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I am having lots of fun in EVE!, Why isn't this game more popular?

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Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#61 - 2012-11-26 19:24:18 UTC
LittleTerror wrote:

pvp = player vs player and trading.... well WTF ever dude, put your head up your ass again...

If you're saying that trading is not PvP you're wrong, if you have buy or sell orders you are competing with another player ergo PvP, the only time that trade is not PvP is when an NPC is involved.

TL;DR, if it can effect another player, or involves competing with another player it can be broadly classified as PvP

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#62 - 2012-11-26 19:50:52 UTC
Jame Jarl Retief wrote:
What was their objective? To play good music well, or to make money? If it's the latter, they failed. Miserably. Because some talentless twinkie can shake her butt in a revealing outfit and rake in, in one night, more than they make in a year. Again, depends on your objective.

Right. Now consider that we're those punters who are paying these artists; who you would you rather go and watch Jeff Beck or Julian Beiber?

Just because Beiber is more popular does that you would be like the Bieber boppers? As I say, just because they have the numbers it doesn't mean that they are following the better product.

I, for example, produce something in the Real World as a living. It's one of the best products of its kind in the field but it doesn't have the number of subscribers that my competitors have. Not by a long chalk. There's a reason for this, and this in a way mirrors Eve; my product demands that my customers do a bit of thinking for themselves. I am happy to make it so and would I be better off if I made my product for the Great Unwashed? Yes, I would by far. But would I enjoy doing what I would then do? No.

Bigger is not always better. You simply cannot look at numbers and say that Product A is better than Product B because they have more subscribers.

I have done Everquest, I have done Asheron's Call, I have done World of Warcraft but the depth, the scope and the immersion of these don't come anywhere close to what Eve Online offers.

To say that Eve is not as good as the others because fewer people play it is utterly misguided and any attempts to make Eve like the aforementioned would be a very unwise move indeed.

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#63 - 2012-11-26 19:52:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Myfanwy Heimdal
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
LittleTerror wrote:

pvp = player vs player and trading.... well WTF ever dude, put your head up your ass again...

If you're saying that trading is not PvP you're wrong, if you have buy or sell orders you are competing with another player ergo PvP, the only time that trade is not PvP is when an NPC is involved.

TL;DR, if it can effect another player, or involves competing with another player it can be broadly classified as PvP

Exactly. Just like Real Life business. Is that not called cut-throat for a reason?

It's pvp but in suits made in Savile Row , not made of steel.

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

Random Majere
Rogue Fleet
#64 - 2012-11-26 19:53:45 UTC
Rock&Roll will never die!
Krixtal Icefluxor
#65 - 2012-11-26 20:13:40 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
Dave stark wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
This game will be much more popular when they finally make pvp fully consensual.

not really, all the wow players that flock to the game when the hear all the bad people can't shoot at them will just get bored with the real time training queue because they can't power level to "catch up" with the vets.

I'm sure CCP can address that aspect of gameplay as well.

God I hope NOT.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Liam Inkuras
#66 - 2012-11-26 21:35:26 UTC
Just a note to those people complaining about carebears, without bears who would there be to gank in highsec (and lowsec when they blindly stumble out of their enclosure) and to harvest delicious and sought after tears from?

I wear my goggles at night.

Any spelling/grammatical errors come complimentary with my typing on a phone

Galaxy Pig
New Order Logistics
#67 - 2012-11-26 21:41:19 UTC
We thank them, much like the thanksgiving turkey, for being simple and delicious.

Highsec is owned by players now. Systems 0.5-1.0 are New Order Territory. All miners and other residents of Highsec must obey The Code. Mining without a permit is dangerous and harmful to the EVE community. See

Gallente Federation
#68 - 2012-11-27 01:13:25 UTC
Tom Gerard wrote:
It's early morning
The sun comes out
Last night was shaking
And pretty loud
My cat is purring
And scratches my skin

I got a new battlecruiser and it is tearing stuff up Big smile

I have flown the Drake for ages, what race should I train for next? The Brutix seems amazing in terms of raw damage, but the damage projection of the Harbinger is also a draw.

