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Jump Bridge Clarification needed

Omron Farr
#1 - 2012-12-13 15:59:48 UTC


I know how these work, but I am slightly confused on who can use which ones and why.

So say I join a null sec alliance who is Blue to most of HBC and nuetral to CFC. Throw into the mix and lot of other alliances that are either Blue/nuetral/Red to either HBC and or CFC and they all have 3 or 4 JB's of their own. How the hell do I know which JB's I will be able to use and which I won't?

I've heard JB's are now standings based rather than using passwords, if so why are passwords still used. Can passwords overide standings or vica versa?

I've also heard it is down to how the POS (and it's guns) are set up. Can this overide standings/passwords etc?

Can anyone explain it simply please...I'm obviously a little slow Roll

Ki're Suahien
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-12-13 17:03:34 UTC
Well, I would not recommend taking the Eye of Terror into Deklein or any other CFC space if that's what you're attempting. POS's are most definitely based on standings, and even if you survive those, when you get reported in intel channels you are going to have difficulty navigating around due to neutrals in system. As for the jump bridges themselves, I'm fairly confident they are based on standings.

All Bridges in the Trail of Tears (Delve/Querious/Fountain) network are maintained by TEST/Dreddit POS's, as well as the GE- <--> HED-GP bridge. TRIBE maintains the network in Period Basis. Your standings will allow you to travel accordingly.

Does your alliance have access to the TEST wiki? The JB maps and lists will provide a lot more information.