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New bounty system defies logic

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Sunshine and Lollipops
#21 - 2012-12-08 12:55:25 UTC
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
You and Tippia are defending player interaction over game mechanic, yet not realizing the argument is over a game mechanic that was created because of failed player interaction.
No, we realise that. What you're not getting is that there is a difference in interaction and mechanics.

The bounty system is there because there needs to be some kind of bridge over the vast yawning chasm of mistrust that (rightfully) exists in EVE. Yes, I could give you 50M ISK to go off some guy, but what are my guarantees? How do I verify it? How do you verify it? How do we agree on the value of the kill? etc. etc. etc.

The bounty mechanics simply patch that gap: the system ensures that I pay the money I claim I want to pay; the system ensures that you get the money you're owed; the system ensures that you don't get it until you've actually earned it. It ensures that any bounty hunting can be done at all in this environment of mistrust.

What we're talking about here is something completely different. This is a convenience service where the gap is minimal and where the verification is dead simple (largely due to the cornerstone laid down by the bounty mechanics). I just have to trust that if I give your anonymising service the money, you will indeed use that money on a bounty (minus commission, of course) and I can immediately use the bounty UI to verify that this has happened. Thus, the foundation of mechanical assurance for all parties involved open up for a player-run service industry where the assurances need not be that great because there are fewer things that can go wrong (legitimately or through scams).

There is absolutely no need for the bounty system to provide anonymisation — we can do that on our own. There is a need for the bounty system to ensure that the right amounts of cash are handed over at the right instances for the right reason, because there's pretty much no way we can ensure that ourselves.
Doc Severide
#22 - 2012-12-08 13:05:57 UTC
Gillia Winddancer wrote:
Any suggestion that involves alts is the worst kind of suggestion.

Just saying.

Says who? Alts are in the game, therefore usable...
Gillia Winddancer
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2012-12-08 13:13:42 UTC
Doc Severide wrote:
Gillia Winddancer wrote:
Any suggestion that involves alts is the worst kind of suggestion.

Just saying.

Says who? Alts are in the game, therefore usable...

Well, because purposely taking alts into account for any game mechanic is just plain stupid?

Using alts as a means of going incognito or be used as a direct aid (multi-accounts) should be discouraged, not encouraged.

If you cannot figure out why then it is indeed a sad state for EVE in this regard.

Rotten Legion
#24 - 2012-12-08 13:25:25 UTC
Working as intended.

Want to place an anonymous bounty? Use a third party service.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Brooks Puuntai
Solar Nexus.
#25 - 2012-12-08 13:36:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Brooks Puuntai
Tippia wrote:
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
You and Tippia are defending player interaction over game mechanic, yet not realizing the argument is over a game mechanic that was created because of failed player interaction.
No, we realise that. What you're not getting is that there is a difference in interaction and mechanics.

The bounty system is there because there needs to be some kind of bridge over the vast yawning chasm of mistrust that (rightfully) exists in EVE. Yes, I could give you 50M ISK to go off some guy, but what are my guarantees? How do I verify it? How do you verify it? How do we agree on the value of the kill? etc. etc. etc.

The bounty mechanics simply patch that gap: the system ensures that I pay the money I claim I want to pay; the system ensures that you get the money you're owed; the system ensures that you don't get it until you've actually earned it. It ensures that any bounty hunting can be done at all in this environment of mistrust.

What we're talking about here is something completely different. This is a convenience service where the gap is minimal and where the verification is dead simple (largely due to the cornerstone laid down by the bounty mechanics). I just have to trust that if I give your anonymising service the money, you will indeed use that money on a bounty (minus commission, of course) and I can immediately use the bounty UI to verify that this has happened. Thus, the foundation of mechanical assurance for all parties involved open up for a player-run service industry where the assurances need not be that great because there are fewer things that can go wrong (legitimately or through scams).

There is absolutely no need for the bounty system to provide anonymisation — we can do that on our own. There is a need for the bounty system to ensure that the right amounts of cash are handed over at the right instances for the right reason, because there's pretty much no way we can ensure that ourselves.