Any idea when we will be getting more detailed information about how the Command Ships will be rolling out, I am currently flying a Nighthawk pilot for missions but following the changes to missiles I don't think I'll be able to break L4 tanks, and will be Blitzing 3s in a billion ISK hull.

Has anyone done 4s in a Sleipnir?

Get a talos BC hull with BS sized fun ...

Oh and please let me know if you plan on mission running on an RvB toon with a Command ship Pirate oh and what system Blink
#69 - 2012-11-27 01:44:07 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Get tham all man... Let you have the choice to fly what you like when you fancy to.

Correct answer. I can fly every BC in the game.
Tarsis Inc
#70 - 2012-11-27 03:22:38 UTC
Video games are a weird genre. I can go out on a Friday night and slap down $10 in a friendly poker game. And if I lose it, it's like no sweat. Pretty common thing. And blow $100 bucks on a weekend out at a casino now and then? Again, no big deal for most people.

And that's "Player vs Player" gameplay, btw.

But blow 100 mil on a ship(worth like what, $3 worth of Plex?) and people rage quit. Hell. people blow $175 on an average trip to Vegas(Google it). That's what, 5 billion worth of isk in Eve?
Squealing Piglet
Graviton Industries
#71 - 2012-11-27 05:09:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Squealing Piglet
In my opinion, Eve is about as perfect as a game can be (and I include its continual expansion/progression as part of this). The only direction that worries me a bit is the whole walking in stations nonsense. Why do none of my friends play? I don't know. Hell, why doesn't everyone in the WORLD play, even that questions baffles me a little bit. But then again, some of my favorite movies of all time are the Matrix, Lo (a comedy about a demon), Shawn of the Dead, and Moon. The greatest television show of all time? Battlestar Galactica.........

......whereas the most popular television show amongst my coworkers seems to be Dancing with the Stars, and one of the most top grossing movies of all time? Shrek 2. And thus, the lack of popularity of Eve Online, compared to click-smash games like WoW suddenly makes a bit more sense.

We LOVE the learning curve, we love the adversity, the difficulty, the ability to carve out a niche for ourselves using strategy, creativity, tactics (or lots of spreadsheets), slowly crawling our way from a 13,000 isk noobship to a shiny, T2 black ops ghostship and all the bruises along the way. And--obviously--it's not all pain, far from it. We love to explore, and make things. One way or another though, this game forces you to make your way by your wits, whether out-smarting your adversaries on the battlefield or coming up with a brilliant industrial scheme, one way or another this game rewards you for thinking hard--through tactics, or spreadsheets or underbelly scams. One can literally play for years and not even sample all of what the game offers (nullsec, piracy, capital ships, T3 production, etc). It is open world, it is a sandbox, it is complex, hard and rewarding, each victory a legitimate thrill. This is what we love about the game...and if there's something we don't like, we blow up Jita.

But our friends, neighbors and coworkers don't see it this way. We live in a click-smash world.
#72 - 2012-11-27 10:00:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Doddy
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Doddy wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Talus Veran wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
This game will be much more popular when they finally make pvp fully consensual.

PVP is fully consentual.

You consent when you select "Undock", "Buy" or "Sell"

Fixed that for you to add in the part oft overlooked.

Something people like to say but is not actually true, there is no pvp whatsoever in trade if you just click buy or sell.

I have made 10B in 2 weeks by pressing "buy" or "sell". Somebody ended up giving those 10B to me somehow, it's like I killed half Supercarrier by myself.

Still convinced there's no PvP in trading, whatsoever?

