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Using W-Space to Expand Even Further

Vetruvius Valinor
#1 - 2011-10-22 03:35:50 UTC
Now before I go into this idea I want to get some things straight first. I don't think the game is too small, there is plenty of room for play and still plenty of room to get lost and go exploring. However, the game will grow, and this idea is one for a way to expand upon it as it grows.

The idea is basically this:

High Sec/Low Sec/Null-Sec <===>Wormhole Space <===> New space

W-Space is great, you get their through randomly generated wormholes in existing systems, wormholes that can connect to other distant systems also.

Now what if there were another set of systems, a set not connected to any of the existing systems through stargates. This would be new space, with areas controlled by NPCs and areas conquerable. The most interesting thing about this space is that it would be connected to existing space only through randomly generated wormholes, only in wormhole space. Wormholes that might not always be there. There might not always be a way to this space; or a way back. You might go there and get stuck, forced to survive. You might want to go there, perhaps to save a friend, but not be able to.

I think this would add a fun new dynamic to the game and of course more space to explore and fight over.

Thur Barbek
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2011-10-22 19:53:57 UTC
Jove space here we come!
Vetruvius Valinor
#3 - 2011-10-23 15:00:56 UTC
I'd love if we could go to Jove space, but I'm sure they have other plans for that. This could just be newly discovered systems.