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New player looking for PvP oriented corp

Dawn Amo
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-12-12 04:12:30 UTC

I am looking for a corporation that's willing to teach me the ropes of pvp in EVE and provide support throughout my newbie period and also help me replace my losses(only during this period).

At the moment im flying a coercer and my plan is to blast frigates and destroyers before they can warp.

I'm from Europe and play pretty much every day.

If you think you can take me in please contact me in game or post a message here and i will contact you.
Harbingers of Chaos Inc.
#2 - 2012-12-12 04:19:42 UTC
Grim Determination Academy

Grim Determination Academy is part of the Grim Determination family. GRDEA is the training wing, and we are currently opening our door for new recruits on a limited basis. While a member of GRDEA you are required to conduct yourself in a manner that reflects well the Grim Determination family.

The Following info is for people interested in GRDEA:
-TEAMWORK!! We are a family; we fly together and treat each other with respect. We are a tight knit group, but we always want to improve and become better.
-Willing to learn, we donGGVt expect you to know all the tricks, but we do expect you to have a willing attitude to learning and flying our fleet concepts.
-SP Requirements for GRDEAGGv5 mill is the basis, but we are willing to talk to anyone and then make a decision, brand new players to the game are welcome to try and tough it out.
-Race: We will accept all races, but we do have very strict fleet concepts that you will need to fly, but there is something for everyone. No you canGGVt fly your drakes in an armor fleet!!

Grim Determination is a 0.0 PVP corp in the Nulli Secunda alliance. We're a pretty tight knit group with a very active base of PVPers and focused leadership. We're looking for more likeminded players to join our group.

Things we're looking for:
- PVP experience (we have an academy corp for those without it)
- 15M+ SP (this is flexible based off of killboards -- Academy applications are exempt from this)
- Amarr (pref) or Minmatar pilots. Others can apply but are taken on a case by case basis -- we're really interested in T2 Pulse/Gun pilots, our fits have high requirements.
- Pilots that enjoy small (less than 10) to medium (20-30) gang fighting. We do plenty of roams at this size and it's where we have the most fun.
- Capital Pilots! We need capital pilots, we would like for every member to be flying Capitals, and we'll gladly put you in one. Exceptional (and loyal) members will end up getting things much bigger.
- FCs, you can never have too many.

Things you will get:
- Free in corp jump freighter runs to/from Jita/Amarr. Buy stuff on your market alt and we'll move it for you.
- Well stocked 0.0 market. Wherever we live will be well seeded.
- Ship Replacement. We offer very comprehensive ship replacement, Free Logis, and fun bennies like that.
- Access to prime carebearing space (for those that like it...).
- Lots of things around to shoot. Area is filled to the brim with neuts and reds. Blow some up today.
- Discounted Super/Capitals. We'll help you get into the ship you've always wanted to fly. We'll also help replace them when you lose them.
- Lots of FCs in alliance and in corp taking fleets out at any (and all) hours.

If you have an interest Please join in game channel Grim Determination and ask for Rhaeghar, or any director can assist you.

Aodha Khan
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-12-12 10:02:20 UTC
Take a look at Coreli Corporation. Get in contact if interested.

Power is not something that is granted - it is something to be taken.

Yutte Harlamek
Brand Newbros
#4 - 2012-12-12 15:43:15 UTC
Hello, please check out Fleetworks. We have plenty of pvp opportunities for newer players. We often run training fleets for specific hulls and our alliance like to roam and gatecamp in t1 frigs and cruisers for fun.
Red Teufel
#5 - 2012-12-13 02:52:02 UTC
Blackened Skies

PvPing is the most fun you will have in EVE. Blackened Skies will give you that opportunity. We host several fleets daily providing several opportunities for small/med gang pvp as well as black op fleets. If you are looking for a group of experienced pilots to fly with/learn from and no sov bull this would be the place.

By joining Blackened Skies expect:

• Roaming, Gate Camps, Black Ops,
• To be part of a great community
• PvP daily in low, wh, and 0.0 space
• Wormholing throughout EvE

Corporation Information:

• Location: Molden Heath
• Small gang pew pew
• U.S. and Aussy Timezones

What you Need:
- Be self sufficient
- Be able to fly a cruiser and stealth bomber (or force recon) minimum
- Desire to pvp and improve your piloting skills.

Here are the updated Killboard Stats below:

Our public channel is -BS- Public , feel free to ask any questions here :)
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-12-13 10:52:30 UTC
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#7 - 2012-12-13 13:48:43 UTC
Coreli Corporation might be something for you. We are a Serpentis loyalist capsuleer corporation focused on small scale PvP and with a booster production wing for those interested in a bit of industrial.

We want to focus on Black Ops and frigate/cruiser PvP and have gone pirate after the new patch.

We take part in the RP part of New Eden, like in the event at Evoulon where we fought along side Serpentis/Angel Cartel pilots ( ). Basicly we try to make a story behind the PvP, so it isn't just about kill rations and the killboard.

Check us out at or in our recruitment thread

Contact me if you have questions!

Admiral Hulemand Core Operations Overseer

Crash 0verride
Taris Corp
#8 - 2012-12-13 18:01:30 UTC

Contacts: Crash 0verride

Pub Channel: Redshift Pub


Who We Are

RedShift. is a recently formed Roaming Gang PVP corp based in Great Wildlands. We are looking for a small group of pvp pilots that are sick of massive blobs and constant CTA's, RL Comes First. The corps main focus is PVP whether that be a black ops fleet, a small fast roam or a capital fleet. Although the corp is new the members are expirenced FC's and have played all aspects of the game and have a vast knowledge at your disposal.

What We Are Looking For

We are currently looking for 10 - 20 new pilots that focus on Roaming PVP / Black Ops. As well as this i am looking for potential leadership figures who can help make this corp something special.

Players must:

  • Be active on TS when online.
  • Be mature and enjoy the banter.
  • Be self sufficient.

If you are interested in joining please contact Crash 0verride or join Redshift Pub

Crash 0verride
#9 - 2012-12-13 18:05:32 UTC
Dawn Amo wrote:

I am looking for a corporation that's willing to teach me the ropes of pvp in EVE and provide support throughout my newbie period and also help me replace my losses(only during this period).

At the moment im flying a coercer and my plan is to blast frigates and destroyers before they can warp.

I'm from Europe and play pretty much every day.

If you think you can take me in please contact me in game or post a message here and i will contact you.

Hey dawn

Check out ours corp

We are looking for ?
Casual eve player that like to have fun in the and not to take it too serious.
I am a relaxed ceo hoping to make this corp stronger over the next coming months And I need your help.

What will we being doing in corp.
Our main plan is to get into merc work. With the new bounty system in place.

What are ours goals?
For everyone to have fun.It a game no point playing if you are not having fun
Also make isk and buy nice new ships and try and get them blowed up

How often we will be having wars?.
Ever other week. (We all need time to make some isk)

Where will we live?
Mainly in empire But would look at moving to 0.0 eventually

How much isk will i make?
We have a 0% tax this will not be changing. The isk you make you keep. extra isk could be made on war depends on the bounty on corp we are at war with.

About Me
I previously run an alliance call Damage inc.. I ran the corp call Cskillzone as well as the alliance.
I disbanded the alliance due to a few family problem I was having around this time and could not play as much as I would've like to. I was still playing a bit after. Then I left the game for about 1 year.

If you do have any further question please contract me in game