I didn't say there wasn't any pvp in trading Roll, but if you are "just" clicking buy or sell you are using whatever price the market is at. Selling something to someone is not pvp, there is no versus involved (unless its a scam in which case it is pvp, but then you haven't just pressed sell). The real pvp in trade is between traders, and to compete with each other in trade you need to do more than "just" press buy and sell, you need to set orders.
#73 - 2012-11-27 10:15:19 UTC
The fact people don't understand what a sandbox is after all these years is pretty funny. A sandbox is not some sort of open ended do whatever you want free for all. A sandbox has walls and sand (game mechanics and game content) and players are left to play in it as they see fit. So whether the whole server is a pvp free for all or there is no pvp at all doesn't actually matter, as that is down to game mechanics which are the walls of the sandbox. Of course the more you limit gameplay the less sand (content) there is but its still a sandbox (eve has very little sand outside of pvp).
All Kill No Skill
#74 - 2012-11-27 10:53:43 UTC
Seven Noctis wrote:

In a true multi-player sandbox, if you want a safer environment, you organize a bunch of people who feel the same way, settle some area in a game, create a police force, secure it and enforce your own laws; forge alliances, use politics and economical power to further fortify your position, and so on. EVE is actually very limited in that regard as it is. I'm not entirely happy about that, but I knew what I was signing up for.

But this isn't a true multi-player sandbox. It's more like a simulator/sandbox. The simulator part is there to maintain the sandbox. So in this case, we can call CONCORD part of the simulator. If this were say Firefly, the core worlds would be well guarded. If this were Star Trek, Federation worlds would be well guarded. EVE is no different, by use of CONCORD is able to somewhat maintain the simulation of such an environment as is common in sci-fi stories. And of course you don't find suicide ganking in those settings, as people die and don't come back five minutes later. A pure sandbox is completely unrealistic in a video game setting, not unless you introduce perma-death.

I'm in it for the money


Seven Noctis
#75 - 2012-11-27 12:25:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Seven Noctis
Doddy wrote:
The fact people don't understand what a sandbox is after all these years is pretty funny. A sandbox is not some sort of open ended do whatever you want free for all [. . .]

Actually, in a video gaming context, that is exactly what a sandbox is - a game with open-ended gameplay. A game not simply rich in content, but where there aren't many restrictions in regard to how, when, and where you interact with said content. And yes, in a multi-player game that includes player interaction, pretty much by definition. The fewer restrictions a game has, the closer it is to being a true sandbox.

A sandbox is also a term commonly used in information security, where it refers to an isolated part of a system, network, etc, with few restrictions, used to test potentially dangerous stuff in a closed off environment. Again, the idea here is that as long as you are within the sandbox, anything goes.

Webvan wrote:
But this isn't a true multi-player sandbox [. . .]

I'd be more conservative with the use of the word simulation as it implies a degree of realism, which EVE has very little of, but I do understand what you mean.

In regard to the opening statement, you'll get no argument from me there as I have said the same thing myself once or twice. And although deep inside I wish EVE was a bit closer to being a true MP sandbox, I knew what I was signing up for and I still enjoy it for what it is.

Again, I understand what you mean and partially agree with you. In short, yes, it makes sense to have different levels of security enforced through game mechanics given the DEVs vision of what the world of EVE should look like (that is, something probably not too far off from a typical space sci-fi setting). However, they quite obviously did not intend for the "core worlds" to be exceptionally safe no matter how you look at it.

There is plenty of crime and violence (that are meant to be) in those systems by design as is evident from both the lore and game mechanics. If the systems are supposed to be exceptionally safe, why the endless RAT minions and limitless security missions where you have to deal with them in hi-sec? And why is all that explicitly tied in and explained in the lore/backstory? While we are at it, why doesn't CONCORD appear within seconds and blow the NPC pirates out of the sk.. erm... void of space? Obviously, the idea is that the capsuleers have to take initiative and personal responsibility in dealing with these elements, at least to some extent. Yet, when it comes to player interaction, EVE is already a lot safer in comparison to some other games based on similar ideas than many people here seem to realize, and they want it made safer still.
All Kill No Skill
#76 - 2012-11-28 01:09:30 UTC
Seven Noctis wrote:
I'd be more conservative with the use of the word simulation as it implies a degree of realism, which EVE has very little of, but I do understand what you mean.
Well it's part of the coding to make it a simulated environment in a sandbox. Yeah, it's not perfect. I do think though that it could be safer, but not as an all or nothing system under the current way of doing things.

