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Searching for a loan

Ziggs Enaka
Zerulian Luxuries Inc.
#1 - 2012-12-04 04:23:55 UTC

I've just started my new career as a "man of industry" and am currently seeking a small loan in order to buy essential blueprints and materials.

Amount: I need 50 million ISK

Returns: Before December 31st 2012 I will repay my benefactor with a sum totaling 60 million ISK

Feel free to contact me at your leisure.

Many thanks,

Andres Talas
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#2 - 2012-12-04 08:42:40 UTC
Ziggs Enaka wrote:

I've just started my new career as a "man of industry" and am currently seeking a small loan in order to buy essential blueprints and materials.

Amount: I need 50 million ISK

Returns: Before December 31st 2012 I will repay my benefactor with a sum totaling 60 million ISK

Feel free to contact me at your leisure.

Many thanks,


Dont buy blueprints.

Buy blueprint copies off contracts, and manufacture off those.

If you make money, buy more blueprint copies. If you dont, you dont have much capital tied up.
Ziggs Enaka
Zerulian Luxuries Inc.
#3 - 2012-12-04 08:49:57 UTC
Thank you for the advice. My offer still stands though.
Blueprint Seller
Bring Me Sunshine
#4 - 2012-12-04 09:21:01 UTC
Ziggs Enaka wrote:
am currently seeking a small loan in order to buy essential blueprints and materials.

What blueprints are you going to buy with the isk?
Ziggs Enaka
Zerulian Luxuries Inc.
#5 - 2012-12-04 17:20:15 UTC
Those that show a stable base IPH and high SVR. Thanks to the helpful community in Eve online I've learned about a wonderful program known as Eve ISK per hour. So far it has helped me identify several profitable commodities that have greatly benefited me. It has also opened my eyes to new possibilities that could increase my IPH by a factor of ten. Alas I do not have the means needed to pursue such opportunities.
Vargan Armer
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-12-04 18:12:28 UTC
Yes, but specifically WHICH blueprints will you buy. It's not that your market will somehow be taken away, because the people that invest in these forums could not care less about bpo's that cost 50m ^^
Ziggs Enaka
Zerulian Luxuries Inc.
#7 - 2012-12-04 18:42:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Ziggs Enaka
You must forgive me of my caution. Several players have heavily warned me concerning the competitive nature of the game.

However you do speak a truth Vargan and thus I will disclose.

Specifically I am looking for scythe, Exequror or Augoror BPs. BPOs are in the 30 mil range while BPCs right now are 4-5 mil for a 15 run copy. With your help I plan to produce these vessels and ship them via red frog to jita.

I know that trusting 50 million to a new player is a risky venture even if 50 million is an inconsequential amount. The risk is not in the money but rather in the actual "trust" being invested. I have read these forums and have been surprised to find relative newcomers set up bonds for 1 billion or higher; at the same time I admire these exceptional individuals for their initiative.
De Guillaume
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#8 - 2012-12-04 20:08:08 UTC
I would so give u 50m for free if u were not 5 days old toon.

is this an alt and if so why didn't u post with ur main

and if not a alt, how does a noob know about what bpo to invest in. It took me 3 days to figure out the ships flying around were actual people using them ;ppp

Has you ever went so far as chose to go even use want to look more like do?

Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-12-04 20:51:39 UTC
De Guillaume wrote:
I would so give u 50m for free if u were not 5 days old toon.

is this an alt and if so why didn't u post with ur main

and if not a alt, how does a noob know about what bpo to invest in. It took me 3 days to figure out the ships flying around were actual people using them ;ppp

You aint changing , 1 year ago you used to say : i wouldve gaved you money for free "but" ... and still doing that now .
Everyone knows you can there is no need to tell it everytime tbh ;)

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

Ziggs Enaka
Zerulian Luxuries Inc.
#10 - 2012-12-05 00:44:28 UTC
Ladies and gentlemen I thank you for your interest and your comments.

To answer De Guillaume most excellent query, yes I am a noob and this is currently my main. Eve ISK per hour is the program I use to aid me in identifying profitable products to manufacture. The sum total of my in-game knowledge I attribute directly to excellent guides and posts of the EVE community.

As for Ruvin's post, I'm glad to see that you two are such close friends.
Blueprint Seller
Bring Me Sunshine
#11 - 2012-12-05 08:29:04 UTC
Ziggs Enaka wrote:
Specifically I am looking for scythe, Exequror or Augoror BPs. BPOs are in the 30 mil range while BPCs right now are 4-5 mil for a 15 run copy. With your help I plan to produce these vessels and ship them via red frog to jita.

