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CCP Hunting Players that Play EVE over PLEX ?

First post
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2011-10-22 22:08:43 UTC
Well... how should i start ?

i try to keep it short, in the beginning ccp tried to get control over the rmt situation, and with the introduction of plex they made on one hand a big throw in this case, but on the other hand they have signed an unspoken agreement. it means that player that find ways to earn enough isk legally within eve can buy plex and plax the game "for free", but it really means they play eve in a way that support the eve economy and the eve community, and it was good and worked fine, especially when pi came up and we players could skill up and raise up colonies, it was perfect.
from that point of time the unspoken agreement was this, feed the eve market with the requested pi goods, and you get isk for plex to play the game and support the community, and it again worked fine and perfect.

but with the announcement of the player customs office you have broken this agreement ccp, and this means you kick those players that use plex to stay online out of eve online, if you wish so then say it, have the eggs and reply to this post and tell it toward the community, so that all players that use plex to play eve can at least leave eve online in an organized way, if that is what you want ccp.
and not only words form an agreement, actions do that also, just to clarify it.
and tbh, all the flaming that will follow i will ignore, only staff member from ccp that reply to this post i will read and response, the rest... i dont care.

i play eve since 2005, six years altogether, and i deserve an answer from you ccp guys and i demand it, and if you dont give me an answer then i take it as the worst answer possible.
must all the eve players that play eve over plex and earn isk with pi feel like player second class that no one is interested in ? are they getting hunted down like this ? do they really deserve this ccp ? give an answer to this questions, in your own interest !

MfG Ottman
David Grogan
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-10-22 22:19:36 UTC
Ottman wrote:
Well... how should i start ?

i try to keep it short, in the beginning ccp tried to get control over the rmt situation, and with the introduction of plex they made on one hand a big throw in this case, but on the other hand they have signed an unspoken agreement. it means that player that find ways to earn enough isk legally within eve can buy plex and plax the game "for free", but it really means they play eve in a way that support the eve economy and the eve community, and it was good and worked fine, especially when pi came up and we players could skill up and raise up colonies, it was perfect.
from that point of time the unspoken agreement was this, feed the eve market with the requested pi goods, and you get isk for plex to play the game and support the community, and it again worked fine and perfect.

but with the announcement of the player customs office you have broken this agreement ccp, and this means you kick those players that use plex to stay online out of eve online, if you wish so then say it, have the eggs and reply to this post and tell it toward the community, so that all players that use plex to play eve can at least leave eve online in an organized way, if that is what you want ccp.
and not only words form an agreement, actions do that also, just to clarify it.
and tbh, all the flaming that will follow i will ignore, only staff member from ccp that reply to this post i will read and response, the rest... i dont care.

i play eve since 2005, six years altogether, and i deserve an answer from you ccp guys and i demand it, and if you dont give me an answer then i take it as the worst answer possible.
must all the eve players that play eve over plex and earn isk with pi feel like player second class that no one is interested in ? are they getting hunted down like this ? do they really deserve this ccp ? give an answer to this questions, in your own interest !

MfG Ottman

man u are sooooooooo wrong.................. player run customs office has nothing to do with plex and all to do with how dust 514 will tie in to eve online.

as part of how eve players will either take or lose control of planets will be determined for both in space and on surface.

dust mercs will shoot and kill your protection mercs on your colonies while eve players will destroy your customs offices making it harder for you to resupply your ground troops with new equipment.

it has nothing to do with you using plex to play eve online.

Everytime you buy something that says "made in china" you are helping the rising unemployment in your own country unless you are from china, Buy locally produced goods and help create more jobs.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#3 - 2011-10-22 22:38:55 UTC
Ottman wrote:
Well... how should i start ?
Not like that, that's for sure… Shocked

So let me try to get this straight.

You assumed that there was some kind of agreement where you were given given game time by other players in exchange for ISK as long as you provided the market with PI products… and now that you might need to pay a bit more to get those PI products to market, this assumed agreement is void?

Ehm… where on earth did you get the idea that such an agreement existed between you and CCP? Why on earth would ie be broken by you having to pay more for your PI exports (if that, indeed, turns out to be the case)? Why do you equate the use of PLEX with PI? In fact, what the hell do the two even have to do with each other? How does a bit more PI tax lead to them kicking PLEXing players out of EVE?

Furthermore, if you wanted to speak to someone at CCP, why didn't you ask them instead of going to the community?

