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The Gallente Problem II

Natalcya Katla
Astropolitan Front
#61 - 2012-11-26 22:01:17 UTC
Stitcher wrote:
Not that I plan to try such an experiment. I'm not that liberal.

I have tried it, actually - or the equivalent of it, anyway - and I can confirm what you're saying. I had my DNA systematically stripped of any component which could be identified as specifically Intaki, replacing them with less aggravating substitutes. There were no adverse effects at all.
Andreus Ixiris
Stay Feral
#62 - 2012-11-26 22:22:17 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
That's why there is a belief that each person should take a place, where he can bring most of benefit.

You do realise that fundamentally, the Gallente Federation also believes this, right? The core principles of the Federation differs from the State solely in that the Federation doesn't believe in telling individuals what their purpose is. Unlike you, I'm not neccessarily touting that as a superior alternative - just a valid one.

I believe that your place in life is to be a consistent and embarassing failure at basically everything you try to accomplish in order to serve as an example to other citizens of the State on how not to be a Caldari, and as an example to citizens of the Federation as to the dangers of blind nationalism and uneducated patriotism.

You're doing a stellar job at that, but I believe every human possesses the capacity to surprise me if they try hard enough.

Diana Kim wrote:
That's why we are way more efficient than gallentean grey masses.

I see that you consistently refer to Gallenteans as "grey masses," indicating you believe that the weakness of the Gallente Federation is... homogeneity? I don't think even other insane hardliners like Vikarion or Galaxy Pig would try and make that argument. Some of the things that most strongly define the Federation are its ethnic diversity, widespread multiculturalism and nigh-universal promotion of individualism and self-expression. I'm not saying those are neccessarily good or bad traits, but they certainly aren't homogeneity.

By comparison, homogeneity of ethnicity, purpose and outlook are generally considered strengths by a different nation - the State.

Diana Kim wrote:
That's why we will win.

You're doing a spectacularly poor job of that so far, and it doesn't look set to get any better.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#63 - 2012-11-26 23:03:56 UTC
Natalcya Katla wrote:
Stitcher wrote:
Not that I plan to try such an experiment. I'm not that liberal.

I have tried it, actually - or the equivalent of it, anyway - and I can confirm what you're saying. I had my DNA systematically stripped of any component which could be identified as specifically Intaki, replacing them with less aggravating substitutes. There were no adverse effects at all.

Well, that's one data point to add to the Urash-Bayes statistical analysis.

Think we might need a few more before we declare it conclusive, though.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Streya Jormagdnir
Alexylva Paradox
#64 - 2012-11-27 06:52:21 UTC
Natalcya Katla wrote:

If your personal preference is to gamble with the life of your offspring, a life you do not own, you are of course within your legal rights to do so.

It's not really gambling when well-established medical science has reduced infant mortality rates significantly, and equally well-established societal structures allow a child to thrive. No one is claiming ownership, but responsibility is placed on members of society, typically the parents first and foremost.

Your little cabal, after a very basic "Show Info" inspection, on the other hand...well. Mutant cyborg zombies all slaved to a central Master?

I am also a human, straggling between the present world... and our future. I am a regulator, a coordinator, one who is meant to guide the way.

Destination Unreachable: the worst Wspace blog ever

Natalcya Katla
Astropolitan Front
#65 - 2012-11-27 12:10:57 UTC
Streya Jormagdnir wrote:
It's not really gambling when well-established medical science has reduced infant mortality rates significantly, and equally well-established societal structures allow a child to thrive. No one is claiming ownership, but responsibility is placed on members of society, typically the parents first and foremost.

Your little cabal, after a very basic "Show Info" inspection, on the other hand...well. Mutant cyborg zombies all slaved to a central Master?

Societal infrastructure is of course important, but it only forms part of the puzzle. By ensuring that your child is conceived with the best genes possible and that the foetus develops in an optimal environment (an artificial womb in a medical laboratory), not only do you better that child's odds to live a long life with the base potantial to achieve any dream. You also make sure that your child will be less of a strain on that same infrastructure. Last I heard, the infrastructure of the Republic you appear to be a part of was not only neglected and shoddily maintained, but in danger of collapse under the flood of new immigrants. It could do with a litle less strain.

