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[NETCI] Profit report ! (week one)

Chorus Ambrye
#1 - 2012-12-08 12:40:45 UTC
Week 30 Nov - 8 Dec.

See IPO thread here if you are interested in buying shares:NETCI IPO

Its been an exciting first week of trading, I'm still getting to know the market and trying out a lot of different items to get me going, so far I have found a few favorites that I'm monitoring very closely.

There were some interesting developments on the market that really affected me right from the start, coming into the market right after the expansion some items took a very quick dip and some seemed to skyrocket, so I had to tread very carefully, I made some bad calls as well as some good ones, but making sure never to put all my eggs into one basket I am happy with the outcome.

The start of the IPO has also been a lot of fun, I´m used to people getting ripped apart here on MD, but setting up the IPO with the truth in mind has worked great so far, I have a lot of people asking about my operation and I can see there is quite a bit of interest in my operations.

I´m still playing around with what tools to use for better tracking, I have been testing EVE-Mogul, however I don't feel its tracking my stats very well, I will make a bug report to the developer later this week. Thinking about trying out EMMA next.

The numbers (rounded up or down in millions of isk):

Starting capital: 582 m

Expenses: 64 m Expenses are not expected aside from this start up cost.

List of items bought for startup:

skills bought:
Corporation Management
Broker Relations
Margin Trading

Ocular Filter - Basic
Memory Augmentation - Basic
Neural Boost - Basic
Cybernetic Subprocessor - Basic
Social Adaptation Chip - Basic

Starting capital after expenses: 518 m

Profit made from trading: 94 m

Dividends payed out: 47 m

Investor money gained: 100 m

Current net worth of NETCI: 712 m

All in all I´m very happy about these numbers, and I can only see them going up from this
Far Ranger
#2 - 2012-12-08 16:08:56 UTC
Chorus Ambrye wrote:
Week 30 Nov - 8 Dec.

Starting capital after expenses: 518 m
Profit made from trading: 94 m
Dividends payed out: 47 m
Investor money gained: 100 m
Current net worth of NETCI: 712 m

All in all I´m very happy about these numbers [...]

I'm no math-icist, but 518 + 94 - 47 + 100 does not equal 712. Or maybe when you say "dividends payed out" you mean "dividends that might have been, but were not, paid out"?

Also, sorry to rain on your parade, but most weeks only have seven days, so that might cut into your "weekly" results a bit in the future.
Chorus Ambrye
#3 - 2012-12-08 17:24:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Chorus Ambrye
Thoraemond wrote:
Chorus Ambrye wrote:
Week 30 Nov - 8 Dec.

Starting capital after expenses: 518 m
Profit made from trading: 94 m
Dividends payed out: 47 m
Investor money gained: 100 m
Current net worth of NETCI: 712 m

All in all I´m very happy about these numbers [...]

I'm no math-icist, but 518 + 94 - 47 + 100 does not equal 712. Or maybe when you say "dividends payed out" you mean "dividends that might have been, but were not, paid out"?

Also, sorry to rain on your parade, but most weeks only have seven days, so that might cut into your "weekly" results a bit in the future.

Dividends that were paid out were 47 million, since at the time of that post the corporation owned 9900 of the shares aprox 46.5 mill of that was returned to the net worth yes.

Reports will be up every Saturday or Sunday, this isn't a "strict" 7 day business week, also as stated in my IPO thread, I mostly do trading during work, so there is very little activity over the weekends
Sidrat Flush
#4 - 2012-12-09 15:37:00 UTC
Can you explain the difference between dividends paid out and investor money gained. Is the latter new isk invested in the corp?

Its time to stand up against the bad empire based CEO telling falsehoods about what new characters can accomplish and pushing them towards an in game experience of drudgery and loneliness keeping them in the shadow of ignorance for at nest their own profit at worse apathy towards all the experiences that Eve has to offer.

Chorus Ambrye
#5 - 2012-12-09 15:39:42 UTC
Sidrat Flush wrote:
Can you explain the difference between dividends paid out and investor money gained. Is the latter new isk invested in the corp?

Yes, I will make it more clear next report, investor money gained is new isk that was invested in the corp that is not calculated in the profits, but is added to the net worth.