements for using Salvage Drones on various classes of ships.

Salvage Drones are a different mechanic utterly from the Salvaging Tool itself. Thus they do not work indeed in Exploration sites that call for the Salvager. The Drones will not work there. But they should operate on any actual wrecks.

edit: I love them. Using them now in my Orca, so I got rid of the Salvaging Tool and freed up a High Slot for another Link Mod.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Pyre leFay
#3 - 2012-12-19 19:29:27 UTC
I think their access ability is so low they would never successfully salvage a large sleeper.
But I haven't tried so personally.
Would leave the necessity to eventually allow t2 salvage drone invention.
Krixtal Icefluxor
#4 - 2012-12-19 19:34:11 UTC
Pyre leFay wrote:
I think their access ability is so low they would never successfully salvage a large sleeper.
But I haven't tried so personally.
Would leave the necessity to eventually allow t2 salvage drone invention.

Posting to say "I'm not sure" isn't very helpful, I'm just sayin'.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#5 - 2012-12-19 19:41:36 UTC
Your post is way more of a waste of server space than his, hope you realize that at some point.

He is right - the salvage rate on salvage drones is low enough that even with maxed skills you cannot salvage large sleeper wrecks, no matter how long you late. (It also makes other difficult wrecks such as tech 2/3 player wrecks and medium sleepers take quite a bit longer as well.)
Emu Meo
#6 - 2012-12-19 21:45:43 UTC
I would like to use them on medium and small sleeper wrecks, but as has been said large wrecks would be beyond their difficulty. I've seen some articles saying the drones will not even function in regards to large wrecks though. They do not even activate the salvaging lasers.
Everybody Loves Donuts
#7 - 2012-12-19 22:03:19 UTC
From what I gather (and my info is slightly out of date) the Salvage Drone Operation skill would have to be at Lvl 4 just so that the Salvage Drones had a chance at T2 wrecks, as they incur a -10% penalty to the salvage. At Lvl 5 the chance per Salvage Drone is 13%, so if the penalty for Large Sleeper wrecks is -15% (or more) then the Salvage Drones are wasting their time.

The cute little buggers.
Emu Meo
#8 - 2012-12-19 22:09:04 UTC
Zaknussem wrote:
From what I gather (and my info is slightly out of date) the Salvage Drone Operation skill would have to be at Lvl 4 just so that the Salvage Drones had a chance at T2 wrecks, as they incur a -10% penalty to the salvage. At Lvl 5 the chance per Salvage Drone is 13%, so if the penalty for Large Sleeper wrecks is -15% (or more) then the Salvage Drones are wasting their time.

The cute little buggers.

Yes this seems to correlate with the evidence I've been hearing also. Apparently the drones wont even bother to engage their lasers on a large wreck. Is there any way we can find out this penalty though? Id be interested to know what it is for other sleeper wrecks and the various sizes of elite wrecks.
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-01-15 09:01:19 UTC
I was interested in this topic myself so I checked it out a bit and here's what I dug up.

This is mostly from the evelopeida article on Salvaging ships - Salvaging Guide This has a bit more here - I put in advanced wrecks.

- A Mission Generic Small Wreck has an Access Difficulty Base of 30.
- A Mission Generic Medium Wreck has an Access Difficulty Base of 20.
- A Mission Generic Large Wreck has an Access Difficulty Base of 10.
- A Small Advanced Wreck has an Access Difficulty base of 0.
- A Medium Advanced Wreck has an Access Difficulty Base of -10.
- A Large Advanced Wreck has an Access Difficulty Base of -20.

How this works is base chance + target salvage chance = actual chance of salvaging.

As such, 3% for a salvage drone + 2% for salvage drones skill trained to 1 means a base of 5% chance per cycle with a max of 13% (L1 = 5%, L2 = 7%, L3 = 9%, L4 = 12%, L5 = 13%)

The max at skill level 5 is 13% chance. As such, you'd need it trained to 4 just to get a chance per cycle of salvaging a T2 wreck but anything under a large sleeper is doable.

How salavagers work -- base 5% chance (from module), 100% "bonus" per level of salvaging.

The bonus is "module chance" * so...
T1 salvager = 5%.
Skill 1 = 5% (100% of 5% )
Skill 2 = 10% (200% of 5% )
Skill 3 = 15% (etc.)
Skill 4 = 20% (magic number for salvaging Sleeper battleships)
Skill 5 = 25% (and opens up T2's -- meaning T salvager gets you 7% base for a total of 35% chance using a T2 salvager).

Drones don't gain from this nor do they gain from the salvaging rigs. *MAYBE* CCP will add T2 drones and/or salvage drone rigs & modules in the future but that's a big maybe.
Hans Hoff
Mine n Mellow
#10 - 2013-01-15 11:12:07 UTC
IMO salvage drones were introduced for AFK salvagers, Just as the Mackinaw was changed to appease AFK miners.
The previous post provided shedloads of information regarding percentages but do not be missled, There is a difference between %age chance of salvaging and %age chance of salvaging per cycle.
silens vesica
Corsair Cartel
#11 - 2013-01-15 14:47:32 UTC
So, I was doodling about in my home WH when I spotted an Ishkur what didn't belong. Curious, I suited up in my bomber, and went to see what I could see/kill.

What to my wondering eyes did I behold, but an Ishkur running Anoms in our WH. I watched, and set up on a wreck, and observed as the Ishkur pilot first killed all the Sleepers, then launched his salvage drones - Which did a fine job of dissassembling the Sleeper wrecks.

Until F1.

Sadly, he was good, and I am a poor bomber. He escaped, deep into structure, abandoning what was left of the site and scooting right on out there.

Still, basic mission success: Interloper sent scurrying.
1) Be a better bomber, and
2) Salvage drones, properly managed, work fin for cleaning a Sleeper site.

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