My affiliations are no secret, though I'm curious about your choice of words. Are they meant to be disparaging? I am indeed a cyborg - as are you, considering this venue is for capsuleers only. What's negative about that? I am also a mutant. The mutations are engineered and exclusively beneficial, but mutations still. What's wrong with that? As far as "zombie" goes, I have admittedly died and come back to life on a number of occasions, if that's what you mean. Again, this is a common occurence among capsuleers.

Regarding slavery within the Nation, that's a commonly misunderstood concept. There is no private slavery like there is in the Amarr Empire, or in Curse for that matter. To the degree that True Citizens are "enslaved" at all, it is functionally indistinguishable from the obligations the citizens of any nation have towards their government. As I've pointed out before, Sansha Kuvakei has better things to do than to micromanage the life of each and every one of his citizens.

If you're talking about the people commonly referred to as True Slaves, these are typically the kinds of people who would be locked up and institutionalized elsewhere. There are no prisons in the Nation, no mental wards, no slums. To use your own words, the institution is actually a "well-established societal structure allow[ing] a [person] to thrive".
Streya Jormagdnir
Alexylva Paradox
#66 - 2012-11-27 13:56:42 UTC
Natalcya Katla wrote:

If you're talking about the people commonly referred to as True Slaves, these are typically the kinds of people who would be locked up and institutionalized elsewhere. There are no prisons in the Nation, no mental wards, no slums. To use your own words, the institution is actually a "well-established societal structure allow[ing] a [person] to thrive".

And this is the linchpin behind your entire worldview. "But we're really better, because our slavery isn't actually slavery, and look at all the benefits!"

Except, does the math really add up? If the majority of individuals in Sansha's Nation are True Slaves, would it not make sense that the majority of those uplifted in Sansha raids would be as you describe: criminals and horrible monsters? Except they're not! These are everyday people who were just going about their lives. I call bull.

I am also a human, straggling between the present world... and our future. I am a regulator, a coordinator, one who is meant to guide the way.

Destination Unreachable: the worst Wspace blog ever

Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#67 - 2012-11-27 14:15:44 UTC
Unit XS365BT wrote:
We would also question your theory with a hypothetical query of our own.
Pilot Kim, given that you claim that a mind without a body cannot think, do you believe that the intelectual capacity of a mind decrease if it's body loses a limb?

No, I don't think so.
However... lets try more critical approach. All scientific findings can be repeated by experiment, right? I could take your limb and check whether your query is true or not.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#68 - 2012-11-27 14:24:27 UTC
Stitcher wrote:
An observation: Merely being written in a book is not a guarantee of factual accuracy.

Besides which, what you're doing is telling a man with doctorate-equivalent qualifications in medical nanotechnology, microbiology and ATLS that your basic primer has given you a more rounded biochemical education. I appreciate that I am not a doctor of biochemistry, but I'm certainly better-educated on the subject than I would be if I had only read "Basic Biochemistry for Foot Soldiers". I read scientific journals over my morning coffee, for the Wind's sake.

This, in turn, is no guarantee of factual accuracy of course. It's so hard to resist the pull of the "appeal to authority" fallacy sometimes. I notice Pilot Kim did not.

There are different books, and different teachers. But the basics are the same. I don't understand why you become so defensive about ideas that were wrong from the start? You want to compare education, amount of literature we read? Very well.