The whole system is based off of trust when it comes to this issue. The service you would be paying for is animosity yet how are you sure that the information isn't leaked the the attacker aka the service you paid for. You have no way to verify that your identity is kept safe. In a similar way you explained the bounty system. In a game where trust is almost non existent relaying on a system like this that is based off of trust is doomed too fail.

The debate on whether or not being anonymous is needed is a valid one. However personally I see the whole bounty system going back to be unused due to lack of people using it out of fear of retaliation for placing bounties. Especially with the ease in which information is given and the uncertainty of trust when it comes to a 3rd party.

I'm not against creating tools that allow for player generated content, I just don't see this as being one that will last. We will see.

CCP's Motto: If it isn't broken, break it. If it is broken, ignore it. Improving NPE / Dynamic New Eden

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-12-08 13:39:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Remiel Pollard
Brooks Puuntai wrote:

The whole system is based off of trust when it comes to this issue. The service you would be paying for is animosity yet how are you sure that the information isn't leaked the the attacker aka the service you paid for. You have no way to verify that your identity is kept safe. In a similar way you explained the bounty system. In a game where trust is almost non existent relaying on a system based off of trust is just another feature of what EVE is at its core.


You don't get it. Not being able to trust people = EVE. Relying on other people to protect your anonymity is a choice you make.

Look at it from the consequences point of view - you want to put a bounty on someone, the consequence is they know you did it. You want to do it anonymously through a player corp, then the consequence is you have to trust someone. See how it works now?

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Ivan Paul Freely
Small Balls and Flying Machines
#27 - 2012-12-08 14:12:08 UTC
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
Why would you willingly place a bounty on someones head without the option of some form of anonymity, especially in a universe where aggression is the norm?

Really, you are scared that people will know you put a bounty on them? Lol. Besides which, you think it matters? The level of stupidity regularly displayed on GD is so high that David Icke would feel at home here.
Ivan Paul Freely
Small Balls and Flying Machines
#28 - 2012-12-08 14:18:55 UTC
Gillia Winddancer wrote:
[quote=Doc Severide][quote=Gillia Winddancer]
If you cannot figure out why then it is indeed a sad state for EVE in this regard.

What kind of argument is that? You can't tell people they're wrong but that they'll have to work out why for themselves and actually expect them to do so. If you think they're wrong YOU should say why, or else prove yourself to be the intellectual inferior we all know you to be.
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#29 - 2012-12-08 14:59:31 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD TYPE40
New bounty system sucks and doesn't work, if everyone is wanted then no one is wanted, it goers against the whole retribution theme, come on CCP this needs fixing ASAP

in ya forums using reverse psych to get more bounties
haha, made you bounty


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#30 - 2012-12-08 15:02:49 UTC
Gillia Winddancer wrote:
Any suggestion that involves alts is the worst kind of suggestion.

Just saying.

except that's exactly what ccp suggested about placing anonymous bounties. If you only have 1 character you're doing it wrong anyways.

New system is awesome. Don't like having a bounty? then get rid of it it's not very hard.
Derek Quaid
#31 - 2012-12-08 15:27:32 UTC
Discreet Bounties will happily place anonymous bounties on any individual (over 30 days old).

CEO, Discreet Bounties In-game Channel: Discreet Bounties

Akita T
Caldari Navy Volunteer Task Force
#32 - 2012-12-08 15:29:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Akita T
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
There should be ways to do anonymous bounties

Transfer cash to junk alt, place bounty, done.
P.S. Optionally, biomass junk alt for added lulz.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#33 - 2012-12-08 18:06:39 UTC
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
The whole system is based off of trust when it comes to this issue. The service you would be paying for is animosity yet how are you sure that the information isn't leaked the the attacker aka the service you paid for.
…and that's such a minute issue that requires very little in the way of triggers and verifications that it's something that we can build ourselves. The core bounty process is not.

The debate on whether or not being anonymous is needed is a valid one. However personally I see the whole bounty system going back to be unused due to lack of people using it out of fear of retaliation for placing bounties.
The ease of making bounties anonymous pretty much ensures that this won't happen.
YoYo NickyYo
#34 - 2012-12-08 18:17:41 UTC
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
Why would you willingly place a bounty on someones head without the option of some form of anonymity, especially in a universe where aggression is the norm?

