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Why the Nyx

Accomendon en Purp
#1 - 2012-12-11 04:54:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Accomendon en Purp
i know prob a silly question, but why is it the Nyx is only Super-Carrier to have bonus to Drones (5% bonus to deployed Fighters or Fighter Bomber damage per level)? which if flying SC you should have at 5.. thats lot of DPS extra

i can understand the Aeon slightly better at armor, the wyvern slightly better at shields and the hell, well can't think of any thing for that one lol

nurf it or make others have same..

yes as you can guess i don't fly nyx Lol
Slappy McPewpew
Imperial Shipment
#2 - 2012-12-11 05:00:05 UTC
cos CCP like NYX's more hahahahaha
Space Mermaids
#3 - 2012-12-11 05:00:47 UTC
Gallente ship, Gallente Bonus.

I like Aeon bonuses. I can handle Nyx having a trait of their own.
Tie Fighters Inc
#4 - 2012-12-11 05:01:53 UTC
Why not?

Underpowered much?
Tarvos Telesto
Blood Fanatics
#5 - 2012-12-11 05:05:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarvos Telesto
Nyx hull design is pure awesome, CCP decide to make it not only awesome form visual look but also form roles etc, Nyx is king of captals ships that why it got cool drone bonuses, hovewer even with bonuses and max skills nyx offer max 2-3k dps.

Drones bonuses make Nyx just more cool looking ship, personaly i think Nyx become more stronger and importand in battlefield with other bonuses like to armor repair cycle or somthing like this.

EvE isn't game, its style of living.

#6 - 2012-12-11 05:18:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Purpleshadez
i have flown Hel and Aeon and can't think of anything for Hel (the 5% bouns to capital transfer is a joke, i wouldn't sit in a Hel to rep, thats what Nidhoggur for) but thats always been worse of the SC, granted that could do with a buff

as for Aeon has 5% bouns to resist to armor per level and a MASSIVE 50000 more armor (wow lol)... i presume the caldari is same but in shields

Idea must admit i would sacrifice that for the bonus to drones when comes to sov grinding.. but who wouldn't Big smile

BUT then again with new office drone mods out you could prob get same DPS while not sacrificing the HP, so if anything i thing the NYX has got bad side of the deal as would have to have hardners to make up the resists the amarr gets from carrier level

i think the caldari will end up being DPS as will have its lows for drone damage bonus mods keeping is mids for resists Sad **** i knew i should of gone caldari Lol

**Too Proud to Beg, Too Stubon to Try **

#7 - 2012-12-11 05:23:02 UTC
Tarvos Telesto wrote:
Nyx hull design is pure awesome, CCP decide to make it not only awesome form visual look but also form roles etc, Nyx is king of captals ships that why it got cool drone bonuses, hovewer even with bonuses and max skills nyx offer max 2-3k dps.

Drones bonuses make Nyx just more cool looking ship, personaly i think Nyx become more stronger and importand in battlefield with other bonuses like to armor repair cycle or somthing like this.

can you guess its a Nyx toon lol

**Too Proud to Beg, Too Stubon to Try **

Ice Fire Warriors
#8 - 2012-12-11 06:09:11 UTC
Purpleshadez wrote:
BUT then again with new office drone mods out you could prob get same DPS while not sacrificing the HP

FYI... drone damage amplifiers don't affect fighters or fighter bombers.
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#9 - 2012-12-11 06:12:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Destoya
Aeon has both over 50% greater resists and 50% greater EHP than the Nyx, which is absolutely massive in the supercapital scale in terms of ship survivability. You do lose a midslot compared to the Nyx, but you gain another huge advantage into being able to create cap out of nothing with the help of its bonus to capital energy transfers.

I would actually argue in favor of a Aeon/Wyvern nerf, perhaps accompanied by a Hel/Revenant/Nyx buff. Currently, there is no real reason to train into a nyx unless all you do is fish for capital kills in lowsec or if you are just taken by its good looks. I see no real reason for Aeon (and to a somewhat lesser degree Wyvern) to have tanks that are both far superior to their racial titan and unmatched by any other ships in the game.

The DPS advantage that the Nyx has doesn't really mean anything other than you get on the top of structure killmails, and the Hel's rep bonus is worthless when combined with no bonus to energy transfers and a pitiful tank. The Revenant's tanking problem is even worse, and you will never see it ever fielded due to a sad combination of crappy (heh) bonuses and incredible rarity.

However, all this doesn't really mean anything until CCP defines the actual role they want motherships (and supercapitals in general) to field on the battlefield is, which I doubt will happen for some time yet.

Quick edit: An interesting change would be to allow drone damage mods to affect fighter bomber DPS, along with perhaps a 20-40% nerf in base damage. Thus, people would have to choose between whether they wanted to have DPS or tank just as with every other ship class in the game, which I think would prove interesting in larger fights and for structure shoots. It would hurt deploying solo or small groups of supercarriers though (cant refit back to tank as easily), which I'm not sure I like though.