I don't read these scientific journals. I don't know such facts and details, about what gallente can metabolise and what they total can'ts. You see, Im a military employee, I don't care, and I won't read these journals. But I know basics. I know how it works, because they taught us back in my childhood with standard education program. That all living forms, house flies, furriers, trees, and humans, all consist of cells, and each cell have DNA (in its core and organellas like mitochondria), that this DNA is transcribed to RNA, and RNA is translated into polypeptide chain, that finally folds into target enzyme. It is difference in DNA makes you a human and not a housefly, that makes difference between plant and animal. That difference between a human and wild animal in DNA is just a couple of percents, and difference between humans are even less. But this even smallest differences in genome can produce enormous factical differences between organisms. Our genotypes are relatively small, just about several megawords. Our ship computers run much larger controlling softwares. And humans don't replicate, they reproduce from two different organisms, that couple to give birth to the third, that will be new one, different, that will posess mixed properties of parents, and even more, can have properties that parents didn't have, because genes can be dominant and recessive, and when child recieve no dominant genes, recessive ones express themselves. Or different genes can make completely new property like blood type. Eventually, this will affect personality of the child as well.

It is just basic, just understanding how the whole damn thing works. You don't have to be doctor of science to understand this, you don't have to read scientific journals, besides, they will never write about it, they just list interesting facts and recent advances, that might be amusing, but they will never tell you basics, they will never teach you and won't make you understand. What is a scientific journal? It is a database, that scientists use for their work. You will never learn by browsing databases of sparse facts!

And I can't teach you too, I am not a teacher, I am not a scientist, maybe I could run some drills with you, that's all I can offer, but I doubt you are interested. My referring to this textbook was just because we used it back then. There are lots of other textbooks, that will tell the same. And I leave it up to you, if you want to read any of them or not. But, if you will decide to read them, I hope you won't write anymore about 'abandoning DNA', 'not important genes', associating DNA with simply physical appearance, and that Civire genes are just 'cosmetic'.

Because of genes, because of diversity, no peoples were born equal.
And different cultures overcome it with their own ways.
Gallenteans lie to people, that you are 'the same', and stimulate you to follow your desires.
Caldari teach people, that you must learn yourself to bring best profit for your community.
Which side are you on?

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Natalcya Katla
Astropolitan Front
#69 - 2012-11-27 14:39:13 UTC
Streya Jormagdnir wrote:
And this is the linchpin behind your entire worldview. "But we're really better, because our slavery isn't actually slavery, and look at all the benefits!"

Except, does the math really add up? If the majority of individuals in Sansha's Nation are True Slaves, would it not make sense that the majority of those uplifted in Sansha raids would be as you describe: criminals and horrible monsters? Except they're not! These are everyday people who were just going about their lives. I call bull.

First of all, I wonder how any of this is relevant to the discussion we were having about artificial versus "natural" conception, which is a topic of universal relevance, no matter which society you belong to. You seem to be dismissing my arguments based not on their own merit, but instead on your opinion of the organization and larger society I belong to. That doesn't make for a very compelling counter-argument.

Be that as it may, the "math" you present doesn't add up because the strawman you've constructed isn't designed to do so. Nobody has ever made the claim that the uplifted people are criminals or horrible monsters. Some of them are voluntary migrants, even repatriates who were forced to flee the early Nation when the empires attacked. Others are captives of war, and would be incarcerated on that basis under other regimes. In the Nation, they are repurposed to become assets to society instead.
Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#70 - 2012-11-27 14:42:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiberious Thessalonia
Streya Jormagdnir wrote:

And this is the linchpin behind your entire worldview. "But we're really better, because our slavery isn't actually slavery, and look at all the benefits!"

Except, does the math really add up? If the majority of individuals in Sansha's Nation are True Slaves, would it not make sense that the majority of those uplifted in Sansha raids would be as you describe: criminals and horrible monsters? Except they're not! These are everyday people who were just going about their lives. I call bull.

Just to butt in here, but you're really looking in the wrong field of discussion when you pick your definition of what True Slave means.

You are assuming the social status.

You should be thinking of networking.

Diana Kim wrote:

No, I don't think so.
However... lets try more critical approach. All scientific findings can be repeated by experiment, right? I could take your limb and check whether your query is true or not.

A person losing an arm is not less of a person (unless we are talking, solely, about mass). A person missing two arms is not less of a person. A person missing two arms and a leg is not less of a person. A person missing all limbs and their spleen is not less of a person. A person can have an artificial heart and still be a person.

One of my best friends, not even in Nation or a Nation Loyalist, has a mostly artificial brain and is not less of a person.