Oh, and btw, tax increases means you can make more money through PI than ever…
Keno Skir
#4 - 2011-10-22 22:45:56 UTC
I fairly easily make enough ISK to plex my account. OP should be amazed by that since i'm a fairly young player and run only the most basic of highsec PI. If you've been playing for 6 years and still can't afford to plex your account without PI you need to check out some other areas of the game :P

I look forward to this new content even if it's not perfect.
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-10-22 23:23:17 UTC
Ottman wrote:

from that point of time the unspoken agreement was this, feed the eve market with the requested pi goods, and you get isk for plex to play the game and support the community, and it again worked fine and perfect.

What??? Come on man...
Tayrne Orun
Kupo Troopers
#6 - 2011-10-22 23:33:28 UTC
CCP is just making the game better by pushing further in a direction that EVE has always been directed, a player driven world.

There is no war on PLEX. CCP loses no money from PLEX. For every PLEX that is purchased with ISK and there is PLEX purchased with dollars. No account in EVE stays active without CCP getting paid for it. In fact, 30 days of game time from PLEX is more expensive than just paying a monthly subscription. It's win win for CCP.
JC Anderson
#7 - 2011-10-22 23:38:26 UTC  |  Edited by: JC Anderson
You do realize that it doesn't matter to ccp if you play via plex, or by paying for a subscription right?

It may seem free to those using plex, but ccp makes money regardlress of how one maintains their subscription. The plex that people purchase in-game has alreeady been paid for in real world money by SOMEBODY when the plex was initially purchased.

CCP wanting people who pay with plex to leave the game would be the exact same thing as accusing them of wanting paying subscriberrs to go away too.
Brooks Puuntai
Solar Nexus.
#8 - 2011-10-23 00:39:04 UTC
You should probably reread your post, and actually have it make complete sense if you expect CCP to answer. Whats odd though is that you state you are a 05 player, but can only make enough isk through PI to pay for plexs. Or stating that PI has a direct connection to Plex sales. Either way I don't see how the changes effect anything really, while you can get taxed that will just mean prices will go up to compensate. The profit margin should stay the same or even go up.

CCP's Motto: If it isn't broken, break it. If it is broken, ignore it. Improving NPE / Dynamic New Eden

non judgement
Without Fear
Flying Burning Ships Alliance
#9 - 2011-10-23 00:45:23 UTC
Does anyone think that the price of PI on the market will increase for a while after the new custom offices?

The increase might even be enough to compensate for the raise in the taxes.
JC Anderson
#10 - 2011-10-23 01:09:27 UTC  |  Edited by: JC Anderson
Whenever I see these sort of threads I can only assume that the OP must think that CCP seeds the market with PLEX and not that you are buying it from players who paid real world money for it.

In fact, CCP stands to make a LARGER profit with people paying with PLEX than they would for a normal subscription. This is due to the fact that PLEX can now be destroyed like any other item.

So, say you buy a PLEX on the market to pay for your monthly sub. Then for some reason you decide to undock with it in your cargo hold and get ganked. If the PLEX is destroyed then you may very well need to redock and buy yet ANOTHER one. The PLEX that you are purchasing is from another player who paid for it with real world money. And since your first one was destroyed, then you are buying yet another that was also paid for with real world money. Demand spikes when more are destroyed, and people continue buying them for real money and selling them for ISK.

Ottman wrote:
only staff member from ccp that reply to this post i will read and response, the rest... i dont care.

Then why the heck did you bother posting this on the forums?
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#11 - 2011-10-27 16:45:07 UTC
Ottman wrote:

from that point of time the unspoken agreement was this, feed the eve market with the requested pi goods, and you get isk for plex to play the game and support the community, and it again worked fine and perfect.


Oh wow


"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2011-10-27 17:03:44 UTC
Ottman wrote:
Well... how should i start ?

i try to keep it short, in the beginning ccp tried to get control over the rmt situation, and with the introduction of plex they made on one hand a big throw in this case, but on the other hand they have signed an unspoken agreement. it means that player that find ways to earn enough isk legally within eve can buy plex and plax the game "for free", but it really means they play eve in a way that support the eve economy and the eve community, and it was good and worked fine, especially when pi came up and we players could skill up and raise up colonies, it was perfect.
from that point of time the unspoken agreement was this, feed the eve market with the requested pi goods, and you get isk for plex to play the game and support the community, and it again worked fine and perfect.