Its like walking up to a guy with a gun, and telling him that you just hired someone to come and shoot him.

There should be ways to do anonymous bounties, as well as a way for bounties players to "cheat" the system to find out who they are. Relaying on a player ran anonymous bounty system, is a crap idea for those who might suggest it.

You've never heard of alts? Shocked

I am not, nor will I ever be...Nicky Yo.... The question you should ask is.....When will they release the NICKY!

Gillia Winddancer
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2012-12-08 19:00:52 UTC
K1netic wrote:
Gillia Winddancer wrote:
Any suggestion that involves alts is the worst kind of suggestion.

Just saying.

except that's exactly what ccp suggested about placing anonymous bounties. If you only have 1 character you're doing it wrong anyways.

New system is awesome. Don't like having a bounty? then get rid of it it's not very hard.

Way to go virtually insulting anyone who doesn't have multiple accounts/characters. Or play with only one account/character for principal reasons.

And I never complained about the bounty system in general, just remarking at the rather odd "anonymous versus announced" culture.

In fact, I am starting to find the whole multi-account mentality to get rather toxic in general.
Alavaria Fera
#36 - 2012-12-08 19:01:42 UTC
Gillia Winddancer wrote:
In fact, I am starting to find the whole multi-account mentality to get rather toxic in general.

Wait, you mean that EVE is ...

dying ?!

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Sunshine and Lollipops
#37 - 2012-12-08 19:41:48 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Wait, you mean that EVE is ...

dying ?!
Yup. It's dying so much that, yesterday, on a Friday (consistently the day in the week with the fewest players logging in), we had just under 45k peak users. Over the last six months, only Sundays (consistently the day in the week with the most number of players logged in) have seen more than that.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#38 - 2012-12-08 19:47:03 UTC
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
Why would you willingly place a bounty on someones head....

I completely agree up that point.

Total waste of ISK that can be used for something better. Like buying a weapon to shoot him with.

Mr Epeen Cool
#39 - 2012-12-08 19:52:13 UTC
ISD TYPE40 wrote:
Gillia Winddancer wrote:
I sort of have to agree on this point to be honest.

The same goes for killmails. Why should the target know that the killmail he generated by attacking someone else has been sold and more importantly to whom it has been sold?

Consequences. I really wonder what happened to that word.

It could be argued that the consequence of placing a bounty on someone is that they are aware of who placed the bounty.

No sorry that is a failed argument based on flawed assumptions. But why should i expect any better from tyrannical ISD that closes all threads that threaten current status quo of in-game balance of power.

It is called alts , i can put any bounty from alt such as this and there are no consequences.
Aurelius Valentius
Valentius Corporation
#40 - 2012-12-08 19:55:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Aurelius Valentius
The only thing I see that defies logic is that there is no "cancel bounty" option.

1. Player 1 bounties Player 2 for 1Billion ISK... or is it 1Trillion ISK... hmmm anyway...
2. Player 2 FREAKS OUT - "OMG" on reading the name of Player 1 in bounty notification...
3a. Player 2 is a Carebear, Player 2 FREAKES OUT - OMG NOoooooooooooo!!!!... my ORCA!, MY MACK!, MY ISK!!!.. MY UNDERWEAR!!!!... and quickly starts convo with EVIL DASTERDLY player 1, who negotiates, a ISK donation for the cancellation of said bounty, in which case he might not cancel it on receipt of ISK, but you never know.
3b. Player 2 is a Not-Carebear, Player 2 Calmly looks at the bounty, checks new numbers on bounties, and then bounties the snot out of Player 1 and plans to go kill him and vice-versa, and fun is had by all, suddenly Player 1 is hit with a bout of "Carebear Flu" and reverts to a helmet wearing, drooling, carebear with a Retriever, and can't seem to PvP... Player 1 then FREAKS OUT, and hits cancel on the bounty on Player 2 and quickly uses his Log-offski Drive and exits known space... not to be seen for several episodes of CSI, The Food Network and several re-runs of Star Trek.
4. CCP seeing that it's new patched "Cancel Bounty" button/option is working well, preceeds to do other stuff and all is good, the world is right, and penguins are still at about the correct size and weight.
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