Where do you stop being a person?

I reckon that the property of 'personhood' is only tangently related to being a human being, and even more divided from your physical form.
Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#71 - 2012-11-27 15:02:40 UTC
Tiberious Thessalonia wrote:

Diana Kim wrote:

No, I don't think so.
However... lets try more critical approach. All scientific findings can be repeated by experiment, right? I could take your limb and check whether your query is true or not.

A person losing an arm is not less of a person (unless we are talking, solely, about mass). A person missing two arms is not less of a person. A person missing two arms and a leg is not less of a person. A person missing all limbs and their spleen is not less of a person. A person can have an artificial heart and still be a person.

One of my best friends, not even in Nation or a Nation Loyalist, has a mostly artificial brain and is not less of a person.

Where do you stop being a person?

I reckon that the property of 'personhood' is only tangently related to being a human being, and even more divided from your physical form.

Really, I thought about practical testing, rather than theoretical speculation.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#72 - 2012-11-27 15:12:30 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Tiberious Thessalonia wrote:

Diana Kim wrote:

No, I don't think so.
However... lets try more critical approach. All scientific findings can be repeated by experiment, right? I could take your limb and check whether your query is true or not.

A person losing an arm is not less of a person (unless we are talking, solely, about mass). A person missing two arms is not less of a person. A person missing two arms and a leg is not less of a person. A person missing all limbs and their spleen is not less of a person. A person can have an artificial heart and still be a person.

One of my best friends, not even in Nation or a Nation Loyalist, has a mostly artificial brain and is not less of a person.

Where do you stop being a person?

I reckon that the property of 'personhood' is only tangently related to being a human being, and even more divided from your physical form.

Really, I thought about practical testing, rather than theoretical speculation.

My point is that such practical testing no longer counts as a threat to most capsuleers. So go ahead, I suppose?

Do I get to pick apart your brain afterwards to better understand the mindset of the psychopath?
Andreus Ixiris
Stay Feral
#73 - 2012-11-27 15:14:23 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
And different cultures overcome it with their own ways.
Gallenteans lie to people, that you are 'the same', and stimulate you to follow your desires.

That's precisely the opposite of what Gallente teach people. I don't think you understand what "individualism" means, and you are the laughing stock of the IGS because of it.

Diana Kim wrote:
Caldari teach people, that you must learn yourself to bring best profit for your community.
Which side are you on?

He doesn't need to pick a side of your false duality - there are a lot of other outlooks one can have, like "the Federation and the State can co-exist peacefully if violent, bigoted martinets would get a clue." That's a favourite of mine.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#74 - 2012-11-27 16:32:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Stitcher
my personal choice would be "The Federation, The State and The Republic should set their differences aside and gang up on the Empire, then squash Sansha's Nation for good measure, then enjoy a golden era of healthy competition free from serious existential threats."

And my point, Kim-haan, is that I KNOW the basics. I know much more than the basics. I understand how it works in ways that you don't. This knowledge does not prevent me from drawing incorrect conclusions or render me immune to fallacious reasoning, but it does mean that when I decide to form an opinion on the subject, that opinion is likely to more closely reflect the facts than your own more basic knowledge.

The qualifier I have repeatedly used throughout this debate is that I am not talking about deviation outside of the (in fact rather arbitrary) lines which define what is human. Species is a fuzzy thing, very blurred at the edges.

So long as the overwhelming majority of my genes are sufficiently similar to the overwhelming majority of other people's genes, I am human. The genes that specifically make me a Civire as opposed to, say, a Jin-Mei are an arbitrary and negligibly small subset of my genes.

They almost certainly do not have a sufficiently significant impact on the way my brain and personality have developed to outweigh my life's experience, my indoctrination, my reason and my opinions. If I had been genetically Intaki (whatever that means) but had otherwise lived the same life, I would very probably not believe in the Ida. If I were to clone into a Ni-Kunni body, then my brain, personality, memories and opinions would all remain intact.