Check your contracts, I've sent you a care package.
Ziggs Enaka
Zerulian Luxuries Inc.
#12 - 2012-12-05 09:29:13 UTC
Thank you kindly Blueprint Seller. Those BPCs are just what I needed to get the ball rolling. I hope one day to return the favor.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#13 - 2012-12-05 10:11:14 UTC
Blueprint Seller wrote:
Ziggs Enaka wrote:
Specifically I am looking for scythe, Exequror or Augoror BPs. BPOs are in the 30 mil range while BPCs right now are 4-5 mil for a 15 run copy. With your help I plan to produce these vessels and ship them via red frog to jita.

Check your contracts, I've sent you a care package.

This is why EvE is worth playing. So much filth, the gems shine brigther through it.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#14 - 2012-12-05 10:14:58 UTC
Ziggs Enaka wrote:
Thank you kindly Blueprint Seller. Those BPCs are just what I needed to get the ball rolling. I hope one day to return the favor.

I don't know if you can use it, but I have 4 very nice Schythe BPCs, ME 200 PE 50 max runs (15) I can give you (for free of course).

If you want them I can go grab them at my home in Gallente Space and bring them say at Jita.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-12-05 14:56:32 UTC
So much "kind" advice but the kindest thing to do would surely be to tell him that the build reqs of these ships just got doubled and they are therefore unprofitable to build for a very, very long time? As well as everyone having BPOs coming out their asses for them.
Beckie DeLey
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-12-05 15:31:33 UTC
Fryhilda wrote:
So much "kind" advice but the kindest thing to do would surely be to tell him that the build reqs of these ships just got doubled and they are therefore unprofitable to build for a very, very long time? As well as everyone having BPOs coming out their asses for them.

Indeed. Building cruisers isn't going to be profitable for quite a while.

My siren's name is Brick and she is the prettiest.

Blueprint Seller
Bring Me Sunshine
#17 - 2012-12-05 15:36:34 UTC
Fryhilda wrote:
So much "kind" advice but the kindest thing to do would surely be to tell him that the build reqs of these ships just got doubled and they are therefore unprofitable to build for a very, very long time? As well as everyone having BPOs coming out their asses for them.

That rather depends on what kind of experience you feel new players should have.

I still remember, back in late 2004, the magical journey of learning EVE. Of doing stupid things that would now make me blush. Of the kindness of random strangers who handed me the detritus from their hangars that was, to me, treasure of incredible value.

I don't think I'd have wanted a bitter vet to come along and take away the first few months of trial, error and realisation. So my ethos is to simply assist the wandering wide-eyed innocents to follow whatever foolish fancy comes to them for at least a little while.
Ziggs Enaka
Zerulian Luxuries Inc.
#18 - 2012-12-05 17:22:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Ziggs Enaka
Fryhilda, you are right. Ever since the patch the prices of these ships have plummeted past the point of profitability.

Blueprint Seller, I would like to return the BPCs since you'll probably find a better use for them than I right now.

Vaerah Vahrokha, thanks for the offer but I would feel uncomfortable taking blueprints that I can't use.

Recently, I've made a good profit off of producing the new destroyers. Today I'm sad to see their prices have dropped immensely. My current plans are to try to jump ship to the new salvage drone craze. Do you think their current prices will remain the same or will they too lose profitability?
Razor Rocker
Super Mother Fan Club
#19 - 2012-12-05 19:30:18 UTC
Ziggs Enaka wrote:
Do you think their current prices will remain the same or will they too lose profitability?

I'd expect the prices for all items, drones and ships from the patch to drop significantly over the next couple of weeks. There is always a craze for the first short while, but then the market corrects itself.

To be honest, you're too late to make much profit off jumping onto a patch item. I'd recommend finding something a bit more stable to place your hard earned isk.
Andres Talas
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#20 - 2012-12-07 00:12:04 UTC
Blueprint Seller wrote:
Fryhilda wrote:
So much "kind" advice but the kindest thing to do would surely be to tell him that the build reqs of these ships just got doubled and they are therefore unprofitable to build for a very, very long time? As well as everyone having BPOs coming out their asses for them.

That rather depends on what kind of experience you feel new players should have.

I still remember, back in late 2004, the magical journey of learning EVE. Of doing stupid things that would now make me blush. Of the kindness of random strangers who handed me the detritus from their hangars that was, to me, treasure of incredible value.

I don't think I'd have wanted a bitter vet to come along and take away the first few months of trial, error and realisation. So my ethos is to simply assist the wandering wide-eyed innocents to follow whatever foolish fancy comes to them for at least a little while.

The other thing he's gained is he's met some people here, and learned a not too expensive lesson about the volatility of markets around patch time.
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