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Sell Orders

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WTS C2 double static High + C1

Kire Enat
Sisters of Sokarad
#1 - 2011-10-21 19:06:44 UTC
I would like to sell :


the system contains an offline large minmatar POS [corp= 7 members]] with:

  • 4x Medium Autocannon
  • 2x Warp Scrambler
  • 4x Small Arty
  • 1x Corp Hangar
  • 1x Ship Maintenance
  • 3x Explosion Dampening Array
  • 3x Ballistic Deflection Array
  • 2x Heat Dissipation Array
  • 1x Photon Scattering Array

  • unanchored:
  • 6x Small Autocannon
  • 11x Small Arty

  • 9 Anos, Sigs: 4x Ladar, 1x Grav, 1x Radar

    Taggart will be used as 3rd Party Service

    Contact me if interested