but with the announcement of the player customs office you have broken this agreement ccp, and this means you kick those players that use plex to stay online out of eve online, if you wish so then say it, have the eggs and reply to this post and tell it toward the community, so that all players that use plex to play eve can at least leave eve online in an organized way, if that is what you want ccp.
and not only words form an agreement, actions do that also, just to clarify it.
and tbh, all the flaming that will follow i will ignore, only staff member from ccp that reply to this post i will read and response, the rest... i dont care.

i play eve since 2005, six years altogether, and i deserve an answer from you ccp guys and i demand it, and if you dont give me an answer then i take it as the worst answer possible.
must all the eve players that play eve over plex and earn isk with pi feel like player second class that no one is interested in ? are they getting hunted down like this ? do they really deserve this ccp ? give an answer to this questions, in your own interest !

MfG Ottman

Pi has nothing to do with plex, my friend. No, there aren't any agreements, spoken or otherwise in regards to obtaining plex without actually purchasing it. Even still, PCO's don't break your mechanic for obtaining a plex. You will still be able to PI for plex. So, I'm not exactly sure of the problem other than you, like I, not liking the concept of PCO's. However, my reasons greatly differ from yours.

There are many other things to do that will earn you isk reliably to obtain plex. Go find them. If you need some ideas then ask in this thread.

Don't ban me, bro!

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2011-10-27 17:20:06 UTC
Does it really matter to CCP? Someone, somewhere paid for the PLEX with real money; it's like having someone pay for your account and you provide an ingame service for them...
#14 - 2011-10-27 17:31:50 UTC
Use planetary launches if you don't want to deal with the new customs office.

Diomedes Calypso
Aetolian Armada
#15 - 2011-10-27 18:37:32 UTC
It amazing me the people who think they are creating something of value making virtual goods that can be created with a few keystrokes.

For purposes of game play and balance, the developers have Choosen to create mechics that have player actions using those dynammics deternmine how many goods are created.

But of course, if players aren't getting the balance to a healthy place they can change drop rates, boutnties or the human time quotient necessary to produce more goods important to the economy.

The only thing keeping CCP from making stuff out of thin air is that by using the market mechanism and players, they harness a powerful tool that saves them tons of hours tweeking the stuff.

Even better, many players (and I have been a piece of the distribution hub at least) really enjoy the process so by making more elements player based CCP is also creating content for people like th OP to enjoy.

HOWEVER ... those happy uses of the market mechanism in no way mean that CCP needs you to create Hydrogen Isotopes to keep posses running... if you didn't and too much content was being disrupted they'd introduce ways for other to get it into the game. "too much" is a fine point.. and cycles that create drama and disruption creating interesting game play... only after the pain gets too intense would they interevene.. but they have dozens of ways to do so.


You're playing a game not working for CCP creating pos fuel.


Barbara Nichole
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2011-10-27 19:03:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Barbara Nichole
Ottman wrote:
Well... how should i start ?

i try to keep it short, in the beginning ccp tried to get control over the rmt situation, and with the introduction of plex they made on one hand a big throw in this case, but on the other hand they have signed an unspoken agreement. it means that player that find ways to earn enough isk legally within eve can buy plex and plax the game "for free",...

no, they are not playing for free; someone else is paying their subscription for them by virtue of the plex.. and in fact the plex is also a sink for isk and mats that could be important for the game economy... so I don't see the down side there for anyone in game or maker of the game.

but nice tin foil hattery.

  - remove the cloaked from local; free intel is the real problem, not  "afk" cloaking -


JC Anderson
#17 - 2011-10-27 19:06:15 UTC
Gronn wrote:
Does it really matter to CCP? Someone, somewhere paid for the PLEX with real money; it's like having someone pay for your account and you provide an ingame service for them...

No.. It doesn't and that's where the OP seems to be a bit confused.

Not that it matters, since in his first post he said he won't bother reading any replies unless they are from a DEV or GM.
Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#18 - 2011-10-27 19:06:36 UTC
The OP is filled with so much logical fallacy that even I can't troll it.

And I can usually troll anything.

Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#19 - 2011-10-27 19:10:29 UTC
What ? Dude... what you smoking i want some. Bear

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2011-10-27 19:17:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Nyio
Nobody likes raised taxes..
I think OP have atleast one good point in that wall of text.

Haven't done any PI myself since they revamped the Planetary Interaction UI.
And with the coming changes that would lower any profit made from it, it's not likely I ever will take it up again.

Edit: My perspective on this is all about highsec.
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