Why? Because my genes have had a significantly smaller role in defining who I am than my life experiences have. That is my point, and you can continue to disagree with it if you so wish - it's your prerogative to be wrong, after all.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Rinai Vero
Blades of Liberty
#75 - 2012-11-27 17:49:57 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
And different cultures overcome it with their own ways.
Gallenteans lie to people, that you are 'the same', and stimulate you to follow your desires.

That's precisely the opposite of what Gallente teach people. I don't think you understand what "individualism" means, and you are the laughing stock of the IGS because of it.

Diana Kim wrote:
Caldari teach people, that you must learn yourself to bring best profit for your community.
Which side are you on?

He doesn't need to pick a side of your false duality - there are a lot of other outlooks one can have, like "the Federation and the State can co-exist peacefully if violent, bigoted martinets would get a clue." That's a favourite of mine.

Its even the opposite of what State propaganda teaches their people about the Gallente. Someone needs to go back to their corporate indoctrination center and take a refresher course.
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#76 - 2012-11-27 18:41:47 UTC
Rinai Vero wrote:
Its even the opposite of what State propaganda teaches their people about the Gallente. Someone needs to go back to their corporate indoctrination center and take a refresher course.

How do you know what we are teaching in our military academies?
Streya Jormagdnir
Alexylva Paradox
#77 - 2012-11-27 19:03:53 UTC
Natalcya Katla wrote:
You seem to be dismissing my arguments based not on their own merit, but instead on your opinion of the organization and larger society I belong to. That doesn't make for a very compelling counter-argument.

This is because it is irrelevant how physically healthy an individual is when they are born, through whatever means, if they are born into slavery. The physical body is but a single defining aspect of an individual's whole identity, and a pretty small one at that.

Natalcya Katla wrote:

In the Nation, they are repurposed to become assets to society instead.

More cogs in the machine, not human beings....pitiful and disgusting!

I am also a human, straggling between the present world... and our future. I am a regulator, a coordinator, one who is meant to guide the way.

Destination Unreachable: the worst Wspace blog ever

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#78 - 2012-11-27 19:10:38 UTC
Streya Jormagdnir wrote:
Natalcya Katla wrote:
You seem to be dismissing my arguments based not on their own merit, but instead on your opinion of the organization and larger society I belong to. That doesn't make for a very compelling counter-argument.

This is because it is irrelevant how physically healthy an individual is when they are born, through whatever means, if they are born into slavery. The physical body is but a single defining aspect of an individual's whole identity, and a pretty small one at that.

Natalcya Katla wrote:

In the Nation, they are repurposed to become assets to society instead.

More cogs in the machine, not human beings....pitiful and disgusting!

Welcome to the concept of society I guess, where those who cannot fit in and become problems are corrected or removed from the system for the good of the whole.

Then again you're a Thukker, so I'm not surprised you advocate an emotionally-governed lawless anarchy.
Diana Kim
Kenshin Katana.
United Caldari Space Command.
#79 - 2012-11-27 21:20:51 UTC
Stitcher wrote:
my personal choice would be "The Federation, The State and The Republic should set their differences aside and gang up on the Empire, then squash Sansha's Nation for good measure, then enjoy a golden era of healthy competition free from serious existential threats."

What did Empire did to you? I spent some time with them, they are very educated, respectful and reasonable people. They know what does loyalty means. They know how to work together for greater good. And they are very spiritual. I'd prefer to scratch down Federation from the face of Universe and crush down resistance of the Republic, so we could live with Empire in harmony as allies and friends.

Stitcher wrote:

And my point, Kim-haan, is that I KNOW the basics. I know much more than the basics. I understand how it works in ways that you don't. This knowledge does not prevent me from drawing incorrect conclusions or render me immune to fallacious reasoning, but it does mean that when I decide to form an opinion on the subject, that opinion is likely to more closely reflect the facts than your own more basic knowledge.

Are you sure you know more than a military officer? If you say so, you should back your words up. I will accept your challenge. We will fight not with ships or drones, not with hands or weapons, but with knowledge of cell biology and biochemistry.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#80 - 2012-11-27 21:22:26 UTC
This sounds like a mindclash game waiting to happen!