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Convo Spam?

First post
Nero Fazione
#1 - 2012-12-03 15:59:47 UTC
I was flying through highsec a day or so ago, and happened across a system with a WT in it. I was just moving to another system and didn't really have any intention of hunting him down, so I just began warping to the next gate.

Suddenly I started getting convo requests to a password protected channel from this guy (one after another). I couldn't actually get into the channel because of the password popup that kept coming up, so after about the 5th rapid convo request, I convo'd him to see what he wanted.... he declined What?

I didn't see any real strategy to this, but am I missing something? I was just kind of curious as to why someone would do this, as it didn't really stop me from doing anything.
Dgram Loop
Dutch Squad
#2 - 2012-12-03 16:12:54 UTC
It's possible that the popups were intended to keep you from doing other things in the game interface and thus creating an advantageous opportunity.. or it was just done to troll/annoy and he was somehow out of isk for the 0.1 donations ;)
Rordan D'Kherr
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-12-03 16:14:16 UTC
Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#4 - 2012-12-04 01:33:26 UTC
Austneal wrote:
I was flying through highsec a day or so ago, and happened across a system with a WT in it. I was just moving to another system and didn't really have any intention of hunting him down, so I just began warping to the next gate.

Suddenly I started getting convo requests to a password protected channel from this guy (one after another). I couldn't actually get into the channel because of the password popup that kept coming up, so after about the 5th rapid convo request, I convo'd him to see what he wanted.... he declined What?

I didn't see any real strategy to this, but am I missing something? I was just kind of curious as to why someone would do this, as it didn't really stop me from doing anything.

Petition it. CCP ruled convo spamming to be an exploit.
ISD Suvetar
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#5 - 2012-12-04 01:40:10 UTC

As Sentient Blade said, the only thing you can do is petition this really. The GM team are the only people who can give you a direct answer in this case, so I'm going to lock this thread as being redundant.

Of course, it may just turn out that he was trying to legitimately trying to invite you to a chat without realising it had an access control on it; but because there's no way of anyone on the forums knowing that, there's no need to discuss is here.

Thread locked.

[b]ISD Suvetar Captain/Commando Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]