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NPC AI in COSMOS vs Droneboats and PVE content in general

Amanda Haley
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-12-05 22:32:01 UTC
Yes another thread because i don't think there are enough. I don't normally write in forum, but when i do: here goes my wall of text.

To start I want to point out I never liked and did missions (after 2 years of game did not even have lvl4 standings) and was getting my isk with plexing/pvp. So happened that I needed to grind faction standings for my alts and to my bad luck, have not finished before this abomination was released.

I want to point out in particular Cosmos missions. Which can be hard as ****., especially lvl4s. Have you even considered that despite your usual lvl4? I drive 4 BS/HAC fleet depending on missions and I am Gallente all the way, meaning my ships of choice are ishtars/Domies. After this patch cant use any other drone than sentry. Good luck cleaning out those 6 elite frigs +10 normal frigs and destroyers backed up with **** load of BS/BC. This target switch with insta lock and in most cases focus fire is just mad. Not to mention that you can have 5000 drones in your drone bay as replaceables. Also lets not forget restocking drones by getting 10+ jumps to your local hub.

The only good thing I can do with my domi fleet is to camp low sec until i get hot dropped. Which is best. part of the patch, but LOL at all PVE. Does any of the Devs actually have used ships that have drone bonuses? Let me spill it out for you why game is broken and all new and casual players will never keep the subs up:

1. PVE content should be stress free just a tool to grind ISK for PVP. NPC AI is still dumb as **** which not makes it challenging, but ANNOYING. I dont even need that much attention to my drones in PVP.
2. PVE content blows. Holy Canoli , Batman it blows. Walls of text everywhere. Instead of DUST514 which will fail, could have hired a team that voiced all agents, created/improved new PVE content weekly, made it fun for the new players and everyone in general. I am new to missions and it was worst experience in all my eve career. Plexes boring as hell too. Its not good enough to create new content and leave it for 5yrs+
3. NEW SOUNDS. Dear lord the sounds. Feels like MS-DOS times already. Multi million company, but hiring interns for SFX?
4. Stop promoting "ELITE" attitude. This game needs casual players. Elite pvpers forget that there has to be a butcher and butchered.
5. Broken drone mechanics since ever. LOL Attention all hands, forget those frigs, better auto aggro that dangerous unarmed and invincible blood factory:
6. Writing this article, while waiting 1 HOUR AND A HALF for 5 scientists to spawn in containers. Very interesting and fun design. Like other 50% cosmos missions. Forget pew pew, enjoy travel and your coffee waiting for needed spawns. ahahahahaha

To summarize. I got 7 accounts. 4 of them were grinding isk for pvp. All heavily invested in drones and ship command and other support skills. One patch made them all unplayable. And don't tell me about micro managing 4 accounts drones. This is not second job. Half my accounts i pay yearly subs with real money. I grind as little as i can for ships and try to have as much fun as I can in pew pew. Now I can let half of them expire as I dont feel training lasers from scratch to have 4 nightmares.

I can't believe in such short slightness. Such management, trying to implement cheapest "solution" is common downfall in the companies. I love this game, but you make it really hard to like it. And not by making it challenging, but by making it uncomfortable, unintuitive and annoying.

drones sucks, gallente sucks, pve sucks and low sec does not suck.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-12-05 22:40:25 UTC
AFK mission farmer down?

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

C DeLeon
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-12-05 22:40:50 UTC
This era will be the new renaissance for drone manufacturers Twisted
Alavaria Fera
#4 - 2012-12-05 22:42:03 UTC
Amanda Haley wrote:
4. Stop promoting "ELITE" attitude. This game needs casual players. Elite pvpers forget that there has to be a butcher and butchered.

Who's being elite? This information could be ... useful.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

#5 - 2012-12-05 22:44:10 UTC
Sentamon wrote:
AFK mission farmer down?

Wish I could like this more.

Primary Test Subject • SmackTalker Elite

Karn Dulake
#6 - 2012-12-05 22:47:06 UTC
The only thing im pissed off about is that ninja plexing in nullsec has been massively downgraded.

HAC with drones will be hard work

I also used to run stuff with my Pilgrim which is now dead for lowsec exploration.

Tengu has been downgraded as well

The only thing i can think is that CCP are just trying to kill solo play by making you run missions and stuff like that
I dont normally troll, but when i do i do it on General Discussion.
Amanda Haley
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-12-05 22:50:18 UTC
Sentamon wrote:
AFK mission farmer down?

just because you only read topic: I never did missions until few weeks ago for cosmos. And i never afk mission because its waste of time. I normally assist fire and insta pop all rats in plex and move on. Now nothing you can do with droneboats is worth the hassle.

I live in low sec so all grinding i will be doing is passing ships through gate. Too bad I realize that others wont afford those ships and we can all go forum warrioring how all carebears cant afford ships and don't leave HS.
Konrad Kane
#8 - 2012-12-05 23:24:29 UTC
I tried to run some lvl4s today and honestly they were dull to start with but the new patch has made them so much of a chore I doubt I'll be running them for a long while. I gave up running one after three hours trying to run it. I only do PvE to pay for my PvP that's it, making PvE more challenging hasn't made it more entertaining it's just made something that wasn't fun to begin with worst.

These aren't tears, I pay for all my accounts on yearly subscriptions. I use one of them to PvE, my PvP costs are pretty modest so I'm quite happy to simply lapse one account and drop 1 GTC a month for ISK. CCP will get the same money out of me, I'll just spend fewer hours in the client.

That's not really the point, the point is that by making the low end PvE content not only dull but also painful isn't really a recipe for more player retention.

#9 - 2012-12-05 23:30:08 UTC
BoBoZoBo wrote:
Sentamon wrote:
AFK mission farmer down?

Wish I could like this more.

I liked it some more for you.
Karash Amerius
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#10 - 2012-12-05 23:41:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Karash Amerius
How about you remote rep a few anti-frig accounts (cruiser/dessy/bc gimp fits) and try again?

The one thing about expansions like this is they always cull the herd of the non-gamers among us; those that require no challenge to be entertained.

Karash Amerius Operative, Sutoka