The original idea, at least as for popularized sandbox mmo's, was player justice. Garriott and the gang said "let there be player justice" and it was so; but it was without form and void. Sure, guards were a whacking, red names were a multiplying, but there were no real checks and balances to keep it civil for many o players and they rage quit; the player-justice players were just too overwhelmed to protect the lands. The response was to create Trammel (non pvp lands), which for a time increased population, but that changes with the introduction of the AoS expansion making the game item based and making it even harder to PvP due to equipment expense. UO is but a shadow now.

Then came SWG, and they said "let there be TEF" (temporary enemy flag), and it was good. And they said "let there be a bounty hunter system" and it was amazing (tools to hunt down Jedi for depopulation measures). While one camp said "give us more" let us bounty hunt non-Jedi etc, another camp complained and rage quit over what was. So came the CU, and PvP was injured. Then came the abomination of desolation, and all the furious rage that came with NGE. Thus SWG died and is seen no more.

So yes, I'm not for hisec becoming 100% safe, in fact CONCORD could be scaled down a little possibly, but only with an actual working player justice system in which many enough players participate. And really one that doesn't shun PvP but promotes a deeper PvP, not only in hisec but spilling out into all parts of the game world, but originating in hisec.

I think SWG had it right at the start, a BH system with tracking tools, a TEF system that would make no player safe from pvp ..apart form neutrals but there was little content there to be neutral while most of the game came with joining the imperial or rebel faction, not neutral faction. Now, combining these two systems, minus factional conditions, but based on negative actions, well I think would produce the desired results for a game world like EVE, and the ability to police actions with the use of player justice to a greater extent compared to an NPC simulated justice system. Still a use for CONCORD, but giving a chance of escape so that local players near the crime scene can react against the perpetrator, and players with BH style tracking tools to track them to even the furthest reaches of new eden to carry out consequences of such heinous acts. Heck, it doesn't even need to by a high bounty, it's the hunt that often draws the player to the job, provided it's a living.

CCP is kind of moving in this direction, but maybe not the whole way; as was the problem with UO at the start, it takes considerable development time. SWG's problem was they were just nuts, that's SOE for ya. But I do think hisec could be safer, but the trick is to not make it void of PvP but to encourage it. Actual PvP mind you. I suppose if the mmo world wasn't fixated on themepark games, we'd have more examples to draw from. But as it is, at least it's a step up from UO in many respects.

I'm in it for the money


Naari LLC
#77 - 2012-11-28 02:35:07 UTC
"I am having lots of fun in EVE!", Being in RvB obviously has alot to do with it P


Seven Noctis
#78 - 2012-11-28 02:44:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Seven Noctis
Webvan wrote:
The original idea, at least as for popularized sandbox mmo's, was player justice [. . .]

That is definitely one of the more informed posts on the subject that I've seen on this forum and I would encourage other players to reflect on it regardless of what their own stance on the issue is.

Yeah, it looks like CCP may just be taking steps in the right direction; that is, further empowering players rather than restricting them. How far will they take it and how will it work out in the end? Too early to say, I suppose, so we'll see.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#79 - 2012-11-28 04:10:12 UTC
This thread devolve into name calling and attacks yet?


I'll wait.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Nerf Burger
#80 - 2012-11-28 06:30:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Nerf Burger
because the pvp is a skilless joke and lame mechanics like frigates bumping freighters continue to exist. Also the community is full of immature no-life losers who think their ability to annoy others while under the protection of concord is the best thing ever.