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Ship insurance should die in fire

Sofia Wolf
Ubuntu Inc.
The Fourth District
#1 - 2012-12-07 23:22:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Sofia Wolf
It is time for CCP to remove, or ad least greatly reduce, ship insurance. Why? For start because insurance is for sissy girly boys with ponytails, real men fly uninsured. More importantly because insurance reduces size of FW and bounty payouts significantly as it has to be accounted in any alt killing schemes. If insurance is removed LP and bounty payout for killing t1 ships could increased several folds.

P.S. Also insurance isk source, we don’t need any more isk printing mechanisms, mudflation is bad, insurance needs to die.

Jessica Danikov > EVE is your real life. the rest is fantasy. caught in a corporation. no escape from banality. open up yours eyes, peer through pod good and seeeeeee. I'm just a poor pilot, I need no sympathy. because I'm easy scam, easy go, little isk, little know. anyway the solar wind blows...

Dark Long
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-12-07 23:37:36 UTC
Sofia Wolf wrote:
It is time for CCP to remove, or ad least greatly reduce, ship insurance. Why? For start because insurance is for sissy girly boys with ponytails, real men fly uninsured. More importantly because insurance reduces size of FW and bounty payouts significantly as it has to be accounted in any alt killing schemes. If insurance is removed LP and bounty payout for killing t1 ships could increased several folds.

P.S. Also insurance isk source, we don’t need any more isk printing mechanisms, mudflation is bad, insurance needs to die.

"Why? For start because insurance is for sissy girly boys with ponytails." so you right?

insurance is not a isk source given the fact you only covering part of the loss so its not printing isk is covering isk you all put into the ship. so i your idea makes me laugh like a girly boy with a ponytail so guess like you and your ponytail.
Sofia Wolf
Ubuntu Inc.
The Fourth District
#3 - 2012-12-07 23:43:50 UTC
Damn girl! Who is teaching you EVE economy? He should be fired … from a cannon... throe a brick wall... in to a fire pit.

Jessica Danikov > EVE is your real life. the rest is fantasy. caught in a corporation. no escape from banality. open up yours eyes, peer through pod good and seeeeeee. I'm just a poor pilot, I need no sympathy. because I'm easy scam, easy go, little isk, little know. anyway the solar wind blows...

Kitt JT
True North.
#4 - 2012-12-07 23:47:20 UTC
Yeah, insurance is dumb.
Crimeo Khamsi
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-12-08 00:19:12 UTC
Yeah, insurance is dumb.


It isn't even insurance. "Insurance" implies a for-profit enterprise. Clearly, in-game insurance companies in reality would go out of business running the way that they do now in... about 5 minutes.

For it to work like actual "insurance," they would have to raise your premiums to match the likelihood of you losing a ship, to the point where PVPers would be paying like 99% of the cost of their claim's payout, and it would be utterly pointless.

What is actually is now is just a government subsidy of ship hulls, honestly. You could accomplish exactly the same thing in a much less complicated way by simply reducing the mineral recipes for every ship hull by approximately 60%, and then getting rid of "insurance" entirely.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#6 - 2012-12-08 00:27:26 UTC
i believe the point was so that if u invested ur last penny into a big ship (like a battleship) and u then lost it moments later, u wouldnt be flat out broke and have to start all over again. at least the insurance could get u a cruiser.

btw, before anyone says, i realise u would have to be a complete ****** to put ur last isk into a single ship. but they were early days and everyone wasn't so rich back then.

today insurance is not all that much but, yeah it is an isk source that can be exploited.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#7 - 2012-12-08 06:09:23 UTC
Yes because what Eve really needs is for bears to be even more afraid of losing their ships...

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Minty Moon
#8 - 2012-12-08 07:00:27 UTC
Insurance is broken and is actually an ISK sink if youre a competent pilot. As at a certain point insurance ends up costing the player more than the ship he lost and you are actually forced to just stop insuring it.

But to redo insurance to be a competent worthwhile feature with be long and complicated and I would rather CCP spend their time working on more important things.

if you're over 6month to a year old and bitching about insurance system somethings wrong with you. It's really only beneficial for newbies so they can actually grow in the game and make their losses/mistakes and other players dickery hurt less to encourage and let them keep playing
Hextrix Enterprise
#9 - 2012-12-08 07:26:08 UTC
Minty Moon wrote:
Insurance is broken and is actually an ISK sink if youre a competent pilot. As at a certain point insurance ends up costing the player more than the ship he lost and you are actually forced to just stop insuring it.

But to redo insurance to be a competent worthwhile feature with be long and complicated and I would rather CCP spend their time working on more important things.

if you're over 6month to a year old and bitching about insurance system somethings wrong with you. It's really only beneficial for newbies so they can actually grow in the game and make their losses/mistakes and other players dickery hurt less to encourage and let them keep playing

The fix for insurance would be a player-player contract overhaul allowing players to become insurance contractors creating an insurance market. Though I wouldn't mind if newbies had some kind of faction sanctioned insurance for the first month or so to ease them into the game.
#10 - 2012-12-08 08:00:53 UTC
Another "genius" topic
All Kill No Skill
#11 - 2012-12-08 11:26:28 UTC
hmm? on my main I have frigs that cost more than a newbie puts on a BS, I can get insured? no... not even 1/100'th of the cost. It's for newbies.

I'm in it for the money
