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needs T2 BS!

Solutio Letum
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-12-03 23:10:52 UTC
all the fun in selection is based on T2 Cruisers, T2 BS are just a choice, and not really specialized in much at all, so id like to say my though on "other" types of possible "roles"


of corse T2 cruiser logistics do a great job rigth now but adding bigger once cant hurt, they would be between carriers and cruiser logistics, the gallente one should be able to fit 6 large reps + one transfer for caldari and amarr ships ofc

the real bonus over med logis should be extra alpha resistance, maybe a few % of extra resistance? able to feild some dps (like carriers +1 drones per level, but no drone link module) so they can have scary dps with really good logi capability, lots of over all protection like carrier, but cant last the alpha of lots of dreads like a carrier could

so with the price of around 800 - 1 200 K isk it would make you want to buy a carrier, but this would also make you able to bring something interesting in incurstions, something really good in ally tourny, something powerful in highsec wars and that migth be worth blobing, in lowsec, its just a smaller carrier really, without the maintenance bay, fleet hangar or being able to refit ships

they can get 10 heavy drones out specifically, and bonus's would ressamble there race, gallente having the most drones, amarr best resistence, and so on

possible upgrades from my list would be fleet hangar (around 1 000 - 3 000m3), small maintenance bay (100 000 - 300 000m3) to hold small frigates and cruisers "maybe" refitting services, but i dont think it should be in there since its not a capital ships
and i surely dont think there should be a jump drive on there (just incase someone asks)

there would be places for turrets for our highsec carebears that love there pve missions stuff, but only up to 4 damage hard points

they would look somewhat big and loyal
they would not be named baby carrier or logistics since there not any of both of them

Attack/Damage Guru:

like most i think there should be a seigable thing comparable to a Dread, but i think it should be T2 and when you lose it you do crouch and start crying because you just lost almost a bill

i think it should have 3 guns actually bonus to fit it but -69% damage "bonus" to balance it (im not being accurate on numbers but i dont want a ship with only 1 gun on it because this just looks silly.....)

really fragile compared to normal BS but good enough resist being T2, making it weak to alpha only

can fit subcap guns btw without negative affect since there combat worthy (t2 resist) they should be able to fit lets say a couple guns

Strategic BS

Like the loki, legion, prot, Tengu, but BS size, i know its called T3 rigth now but i cound him in... they should be BS sized to, just because. really expansible ships, mainly because of exploration and to get into cloaky fleets, because we dont have any BS able to do this rigth now and ofc making your BS cloaky would mean massive damage penalty, intertictor would also mean the same thing has it does for T3

no one is complening about it for T3 though rigth? because youd need a massive penalty to be "un catch able" means, 3 spabs, interdictor, cloaky, so you could... but still has much silly

again since you are a bigger ship and more powerfull that does mean more powerfull down grades, instead of one med or low for the interdiction it migth mean 2 med or low, im just leaving ideas about it

though for cost youd look at the difference from a T2 Cruiser to a T2 BS, its about x4 or so from what i get, so this thing should costs around 1.5 - 3 billions... hurts my mind making a though on even penalizing such a thing... at all.... so only 1 slot migth be fair here
AGAIN it does not mean you CANT catch it

also, on something like this i think there should be a covert ops jumpy on it when rigth subsystem fitted (WARNING: i think only the cover ops cloak or jump drive generator should be able to be fitted at once, but it migth be fair to be able to fit both on such a ship)

but way pricy and with extra skills over it because you lose skills when losing it, and its not only a week per skills here id think

ok i confess thats all i have now, but fell free to suggest other T2 BS ideas, again think about it, it takes lots more of training to even get to use these things, even more for the T3 BS, and lots of isk witch means if you pop one you get even moar for your poping !!